Organizational Methods

Started by offsidewing, 05/21/2007, 06:13 PM

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This applies to the Turbo/PCE world only.

How do you organize your collection?

Do you separate Japanese from American?  Hucard from CD??  Orange label vs Color Label??

How do you Turbonians do it??


I usually separate my collection by flavor.  Yummm.... Lords of Thunder is delicious but Ghost Manor tastes like poo.

Seriously - I organize mine by genre with US and Japanese games mixed together (I mostly have US games anyway).  I did print up translated case spines to make it easier for my non-Japanese eyes.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


"Standard" games in a pile/shelf, Falcom games on a seperate bookshelf entirely dedicated to Falcom games. :P Will probably break this up soon though, as I don't like the Falcom shelf anymore. :P
Quote from: Seldane on 04/21/2007, 07:28 PMDVDs are for suckers. Illegally pirated and stolen videos all the way. No menus. No "DO NOT PIRATE THIS!" screens. No fuss. Only perfection. I honestly only pirate movies because that "don't pirate this" screen annoys me. :wink:
Indeed, it's AV time. Check out: IMG! Sir, the door was open.


I do it by categories of games.  shooters, action, fighting, rpgs, adventure, etc.  US/JP ones are mixed up.


Games I played last are on the top, games I haven't been playing on bottom.
The Turbo was Dual Core when Dual Core wasn't cool . . .


I keep the US games that I have boxes for together and loose slipcased HuCards in small piles, but that's about it.  When I get new shipments, I just make some room on the shelf and shove the newcomers in. 

Except that Sapphire, Madou Monogatari, and Sylphia don't get places on the shelf.  They're on the floor, covered in layers of dust and filth.
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Mine goes like this:

Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"

Joe Redifer

I organize mine by HuCard and CD, and then usually by color and finally alphabetical alphabetical order.  I have no idea why I do it like this.  Take a look:

Quote from: adminJuly 2021 Wayback Image Recovery: -> ->

Keeping the HuCards and CDs separate (but equal) makes me feel comfortable for some reason.


Oh yes that reminds me, my games are in alphabetical order as well. And for games with the cardboard boxes or loose HuCards, those have their own sections.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Mine aren't organized at all. Well, sorta...all the jewel cases sit somewhere in my DVD rack, and the loose cards sit on a shelf in our storage room, I bring them out when I want to use them but otherwise they get stored in there, away from the curious hands of a little munchkin.
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


Pretty much everything is alphabetical for me. All the US TG-16 stuff is alphabetical.

Japanese PCE on the other hand, I have organised by media (Hucard, CD, SCD, ACD). Within those areas, I tend to group together similar games; fighters, puzzles, shooters, etc.

Works out just fine.

The only except is Bomberman '94. I group that with my other US titles so Bomberman, Bomberman '93, and Bomberman '94 are grouped together.

The games are stored in their jewels cases. Any spine cards I place inside the manual for that game. The exterior boxes for the TG-16 games I store elsewhere, where i have to dig them out.. One day I'll do soemthing more productive with them...

Something a bit unusual I do with my US Turbo Grafx games, is I keep the instruction manuals seperate from the cases, due to over time sliding the manual in and out can cause some of the artwork to smear. I have a CD caddy that the manuals fit in just fine. All the manuals are alphabetized, so it's easy to find what I want.

I'll post some pics later.
"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


my order > ACD, SCD, CD, HuCard, US-CD (2 pcs only).

each group is ordered by its maker and number. e.g. hudson vol. 1~61 etc..

that's my way :) - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


I have mine organized by format and then alphabetically.

Loose hucards, however, are organized by how dirty their slipcases are.  This prevents my thoroughly disgusting Double Dungeons slip from contaminating the pristine slipcases protecting Hit the Ice and Dead Moon.
Topic Adjourned.


I keep all of my HuCards in their jackets in a wooden cigar box. I keep my CD/SCD's in CD wallets, and I keep the cases on my CD shelf. For chips sans cases, I keep the manuals in a separate box.


My case of US manuals

"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


Quote from: MrFulci on 05/21/2007, 09:55 PMMy case of US manuals
Gotta Soldier Blade manual in there you want to see me for $1??


No, only a sinlge Soldier Blade Manual in there. It has a Video Nation sticker on it anyway, hah. It's on there pretty nice. Out of 50 or so Video nation Stickers on these manuals, about 10 would not budge without taking some of the mnaual with it. The other peeled off fine, not even a mark. Once I'd start peeling and see it was goign to take some of the rear cover with it, I'd just stick the sticker back in place. still, 80% of stickers removed with no marks is a good score.

offsidewing, if you're interested in the manual just for reading it, I can scan it sometime and send you a link to the scans.

That's something else I've done before, scan manuals at a high dpi, resize them to be larger than the CD manual, and print out certain pages. By doing so I don't have to shuffle through a small CD-book. It also allows me to make notes pretty easily. Cosmic Fantasy 2 is a game I did that with in 2004 or so.
"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


I got no order period i just keep my (TG16/PCE) games on the bookself.

Beside when my, Duo-r isn't in use or my coregrafx+scdr2 there keep in the plastic bin.
Wii U:Progearspec


Right now I have the Turbo and the PCE releases kept separate, but right next to each other like stablemates. 

I organize the Turbo game as: hucards by orange spine, colored spine, then CD's by color-coded spine and Super CD/CDrom spine.  Yellow Spine CD's, if I choose to reacquire, will separate hucard from CDs.

My small collection from across the Pacific is broken down by Hucards, RomRam, then CD-Roms, then Super CD's, and finally Arcade CDs.

My CD-Rs are just kinda lumped together in another pile.

Turbo D

I just do mine alphabetically
Quote from: MissaFX on 01/06/2008, 12:10 PMMy idea of gaming is a couple of friends over, a couple of drinks, a couple of medical-handrolled-game-enhancing-cigs and a glowing box you all worship.


When I first started, I kept my games in the order that I bought them.  As time went on, and several moves later, that order got messed up and then I just started keeping the HuCards and CDs separate but no particular order.  A few years ago, I had all my games in Japanese alphabetical order, but that only lasted until I moved in 2003 or so.

Right now all my PCE games are unorganized in bins waiting for the time when I'll have a chance to put them in Japanese alphabetical order again.  This time it'll be ordered by HuCards, CDs, SCDs, ACDs.  I'll probably keep everything in the bins, but it'd be nice to have everything on a bookshelf though.


Quote from: turbo D on 05/22/2007, 03:07 AMI just do mine alphabetically
Me too. Japan/American games all mixed, alphabetically. Anyone who seperates games based on region or medium is a doofus.

I actually have a special cabinet for my Turbo games that my dad made as a gift back in like 1992. I'll post pics later....

Quote from: guest on 05/21/2007, 06:28 PMI did print up translated case spines to make it easier for my non-Japanese eyes.
Me too. For the HuCards that don't have a normal CD jewel case, I've stuck labels over the original with clear tape.
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Ninja Spirit

Another doofus up in this biaatch! :p

>US Hucard boxes
>Super CDROM 2
>The Japanese cases that say just HuCard
>The "Namcot" cases


Quote from: Ninja Spirit on 05/22/2007, 11:48 AMAnother doofus up in this biaatch! :p
For me it makes absolutely no sense to organize by region and/or medium.

Isn't the whole idea of organization to keep things neat & easy to find?

I don't know about anybody else, but when I want to play a game, I have a real good idea in my mind going in what game it is I want to play.

I'm not thinking,

"Today I want to play a Japanese HuCard by Hudson that sports a pink 'HuCard' logo on the spine!"


"Today I'm gonna beat one of my SuperCDs, but CD-ROM^2s are definitely OUT!"

or even

"Let me pop in a US HuCard game that doesn't have an orange spine label!"

For me, when I get the irk to play a game, I'm thinking

"I want to wear the Nova Suit in Keith Courage!"


"The Bydo Empire doesn't stand a chance against THESE guns!"

or even

"Oui Oui Jumbo is a PANSY!"

And then I can quickly find my game of choice because my games are all lined up alphabetically. I'm not wasting precious time I could be playing said game worrying about silly subcategories and pink & orange spine labels.

That is why anybody with overly elaborate organization schemes is a doofus, or possibly just a super-geek.
Wayback - - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


Quote from: Ninja Spirit on 05/22/2007, 11:48 AMAnother doofus up in this biaatch! :p

>US Hucard boxes
>Super CDROM 2
>The Japanese cases that say just HuCard
>The "Namcot" cases
Very interesting that you seperate the Namcot cases.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Quote from: nat on 05/22/2007, 01:56 PMFor me it makes absolutely no sense to organize by region and/or medium.
For those who understand, no explanation is necessary.  For those who don't understand, no explanation is possible.

I have a collection of games, so accessibility in order to accommodate my desire to play is secondary.  I want my collection of games to be aesthetically pleasing to me when I look at it, because really, all you do with a collection of anything is look at it.

Some people organize by release date, some by publisher, others organize by favorites titles.  If there is no reason to have games other than to play them (yes, this sounds painfully contrary to owning video games in the first place) then having a complicated organizational would seem ridiculous.

But, since there are so many iterations of the Turbo and PCE software (and hardware), it would be a shame not to organize them accordingly.   :lol:

Normally at this point I'd make some lurid and highly evolved comment about carnal gratification, but unfortunately the forum owner doesn't seem to appreciate my candor.  So I will refrain.

Joe Redifer

Quote from: KeranuVery interesting that you seperate the Namcot cases.
I always separate Namco from Namcot.


Quote from: offsidewing on 05/22/2007, 05:05 PM
Quote from: nat on 05/22/2007, 01:56 PMFor me it makes absolutely no sense to organize by region and/or medium.
I want my collection of games to be aesthetically pleasing to me when I look at it, because really, all you do with a collection of anything is look at it.

Or, uh, PLAY it.

If I wanted a collection of something to look at I'd collect stamps or paintings or something.

QuoteIf there is no reason to have games other than to play them (yes, this sounds painfully contrary to owning video games in the first place) then having a complicated organizational would seem ridiculous.
Playing is surely the primary reason I own video games. Having cool novelty items is a distant second.

QuoteBut, since there are so many iterations of the Turbo and PCE software (and hardware), it would be a shame not to organize them accordingly.   :lol:
Only if your name is TurboCollector McGeek.  :lol:

I suppose you're now going to tell me I'm weird for keeping my games hidden and out of the way in a special drawer rather than have my collection on display under glass.
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you guys are such tricky =D&gt; - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..

Joe Redifer

I keep my CoreGrafx-16 games away from my PC-Engine games.  Next to those are the games for my ShuttleGrafx-16.


Quote from: Joe Redifer on 05/22/2007, 05:52 PM
Quote from: KeranuVery interesting that you seperate the Namcot cases.
I always separate Namco from Namcot. 
there was no namco for home at that time. - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..

Joe Redifer

Yes there was.  Who released Marvel Land for the Genesis?  And Rolling Thunder?  And Phelios?

The "T" at the end of "Namcot" stood for "Terrible".


Quote from: nat on 05/22/2007, 06:29 PMI suppose you're now going to tell me I'm weird for keeping my games hidden and out of the way in a special drawer rather than have my collection on display under glass.
I never take anything anyone says in this forum personally, nor do I ever call someone a name for doing something contrary to the way I do it (or think it should be done).

And no, I don't think you're weird.  I think you're the coolest Turbo enthusiast I've ever read and the rest of this forum is just simple-minded members of society and human evolution for not emulating everything you do with your amassed wealth of Turbo and PCE games.

We all need Magic Nat Engine 3.5 to understand how your highly developed TG-16 mind operates.  Perhaps after many hours of emulation we'd understand the mind of a true Rhodes Laureat Rocket Surgeon.

Do you translate your english games into Japanese before you alphabetize them, or Japanese to English?


Quote from: offsidewing on 05/22/2007, 11:25 PMWe all need Magic Nat Engine 3.5 to understand how your highly developed TG-16 mind operates.  Perhaps after many hours of emulation we'd understand the mind of a true Rhodes Laureat Rocket Surgeon.
Now you're getting it!  :dance:

BTW, version 4.0 is on the verge of release. Stay tuned.

Quote from: offsidewing on 05/22/2007, 11:25 PMDo you translate your english games into Japanese before you alphabetize them, or Japanese to English?
I use the English names for games when alphabetizing them... Usually I'll print new spine labels for games without labels already in English. Truthfully, I'm not exactly fluent at reading Japanese.
Wayback - - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


offsidewing started to explain why organization by region or medium is useful, but I'll continue, because nat is a goofball and I feel like obliging him.

Quote from: nat on 05/22/2007, 01:56 PMFor me it makes absolutely no sense to organize by region and/or medium.

Isn't the whole idea of organization to keep things neat & easy to find?

I don't know about anybody else, but when I want to play a game, I have a real good idea in my mind going in what game it is I want to play.

That is why anybody with overly elaborate organization schemes is a doofus, or possibly just a super-geek.
I like to organize stuff by genre because I most often find myself "in the mood" for a particular genre. I segregate HuCards from CD's because I have PCE GT / TGExpress / Coregrafx / TG-16 systems that are HuCard-only (no, I do not leave TG-CD or DUO hooked up at all times... and I often bring HuCard-only systems over to my friends/family).

But even more importantly, I have never confused HuCard vs. CD titles (that is, I never ask myself, "was that a CD game, or was it a HuCard?"), so the HuCard / CD dichotomy is a great way to simplify things.

Clearly, I do this because it is the most intuitive, most logical way I can organize my library so I can find stuff FAST. I often forget about what titles I have, so I take advantage of organizational shortcuts. If I'm in the mood for a shooter (sorry, shoot-emm-up), I've often found myself browsing HuCard shooters and saying "Holy crap, I haven't played Rock On! in a long time. Woo Hoo!". Then I grab some NES, SMS, etc. carts from their respective shooter sections and I'm happy.

Honestly, this is the most intuitive system for me. The only problem is that there are games don't want to be pigeon-holed in one genre... but this isn't anything to worry about.



Right Click > Arrange Icons By > Auto Arrange
Forgive me, my brain is on par with the Bubble System.


A-Z straight up!  Word.  That's how I do it will all my games for all systems.  And any game that doesn't have a regular case, I make one for it.  Whether it be ones that were released in the later years in the US, I print up a back insert, or if they are in double cd cases, I find a way to find them neatly in a single case.


Quote from: Joe Redifer on 05/22/2007, 10:08 PMYes there was.  Who released Marvel Land for the Genesis?  And Rolling Thunder?  And Phelios?
but not in japan. but who cares?

Quote from: Joe Redifer on 05/22/2007, 10:08 PMThe "T" at the end of "Namcot" stood for "Terrible".
yes, almost. - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


Quote from: stevek666 on 05/22/2007, 11:50 PMoffsidewing started to explain why organization by region or medium is useful, but I'll continue, because nat is a goofball and I feel like obliging him.
I just like to stir the pot, what can I say?

Steve, you DA MAN!!  =D&gt;

QuoteI like to organize stuff by genre because I most often find myself "in the mood" for a particular genre. I segregate HuCards from CD's because I have PCE GT / TGExpress / Coregrafx / TG-16 systems that are HuCard-only (no, I do not leave TG-CD or DUO hooked up at all times... and I often bring HuCard-only systems over to my friends/family).
Good call-- I can see the merit here. Wouldn't be a system efficient for me because I have a TG-CD and SuperGrafx-CD hooked up at all times... But I see the advantage in your case.

QuoteBut even more importantly, I have never confused HuCard vs. CD titles (that is, I never ask myself, "was that a CD game, or was it a HuCard?"), so the HuCard / CD dichotomy is a great way to simplify things.
I'm known for having an incredibly short memory when it comes to important things such as names, dates, places, directions, and what TurboGrafx titles are HuCards vs. CDs.

Like you, I often forget what games I own, but to make matters worse, I also tend to forget whether they are CD or cart games, especially if they haven't seen any screen time in a while.

Except for Keith Courage. I will never mistake Keith Courage for a CD game. Ever.

QuoteClearly, I do this because it is the most intuitive, most logical way I can organize my library so I can find stuff FAST.
Obviously, your system makes a bit of sense... Especially to you. As a matter of fact, you are completely driving my point home here. I can find stuff fastest with all my game libraries organized from A to Z. I seperate by console, that's it. I consider the PCE/Turbo to be the same console. I do, however, seperate SuperGrafx games since I can't play those on my TurboGrafx. I've given thought to integrating them, though. Your system sounds optimal for your setup. I might emply something similar if I didn't have a CD console hooked up at all times.

That said, my comments were directed towards those who seperate games into extremely weird categories such as "all HuCard games with orange spine labels" or "all Japanese HuCards with a pink HuCard logo". I can't see by any stretch of the imagination how such tactics enhance one's ability to find a game quickly. Unless, as offsidewing suggested, your motives are not to easily browse your catalog but rather to have a pretty display to show off on your shelf. Or you're the Memory Man.

For the record, I'm an extremely dry and sarcastic person. Sometimes that tone doesn't translate well over a message board. I don't necessarily think someone is a doofus for utilizing such silly organization systems (OK maybe a little). Those types of comments are intended more as an invite for someone to jump in and explain why they do things the way they do.

Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 05/23/2007, 12:47 AMA-Z straight up!  Word.  That's how I do it will all my games for all systems.  And any game that doesn't have a regular case, I make one for it.  Whether it be ones that were released in the later years in the US, I print up a back insert, or if they are in double cd cases, I find a way to find them neatly in a single case.
Ay-ta-Zed fo LIFE bee-yotch!
Wayback - - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


Quote from: nat on 05/23/2007, 12:53 AMFor the record, I'm an extremely dry and sarcastic person. Sometimes that tone doesn't translate well over a message board.
You and me both!  If I can ever figure out a way to being clever w/o being sarcastic and plagaristic in written form, I'll let you know, and we can both retire as billionaires.

And how good can a forum be without our best man inside, stirring the pot?  (Who?  Jack Burton!)

Sadly, I am both offsidewing and the memory man.


Quote from: nat on 05/23/2007, 12:53 AM
Quote from: stevek666 on 05/22/2007, 11:50 PMoffsidewing started to explain why organization by region or medium is useful, but I'll continue, because nat is a goofball and I feel like obliging him.
I just like to stir the pot, what can I say?
I was teasing you :). I actually enjoy reading your posts and the points you make are very sound :).

This thread would not have been as fun to read if you hadn't contributed to it.

Back on topic (well, not really):

Anyway, I forgot to mention that I've been using business-card binders to hold my HuCards in "current rotation". It is just a simple and convenient way to keep track of (and transport) the games I've been playing. I tend to do the same thing with CD games.

I recycled these images from an old post.


Quote from: nat on 05/23/2007, 12:53 AM
Quote from: stevek666 on 05/22/2007, 11:50 PMoffsidewing started to explain why organization by region or medium is useful, but I'll continue, because nat is a goofball and I feel like obliging him.
I just like to stir the pot, what can I say?

Steve, you DA MAN!!  =D&gt;

QuoteI like to organize stuff by genre because I most often find myself "in the mood" for a particular genre. I segregate HuCards from CD's because I have PCE GT / TGExpress / Coregrafx / TG-16 systems that are HuCard-only (no, I do not leave TG-CD or DUO hooked up at all times... and I often bring HuCard-only systems over to my friends/family).
Good call-- I can see the merit here. Wouldn't be a system efficient for me because I have a TG-CD and SuperGrafx-CD hooked up at all times... But I see the advantage in your case.

QuoteBut even more importantly, I have never confused HuCard vs. CD titles (that is, I never ask myself, "was that a CD game, or was it a HuCard?"), so the HuCard / CD dichotomy is a great way to simplify things.
I'm known for having an incredibly short memory when it comes to important things such as names, dates, places, directions, and what TurboGrafx titles are HuCards vs. CDs.

Like you, I often forget what games I own, but to make matters worse, I also tend to forget whether they are CD or cart games, especially if they haven't seen any screen time in a while.

Except for Keith Courage. I will never mistake Keith Courage for a CD game. Ever.

QuoteClearly, I do this because it is the most intuitive, most logical way I can organize my library so I can find stuff FAST.
Obviously, your system makes a bit of sense... Especially to you. As a matter of fact, you are completely driving my point home here. I can find stuff fastest with all my game libraries organized from A to Z. I seperate by console, that's it. I consider the PCE/Turbo to be the same console. I do, however, seperate SuperGrafx games since I can't play those on my TurboGrafx. I've given thought to integrating them, though. Your system sounds optimal for your setup. I might emply something similar if I didn't have a CD console hooked up at all times.

That said, my comments were directed towards those who seperate games into extremely weird categories such as "all HuCard games with orange spine labels" or "all Japanese HuCards with a pink HuCard logo". I can't see by any stretch of the imagination how such tactics enhance one's ability to find a game quickly. Unless, as offsidewing suggested, your motives are not to easily browse your catalog but rather to have a pretty display to show off on your shelf. Or you're the Memory Man.

For the record, I'm an extremely dry and sarcastic person. Sometimes that tone doesn't translate well over a message board. I don't necessarily think someone is a doofus for utilizing such silly organization systems (OK maybe a little). Those types of comments are intended more as an invite for someone to jump in and explain why they do things the way they do.

Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 05/23/2007, 12:47 AMA-Z straight up!  Word.  That's how I do it will all my games for all systems.  And any game that doesn't have a regular case, I make one for it.  Whether it be ones that were released in the later years in the US, I print up a back insert, or if they are in double cd cases, I find a way to find them neatly in a single case.
Ay-ta-Zed fo LIFE bee-yotch!
Ineasted of me saying that's how I do it, I should've said that's how I roll :lol:


Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 05/24/2007, 01:33 AMIneasted of me saying that's how I do it, I should've said that's how I roll :lol:
That'z how we roll up in dis bitch!
Wayback - - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


Rollin' down the street, smokin' (smokin') sippin on Gin and Juice, BEE-OTCH!

With my mind on my Turbo and my Turbo on my mind...

Ah, Real Compton City G's...


I keep all my HuCards in sportscard binders, 4 per page. One binder for PCE and one for Turbo. I need to get more though, since they're both too thick.

I put all my Turbo Super CDs together and try to arrange them by spine color, followed by Working Designs SCDs.

Same deal with Turbo CD2's, but I put FS & ML first, then the Valis style cases by color, then Working Designs, the PCE style CD2's.

I keep the highest evolved formats higher on a shelf or first in a row.

So ACDs are at the top of my PCE rack, then SCDs, then CD2's, then HuCards.

I arrange PCE games by specialness, mainly by favoriteness. But pricey titles get bumped up so I can keep track of where they are. Questy/RPGs get ranked highest because they're my favorite genre, then actiony/platformy stuff(since it feels more questy than the rest), then shooters, then games I'd actually play, then the junk like mahjong and sports.

So Drac X, Snatcher and Winds are in the top batch of SCDs. Further along past the favorites things tend to get be grouped by genre after that by the scale above.

Ys games are on the Ys bookcase and Tengai Makyou games are on the Tengai Makyou bookcase.

I start the HuCards with System Card and Tennokoe Bank cases, then all CD style HuCard cases, then favoriteness until it averages out by matching spines.

Back in the day, I kept all double disc cases together. Which was tough, since racks that held them were hard to find.

Right now most of my Turbo/PCE games are on my two tall narrow Ikea CD rack towers.


The HuCard binders-


I need more binders and pages  :?

Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


The "red" Ys2... is it the PC-9800 version? I don't have that particular one. I need to get it soon. :P

Awesome Ys shelf by the way, may I see the entire thing? That's about as fun as it gets! :wink:
Quote from: Seldane on 04/21/2007, 07:28 PMDVDs are for suckers. Illegally pirated and stolen videos all the way. No menus. No "DO NOT PIRATE THIS!" screens. No fuss. Only perfection. I honestly only pirate movies because that "don't pirate this" screen annoys me. :wink:
Indeed, it's AV time. Check out: IMG! Sir, the door was open.


Quote from: Seldane on 05/24/2007, 07:01 PMThe "red" Ys2... is it the PC-9800 version? I don't have that particular one. I need to get it soon. :P

Awesome Ys shelf by the way, may I see the entire thing? That's about as fun as it gets! :wink:
Yeah, its the PC-9801/PC 286 version. I wish all games came with similar contents as those classic Ys computer games.  :)

My game room is still in the middle of being returned from a storage space to its former glory. I spread out all the Ys stuff that was there to take these photos-


This poster is on the wall directly above the bookcase-


I now realize that I'm probably going to have to spread it out across a couple bookcases instead(I've got 7 in the room so its no big deal).
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!



That's some serious Ys dedication.


Quote from: thumpin_termis on 05/24/2007, 08:40 PM=D&gt;

That's some serious Ys dedication. 
Not really, I just occasionally pick up stuff as I come across it and it kinda piled up. :P

I'm not a completest or anything and am missing some of the most common games.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Damn you must be realy into the serise to have that much Ys stuff.

I myself don't have much, a few sound tracks guide book beside Ys 1-4 for my duo.

Btw i don't supose you be interested in a Ys III poster.

It's for the remake that, Taito did on the PS2 i've been trying to sell it no takers so far.
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