Status of PC-FX fan translations

Started by Aggie Tsubi, 11/27/2018, 11:23 AM

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Aggie Tsubi

I don't know if Filler is still around here (not like I'm on here often either), but less than a week ago, he put up a video about his dead and/or unfinished fan translation projects:
Just shy of the 20 minute mark is where it gets into the PC-FX projects.

I'm really glad to hear the projects haven't been totally dropped. He's still working on Ah! Megami-sama, even within the last month or so. But it's a damn shame that Team Innocent and Oujosama Sousamou have been effectively ready to go for years and just need a programmer to finish them off. It's even more of a shame when are there still only two finished PC-FX English translations out there. If EsperKnight isn't interested anymore, I sure hope somebody else will step forward and help these projects reach completion.


So looks like Filler is the only other guy that ever finished a PC-FX fan translation/localization project until SamIAm came along with Zeroigar ??

I noticed sabre470 visiting recently, I could swear he played a role in the Dracula X project, but then I realized he was the one that started a PC-FX project on "Little Red Riding Hood Chacha" eons ago.

I found his old project page on WayBack. There was a WIP patch somewhere apparently.


Quote from: sabre470 on 12/07/2018, 05:23 PMOh man I haven't touched this translation for ages, I did even take Japanese lessons for 2 years to support that project and satisfy my curiosity of the language. Life got in the way, I guess. I did have fairly automated tooling for translating since it's mostly Hiragana and Katana. I've kept all the files for the project, though so I could resume it, time permitting.

I'm still deep in PC-FX and PC-FXGA though, if you haven't seen my blog
I said hello, he replied back with his new site and I'm guessing he's referring to the ChaCha project ??

Anyway, yeah, as mentioned in chat, I saw Filler's twitter posts about these dead projects, that's too bad. We just don't have the numbers for the kind of attention NES/SNES/Sega and other systems got, it's lucky enough to get PC Engine translations every few years, let alone a total failure like the PC-FX (which failed terribly even in Japan, in contrast to the successful PC Engine ancestor)!

In other news, looks like he's been working on a PC Engine HuCard game, "City Hunter."


QuoteI said hello, he replied back with his new site and I'm guessing he's referring to the ChaCha project ??
Not really, just been spending some time writing about the PC-FXGA and doing some videos, I guess I could put a page about the translation but I don't want to give false hopes about it. I'm still keen to finish it though, time is lacking with family and work.
PC-FX Fanatic

Aggie Tsubi

I do recall hearing about the Akazukin ChaCha project a long time ago too. I would love to see that finished someday as well.

There's also a partial patch of Ruruli Ra Rura out there, but I haven't seen any indication that anyone intends on making a full patch for it.