Hey You Guys, I'm Like New And Stuff! (Yay) ((You're All Cute))

Started by HailingTheThings, 02/25/2014, 01:04 AM

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 :-({|= Hi!  :-({|=

I'm normally Sir Lurksalot of Lurksonia on forums here and there and such, but I totally decided to make things official since I likes the Turbografx/PC-Engine, I likes it alot. "Funny" thing though is that I did not grow up with the console, I was all about dat Sega as a little dude. I had a big Bro who was all about the NES family including NES, Gameboy, SNES and 64, but I was all like "Nah.. SEGA." This was mainly due to him being a butt and claiming "Our" first console, the NES, all to himself. Even though it was like ours or something. I had to fake being sick and stay home from school just to play Mario+Zelda, total butt, right? Anyway, fast forward a little bit and BAM! I totally got a Genesis for X-mas one year and it was WOW!

So there's that... Let's get into why I came here. I had a friend growing up who was into the SNES and was all super rich and always had like oh idk, every game imaginable. There was one game that stands out, one that had a certain little caveman as the star. One game that for the life of me, I couldn't figure out what it was until I stumbled upon it years and years later on the youtube.

Conclusion? Yes!

I'm into fighting games. Fighting games of old and new. I've played 'em all. Well, maybe. I'm currently into BlazBlue and stuff. Anyway one day, maybe back in early 2010 I was looking at footage of the original Street Fighter on yourtube when I happened upon a certain review of a game entitled "Fighting Street." I was like "Wow, Street Fighter had a home console release under a different name, oh, wow!" lol So after watching that review, I browsed the user's channel, a one Spida1a, omg he's great. I found a review for a game called "Bonk's Adventure" and was absolutely frozen. I had found the character from the game that I couldn't remember from my childhood. I was so happy. I watched all his reviews and started really liking some of the games. I was then on a mission to find a Turbografx, luckily I had a friend to help. within about a month or so, my friend came through for me with a loose Turbo console that he had obtained at a convention! Yay! ...I had to find an ac adapter, rf cable and controller on my own though. lol

So yeah, I've been into the Turbo/PCE since then and stuff. About a year after playing games on the original Turbo, I picked up an S-Video/RGB/region-free modded PC Duo-R with a brand new CD laser installed from a seller on ebay named doujindance. I'm sure someone on here knows that guy, yeah? He's really nice. Yay!

At some point nearly everyday I think to myself "Why the eff couldn't I have know about the Turbografx when I was a kid? Why?!"  ](*,)

Thanks to any and everyone who read all that....stuff. I. Love. You. XOXO <3


Welcome aboard.

Did anyone else read that like one of those James Earl Jones / Malcolm McDowell adverts?
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!



Quote from: guest on 02/25/2014, 06:45 AMWelcome aboard the S.S. Obey!  Hope you enjoy your stay. And thanks- we know we're cute.

Do you by chance like Jean Claude Van Damme?

What are some of your favorite games so far?
S.S. Obey, hmm? Sounds hot!
Self aware cuteness, is there anything more evil? Anything?
I do, by chance, like the Van Damme. My big Bro and I enjoyed action flicks 'o plenty as youths.
I still from time to time watch the stuff to this day. I'll just assume that since you asked that you have seen the JCVD film, yeah? Good stuff. I especially like the part where he breaks the fourth wall towards the end. So fun!

Umm, my favorite games so far would have to be... of course the Bonk games... well, I have the first two, I'll get back to you on the third... whenever I find one. lol I really like Jackie Chan, we had the original NES version back in the day, so yeah, definitely fun. Splatterhouse is dope. Dead Moon is pretty cool, although the game itself is okayish, I really like some of the bosses, they're adorable. And for one more for now, let's say oh idk, CraterMaze, I don't know why, but that game gets me happy, probably the music that does it, since the game is pretty repetitive, you know? There are alot more, but that's a great start, OH WAIT! Cotton, can't leave out that game, wow! Love it! My favorite Shmup thus far. :3

What tis be some of yours, sir? Or anybody else? Hmm? <3


 ](*,) Also  ](*,)

I'm very smart! Just wanted to say thanks to those that welcomed me, so..

Zhank you!


www.pcedaisakusen.net - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..







SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)
