10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - CrackTiger

Here's a couple quick conversions of the background and sprites at the lower resolution. The sprites look like they're actually narrower than NEC's port, so the extra height should at least balance out. This is without touching up or reworking the pixelart.

NEC's PCE <------------------------------------------------------------> BT's PCE
Another one of my favorite games.

Here's another bonus one to hold people over.

Next one I do is going to just be a line drawing. :P


This lot includes a refurbished PC Engine IFU Combo, with official power supply, composite/stereo cables (not pictured), RGB scart cable, turbo PC Engine pad, Arcade Card PRO, Fatal Fury 2 and Crest of the Wolf games.

I bought and had serviced the IFU, CD-ROM and PC Engine separately. From the best of memory the IFU has been recapped, the CD-ROM had the gear and laser replaced, something was greased and it was all tuned/calibrated.

I had the PC Engine modified for RGB output and a region mod. The channel switch is now the region switch andthe RGB jack is in the old RF out spot. When I had the mods done, I explained how my rgb-to-component transcoder at the time didn't output audio and that I wanted to take audio from the IFU. I don't know if the cable was wired differently, as I discovered now while testing that I couldn't get my framemeister to recognize the signal and hooking the scart cable to my new transcoder which does output audio, the sound that gets passed along is almost mute and tinny. My guess is that it's just the cable, but I'm just providing as much info as possible. The image quality transcoded to component on a crt is perfect. Super crisp with vibrant and correct color.

This PC Engine also works with my Turbo Everdrive version 1.1 and 2.2. It typically seems that a region mod can prevent this from happening.

I've never had any problems with the CD-ROM performance except for one game which had the redbook bgm cut out during stages. However the same game from the other region worked fine.

The included controller's I button does spring like it should, but is still responsive. It probably just needs to be opened up to have the spring uncoiled or something.

Both games play flawlessly.

$500 USD shipped to U.S. and Canada.

Here is video of various things being tested. I ran Fatal Fury 2 to show the game playing fine, but it is infamous for its long load times. Towards the end of the video you can see Gate of Thunder loading quickly. Only the games mentioned above are included. The Everdrives are not included either.

Quote from: Galad on 02/18/2018, 06:16 PM
Quote from: CrackTiger on 02/18/2018, 03:19 PMI didn't expect such rapid progress on GnG. Very impressive. :D
Does your name have anything to do with Capcom Black Tiger?which happens to be my favorite arcade game.
Yeah, it's my favorite too. :)


And Makaimura/GnG is close behind. :P
Quote from: CZroe on 01/30/2018, 12:42 PM
Quote from: Digi.k on 01/30/2018, 04:04 AMNEU!!!!!!!
I want this, especially now that the Super SD System 3 creators and supporters consider video purists to be pariahs and express disdain for anyone who cares about it.
If you sign up to the neo-geo.com forums you can read their statement about video/audio in the dedicated thread in their dedicated section. They apologized and completely agree with the video purists and worked with some of the experts who understood the situation better than most of the people complaining as well as Terra Onion themselves. They've fixed the RGB and audio and the new model will work perfectly with a standard Genesis csync cable.

They're recalling the shipped units and the new model is now the standard.

No reason to punish yourself because of random thread out of context.
Here is a 101 color screenshot that I don't think is too spoilery.

It gives an idea of how intense some of the later sections of the game can get.

Quote from: PukeSter on 11/20/2017, 06:52 PM
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 11/20/2017, 03:26 PM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 11/20/2017, 03:18 PMNow MM sprites jacked and remixed? That's as Retro as Retro gets. Deep down and dirty mongrel-ass Retro. 

Gotta love how dozens of games had the 64 moniker. Duke Nukem 64, Bomberman 64, Wave Race 64, Mega Man 64, etc...


Doom 64 is such a beast game! Love the survival horror atmosphere they added to it, I almost shit my pants once or twice. 

Retro Fighters better have lots of colors available. A yellow controller would be sick

Here's what people voted for:

We wanted to announce the top colors, voted by all of you! Transparent colors seemed to be very popular! Here are the top 5 colors in order:

1. Solid Black 20.26%

2. Transparent Purple 13.55%

3. Transparent Green 8.30%

4. Transparent Blue 8.15%

5. Solid Gold 6.99%

We will do the top 2 colors, but we will also do our best to include the other colors as well. We have mentioned this before, but transparent colors require a whole new mold.

Leave it to Nintendo fans to ask for gold. All I can think of is the rubbed off spots like the silver Gamecube.
Here's some of the SotN inspired stuff that's in Henshin Engine.

Only the extra background details of the building in the courtyard was cut, in order to allow dual layer parallax (and that brazier flame was a temp for mockups). Every section of the Castlevampire stage has "dual layer" style parallax, including the boss room.

The simplified and more tiled look was intentional to try to use as few (16 x 16 pixel) tiles as possible, because of the restrictions of HuC, not the limitations of PC Engine hardware.

Henshin Engine                 Symphony of the Night






The drawbridge itself is styled after the one in SotN.
This is some stuff I put together for a system card warning stage that isn't going to make it into the game:

Quote from: touko on 10/23/2017, 04:06 PMi like it,and this evil transformed MD is excellent .
Since it was my last chance to design a boss, I wanted to do some kind of mecha Mega Drive, but also reference Shockman.


I also made a more traditionally shaped player ship in the Shockman style.

Quote from: esteban on 09/12/2017, 12:23 AMIMG 

(pcefxers attending AVGC, L to R: majors, ninja_spirit, johnpv, turboswimz, esteban)
The money shot. =D&gt;

Thanks for all the pics. :)
I don't think that my Bomberman TE/GT link video is still online anywhere, but I believe that some or all of those games feature hardware pixelart during the link up sequence.

Quote from: NecroPhile on 09/11/2017, 01:35 PMIMG
I don't know why he's crying. Dragon's Curse is a one player game with password feature.
Quote from: exodus on 09/06/2017, 05:44 PMI guess somehow we missed star parodier/fantasy star soldier :P
It was in the opening post. [-X
I heard you guys like cityscapes.

I guess the explosion isn't making it in? :(

Quote from: Michirin9801 on 07/12/2017, 10:54 PMLadies of Thunder much? ;3

Just a thing, a couple of extra tiles to make it look nicer would be very welcome! Something kinda like this:
deviantart net/yuki_edit_by_michirin9801-dbg45bc.png
The tiles are just in the wrong order. This is how they were designed to be arranged:


And although that particular short stretch is literally the plainest scene in the stage, those specific tiles and the lowest number of unique shades are used to squeeze in dual layer parallax with shading. You can see what it looks like in motion at the 22 second mark in this video:
If everything makes it into the Gods of Lightning stage as planned, there should be around 8 different scenes/types of parallax and only brief periods when none is currently happening. There are also at least as many unique scenes visually, while many popular PCE shooters only have have a single type of scene used for an entire stage. In order to potentially pack in that much variety, things were streamlined considerably from what I had originally planned and assets are reused in different ways as much as possible.

So you can point out little additions that could be added to any particular scene out of context, but there are reasons for why things were designed the way they were. I'm still expecting cuts to happen and am just hoping for a good balance in the end.
Quote from: TheClash603 on 06/06/2017, 08:02 AMThanks for the update!

Feel free to use my likeness as a God of Lightning sprite.
Here ya go:

I was actually using that pic to test which palettes work best in that scene.

Here is are some good examples of the typical horrible colours of the Mega Drive/Mega-CD in USA/Europa:


You can easily notice all of the shades that were lost in the transition from PCE to Sega-CD, in Mika's hair/blazer, Napolean's robe/hair and Gibson's clothes. Also notice the censorship of the Gibson scene on Sega-CD.

It is obvious why ashrion doesn't want you to compare snatcher pc engine, with same version of megacd, which is only one bad port of konami.
Quote from: guest on 05/20/2017, 11:43 AMHmm, I like mine better. Looks way more authentically bootleg.
In all seriousness, those repro hu cards look very similar to the ones turbokon was doing awhile back (and is still doing?). Are those an open thing/anyone can do, is PCE Works most likely just ripping this shit off of turbokon, or (not to spew total shit) is turbokon with this at all?

I'm not sure. Either way, this is obviously totally ludicrous and I honestly don't ever care for their packaging. Start banning people on FB who buy this shit or something already.
Looks like you missed a page. turbokon & co are the ones who made them. Tobias only dropped them into gaudy packaging.
If it's using the tiles I made for the effect, it looks like this:


But the timing may be different, as everything I look at gifs with runs them at slightly different speeds.
Quote from: guest on 05/04/2017, 12:23 PMSame dude recently made this as well I guess:


This is the PCE + RGB Booster + TED in a box = a tolerable PCE console-guy.
Quote from: NoSexGex on 04/22/2017, 03:29 PMHe almost deleted his page at one point too!
He made a poll (which i couldn't find) if he should delete his page or not, because the other groups were better. So I imagine he would have deleted that post all together when he realized how self defeating that is. Then of ofcourse afterwards other people started sharing his PM's like this.

Acting like a childish douchebag asshole while calling others childish douchebag assholes and sending aggressive messages accusing everyone else of harassment.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 04/21/2017, 08:43 PM
Quote from: jonebone on 04/21/2017, 08:24 AMI buy and sell a lot, and have done so for about 8+ years now.  From $10-$15 carts to $1000+ sealed across many platforms.  And believe me, when you talk about people buying things on credit, you are talking about a very miniscule amount of collectors.  I get more people saying "Hey can I pay on payday" (maybe ~5-10% of people I've dealt with) than people just financing it on credit.  So all of those assumptions regarding the crash are flat out wrong.

What you do get are life priorities that take place over collecting.  You get married, want to fund a honeymoon.  You have kids, need to convert game room to nursery.  You buy a house / sports car and need  a down payment etc.

Or, as we age, your kid goes to college and you see a $20K+ a year bill coming your way.  Or you have to pay for funerals of loved ones.  Etc.  But those are longer term impacts that shouldn't even be addressed now.

Since the overwhelming majority of this stuff is NOT bought on credit, you won't see an tremendous collapse of people selling stuff for pennies on the dollar.  Besides, not sure if you noticed, but if you list a bunch of like items at 0.99 auctions (which firesellers would have to do), they tend to do well and come damn near (or beat) BIN prices anyway.

I do think prices will taper off at some point as our generation ages and collecting shifts behind other life priorities, but expecting a full on collapse is wishful thinking.
Are you administrating their PayPal accounts? How the hell do you know if they using credit? This is a serious question because you refer to it as a certainty and I don't see any way you would know at all. Do you have a storefront? You're making some pretty positive claims here.
In "collector" dominant circles like nintendoage, everyone bragging about being the biggest baller actually believes each other's ego-inflating/insecurity-masking stories. They're all rich and love to post the nerd gamer equivalent of pics of hundred dollar bills and gold jewellery and guns and stupid crap.

This is basically the mentality of omega level collectards:


They always have the same reaction when that stuff doesn't fly here: "you're all just jealous because you can't afford to hang with us true collectors!".

People like Goldenpp who post a short list of games they're looking for and then pay $3600 at once for a handful of them are not the vast majority of regular North Americans if it's not paid for by going into debt. He even admitted to not being familiar with Turbo games, yet buying ones he hasn't played based only on whims and videos.

Quote from: VestCunt on 06/07/2016, 10:24 AMI like how he spent $3,600 in one pop and still needs most of the rares.
Goldenpp offered some insight into the mindset of those driving the market irrationally:

QuoteWhen I first began, things were cheaper, sellers were looser and in general it was a lot easier to deal with, it only took about 5 years for me to begin regretting going for complete titles because of the way pricing was jacking up so much, but when you get that far into something, it becomes difficult for some of us to back away and call it quits, even if it takes out a lot more money than expected. However, the urge for me to complete my various system collections comes from the desire to get it over with in the event the cost continue to rise, I do not want even more games to reach a prohibitive point that I can no longer ever afford to purchase them (as many have)

It's true I spend a lot of time collecting which is a lot less time I can use for the playing aspect, but if I spend too much time playing and not buying, suddenly that game I thought was 30 bucks is now 100 bucks, and that creates a lot of issues for me as i'm not a rich guy, this stuff takes a long time for me to save money for.
That is a vicious cycle that you cannot keep up with.
Quote from: Artabasdos on 03/30/2017, 05:52 PM
Quote from: NecroPhile on 03/30/2017, 05:46 PM
Quote from: Artabasdos on 03/30/2017, 05:28 PMOf course it's different. The CD can hold 500MB+ of data, and load it into RAM when required. A HuCard/cart can only hold a few megs in total. IIRC SFII on PCE is 20 megabits, or 2 1/2MB!
The only appreciable difference there is cost.  20 megabits isn't the max allowable rom size; with the right mapper, a huey could be made to hold just as much as any cd game made, none of which are even close to 500 megabytes in game size (most disc space is filled with adpcm samples and redbook).
Are you sure about that?

Even if that is true, the price of such a HuCard would be brutal. Approaching higher end AES cart prices back in the day. That's to say nothing of the reduced performance from the phenomenal amount of bank switching that would be required. CDs were far cheaper and more simple to deal with.
That's why disc-based consoles became standard. Large SNES carts were very expensive bitd, but CD games typically never used more than <1% of the space on a CD for anything other than redbook and adpcm audio. A game like Dracula X wouldn't have been any bigger than larger non-RPG SNES and Genesis games from around the same time.

Here's how CD games work compared to normal HuCards:


Quote from: Artabasdos on 03/21/2017, 12:08 AM
Quote from: CrackTiger on 03/21/2017, 12:02 AMThey're just clips from youtube videos turned into gifs.

Mega Bomberman is still very dark on real hardware, especially compared to the original. It's also missing some special effects, lots of animation and various assets and suffers from major slowdown that isn't in '94.

It was a quick, low effort by Westone, but the music is great and the gameplay is still good. Much more enjoyable than the Super Bomberman games.
Fair enough, but those screens aren't a fair representation tbh.

I love Super Bomberman!
There's about 80 pages of screenshot comparisons, including Mega Bomberman/'94. Digi.k is now just posting video clips that compare aspects like (missing) effects, animation, assets, etc. It would be better for these to have a dedicated thread, along with a sound comparison thread, but this is just how it's going.

Mega Bomberman actually looks much worse with clear screenshots or on TV through RGB, as you can see that most of the shades and detail is missing. Those converted video clips create the illusion of shading which isn't actually there, while at the same time making it harder to make out all of the shading in '94.

PC Engine versus Genesis
bomberman94-3.png mega-bomberman3.png
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 03/16/2017, 03:47 AM
Quote from: Bloufo on 03/07/2017, 01:44 PMIMG
I love this. Can't get enough of it. I bet it's saying "Please shoot me!" I hope it's playing Magical Dinosaur Tour.

Quote from: Bloufo on 03/08/2017, 12:12 PM/2vb3nro.jpg
I wish someone would make IFU adapter cables. I'd buy a set. That way you could hook your US Turbo to your JP IFU and have it safely laying next to the IFU. Reversely, I'd like to see a cable to make JP stuff work with the US IFU. That way I could hook up a SuperGrafx to my Turbo CD. My RGB mod is in my US IFU, so that means I could play SuperGrafx games in RGB without molesting the actual SuperGrafx. It'd look stupid, but I wouldn't be staring at the mess of a console while playing.
Just get an RAU-30 and shave off a bit of plastic.
Quote from: Arm on 03/09/2017, 08:00 PMSorry but what artwork are you talking about?


Plus all of the finished character artwork in the kickstarter looked new and was used in the screenshots of the character select and misc screens.

They hyped the Japanese artist during tge campaign.

I'm just curious, since they made a big deal about it when asking for pledges
It's hard sifting through hundreds of screenshots, but here are some good examples. There are so many things that you can't judge from screenshots, but playing the game feels like it's more from the 32-bit generation. Definitely nothing like it for Genesis or SNES.

QuoteThe spritework is inconsistent and in some cases (like above) a little amateurish. Bigger with more colors =/= better.

That being said, despite its looks (cutscenes aside) the PCE remake is still a very good game, though imo the NES port plays a little bit better and it is possible to chain more attacks together for combos (there's a little bit of downtime that makes all the difference in this version).
Double Dragon games have always had fugly sprites and the NES version isn't great itself, even if it was well done considering the source material and target platform.

With that said, I'm not a fan of any version of DDII and the player sprites in particular have always been a turn off for me. But it's mostly a color issue, as like most PCE games, the developer didn't make good use of the console's color potential.

Here's what a color hack can do, changing nothing but the existing palette and not changing any pixels or moving any pixel's color to one not already shared with it:

Quote from: NoSexGex on 01/20/2017, 10:14 PMIMG

I would have helped you, I don't know why you would assume that. This isn't a Picasso painting lol

I guess you didn't read, I said I was looking for leads on its manual  :wink:
Don't you realize that's the hardest to get manual and you're never going to get it. Might as well give up on it all, sell up and get out.
Quote from: esteban on 01/20/2017, 03:27 PM
Quote from: HailingTheThings on 01/20/2017, 02:19 AM
Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 01/19/2017, 05:42 PMI was starting with the hardest to get games first. I realized I was never going to get Magical Chase so gave up on it all, sold up and got out.
You must tell me the source of this image. I love it.

Rail Chase.
Dracula XX doesn't do anything special and the backgrounds are a random mix which don't feel like they're part of the same game. The un-Castlevania coloring style makes it easy to do on PCE and more so than regular ports, doesn't need to shoot for looking as close as possible to the SNES version, since people wouldn't notice the difference unless they compared them side by side. Original color schemes could look much better as well.

As ridiculous as translucent flames and explosions were during the 32-bit generation, that first stage of Drac XX is on a whole new level. The size of the flames proportionate to the foreground and background and the fact that it scrolls independently and way too fast is so hokey that it seemed like it was intended to be bad the first time I played the game.

Any port of Drac XX should fix most of the backgrounds and sprites and HUD and misc.

I don't have time to recolor anything for fun, but here's some stuff I did years ago for a potential color or sprite hack:

Quote from: bartre on 12/05/2016, 02:15 AMI can vouch for these CPS2 boards.

That is amazing.
It's definitely worth playing through and is a slightly different experience depending on which class you choose. It's easy to play once you get the hang of it and m1savage's guide will ease you into it. It can still be tricky navigating through some areas or figuring out what to do next, but it is very enjoyable all along the way and a very unique JRPG.


Gredler: I'm comfortable working with values of 36 and don't sample palettes like that anymore, but here's the one I found most useful, which Tom put together a long time ago:


I try to push uneven values to get subtler shades or more interesting coloring. Like upping an RGB value which is at 0 during a gradient asap and twisting an overall color into different directions. Something like starting blue and quickly turning from purples to mostly "hot" reds can looking much nicer than steady straight jumps in each value of a particular red. (I also try to avoid using pure black or pure white).

A good example is the marble base in the hallway scene of Henshin Engine. The similar part in SotN is a boring monochromatic gradient of brown-grays. In Henshin Engine, it goes from black to blue to purple to gray, until finally beginning the true beige palette. It may be working around the limits of 9-bit color, but doing so can still look much nicer than a lot of the unimaginative stuff devs bitd did while having unlimited shades to choose from on other hardware.

It's gotten to the point now, where I don't waste time thinking through exactly how I'll color something before pixelling it out. Now I usually just pick any old color and do a boring straight gradient until it's more or less finished being sculpted. Then I begin playing with the values of each shade to try to do something interesting and if I get enough room from subtler shades, I add in extras if I can, while keeping the scene balanced.

Sometimes tossing in a color which breaks the existing transitioning or even clashes with the rest can make something look or work much nicer.


In this scene I was trying to use as few tiles as possible and it was tough balancing the color of the building texture so that it worked for for the distinct parts and not having too sharp of contrast, so that it wouldn't stand out more than the layer which goes in front of it. It only sort of clicked into place finally when I tweaked a few colors near the dark and light ends so that they clashed with what look like the purple shades. It kept the shading subtle enough to work and the clashing works as texturing, while blending well with the overall background scene, which uses sort of parallel colors. The thing is, if you sample the pink and peach looking colors on the building, they're actually fairly normal looking purples. It just creates an illusion which works much better than colors that technically blend smoothly.

The roof tile does the pixelart equivalent of this. Since I couldn't get any kind of shingle pattern to tile correctly in a 16 x 16 pixel swatch, I purposely broke the pattern and shaded parts of it darker in a way which created the diagonal striping. At a glance it looks fine, but up close you can see that it has those alternate shades in each stripe every 16 pixels, technically creating a horizontal seam. It was the only way to differentiate the shingles in those spots, otherwise there'd be a splotch of the same color. If I had added another shade, then it would look too dark or light on one end.

I've started getting better results pushing the 9-bit palette by trying things like this which seem counter intuitive, but only after I stopped sampling everything from that palette sheet and started playing with values. Porting graphics from other hardware to PCE color for fun in my spare time is what helped me the most. I purposely looked for stuff which should be impossible to pull off in 9-bit color. It also helped me get a feel for balancing the overall contrast and making certain elements stand out more or less, depending on their role in a scene.

Quote from: ccovell on 10/26/2016, 07:13 PMThe correct interval between RGB shades should be (255/7),  or 36.42857.

However, if you look at the PCE through composite video, the colours will ramp up differently anyway due to its kinda weird digital composite encoder
Thanks a lot. :) I figured that it was consistent and I was hoping that Tom's comments about what the colors really look like was more based on what stock hardware ends up outputting.

The Genesis' shades don't get too dark or bright on either end, while the middle is closer to PCE integers. I had trouble matching some of the funkier looking colors for a project and was surprised how some of the shades of certain colors look more like SMS coloring.
Here are a couple alternate palettes.


I'd prefer enemies (at least the zombies) moving faster than the player. But I like challenge.
I started a thread for the kickstarter on sega-16. A lot of people there support kickstarters and homebrew, so hopefully they can help reach some of the stretch goals for Sega ports.

Quote from: esteban on 08/17/2016, 02:50 PMIMG
What're you going to do when you run out of girly disc pics?

Start playing Games Express games in an emulator?
This piece of shit:


The Snake Mountain microphone only exceeded my high expectations.
Off-Topic / Re: Show us your face!
07/16/2016, 02:10 PM
Other than wedding photos, this is the most recent pic I have.

Here's the latest build running in mednafen:

Off-Topic / Re: Show us your face!
07/04/2016, 10:11 AM
Quote from: guest on 07/04/2016, 06:37 AMIMG
So, I found a pic of Hailing (sitting leisurely in the center). But who could be the guys left and right?
His Dads.