MegaMan CD for PCE/TG16?

Started by haightc, 10/18/2017, 04:39 PM

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Since I am really late this scene, when can I find this game?    I found the authors website and he reference downloads, but they aren't there.     I see a version from time to time on eBay, usually asking a obscene amount.    At the last retro gaming expo I was out a vendor had a stack of MegaMan CD copies that were PCEworks repros.     Are these PCEworx copies the only version of this game around?   Are they the final version, based on the creators blog he was reworking the sprites to make a better looking MegaMan game.   I'm not sure where this left off.   There is a thread on Sega-16 implying the copies being sold out there are not legitimate.    In this thread it implies, so took his work gave it to a german company with began to re-sell.  The author says in the thread that he was really mad that they did this and he expressly prohibited the resale for profit.   So is PCEworks the german company that was illegally selling and dsitrubuting the game as implied with thread?    So I am asking did this get completed or moved someplace newer?   Did nintendo/capcom issue a cease and decise order?   The last nintendo console I have owned was a gamecube, but it looks like they have turned into real @$$hats.

Sega 16 thread

PCEdev site


It's not really anything special, content wise. It's a nice little project but all that's new is the Redbook audio. There's tons of videos you can find. Zero new graphics. I think Bonknuts is just too busy to finish it.

If you want it so badly, go visit 4chan's /vr/ board and maybe if you beg enough, someone might send you a file link.

The Genesis remake of MegaMan (better graphics!!) and the PS1/PS2 version (same graphics but CD audio) may be worth looking into for better or similar experiences.

Also literally none of these developers give a rat's ass about their games being sold illegally, half of them are basically dead anyway. Konami is quite a greedy company and yet they've never given a Cease & Desist for the bootleg Rondo copies, despite all the angry fanboys emailing Konami.


Lukester led you to the spot to find the file.  Someone here may send it over to you via PM or something.  Bonknuts is around here lurking somewhere also. Of course, if you don't find the idea of PCEworks making money off whatever roms they can, it is as you say available from them.  And yes they are the ones that took the ROM and sold it.  there are several threads here on it.   PCEworks sent an e-mail earlier today saying they were doing a sale for 30 years of PCE next week, offering a discount on each box set (presumably of %30).   (I backed out of sale years ago and I still get damned e-mails)
NW: Hey, I made it on this psycho's Enemies' List, how about that ?? ;)
BT: Look at how the fake SFII' carts instantly sold out and were immediately listed on eBay before the flippers even took possession. Look at Nintendo's overpriced bricks. Look at the typical forum discussions elsewhere. You can't tell most retro gamers anything!


As a fan of the original Mega Man 1 on NES, the PCE CD version with its redbook audio from the Complete Works PSX collection is really nice, especially with the PC Engine controller.  :D


I can Dropbox it for you.  Send me a PM if you want it.
"There's something out there in those trees and it ain't no man. We're all gonna die."


There was a site passing out the discs and posters for free.
I don't remember the name but that's how I got my disc.

It has the fancy mega Man stuff on the top of the cd too. So I wouldnt pay anything for these discs imo as I know they can be gotten for free.


You had to email

That's how I got mine.  It came with a cool Mega Man poster as well.  I can post pics if anyone is interested.

Last time I checked they had stopped giving them out for free.
"There's something out there in those trees and it ain't no man. We're all gonna die."


Yeah, the game is unfinished, at least for now.  Fragmare was working on sprites & tiles, & I was working on my own rendition of the soundtrack, including a few extra tracks, like different songs for each Wily level, & a Wily boss tune.  I really only have maybe 4 songs left to do, but I just haven't had time or enough motivation.  Haven't worked on any music since last July!

I hosted the songs that are basically finished here:


Quote from: PukeSter on 10/18/2017, 04:50 PMIf you want it so badly, go visit 4chan's /vr/ board and maybe if you beg enough, someone might send you a file link.
The contrast of people in their is insane. Israel Mireles - Taylor Swift
For a good time, reach out to this wily KKKFarm-crankcaller at (780) 717-9274 or up in Alberta, Canada!
His last crank-voicemail: "Gimme a call back when you can. This is Ryley by the way... *giggles*"
He then followed it up with 8 WEEKS of ~DAILY calling! BAN ON SIGHT!!!


Quote from: guest on 10/19/2017, 02:53 PM
Quote from: guest on 10/18/2017, 04:50 PMIf you want it so badly, go visit 4chan's /vr/ board and maybe if you beg enough, someone might send you a file link.
The contrast of people in their is insane. Israel Mireles - Taylor Swift
DAMN that's a reference...i had forgotten about that.
NW: Hey, I made it on this psycho's Enemies' List, how about that ?? ;)
BT: Look at how the fake SFII' carts instantly sold out and were immediately listed on eBay before the flippers even took possession. Look at Nintendo's overpriced bricks. Look at the typical forum discussions elsewhere. You can't tell most retro gamers anything!


Thanks for the details,  they is a repro of RockMan CD sitting at $20 on eBay right now and I was debating if I should bid on it.   I'll just wait, besides I have a mysterious song begging to to played.  A lot of times I dodn't get to play my PCE like I want to, so I usually play a shmup or a platform.   I play MegaMan usually only casually, so it's a good for a couple level playthough for me.

Arkhan Asylum

do people go to 4chan for anything but titties?

This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 10/20/2017, 01:24 PMdo people go to 4chan for anything but titties?
Some of the /b/raids are absolutely hilarious to watch. I remember Mountain Dew had this online poll to decide the name of their next energy drink or something. And 4chan boosted the name "hitler did nothing wrong" as the #1 vote. And "moist nugget" was #2 or something lol.

But yeah, tities.
For a good time, reach out to this wily KKKFarm-crankcaller at (780) 717-9274 or up in Alberta, Canada!
His last crank-voicemail: "Gimme a call back when you can. This is Ryley by the way... *giggles*"
He then followed it up with 8 WEEKS of ~DAILY calling! BAN ON SIGHT!!!