what is the true diffrence between burned games and original

Started by darkkenshin99, 09/05/2004, 03:11 PM

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i own some like 1 original pc-fx games and like 10 burned(including a burned copy of the original)i just wanna know whats the diffrence,pc-fx isnt like the dreamcast where u have to downsample or get rid of data.they all run the same.( i know i speak in a blunt way but hey)


I have never been able to get a burned game to run.  I have copied my three games, so that I won't have to use the original discs, but they are not recognized.  What program are you using to create the copies? I'd really like to try it.  :idea:

As far as the difference.  Burned copies of games are fine to play, but they are not at all collectable.  The difference is purely sentimental.  Some people like to own the packaging and the printed CD etc.  I love the feeling of holding the real thing.  

Of course, that's sometimes not possible.  Zenki FX is so expensive that even if I could find a copy, I hear I'd have to pay over $400 for it, and that's not at all in my budget.  So I'll continue to try to find an ISO.


cdrwin ( http://www.goldenhawk.com/ ) should work fine for making copies.

Check your PM inbox dpaint4


get iso buster is seems to be able to identify the data file or rip it using alcohol 120%.cdrwin may work but i wouldnt use it.but i say get iso buster and rip the disc.


No fucking way man. DO NOT USE anything but CDRWIN. All other formats are well known, but you must not have heard, to screw up NEC images. If you get an iso+mp3 rip of ANY game, chances are someone screwed it up. But for NEC games it's CDRWIN only, if you want to get best images. Seriously, please, do yourself a favor, just use CDRWIN for about anything, but especially NEC games if yer gonna back up yer originals.

Sorry if i come across as harsh, or bold, but i have had to deal with so many crap rips made from anything other than CDRWIN for NEC images, and a few other systems as well.


I have been using it for near 4 years now, and love it, and have had no troubles with it making great/perfect bin+cue images.

 :D  :wink:
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