10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Mysterious Song development log (aka sleepless ranting)

Started by OldRover, 06/10/2007, 12:58 PM

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I figured I'd start up a little thread about the progress made to the game, if anyone wants to see it...

In an effort to get PCEMAP to functional status, I converted the two towns created in mappy to PCEMAP's format. Wasn't easy...mappy is pretty inefficient, and I spent at least a half hour per map reorganizing tiles with PCEMAP's "Tile Swap" function. When all was said and done, they looked great in my shiny new editor. But the real test would come next...how successful will the map export be?

After fumbling with more tilesets (was working on the final area), I decided to get some sleep. This was about 5:46 in the morning. I think I slept till about 9ish or so, maybe 10ish. Time to get back up and go back to work. I had finished mapfile generation not long before I crashed this morning, so now it was time to put it to the test. I finished zoning the town tileset and copied over the definitions from Toren into the new area, Fawna. Compile the game, mount the image, run in the emulator...


Success! Toren's NPCs are here, but that's fine...I just wanted to make sure the mapfile generator was working, and indeed it is.

This is the first town that is linked in to the game. I wanted to make sure the town handler was perfect before introducing any more towns (Toren Castle is considered a town to the game engine, so it was the prototype for all towns to come). With Toren working perfectly, all the towns can now be added.

All of the original maps have been developed, some need some finishing touches but the skeletal work is 100% completed. There are two new maps that were not in the original game, exclusive to the PCE version. They have not yet been developed but that is on the to-do list for about a week from now.

Well, that's enough for now. Back to work! More updates later, and I expect to release a prototype of PCEMAP later on today as well.
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


Vive la Supergrafx !!!


The Turbo was Dual Core when Dual Core wasn't cool . . .


Another day, another bug in the code. ](*,)


Looks like coffee cups! :dance: Seriously though, it looks like a VRAM corruption problem. It seems the clib has a few bugs in it regarding the put_string and put_number functions. I've replaced put_string with my own put_alt_string function which is based on put_msr_string, a slow-text function that writes the normal dialogue. For some reason, it always works perfectly regardless of where the scroll is...I'm to assume it has something to do with it being based on put_char. I've not delved too deeply into the clib to see if I could fix the problems with put_string and put_number and I don't think I will anytime soon, but maybe after this production goes beta I'll take a looksee.

The other fun part I was able to duplicate time and time again is this nice battle kickout flaw...


This of course also shows the palette problem with the Tiger profile sprite, should be easy to at least fix that. Of course, he's also in the wrong place...a lack of sleep will do that I guess. [-(

Alright, back to work. :-({|=
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


Frozen Utopia has a new logo, courtesy of Equuskia. This new logo is now being used in the introduction of MSR. Logo compare...old one on left, new one on right.

IMG /msr-newlogo.png

Aside from that nice new touch, I decided to rework the title screen itself, since it was a bit blurry. Compare the two screens below...left is the original, right is the one I did today.

IMG /msr-newtitle.png

Might not look that different here in hi-res but it sure does in-game.

On the code side, I've still not been able to discern the cause of the put_number problem. Might end up just writing an itoa function or something along those lines. Ah well, we'll see. In the meantime, work goes on.
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


The title screen looks much better. I really like the new logo, especially for merchandise, but I always kind of liked the old logo when used for the boot up screen.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


The new logo is a massive improvement. I've always found the old one to look rather... well, not very professional. :P
Quote from: Seldane on 04/21/2007, 07:28 PMDVDs are for suckers. Illegally pirated and stolen videos all the way. No menus. No "DO NOT PIRATE THIS!" screens. No fuss. Only perfection. I honestly only pirate movies because that "don't pirate this" screen annoys me. :wink:
Indeed, it's AV time. Check out: IMG! Sir, the door was open.


Awesome! It looks much nicer than the first screenshots! Wonderful!
I can't wait to get my hand on a copy if it!
Self proclamed Aldynes World Champion


Wow, i didn't know people would like the new logo so much! I'm flattered  :oops:


Although Equuskia and I had to go to work today, I still managed to sneak in some time afterwards to get some more bug ironing done. Found a pretty major one in some of the preemptive code I had written awhile back...was a menu error with the Status option. Kinda funny to see stats showing up that were absurdly large, such as 10001 experience, 545 Strength, etc...


After a minor recode, everything now works as expected. So then, Tiger now has stats:


Another bug bites the dust. :dance:
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


Some more updated information on the progress of the game code...

The combat system is VERY close to completion at this point. All the complex menus are just about done, and the battle loop only has one part left to code: carrying out the actions selected by the player and the computer AI. The battle system is an out-of-order style, initiative randomized based on each unit's agility score. There's one minor "bug" in the battle code regarding the top menus at the moment but it will be rather easy to fix once the loop is finished.

I also had a chance to work on other parts of the game code. Last night, I got the credit scroll added, and it looks great. :) Here's a preview:


Prepping the cutscenes for insertion has been a tremendous effort. Most are ready for progression code but there's still a long way to go on those. They will be amongst the last things finished right before the deadline, since they're only a matter of syncing animation to audio so the work is straightforward...although tedious.

More screenshots later...back to work for now. :dance:

Addendum: Now this was fun...I managed to completely break Magic Engine with my battle engine test code...break it so much that even the application X didn't work. Had to kill it the old fashioned way. :dance: ](*,)
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


You guys ever think about using your real names like actual real game developers?  That internet psuedonym stuff doesn't look good at all.  I mean you're putting all this work into it, it seems like you'd want it to look as professional as possible.


They don't seem to want to use their real names, so I just played along as well. :) Besides, Japanese developers often use pseudonyms too (look at the staff roll of any Samurai Spirits game for a good example).
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


Hey I said I would prefer for my real name (Keelan McKenna :D ) to be used, but even better would be something like Keelan McKenna (Keranu).
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


I'd prefer to use my real name as well, partly because it looks more professional, and partly because I don't want to be known as "Seldane" anymore, ugh. However, I don't want to reveal my name (I'm uncomfortable with doing so), so it will not happen.
Quote from: Seldane on 04/21/2007, 07:28 PMDVDs are for suckers. Illegally pirated and stolen videos all the way. No menus. No "DO NOT PIRATE THIS!" screens. No fuss. Only perfection. I honestly only pirate movies because that "don't pirate this" screen annoys me. :wink:
Indeed, it's AV time. Check out: IMG! Sir, the door was open.


Quote from: Seldane on 06/15/2007, 05:08 PMHowever, I don't want to reveal my name (I'm uncomfortable with doing so), so it will not happen.
Is your name Buttcrack McGee?
Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


Quote from: Seldane on 04/21/2007, 07:28 PMDVDs are for suckers. Illegally pirated and stolen videos all the way. No menus. No "DO NOT PIRATE THIS!" screens. No fuss. Only perfection. I honestly only pirate movies because that "don't pirate this" screen annoys me. :wink:
Indeed, it's AV time. Check out: IMG! Sir, the door was open.


Ugh, I don't know if it's lack of sleep, compiler errors, or whatever, but I'm tearing my freakin' hair out with the damn combat system. It's rather complex to implement, and for some reason, I just can't get the code right. This kind of stuff is bloody-hell easy on the PC, but here, it's a real nightmare. Kind of ironic, because I always had problems coding platformers on the PC, but those are easy peasy here in PCE land. A complete reversal of genre difficulty. ](*,) Oh well...I'll get it eventually, because there's no quitting until it's finished! :twisted:
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


Quote from: Seldane on 06/15/2007, 06:13 PMNaw, but I'm a paranoid dude. :P
No, that would be me :wink:

BTW, Nod, I don't know if I should be listed for music, as I only reworked it some.  I should probably be listed seperatly.  I don't want the credits to look like I composed some of the music, since I didn't. 

As for my name, I suppose I could use my internet name Drake Woods which I'm also known as, but, most people know me as Paranoia Dragon, if not Drake Woods.  If anyone saw the name Idarnoc Neb, they'd wonder who the hell reworked the music.  I want a familiar name in there, when people buy it, they go OH, so it's THAT ***hole that reworked the music! =D>  Even if I was listed as Drake Woods, I'd still want it to have the PD name in there as well.  And, yeah, Japanese game makers use fake names all the time, from simple stuff, like Iga, the others where there is no connection to there real name at all.


Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 06/16/2007, 02:13 AMI want a familiar name in there, when people buy it, they go OH, so it's THAT ***hole that reworked the music! =D>  Even if I was listed as Drake Woods, I'd still want it to have the PD name in there as well.
Haha, yeah that's how I think about it too. Most people won't recognize us by our real names, so I think it's good to include both.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Quote from: Seldane on 06/15/2007, 05:08 PMI'd prefer to use my real name as well, partly because it looks more professional, and partly because I don't want to be known as "Seldane" anymore, ugh. However, I don't want to reveal my name (I'm uncomfortable with doing so), so it will not happen.
WTF!!??? FM-77 = Seldane? When did this happen? During my recent hiatus, I'm sure....

And here I thought we had a brand-new, active member...



A brand new member that has over 1700 posts :-s  Anyways, he's been changing his name back n forth it seems like lately, mainly at the Ancient Land of Ys boards.


I always thought "Seldane" was cool. fm-77 sounds like a radio station.


Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 06/16/2007, 07:54 AMA brand new member that has over 1700 posts :-s  Anyways, he's been changing his name back n forth it seems like lately, mainly at the Ancient Land of Ys boards.
I never look at post counts, or anything else beyond names / avatars (to identify an author).  In my world, FM-77 was a brand-new member :).

I didn't even know that I could change my name! I've wanted to change my name a long time ago, but didn't want to go through the hassle of creating a new account. Hmmmmmmm....


I think using your internet handles is entirely appropriate, since your collaberation was all done online.  I actually think it would be cooler.
The Turbo was Dual Core when Dual Core wasn't cool . . .


There's no confusing me, I'm the only Equuskia in existance.  :mrgreen:


I finally had to do what I was dreading doing...the separation of the map and battle programs. I was hoping I could cram both into the same execoverlay, but it wasn't to be...they had to part. As a result, the size of the map program has dropped dramatically (from 248KB to 112KB), meaning it should load close to instantly (it DOES load instantly on the emulator). There will be some load time for battles but it shouldn't be too heavy, since I'm limiting the amount of data included into the execoverlay itself. But with this split, there is suddenly a tremendous amount of free memory in both programs, so I'll be able to not only complete both programs now, but will be able to add some extra features.
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


With the recent changes to the system, I was able to get some other important details coded in, such as world map events:


From here, the rest of the game will be blindingly simple to complete, the only large problem left is the battle system itself. But in its own program space, there's plenty of freedom to move around, so it'll all come together nicely. Next up: adding the next town. :)
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


Quote from: esteban on 06/16/2007, 07:43 AMWTF!!??? FM-77 = Seldane? When did this happen? During my recent hiatus, I'm sure....

And here I thought we had a brand-new, active member...

This took me a little while to figure out as well. I think he just sort of changed it out of nowhere and didn't even mention why  :mrgreen: . I know someone asked about it in another thread, but not sure if Sel... err, FM-77 responded to it yet.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


It was me. And he did respond with a cryptic, meaningless answer.

Actually he said he was tired of being known as "Seldane".

Unfortunately for him, everyone will continue to call him as such.
Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 06/16/2007, 02:13 AMIdarnoc Neb
Is your name Ben Conrad(i)? :P
Quote from: Seldane on 04/21/2007, 07:28 PMDVDs are for suckers. Illegally pirated and stolen videos all the way. No menus. No "DO NOT PIRATE THIS!" screens. No fuss. Only perfection. I honestly only pirate movies because that "don't pirate this" screen annoys me. :wink:
Indeed, it's AV time. Check out: IMG! Sir, the door was open.




Quote from: Keranu on 06/16/2007, 03:14 PM
Quote from: esteban on 06/16/2007, 07:43 AMWTF!!??? FM-77 = Seldane? When did this happen? During my recent hiatus, I'm sure....

And here I thought we had a brand-new, active member...

This took me a little while to figure out as well. I think he just sort of changed it out of nowhere and didn't even mention why  :mrgreen: . I know someone asked about it in another thread, but not sure if Sel... err, FM-77 responded to it yet.
I just changed my user name, now that I know you can do it.  :P
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Quote from: Seldane on 04/21/2007, 07:28 PMDVDs are for suckers. Illegally pirated and stolen videos all the way. No menus. No "DO NOT PIRATE THIS!" screens. No fuss. Only perfection. I honestly only pirate movies because that "don't pirate this" screen annoys me. :wink:
Indeed, it's AV time. Check out: IMG! Sir, the door was open.


Quote from: guest on 06/17/2007, 12:57 PM
Quote from: Keranu on 06/16/2007, 03:14 PM
Quote from: esteban on 06/16/2007, 07:43 AMWTF!!??? FM-77 = Seldane? When did this happen? During my recent hiatus, I'm sure....

And here I thought we had a brand-new, active member...

This took me a little while to figure out as well. I think he just sort of changed it out of nowhere and didn't even mention why  :mrgreen: . I know someone asked about it in another thread, but not sure if Sel... err, FM-77 responded to it yet.
CrackTiger, why would you do a thing like that? :)

I just changed my user name, now that I know you can do it.  :P


Oh no, CrackTiger is missing his underscore now! This brings a tear to my eye :( .
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


It brings tears of joy to my eyes, all five of them. Underscores are bad for people. It brings little tears of very compact sadness to their eyes.
Quote from: Seldane on 04/21/2007, 07:28 PMDVDs are for suckers. Illegally pirated and stolen videos all the way. No menus. No "DO NOT PIRATE THIS!" screens. No fuss. Only perfection. I honestly only pirate movies because that "don't pirate this" screen annoys me. :wink:
Indeed, it's AV time. Check out: IMG! Sir, the door was open.


For anyone reading this thread for its intended purpose rather than nick changes :lol:, here's what's new :dance:

lord_cack completed the cave tileset, so the first cave was linked in to the game. I was also able to add another town and place its NPCs. From here, there are 5 maps left to link in. The cutscenes are about 30% completed and shouldn't take too much more time to complete, I've just been concentrating on the game engine instead. Everything's going smoothly and we will likely be finished well before the deadline.
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


Are you still planning for beta testing to begin July 1st?
Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


Yes, there should only be about six days of development left.
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


While I'm here, is there shimmery frames of animation for the water in the caves???


Not at the moment. Someone has to draw said shimmery frames of animation. :)
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


Today is a six-step process. It's time for the third prototype burn, so I compiled a list of tasks to accomplish. That list is currently 70% complete. Almost all maps have been linked into the game now, only two remain. There's still a lot of event code left to write, but my main goal today is to get all but one map linked in to the game. The last map to be linked in will probably be done in a few days...it still has to be developed.

A master list of known flaws will be compiled during the third prototype testing. The rest of today and into tomorrow will be spent addressing those flaws. Debugging is a necessary evil. :dance:

Here's a few new screenshots to check out...all the result of today's work.

/msr-ryannawasadded.png /msr-cave3a.png /msr-cave2a.png /msr-nemar2.png
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


Just wanted to post that I'm so looking forward to this game guys.
Check my site for Turbo, Neo, NGPC, and superguns!


Update: last map of the day is linked in. That leaves only one map left to add to the game, which is the currently undeveloped one. I've accomplished 95% of my goals today, just need to finish up some grind work (adding text is a real bore!) and that will be the end of it for today.
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


Prototype #3 currently in the machine. Wow what an improvement over prototype #2, just the title screen alone looks awesome compared to past builds. :) This prototype is to find all possible flaws in the game engine's various components and get them ironed out before the last modules are built.
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


The third prototype was a success! :dance: There's a rather nice-sized list of bugs, glitches, and needed changes, but with about 90% of the game now accessible, it's a hell of a lot easier to find all the trouble spots.
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


Quote from: Dark Keranu on 06/15/2007, 05:46 PM
Quote from: Seldane on 06/15/2007, 05:08 PMHowever, I don't want to reveal my name (I'm uncomfortable with doing so), so it will not happen.
Is your name Buttcrack McGee?
[sorry nodtveidt for hijacking your thread]

All joking aside, I believe I know what your real name is, Seldane. But I won't say it if you're uncomfortable.  :dance:

[/sorry nodtveidt for hijacking your thread]
Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


What makes you believe that? :o

By the way, I gave the game (prototype 3) a real try for the first time yesterday. To be completely honest I haven't been all that interested in actually playing this game as it's not quite my genre (old school style turn-based RPG), but I gotta say - I was pleasantly surprised. It's a LOT of fun! The atmosphere is fantastic! It feels kinda like Dragon Slayer The Legend of Heroes, only better! :wink: I'm really looking forward to the final game, or even the beta. It'll be a blast! You guys definitely have something to look forward to.
Quote from: Seldane on 04/21/2007, 07:28 PMDVDs are for suckers. Illegally pirated and stolen videos all the way. No menus. No "DO NOT PIRATE THIS!" screens. No fuss. Only perfection. I honestly only pirate movies because that "don't pirate this" screen annoys me. :wink:
Indeed, it's AV time. Check out: IMG! Sir, the door was open.


Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games