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'Django' Actress Daniele Watts Goes on Offensive

Started by Medic_wheat, 09/15/2014, 02:05 PM

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The police explain why they are asking you to ID yourself and you make it into a civial rights rasisim I am famous and have a publisher thing? Lets not mention you then said you were calling your father and threw in a I have a sick grandmother. Sigh.

What is wrong with you semi famius peopke and wanting to be above regular people when it comes to the law. Or cops.


Shes pretty nasty looking I wouldn't want to see her having sex in a car either. LAPD made the correct call on this one. Almost makes up for Rodney King....almost


Just another dumb actor/actress with an unearned sense of entitlement. 
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!




how is kissing "heavy PDA"?

 o.pwuaioc I know you are a big Tarantino fan but c'mon don't bullshit me



Quote from: guest on 09/15/2014, 08:51 PMSex in a car? Bullshit. They were kissing on a park bench. The police put her ndcuffs and then let her go. You are not obligated to produce your "papers" for the police.

And Jesus Christ, Medic, learn to spell, please. "civial" "rasisim"
Learn to spell. On my to do list.

Actually you seem to have not read the artical. Or watched the video of the couple veing interviewed.

In LA under probable cause you have to provide identification to a cop. He even told the actress before it escalated.

He was redponding to a call/complaint made by the office workers that could see the couple in their car. It was never touched on afterwords but clearly it wasn't heavy kissing.

Then only after she goes on some social justice warrior crusade she is interviewed and read state law that reiterated ehst the officer told her before she was held or handcuffed. She then asked if she regreated how she responded to the cop and she flat out couldn't adnit she was wrong.


Where is the probable cause? Some people saw something, but when the officers arrived on the scene, what was going on? If they had her in handcuffs, why didn't they actually make an arrest?

Also, no, police do not have that right.

QuoteIf the situation turns out to be that simple, the answer would be absolutely not. "There's no question that, in California, failure to provide identification upon an officer's request is not, in and of itself, basis to detain or arrest someone," Peter Bibring, a staff attorney for the ACLU of Southern California, told International Business Times.
QuoteSo what is probable cause, and does it matter? Bibring said it can matter, but he's not so sure the officer had probable cause in this situation. "There are times when an officer is conducting an investigation and the person's identity might be relevant to that investigation," he said. "In this case, though, it's difficult to see how her identification is relevant to any indecent exposure."
Edit: Also, just because someone is annoying or entitled does not mean that we should be rooting for the police to abrogate their rights.


Threads like this make it obvious I'm getting old. :( Anyone that knew me in college would attest that I have a serious distaste for LE. Having said that, I have no sympathy for the couple here. Protip: if you find yourself explaining that you know your rights to an LEO, you probably don't.

Serious protip: Minimize your exposure, always. FFS. Don't play lawyer with these guys. Say as little as possible and end the interaction as soon as possible. If it escalates, you need people that are more skilled than you.


I don't know in the article they stated she was asked for ID for probable cause. She was arrested based on leaving the sceen.

Based purely on "D's" account her boyfriends and video during the altercation the officer came off as reasonable polite and patient for D to give him the same curtesy.

He didn't care who she was or her color. He simply said he was there to check on a complaint and they were a couple in a car most likely ID by the security guard who asked them to leave and was dismissed and laughed at.

If anything he was annoyed the whole situation became more drawn out then he felt needed. Most likely he was going to play peacekeeper do the bare minimum check ID ask them to tone it down or to please go somewhere more private and be on his way.

But nope. Someone had to pull a list of excuses from I have a publisher to I have a sick grandmother.

Come on. That's no way to act.


In other (more interesting) news - Don't try and palm a Pop Tart off as cocaine. It can get you arrested for supplying a counterfeit controlled substance.
My favourite pigeon had a fatal run-in with a cloud...