Membership has its privileges.. the "F@ck EBAY Club" card

Started by Sparky, 07/10/2010, 11:03 PM

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Haha!   "My little buttercup, has the sweetest..."eh smile!""


Pretty sweet club guys. Keep up the awesome work.


Quote from: guest on 01/07/2012, 07:46 PMWho the hell is this guy RegalSin... every post is a train wreck but i find myself still reading it :P
Do a search for him, he's infected just about every game forum in existence with his completely nonsensical posts (and usually gets banned for it).


phuck ebay, phuck ebay, phuck ebay, and phuck ebay. They removed two of my listings because I did not input item description. Seriously phuck ebay.

1. Prevent you from seeing who is bidding against you.
Feel like being in a room of KKK members. I complained one time and this changed, for awhile and then it went back.

3. They used the catolagoe as an excuse. I think they are trying to get my account removed on purpose. I had a couple of items for sale and these bastards, took the only item, where I talked about how "ebay makes X amount of my sales". I honestly think they are trying to get rid of me, on purpose. To have a bunch of dickless sellers who are dickless actors, types. You know the types who buys things from the home shopping network. I list a "Super Gameboy II" and they are asking for crap which nobody can provide.

It went down to 95% after one buyer was unhappy with
something they made a mistake buying. Instead of them getting a negative for not paying. I get a negative for their retarded purchase.

They just want me to list a bunch of crap, so they can profit from my stuff. That is what they want, That is all they want.

They jack up the prices and even deduct on shipping.

Phuck ebay, Phuck ebay, phuck ebay.


If anyone gets any leads on a "fair priced" copy of Coryoon, please lemme know!

Where is fancy bred?


PSN: Dynastic_Hero
Steam: Dynastic_Hero


Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


I've always wanted to know someone who is fluent in speaking Engrish.


2. Two is excluded because I just decided to leave it out.
Phuck ebay.


Oh my gosh. That's the best answer I could've hoped for.
If anyone gets any leads on a "fair priced" copy of Coryoon, please lemme know!

Where is fancy bred?


I want in on this too, please.

What about sellers who charge a decent price but, make false claims about the games/cases/booklets being in mint condition and you don't find out until you get and inspect them?

Can that be considered Turbo Gouging since you're paying for what appears to be mint in the pic and description but, upon inspection has scratches in the title paint and wrinkles in the manuals? 

This happened to me once and I haven't purchased any more games off of ebay since.


That is not gouging, that is a liar, lair pants on fire!!!
Post your ebay handle here or PM to me and i will look ya over  :twisted:


I don't know if the account that I had back then still exists so, a few days ago I made a new account.

It's KlashK9.

The older one -if it still exists- was ClashCanine or maybe Clash Canine. It's been years so, I don't really remember if the two words were combined or seperated and furthermore, I had a different e-mail back then, so applying for a password recovery wouldn't work so, that's why I made a new one.

If the old name is still in their database, you may be able to find the ratings that I gave to the jerk after he got snobby with me over the whole mess.

EDIT: Glad you like my avatar but, actually I chose it from a list offered by the forum default.
I'm planning on heading over to a photo hosting service soon so, I can get a more fitting avatar set up.

BTW, have you thought about adding any more TG16 related images to the card?        


Quote from: Shrapnoid on 01/27/2012, 10:35 PMThis happened to me once and I haven't purchased any more games off of ebay since.
ONCE and you swear off Ebay?  Man that's a it extreme no?
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


Quote from: nectarsis on 01/28/2012, 01:32 PM
Quote from: Shrapnoid on 01/27/2012, 10:35 PMThis happened to me once and I haven't purchased any more games off of ebay since.
ONCE and you swear off Ebay?  Man that's a it extreme no?
Well, no. I didn't quit ebay really. I just got side tracked with other stuff. Actually, I think my last purchase may have been a body kit for an RC car or something.
I don't remember the exact order that I made my purchases in but, that one just stands out the most in my memories because how that punk screwed me over.

I wish I still had the proof pics that I took of the condition of the games once I got them!
Made me so mad I could have ate nails!  

EDIT: Well, Sparky, am I worthy?



Quote from: Shrapnoid on 01/28/2012, 01:45 PMEDIT: Well, Sparky, am I worthy?
your good Shrapy but your new so we will be keeping an eye on ya :wink: i will send you card out with your stickies.



Thanks! I like your style. You remind me of... Me!



Are Shrapnoid and Mathius Like the same person or something?.Whats the infatuation with Bruce Campbell?.The dude is like in his fifties.


Quote from: turbofan1 on 01/30/2012, 12:36 AMAre Shrapnoid and Mathius Like the same person or something?.Whats the infatuation with Bruce Campbell?.The dude is like in his fifties.
Yet he still kicks hatin on teh Bruce  [-X [-( :evil:
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


I never realized until turbofan1's comment that Mathius's avatar was actually supposed to be Bruce Campbell. Wow.
Wayback - - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


Quote from: nat on 01/30/2012, 12:52 AMI never realized until turbofan1's comment that Mathius's avatar was actually supposed to be Bruce Campbell. Wow.
Heh that's okay. I never noticed Joe's google-eyed Shinobi until after I'd been here a few years. :mrgreen:


Hey, guys. Since I put those 9 Hus up for sale, I've been getting interest from people who have hardly posted a thing and most of the posts they have made have been in the sales sections.

I get the feeling that some of these dudes just want to turn around and sale this stuff at highway robbery prices and two of them are sellers for sure.

What do you think? Should I just give them the cold shoulder or what?


Quote from: Shrapnoid on 01/30/2012, 12:42 PMHey, guys. Since I put those 9 Hus up for sale, I've been getting interest from people who have hardly posted a thing and most of the posts they have made have been in the sales sections.

I get the feeling that some of these dudes just want to turn around and sale this stuff at highway robbery prices and two of them are sellers for sure.

What do you think? Should I just give them the cold shoulder or what?
If you want the games to stay in the community then deal with anyone over 100 posts. Of course, this isn't a guarantee. On the other hand those hueys aren't super sought after or anything. :)


Quote from: turbofan1 on 01/30/2012, 12:36 AMWhats the infatuation with Bruce Campbell?.The dude is like in his fifties.
And yet he's still 100x cooler than you.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!

Arkhan Asylum

Quote from: Shrapnoid on 01/30/2012, 12:42 PMHey, guys. Since I put those 9 Hus up for sale, I've been getting interest from people who have hardly posted a thing and most of the posts they have made have been in the sales sections.

I get the feeling that some of these dudes just want to turn around and sale this stuff at highway robbery prices and two of them are sellers for sure.

What do you think? Should I just give them the cold shoulder or what?
kill them all.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


I definitely want these games to stay in the community even it means sacrificing some good trade in return.

I HATE price gouging with a passion! Nothing is worse for a serious enthusiast or low-income collector then to see something fairly nice being treated like it's a one-of-a-kind, ancient treasure that many an adventurer died for in order to bring it to the knowledge of the modern world!

It's disgusting how some people will take advantage of you when they have something that they know you might like to have.

I don't have time to haggle and play head games with greedy, money-loving twits.
If there is some game that's worth a pretty penny and I can afford it and have a place to keep it where it will be treated with respect then, that's all good and fine as long as it's not being sold at a whopping 6 times it's true value!

Well, that's enough ranting for me. 


...really. How much were you charging for Final Lap Twin, Keith Courage and Galaga '90?


I think to be fair to the members we should let the regulars that post have the first crack at systems and games. I've seen too many posts from new forum members that post what they want then dont bother getting involved in other topics but bump the thread 3 weeks later with 2 posts to there name. I'm all for new members as we've all been there one time, But just don't join the forums looking to score cheap obey then leave or worse yet turn a profit on ebay.
Welcome to Prime Time B!tch


Okay, Sadler. I know 2 wrongs don't make a right. I pegged mlbfan10 for a flipper and thought I'd give him a little taste of his own medicine.

I originally intended to charge him 10 for Galaga '90, 9 for Final Lap Twin and 7 or 8 for Kieth Courage. I forget if it were 7 or 8 then, I got to thinking about it and about how he said something about -"I might snag that..."- the TG16/6 game set in Cherryville, NC and it struck a cord with me that sounded almost heartless if that makes any sense.

To me it was as though he were saying "Hmmm! Might be able to make something off of that one, heh, heh, heh!"

So, yeah. If daddy warbucks was gonna make bigger bucks off of my stuff or anyone elses, I wanted to stick it to him.

There. I said it. You can kick me out of your Fuck Ebay group now if you want.

Nice spy work but, there is one last thing. I contacted the guy in Cherryville earlier today and told him that someone who flips games on ebay may try to rip him off and that if he wanted to sale his TG16 stuff, he should come and try to sale it here and that he'd probably get what he's asking for it.

It'll never sale on craigslist even if it is worth what he's asking so, I thought I'd do him a favor and get his stuff to go back in to the TG16 community at the same time.

I don't know if he'll come here or not because I haven't checked my e-mail yet but, I figure that if he does, he has nothing to loose.

So ARE you mlbfan10 or did he simply tell you the prices I quoted him?


First off, I feel shitty for dragging mlbfan into this. I seriously doubt he wants any part of this and it wasn't right of me to do so. Now, let's move on from that. It wasn't really spy work. I sold him an Express last weekend ($40 if you want to know). He asked me for some game recommendations as he had no games and I didn't include any. I told him my suggestions. I even asked the guys in chat if anyone had any dupes to hook him up with, but no one did. He PM'd me later asking if your prices were a good deal or not. I told them that I'm probably the wrong person to ask as I have a history of overpaying for games. I also told him that I felt your prices were too high and I linked him ebay auctions for each of those games that were cheaper, shipped, and actually included case and manual.

That should have been it. I was happy to leave it there, but then I read your message to him accusing him of being an ebay flipper and it didn't sit right with me. There was and still is absolutely no indication that he's an ebay flipper.

Then I read your posts in this thread, decrying the evils of ebay. Even that I could let slide. When you further insulted new members, suggesting they were all ebay flippers, it really started to get to me. That's cool that you are an old school fan. You aren't the only one, and I can respect that. But to be shitty to someone new to the scene trying to get into turbo gaming is bullshit. Particularly when you yourself have been here a mere 2 weeks. That wasn't enough though, you had to go and post your rant about how shitty it is when people over charge someone when they know that person just wants to play the game. At this point the hypocrisy was simply too much and I said something.

So there you have it, the full story. Some of your posts I enjoy and some I think are foolish. Either way, I hope you stick around the forum and cut people some more slack in the future. As far as the fuck ebay club goes, I'm clearly not a member, so Sparky I apologize for clogging up your thread with this. What happens between the two of you doesn't really concern me.

And once again, mlbfan, I'm really sorry for dragging you into this. :(


Quote from: Mathius on 01/30/2012, 12:50 PMIf you want the games to stay in the community then deal with anyone over 100 posts. Of course, this isn't a guarantee. On the other hand those hueys aren't super sought after or anything. :)
100 Posts? How about 1000 shoutbox chats here (when there was a box) and at the freeforums site? :)
-region/s-video modded PC Engine Duo w/Arcade Card at www. multimods .com
-region modded Super Grafx
-region modded PC Engine original
-PC-FX w/Zenki, Zeroigar, Chip-Chan, Battle Heat, Der Langrisser FX

Will this complete me?


I think most people with low post counts wanting to buy games are just people who got a basic turbografx recently and want some cheap games to go along. I recently just traded with someone a spare turbografx for some other game stuff on another forum and told them they should come here to find some more games. The dude seemed pretty cool and our trade was of equal value. They posted a WTB TG16 games thread and got no replies and I know a lot of the reason is people don't want to deal with noobs in fear of them being resellers.
But in all honesty most people on here are probably searching for some games because they are too expensive due to the gouging on ebay. We all just need to be a little more careful when accusing others of this or that and thinking people might just be resellers because we don't want to run off every new person on here.
When I first joined I got some really cool deals from people because I posted some pics of me new system and how I was interested and I'm really grateful to all the cool people on here who encouraged my hobby and hope every can get the same enjoyment from being on this forum and trading and the like as I do.


Quote from: Sadler on 01/30/2012, 11:14 PMFirst off, I feel shitty for dragging mlbfan into this. I seriously doubt he wants any part of this and it wasn't right of me to do so. Now, let's move on from that. It wasn't really spy work. I sold him an Express last weekend ($40 if you want to know). He asked me for some game recommendations as he had no games and I didn't include any. I told him my suggestions. I even asked the guys in chat if anyone had any dupes to hook him up with, but no one did. He PM'd me later asking if your prices were a good deal or not. I told them that I'm probably the wrong person to ask as I have a history of overpaying for games. I also told him that I felt your prices were too high and I linked him ebay auctions for each of those games that were cheaper, shipped, and actually included case and manual.

That should have been it. I was happy to leave it there, but then I read your message to him accusing him of being an ebay flipper and it didn't sit right with me. There was and still is absolutely no indication that he's an ebay flipper.

Then I read your posts in this thread, decrying the evils of ebay. Even that I could let slide. When you further insulted new members, suggesting they were all ebay flippers, it really started to get to me. That's cool that you are an old school fan. You aren't the only one, and I can respect that. But to be shitty to someone new to the scene trying to get into turbo gaming is bullshit. Particularly when you yourself have been here a mere 2 weeks. That wasn't enough though, you had to go and post your rant about how shitty it is when people over charge someone when they know that person just wants to play the game. At this point the hypocrisy was simply too much and I said something.

So there you have it, the full story. Some of your posts I enjoy and some I think are foolish. Either way, I hope you stick around the forum and cut people some more slack in the future. As far as the fuck ebay club goes, I'm clearly not a member, so Sparky I apologize for clogging up your thread with this. What happens between the two of you doesn't really concern me.
Quote from: Sadler on 01/30/2012, 11:14 PMFirst off, I feel shitty for dragging mlbfan into this. I seriously doubt he wants any part of this and it wasn't right of me to do so. Now, let's move on from that. It wasn't really spy work. I sold him an Express last weekend ($40 if you want to know). He asked me for some game recommendations as he had no games and I didn't include any. I told him my suggestions. I even asked the guys in chat if anyone had any dupes to hook him up with, but no one did. He PM'd me later asking if your prices were a good deal or not. I told them that I'm probably the wrong person to ask as I have a history of overpaying for games. I also told him that I felt your prices were too high and I linked him ebay auctions for each of those games that were cheaper, shipped, and actually included case and manual.

That should have been it. I was happy to leave it there, but then I read your message to him accusing him of being an ebay flipper and it didn't sit right with me. There was and still is absolutely no indication that he's an ebay flipper.

Then I read your posts in this thread, decrying the evils of ebay. Even that I could let slide. When you further insulted new members, suggesting they were all ebay flippers, it really started to get to me. That's cool that you are an old school fan. You aren't the only one, and I can respect that. But to be shitty to someone new to the scene trying to get into turbo gaming is bullshit. Particularly when you yourself have been here a mere 2 weeks. That wasn't enough though, you had to go and post your rant about how shitty it is when people over charge someone when they know that person just wants to play the game. At this point the hypocrisy was simply too much and I said something.

So there you have it, the full story. Some of your posts I enjoy and some I think are foolish. Either way, I hope you stick around the forum and cut people some more slack in the future. As far as the fuck ebay club goes, I'm clearly not a member, so Sparky I apologize for clogging up your thread with this. What happens between the two of you doesn't really concern me.

And once again, mlbfan, I'm really sorry for dragging you into this. :(
And once again, mlbfan, I'm really sorry for dragging you into this. :(
Okay. Let's see here...

I saw the Turbo Express coversation and correct me if I'm wrong but, did he not say that he only had $20.00 left over in his paypal account after he made that purchase from you?

If that were the case then how was he going to "...snag..." a $150.00 boxed console/game set that's near mint that so, far hasn't sold after at least 2 months on craigslist?

I mean it's pretty clear by now that the guy isn't going to take any less than that for it so, how is mlbfan10 going to get it with just $20.00??

I would like to be able to find TG16 games on ebay cheaper than
$15.00 with case and manual shipped.
Can you show me this? Because I have searched high and low and haven't seen a deal like that in years.

I didn't outright accuse him of being a flipper. I was simply letting him know that I was wondering if he might be, because of
the way he just casually mentioned that he "...might snag that..."
TG16 set on craigslist.
It just sounded like something a big game store owner might say.

WHO else?? I don't recall suggesting that any other members were ebay flippers at all.
Please. Do refresh my memory if I'm wrong.

If I have been shitty to anyone here, they have my sincerest apologies.

Has been 2 weeks already? Hmmm.

I know that I sometimes make foolish posts but, that's because
I'm an idiot. What is it everyone says these days to cover for
their incompitance?
Oh! I remember now! I can't help it...sob... I was BORN this waaaay!

mlbfan and anyone else who's toes I have stepped on, I am truly sorry if I prejudged you and you (mlbfan10) may have any one of the 9 shabby Hus I put up for sale, free of charge with no shipping charge.

Just name the one you want and it's yours.

See, Sadler. I can play nice even if I do tend to overreact at times. 


Arkhan Asylum

"I might snag that" sounds like someone who might have the cash for it but doesnt want to commit to a huge purchase like that if they're broke or something...

I used to do that


and then I get out the visa and go YEAH I BOUGHT IT


This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Shrapnoid, I said what I needed to. You admitted your error, apologized and are trying to make things right. I don't have any interest in continuing this conversation, but if you must, please start a new thread and we can address it there. :)


Fuck both of you for sullying a perfectly good F@ck EBAY / wine sipping thread.  Please go play in traffic.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Oh, look whose balls finally descended. How about this, ebay fucking rules and you bitchy bitches that bitch about it can choke on a fucking dick.  "$80 Keith Courages are too expensive!" :cry: I'd shit in your mouth but you don't seem to want to stop sobbing long enough to give me the opportunity. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go list a TV Sports box for $1500. Have fun giving away free shit like a sucker. If you need me, I'll be rolling around on a bed of tear-soaked money, content knowing that I dicked over as many people as possible. :wink:

Arkhan Asylum

This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Quote from: Sadler on 01/31/2012, 12:15 PMOh, look whose balls finally descended. How about this, ebay fucking rules and you bitchy bitches that bitch about it can choke on a fucking dick.  "$80 Keith Courages are too expensive!" :cry: I'd shit in your mouth but you don't seem to want to stop sobbing long enough to give me the opportunity. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go list a TV Sports box for $1500. Have fun giving away free shit like a sucker. If you need me, I'll be rolling around on a bed of tear-soaked money, content knowing that I dicked over as many people as possible. :wink:


Now this feels like Fighting Street.  Thanks.  :D
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Okay. It's over with. I've had time to think about my smartass remarks from my little retort last night.

I was a jerk and I apologize for it. I'm s...s...s-s-s... I'm sorry, Sadler.


Quote from: Sadler on 01/31/2012, 12:15 PMI'll be rolling around on a bed of tear-soaked money, content knowing that I dicked over as many people as possible. :wink:
you mean pissed soaked!!!  fuck you pissy pants :P


Quote from: Shrapnoid on 01/31/2012, 12:38 PMOkay. It's over with. I've had time to think about my smartass remarks from my little retort last night.

I was a jerk and I apologize for it. I'm s...s...s-s-s... I'm sorry, Sadler.
Did you have another account on here before? Your old avatar looked really familiar. Maybe I saw it on another forum? You seem awfully comfortable on here for being around for a month.


Nope. Never been on here before. Just been around for a while. Maybe you've seen me on other forums under whatever names I chose to use there. Ask ParanoiaDragon who I am. I dropped him a hint when I first came in but, I got his name wrong. I thought he told me that it was Benjamin but, I think it might be Dennis.

EDIT: That's one of the things that sucks about getting old. Memory loss.


Hey, guys. I have a question. I spotted a loose game on ebay that caught my interest but, the price might be a bit steep.

However, I'm not completely certain of this. It's a turbochip that looks to be in good shape and it comes with the sleeve. I didn't see any scratches in the paint either.

It's around 20.00 w/free shipping.

Does anyone think that that might be pricey for a shooter that is somewhat hard to find?




Shit Shrap, you were not kidding about the memory, i thought i was bad