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OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?! ![]() |
Quote from: NightWolveHey Forum-Thief,Take note: this psycho liar actually thinks HE had more authority/legitimacy to conduct "cloning" operations to maximize forum-membership poaching versus a former ex staff/co-admin, and he did so right as Aaron closed and offered to sell the site/place to recover from past hosting costs, etc.
RE: https://www.videogamesage.com/forums/topic/14465-dunking-on-rookie-collectors/?do=findComment&comment=400110
Today I was randomly searching for PCE screenshots which led me to videogamesage.com where I found your incredibly absurd lying and gaslighting regarding my PCEFX reboot/clone versus your own...
I know you're addicted to the drama and you'll likely leak this to NecroPhile or the "official PCEFX discord" again, you stalking bully malcontents will leak just about anything, so everything I say here is everything I'd say publicly! And no surprise you're friendly with the unhinged, deranged cyberbully DarKKKobold by the way who has ZERO business trying to break into my sites or social media to maintain his daily hatred obsession!!! And when I say daily, it's NOT an exaggeration with him, I have the stalker logs to prove it!
Moving on to the point, I note several things from your lying post:
* You're trying not to feel guilty for stealing the PCEFX forum right in Aaron's face in 2019 before he could sell it. Because you cloned it right then and there, it pretty much made its value zero to any possible buyer preventing him from recovering money spent on server losses. You're a thief and liar, don't use my actions YEARS later to justify your own disgusting rogue behavior or to feel less guilty!
* You claim your clone was "rebuilt" from posts "people archived" when we know YOU were the IT mind behind running the script/code that cloned all public guest posts!!! That's a lie at worst, omission of YOUR primary involvement at the very least! FYI: I turned on guest view to regrow the forum from the damage your rogue admin from DuoPhile caused, NOT to help you steal it!
* I didn't take ANYTHING "on the sly," YOU DID! You dare to hypocritically criticize my clone YEARS later, yet you're the actual thief that stole it in Aaron's face before he could sell??? And I thought you just wanted to save all posts "before they disappeared" ??? I respected his 2 years of read-only, & did nothing, only when he closed/said good-bye did I think it was justified to upload the site elsewhere. And see, the ACTUAL *difference* is my copies of the database and files were done WITH consent, as friends and partners in 2018 BEFOREHAND which is why I was given FTP access as well, not just forum admin rights! Stop trying to spread lies/misinfo to justify your OWN rogue actions!
* I technically executed the SAME plan Aaron and I had BEFORE your rogue DuoPhile admin sabotaged everything I had worked so hard to do!
* After I launched the chatbox, Aaron stated we need to prepare/plan how to 1) move to a cheaper server, and 2) eventually get rid of the Habboland theme! I told him no problem, I know how to do this and I'd eventually begin the backup process. I made 2 database backups, first in ~Nov. 2018, and one more in Jan 2019 when he was indicating something was gonna "change," he'd no longer need me, "I shouldn't take offense," where we learned you psychos caused him to abandon ship, shut the place down! You hound-harassed him into some kind of retirement JUST to blackmail/extort me or him into unbanning ONE PCE psycho: John Nullity Moriconi! Was it worth it ????
* I had ZERO idea your psychotic pal, the rogue DuoPhile admin would go crazy and execute daily harassment raids on the chatbox, sending DarkKobold specifically to do so along with his other gang of bullies! 100% of DK's texts in my chatroom were nothing but unprovoked defamation, lies, trolling ALL directed at me and I had done NOTHING to the psycho at this point! It continues on, totaling 10 YEARS of harassment, where I can trace him back to old posts writing about XSEED on his profile. According to Sarumaru he even lost his mind to the point of spending HUNDREDS of work hours on a videogame about me! He was ALWAYS a psycho bully, nothing has changed!
* How it is that you and top abusers DarKKKobold (Gex as well) happened to be in the same thread/place/time to cry some more about all the damage you've done to PC Engine groups and use me as a scapegoat yet again ??? Didn't your buddies help destroy the TurboGrafx-16 Facebook group by Aaron Lambert in much the same way as what they did to PCEFX ??? Cause I could swear almost the exact same things happened! Didn't Arkhan cause membership boycott/loss (AKA took his friends with him like Gex/Galahad) at PC Engine Bible forums because of his typical bullying behavior with whoever he was fighting with (elmer or TurboXray?) ??
* I'd NEVER let you, Arkhan, Nullity, DarKKKobold, etc. in a forum again (DK's far too much of a Nintega than anything else), not just because you know how to steal it, but because you're part of that clique/gang of destructive psycho cyber bullies! You're not a "mean" person in a group, but clearly you're a liar, and are "backing up" your gang of pals. And using the threat of stealing a whole forum as extortion to unban ONE of your psycho friends is NOT something ANYBODY should have to deal with or put up with!
* ALL I DID is try to install a chatroom, and I'm STILL being stalked/harassed by someone from the DuoPhile gang! How many years of revenge do you assholes need exactly ??? Is there an expected expiration date to it, or like Nintega, we're just supposed to accept it ??? PRETTY INCREDIBLE when you think about it!
* The more DarKKKobold stalks/provokes me, breaks into my forum, the MORE I will continue to turn his profile page into an Encyclopedia Dramatica page which only happened because I caught him stalking with that Utah IP address into the JoeQuaker profile IN 2021, a friend of mine of 20 years who he is STILL trying to smear as a fake alt account to cover up from the fact that Nullity and Joshua Jaeger were BOTH caught with alt accounts they'd use to evade bans and continue harassment! Of course the psycho liar omitted what led to what he's actually complaining about ! You assholes had your own clone for YEARS, you had no business sneaking around on mine, much less complaining about me not doing this/that/or rehosting every single post ever made! FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS!
* If you want others to "move on," YOU need to do the same and fuck off with it! I never wanted to see or speak to ANY of you assholes again! I was fine with that, but you're not gonna provoke me, stalk me to multiple platforms (see DK's troll account on neo-geo.com), take my character/reputation down when YOU are the online psycho abusers and bullies who already had experience destroying/breaking-up PC Engine Facebook groups as well!
Take responsibility for YOUR OWN actions and stop trying to scapegoat me! I wonder, do you actually believe your own lies or are just desperate to write a more favorable history on what you actually did ?? You think your clone was done under more "moral" justifications ?? Haha! That's absurd! You're a gang of ultimate forum thieves!
Your gang may have sabotaged my friendship with Aaron, but that doesn't change the original planning/consent/agreement about moving to a cheaper server before we had a falling out given his ridiculous unbanning of Arkhan who only came back to troll/attack me! That planning is what left me with a complete backup, it is not something I did "on the sly" NOR is it "crazy" as YOU, AN ACTUAL ROGUE FORUM THIEF, claim! And when he stopped paying, effectively gave up the content, deleted the site, freed himself of ownership, that pretty much made it moral to rehost the site again! I did NOTHING wrong here, YOU DID!
Like, did you step outside of your own hypocritical reality to write statements like that ?? Did you forget you're an actual forum destroyer/thief trying to attack me for "supposedly" doing the same ?? Hahahaha!!!! It was so absurd to read I had to respond... Just because you don't know all the details, doesn't mean you get to lie about them to suit/defend your own actions! If I know you're lying, others know you're lying too, pal!
I'll stop here as TL;DR. But you got the point I think!