@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Topics - SignOfZeta

This is Wataru's 30th. I was never a fan of this show but I thought I'd mention that Bandai is making some related stuff. Earlier this year much of the Wataru cast made an appearance in Super Robot Wars X, which is a game with a shitty cover and no other flaws. I exaggerate, but it's good. They didn't cheap out on the Wataru animations so my assumption is that they will be in at least one other game in order to pay for themselves.

http://hlj.com/product/SET88876?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=metamor-force%20mashin%20hero%20wataru:%20ryuomaru&utm_content=main%20page ...for the hardcore.

Anyone who finds more celebratory crap for Wataru should add to the thread. Poor TG-16 fans have so little to cling to so this is maybe a great event for them. I think there are some much cheaper items than the $200 robot but I can't rememebr what they were.
Off-Topic / Webmaster Dude Needed
05/21/2018, 03:31 PM
It used to be everyone had a website. Then people got lazy and just let Facebook do everything for them. I'm stuck in the middle. I don't want to keep my skills up and I don't want to use the popular alternatives either. So I need a web designer guy. This is of course a paying gig, but not a big one. It's mainly just going to be a place to make available any of the audio stuff I do. There are no ads, no income at all.

Basically I need a guy to keep my page working and to make a few new ones. There isn't going to be a Squarespace thing or anything like that. I want non-proprietary stuff up and down. You can probably do everything in like...HTML 2.5. I don't want anything fancier unless it's requried. I also don't want to talk to my ISP about anything so that's your job too. Basically I just don't want to do anything like this anymore, I need to free up time resources for other things.

PM me here or email me at signofzeta@mac.com
So, does anyone build models here? Not toys, not RC, not rockets, scale models.

I'll post pictures later if the thread takes off. I have lots and lots and lots.

These days I mainly do 1/24 automotive, and scifi kits in the usual 1/72/ 1/100 1/144 sizes. I've done all things from tanks to Warhammer and I find there's something to be learned from all those different scenes. I also do SD Gundam and some figures occasionally.

I also got back into rockets this summer but that's kind of another thing, really.

I'm thinking about going apeshit into Tamiya Super 4x4 in the next year or two...someone talk me out of it.
The battery in my Neo Geo memory card still works.

I've owned it since 1995 when a friend of mine gave it to me. It was new from a shipping box of the things that I'm pretty sure were years old even then.

Conservatively this thing is 23 years old, presumably rated for 5-7 years. I've probably fed 60 batteries to my Saturns in that time.

Can anyone beat that?
How's it going, eh?

There was a thread like "show us your synthesizers" or something on another forum and it didn't really go in all that interesting of a direction in my opinion, probably because huge lists of shit are boring.

So I thought I'd start a similar thread here and see how it turns out with a different cast.

So, hi. You make music with synthesizers and samplers and shit.  What's that like?

I'm currently working almost totally modular analog with the only digital device being a Volca Sample. My style is highly variable but always has a bit of DIY genre busting stank on it to make sure it never really fits in a specific type. Currently I'm trying for something like a revival of pure trance. I recently got a TASCAM DPS24SD and it's improved my recording quality a lot while also being way less frustrating than a DAW.

I made this yesterday.
I got one of these a while back:


And after having some fun with it I basically gave it to the job of always holding Tongueman's Logic. Recently though I had a guy make me a really nice fake Tongueman's Logic so I want to flash something else onto this thing but its been forever and I don't even remember how I did it.

I see there is a Windows client but I don't use Windows anymore and it doesn't seem like I had any Windows machines back when I got this either but I may be mistaken.

Is there a way to Flash this on a Mac?
So apparently when I was away from the forum a bit the TG-16 turned into the damned Neo fucking Geo and pirate shit is everywhere and noobs are getting owned. Fuck.

So I'm starting this thread as a place to examine where we are at with fakes and whatever in 2015. We can talk about specific scams but I'm more interested in prognostication.

A while back there was the big blow up over US Aero Fighters 3 for AES. A nearly iron clad source for a case of this never released game fooled a great number of guys out of many thousands of dollars. When this was going on, when the game was thought by many to be real and by many to be fake, it occurred to me that in the case of many of these things we will eventually get to the point where spotting fakes will be impossible because there will be very few differences that don't require a professional archivist and a scanning electron microscope.

So what happens then?

Well, luckily there is some precedence for this. Collectards have been with us for centuries at least since the time of the dawn of the USA if not much earlier. There are even some historical parallels to what we are seeing now where the game is mostly real (ie: the CD) but the case and whatever is fake and how collectors and the market react to this.

A while back I read a book called Banvard's Folly. In this book there is a chapter about This guy:


Long story short, he faked a lot of Shakespere collectible junk like hotel receipts, signed plays, etc. Skepticism was much less common in those days and he got away with a lot. It's a long story and a very good one but if you want to know more, just read the book. It's terrific. What I want to mention what I found most interesting is that his fakes are actually worth money now too. This is because there are other things that can make something valuable to a collectards. Even if its fake, it's a fascinating fake because of how many dudes this guy fooled. He was more significant in the world of collectable Shakespere shit than Shakespear was for a time just because of the volume this guy produced.

So compare that to something like the bootleg Sapphires dickface made. Obviously they aren't worth hundreds like a legit copy, but what *are* they worth? Well, it's a stamped CD with Sapphire on it. That's worth something. It looks %99.9 identical to a real one and unless you have one to compare it to or somebody tells you, you'll never know. So the value is between $1 and $600 (or whatever a real one costs) but where, exactly? At one point I said "$37" and paid that, but now I'm sure it's more. A fake does a better job than a CD-R does after all. If you can fool someone into believing it's fake, then it's worth $600, but what if it's known to be a fake?

Those fakes are easy to get, but what about 10 years from now, 20 years from now? The real copies will be as hard to find as ever before, the fakes will then be well known as fakes, but still coveted because of how fun they are to play and also because of the weird cultural significance.

What about when we get to the point where even the copies of Monster Maker are fake and represent the majority of TG-16 games?

The only way to know will be to wait and see, but I still find it interesting to talk about.

There are so many different moving targets when trying to pin down something like this. As time goes by, everything is changing. As we become more of a download-only society, the appeal of anything that exists on a physical format is constant changing and the "noob market" is always growing, never shrinking. Soon the people who actually have memories of playing TG-16 in-period will be a tiny minority. I often get pissed when collectards get into a scene I'm involved in who didn't even the shit exist a year or two earlier. It's hard to hear someone tell you what your collection is worth when it's older than they are! However, some day us old timers will be all dead and EVERYONE who collects TG-16 will be one of those noobs who never say the stuff in its prime. The definition of "expert" will have to change...and what's he going to consider valuable?
Feedback / How do I block people?
04/13/2015, 10:27 PM
Despite taking a year off from the forum, that Evo guy is still here. How do I block people? I've never done it before. I could have sworn I remember there being a really easy to find button for this, so easy to to find that I accidentally hit it more than once, but I'm not seeing it. Maybe that was another forum...

NecroPhile: I tried that useless as fuck search function, and the help document, both were useless as fuck. Don't feel bad though, I wasted 20 minutes on two separate occasions searching for this shit, so your robotically predictable bitching is having an effect on me.
The other day I got THIS COOL THING and after yelling at the only Windows machine left in the house (a crappy ass Samsung netbook...remember those?) for two hours I finally got it working.

I played around with the English patched Bubblegum Crash for a while. This was actually a primary motivator in me getting the flash card. Unfortunatly...its not that great of a game. :(

Last night I stayed up late playing Toungeman's Logic which is really impressive. I've always hated minesweeper/sudoku/picross style stuff but..hey, you make it for PCE and throw in a ton of state of the art PCE tech and I'll basically play anything. :)

So what other cool shit should I try?
When at the MGC I bought a copy of Populous for a couple bucks and I'm having a good time with it.

I haven't really spent serious time with this game since it was a new release for the Amiga. I kind of assumed that a PCE version would be slower than something made for an Amiga, but it's not at all. The interface...could be better, I admit, but once you get used to it it's not a problem. I also assumed that there would be a lot of Japanee but there is NONE. None whatsoever, every single thing is in English making me wonder why the hell this didn't come out in the US. The manual (which is nice) is all Japanese, but it's not exactly difficult to find help with Populous since it was a huge hit on half a dozen platforms.

Regarding the whole ROMRAM HuCARD thing...did we ever figure that shit out? A while back there was a topic about this and also the Tennokoe Bank since its the only other ROMRAM HuCARD. Unlike the Tennokoe, Populous has no battery, as we know, and cannot contain a save. I got to thinking though, what makes a ROMRAM HuCARD? Is the the battery or the RAM? Maybe Populous has a small amount of added memory to handle the complex stacking isometric titles and AI? A long shot, but it makes sense. If this were the case though wouldn't the SCD sequel suffer? Does it? I've never played it. Or maybe the Super System card devotes a section of its RAM for the same purpose? Wouldn't this be obvious to an expert with an emulator?

Another thing regarding saving: there really isn't anything TO save, not much anyway. You can go to any level in the game just by entering its name so if you waned to continue your progress on your GT/Express you'd only have to write down a single word. Being able to save mid level would be nice, but that would generate a pretty huge save file. It isn't even supported by a system that does save (ie: Duo, Backup Booster). Do the SNES, GB, etc versions have mid level save?

Something else I figured out with this game is that if you hammer on the select button a bunch of times after a reset you'll get a memory manager. Do any other games do this?

Anyway, this is a great game, very relaxing, every PCE and TG16 fan should have it.
So there is something I want on Craigslist in Jordan and he doesn't want to ship. I'll be at the Midwest Gaming Classic and I was wondering if anyone somewhat close to Jordan would be able to pick it up for me and bring it to the show. Its about the size of a large VCR. I'll comp you $50.

PM me if interested.
I know a lot of people here collect arcade stuff and often times end up re-wiring fucking everything in there so I thought I'd mention this:


You can get it on Amazon for $22.

For some reason CNet reviewed it, which is how I came to know that it even exists.


Its pretty simple as far as hookups go. It has stereo RCAs and a 1/8 stereo jack. There is nothing "digital" about it, despite the name. It only has line-level inputs.

It says its 20W. I hooked it up in place of my vintage Marantz in the living room and I'd say that's probably right. Its absolutely loud enough for any arcade machine use. Its also small, comes with its own power supply, and easily mountable.

There is a tone bypass switch on it, which is kind of odd. It bypasses the bass/treble knobs. I suggest using it and just letting it run flat. Arcade machines usually have a flattish tone anyway, and the tone circuit in this thing is garbage.

As an amp, audio quality-wise, its nothing to get excited about. Not great, not terrible. No highs, few lows, could almost be Bose. :)

Its 22 friggn dollars though, so its basically a miracle. Use it in whatever project you'd like. You could even use it for a stereo if your standards aren't very high. Maybe for your garage or whatever.
So I want to maybe buy some stuff from YAJ and I'm looking for people's suggestions and experiences with different proxy services?

This is mine:


Its sports. Basketball (which is about as popular in Japan as Rugby is in the US) and, IIRC, its not by any means the best game of its type that year. Of course there is no box.

What's your least valuable game? No fair smearing it with poo or filling it with overdue credit card bills. I want to know what the least valuable game in the world is without it being damaged or poisoned or made radioactive. There are MANY games worth $0.01, what I want to know is what game would you trade 10 copies of just to get some other game that is also worth $0.01.

I'm thinking that a lot of OG Xbox games would fall into this category...perhaps most of them.
I'm not sure how many posts I've started in the Chit Chat section. Possibly none. I prefer to stick to the games, mainly. You guys are better at that. This is a serious question though, and I guess PCEFX people are the only ones who will want to talk about it. Why is it this forum has so many crazy people on it?

Every few months or so, when the sign up approvals go through, we get a batch of new people. You get, maybe one normal guy, and the rest of them are people wanting to dump US games us at eBay prices, crazy people, and 4 guys from New Jersey who are actually all Nintenga 16, or whatever the fuck his name is.

After a few weeks...the craziness of these people comes out. They start threatening physical violence, they scam some people, they attempt to scam some people, they are furies, or, usually, just MASSIVE attention whores that inevitably start a thread explaining why they are leaving, but then never do, until they are eventually banned. Then they come back when the new accounts are approved.

Its really fucking weird, IMO. Are the NES forums like this? I mean, Neo-geo.com is full of The Drama, but I don't quite see the constant flow of new people who %80 of the time just turn out to be complete nut jobs. Assholes, wannabe players, sure, but not so fucked up that PCEngineHell is normal by comparison.


One thing I've noticed is that the regulars, the guys that have been here of years, are pretty normal...or at least they can put up a pretty good front. Its the new people who are cuckoo in the cocoanut.
Looking for good deals on these games:

Macross: 2036
Nexzer (prefer the original, but special is OK as well)
Soldier Blade
Kaze Kiri
Flash Hiders
Seiya Monogatari (An Earth Fantasy Stories)
Blood Gear
Cosmic Fantasy 4 (both)
Dragon Ball Z
Startling Odyssey II
Forgotten Worlds
Kabuki Itoryodan
Marchen Maze
Aurora Quest
PC Denjin
Valis (any)
Blue Blink
Yawara! 2
Bubblegum Crash
Popful Mail
Snatcher Pilot Disk
Spriggen MKII

Condition must be at least B, do not need obi, reply card, or rotting foam thing. Do need everything else though. Not interested in US versions.

Edit: removed items already found.
OK, I have two GC component video cables for some reason, I only need one.

I also am selling my US copy of Saturn Bomberman. The disc is lightly scuffed, nothing that would effect gameplay whatsoever. Manual is very good. The case is smashed to shit, of course, but I'll steal one from another game I have before I mail it to you. You'll never know the difference. :)

I'm not looking to sell this stuff, I'm looking for trade/partial trade. I mainly want PC Engine stuff, Super Famicom, Saturn, MVS, JAMMA, and anime laserdiscs. If you have any of that sort of crap, PM me.

My PCE collection: http://www.pcedaisakusen.net/2/34/37/show-collection.htm
I can't imagine why this wouldn't be possible, easy even, and if it is possible it must have been done 1000 times, but it just isn't working for me on my friend's monitor.

Has anyone ever hacked a SCART socket into a 1080? If so, what exactly did you do? I have female SCART sockets, DB9s, and wire. I think I'm hooking them up right...but I get absolutely no signal. Composite works fine.
OK, prices on eBay for XRGB units are getting crazy. $300+ for a used XRGB-2?

I keep hearing from people in HK, Japan, etc about how they are easy to find used for much much less. I'm interested in buying TWO units. XRGB2 or XRGB2+. I don't really want the 3. I might be interested in a 1 but I don't know the feature list. Does it still do the fake scanlines well? My used XRGB2+ looked fantastic during the 10 minutes it was working, so I'm interested in that sort of thing.
Not sure where to post this, but I thought maybe someone could help....

Good News! The XRGB2+ arrived today!

Bad News! It doesn't work!

I have no experience with these units, but I'm pretty sure something is wrong with it. I get no onscreen menus of any kind. The monitor doesn't sync (goes into standby) no sound.

I have no idea what the unit is doing internally, but I get no picture out of it on either my 17" monitor or my 27" TV (which has VGA input). I also get no sound (so my monitors are not the problem). For testing purposes I'm using a Saturn connected via composite and RGB. Before you ask, the first thing I did was make sure my RGB complied to the Japan standard, so no I didn't melt anything. :)

When I first plugged it in the unit would instantly turn on (both "Power" and "31kHz" lights are lit). The power button did nothing. Then I found the "reset" procedure online and did that ("when the unit is off, hold the left (←) and right (→) arrow buttons on the unit (not remote) and press the power button"). After doing this the unit is in Standby when you plug it in. Once you turn it on it stays on. This is what the seller said it did for him too (although according to him it worked once powered up). A split second after the "Power" light comes on the 31kHz light comes on (even with no source plugged in). I tried forcing it to boot in 47kHz mode btw, no change.

I opened up the unit (looks perfect) and saw several relays in there. I assume that when you switch inputs on a working unit it probably "clicks". Is this the case? I get no clicking noise. I get a "click" when I turn it on, but that's it. I also checked that the Power button wasn't stuck, it isn't. The Power switch works normally when checked with a meter. Everything looks good inside, physically.

My assumption is that the unit is stuck half way through the powering up process, but I don't know. BTW, it will power up from the remote, in exactly the same way, but once again all the buttons do nothing.

Any ideas?
I s-video modded my Genesis and have been playing this game on it. I have to say...its not very good, IMO. The action is really fast compared to Drac X and boss fights seem so much less precise/strategic and more sort of spazzy. Also, the graphics are pretty fucking sad, IMO, even for a Genesis game.
I'm running M33 custom firmware (not sure which version as I can't figure out how to detect it) on my Madden PSP and want to watch the UMD movie that came with the Macross Ultimate Frontier LE. Currently, it doesn't work.

I'd like to know if this is even possible before I waste hours online running various firmware only to eventually give up. Does anyone know?
OK, I've been playing this game a lot lately, and a lot in the past, and I can't for the life of me determine the logic behind what happens when you blow up. Usually you restart the level, but sometimes you don't. I've heard people say that it has something to do with the number of ships you have in stock, but that's bullshit because today I ran my lives all the way down to zero in the same spot without having to restart the level, and another time I died with only one spare ship and didn't have to restart the level. Most of the time it restarts unless you are fighting a boss.

Whatever the system is for determining whether or not you have to restart the level, if it isn't just random, its impossibly arcane. WTF?

BTW, as much as I love this game, its frustrating as hell because of the STUPID power up system that plagues all Soldier games. The hardest thing to do in the entire game is avoiding power ups that you don't want.
At this point it seems pretty obvious to me that the idiots driving up the price of US  Magical Chase on eBay have also driven up the price of the JP version by association. I'm pretty sure that if the US MC had never come out that the JP version would just be another $20 shooter.

So, for this very reason (hype by association) I decided that, even though I don't like Bonk all that much, it was time to buy PC Genjin 3. Right now you can get it for $30, easy, but people are selling BIN Bonk 3s for $200. Hell, there is even a guy with just the manual listed at several hundred. I felt that I should buy the game now before its too late.

Undertsand that I'm not "investing", I'm just getting it while I can. PC Genjin isn't worth $100, but if this stupid eBay/TG-16 bullshit doesn't stop, it might very well go for that much in the near future.

So my LD-V2200 is starting to band on CLV discs and I miss the "modern" features from my CLD- S201, so I'll be getting a new (to me) LD player soon. The guys at laserdiscservice.com can reman me a CLD-A100 (aka: Laseractive) and I'm thinking about it. I'm not concerned with the PAC modules at this point (although they would be nice to have down the road) I'm primarily concerned with its viability as a straight up movie player. The actual Laseractive bit...I'll get into later.

I'm interested in how good it is at being an all around LD player. My S201 was a real rattle trap compared to my V2200 (which shouldn't be a surprise considering the 2200 was about ten times the price when new) and vibrated when playing crappy discs from companies like Image. It did play digital sound though, which is something I really miss now since my dual audio discs are all...not dual audio anymore when played on units from 1990.

So basically I need to know if I should just be looking at another player, or if the Laseractive is relatively solid, hopefully comparable to another mid-range players from that time period.
So I need a couple of these:


Or rather, I think I need a couple of them. I won't know until I have them. Does anyone know a good supplier in the US (or who will ship to the US) that won't make me buy 100 of them? I'm thinking I'll need three max.

Its a brushless motor driver, btw.
OK, I'm stuck at %96. This happens to me every time I go through this game (many). I have all the girls, access to every stage, and have killed all the bosses at least once. Any idea what I might be missing?
OK, so we all know about the little compound gear that ends up with all its teeth shaved off on these OG CD units. Currently there is no replacement (no easy ones, anyway).

And we also know about the problem with CD units (Duos, mostly, it seems) getting somehow stuck at the end of their travel. This has happened a couple of times to me on my Duos. Manually moving the laser back fixes the problem. This has only ever happened to me while playing CD-Rs, and while it seems to be common nowadays, I don't remember ever having heard of it when in the PCE was kicking big time in the pre-CD-R days. This, IMO, is the #1 cause of the "CD-Rs kill PCEs" theory. Exactly why this happens I can't know, but its safe to say that the two most believable theories are that 1) A CD-R takes up a higher percentage of a CD's 5" diameter, therefore the laser ends up further out than usual, and 2) something about CD-Rs cause the PCE/CDROM2 laser mechanism to wig out and to max out its travel for some other reason than there actually being data there out on the edge.

Recently it has occurred to me that these things may be related. Someone may have mentioned this before, if so, credit goes to them. I came up with this theory because I recently had donated to me a broken CDROM2 unit. JBoyPacMan gave it to me and all that was known is that it didn't work. I took it home and opened it up hoping that it might be resurrected by manually moving the laser since it seemed to be at the outside of its travel. When I opened it I discover that, in addition to that problem, several of the compound gear teeth were missing.

Well, 2+2 and all that...its obvious from the condition of the gear that the laser didn't move itself into that position under its own power while in that state, so it must have broken once it was there, probably while trying to get back.

So in other words, what if the leading cause of the shattered compound gear was a combination of the aged plastic and the excessive travel caused by CD-R confusion? In other words, while its not fair to say that CD-Rs kill these drives exactly, it seems like it would be a good idea to not use CD-Rs in OG CD units. Also, it would be a good idea to shoot some lithium grease in there, IMO. The two I've recently worked on were quite dry. Its obvious we need a real solution to this problem (hopefully soon) but until then, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as they say.

I'd like to see more discussion on this.
I know that there was already a thread for this, but it was in Console Chat, and it hasn't been posted to in months. I'm starting a new PCE specific one because the forum itself actually suggested I did.

So anyway, Retr0Bright. THIS STUFF HERE. It works pretty damned well.

Before: files.me.com/signofzeta/nirma6

After: files.me.com/signofzeta/phxt36

OK, so I've got a pretty decent pile of Japanese language RPGs that I'd like to get back into. I'd like to at least knock another one of these off soon.

I know that I don't have the patience for this kind of thing like I used to, so here's what I'm looking for:

It must have a walkthrough that is finished (need not be an actual ver 1.0, but the FAQ must end with the end of the game).

The FAQ doesn't have to be perfect, but it should be enough to get me through the game. For example, Startling Odyssey 2 is harder to bumble through than Y's IV, so an Y's IV FAQ doesn't have to be as good to get me through the game as a SO2 FAQ has to be. BTW, I've already finished both of those.

It must be a game I already own, and haven't cleared yet. Here is the list of PCE JRPGs I have that I haven't finished yet:

Xanadu 1
Tengai Makyo 1
Monster Maker
Emerald Dragon (is the SFC ver. FAQ compatible with the PCE version?)
Star Breaker (would love a good FAQ for this)
Far the Earth no Jakoutei (Neo Metal Fantasy)
Arunamu no Kiba Juuzokujuu Nishinto Densetsu
Tenshi no Uta
Tenshi no Uta 2
Princess Minerva
Cosmic Fantasy 3
Gulliver Boy

So in short, I'm looking for suggestions of a game on my list that has the most balanced quality of FAQ to quality of game ratio.

What say you?
I'm doing my usual thing and obtaining normally expensive stuff by repairing broken versions that I got for cheap/free. Thanks to JBoyPacMan I now have a busted CDROM to go with my PCE, so I just need an IFU to get to diagnosing the problem. I don't care about any cables or power supplies but I do want the cover.

If you have one, let me know what you want for it, and if you are interested in trade.


Brandon Sheffield also tells me this:

"One thing that was edited out is in the question about the Hudson caravan stuff. The exchange actually went like this:
me: So why did Hudson stop doing caravan games, and turn to Naxat?
him: Hudson did all the caravan games...
me: what about summer carnival '92?
him: ...ARGHHHHHH you're right.
I felt bad for the guy, he kept rubbing his head and exclaiming what a difficult position he was in, because he couldn't remember the answers to my dumb questions. HOORAY FOR NERDS."

Good stuff. Very good stuff.
OK, with the recent release of an absolutely un-fucking-believable Neo Geo emulator for DS (NeoDS) I'm now wondering when someone is going to make a PCE emulator just as wonderful. I realize its only a matter of time, but I really don't want to wait 8 years or whatever. I get board and work I and I can't afford an LT+CDROM2 set-up.
OK so my friend went to the Midwest Gaming Classic and bought a Duo R. It was either from Mad Gear or Turbostar, not sure.

Anyway, it has a red LED for a drive light. Weren't they all green? Mine was before I replaced it with blue, the color it was clearly meant to be all along.
I can make it to the beginning of Stage 5 now, and I was wondering how much further there is to go.

Also, if anyone knows of any kind of codes for this game (level select, music test, etc) I'd really appreciate it.

Just my take on things. Its nothing new if you've been keeping track of the stuff on this forum.


The last chapter (of episode 30) is when I start talking about it. If you have comments leave them in the blog entry for this episode.
Well I installed it. Kinda took a while. Seems to work perfectly. I only have one US HuCard, but all the Japanese stuff still works. I did have some glitchery with Sapphire, but I think the Arcade Card just wasn't seated correctly. I remember having graphical weirdness with that game before.


OK, I have zero desire to part with any of these games, but if you want to seriously overpay me, I'll consider it.

Go ahead and send me any offer you want, but I'm only selling this stuff to raise cash for a specific necessary purchase, so if the offer is pathetic, I'll just keep the stuff. Fair warning there.

Drac X with mangy manual (PCE) - Disc is lightly scuffed but plays perfectly. Back insert is great, book is torn on back cover. When in a closed case the book looks good, but the back cover is torn from some savage jerk that owned if before me. Its not ripped in half or anything, it just got snagged by the little tabs that hold the book in one too many times. At least he didn't "fix" it with tape. No I don't have a spine card.

Prikura Daisakusen (SS) - You probably don't know about this. Its awesome. Here is a video:
Panzer Dragoon Saga (SS) - This one has always been owned by me, and is therefore in very good condition. Everything is present. This is the US English version.

Card Fighters 2: Expand Edition (NGP) - Very good condition. I've logged 140 hours onto this cart, but its all brand new looking. This was only released in Japan. Easy as pie to pick up if you played the first one a lot.

Faselei! (NGP) - The Euro version (ie: English). Complete and extremely new looking. This game is fantastic.

Last Blade (NGP) - Also the English/Euro version.

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and Ocarina Master Quest (aka: Ura) (GC) - For some reason this game is worth money. US version, of course. Very good condition. Promotional release only.
The manual for my copy of  Dracula X was pretty tore up when I got it (in 1995) and I never tried to find another one. I suppose its possible that somebody has wrecked their copy of the game and has a manual. If so, tell me what you want for it.

I'm also looking for the following games (PCE releases, no stuff TG-16)

Jackie Chan
Dragon Ball
Macross 2036
Macross Love Song
Blue Blink
Makai Prince Dorabocchan (aka: Spike McFang)
Tsuppari Oozumo
Daichikun Crisis
Valis (any)
Star Parodiar
Snatcher preview CD
Popful Mail
Asuka %120
Cosmic Fantasy (1, 2, 4pt1, 4pt2)
Startling Odyssey (either)
Flash Hiders
Megami Paradise
Yuna 1 (the reprint with the HuVideo CD and double case)
Yuna 2

I'm basically looking for "deals" or whatever, so if you can't beat eBay price, then you'll probably be offended by my cheapness. If I wanted to pay eBay price, I'd just go to eBay, nowudaimeen?
What is the origin of this port? Is it just a pirate release, or something more? I know its old, and not a recent fan hack or anything. Was it actually put onto a standard pirate HuCard, or something more homemade looking?

A friend of mine was asking the other day, and I seem to remember vague explanations from the Turbo List back in the day, but I can't remember any details.
I know that D-Lite has done this, but he didn't give much detail other than "it worked".

I'm looking for info or feedback (pictures would be great) on installing a jrock (4.1) RGB to NTSC encoder in a PCE. Is there any issue with dimness? Will the board fit inside a Duo R nicely?

I'm thinking about making an enclosure for a 4.1 jrok, and installing d-subs on some of my systems like my white PCE, and Duo R. That way I can still use it as a supergun component, and maybe for my Saturn, etc. At $80 a pop (something like that) I don't think I can afford one for all my systems. Also, would this this even fit inside a white PCE?
OK, I haven't used this system in a while so I'm selling it. No, I'm not getting out of NEC hardware, I just don't need more than one Duo.

You get:

1 US Turbo Duo with original controller and power supply. The AV cable is a TZD replacement.
Riot Zone Super CD (aka: Tony Hawk's Riot Zone) complete.

It all works. I recently fixed the drive door (it always thought it was open). There are no audio, or CD access problems. This unit skips if you bump it (more so than my Duo R) but as long as you aren't banging into it, it plays perfectly. I'm the original owner (1992).

The thing that sort of devalues this unit is the huge Yuna 2 sticker placed on it. Its a really cool sticker, and it is applied with such mastery that it almost looks like a special PC Engine Duo: Yuna Edition, but its still a huge foil sticker that many people won't want. The foil is really thick. Its not like a regular foil sticker. This unit has been used quite a bit, so there are scuff marks on it, but no huge gouges or anything. Cosmetically its pretty nice.

I'll post pictures when I can tomorrow after work, but I'm looking to move this sucker in a hurry. If $140 seems fair to you, PM me. I'm flexible on this. I also have a copy of Darkwing Duck (loose, the manual is lost, there never was a jewel case for this title) that I will add for a very fair price if you are interested in one of the more obscure US titles.

PayPal required. I will ship internationally. PM me with questions.

UPDATE: Crap, I just remembered that this system is in fact packed way in bubble wrap, in a perfect mailing box, at a good friend's house...115 miles away, and I'm going out of state tomorrow so I won't have pics for probably close to two weeks. If you feel like buying it sight unseen, contact me. If you really want the pictures, then you'll have to wait a while and risk someone buying it blind.

I can say in all honesty, its not bad looking. Seriously.

UPDATE: Pics added:




General Gaming / Best MVS one slot
06/30/2007, 08:17 PM
OK nerds, what is the best one slot MVS that is compact, and compatible with the new SNKP carts that supposedly won't play on the old stuff?

Since I no longer have a roommate with an arcade machine, its time I bought my own MVS. I'd like it to be compatible with the memory card, but its not a deal breaker. I'd prefer one of the newer compact boards, and I'd like it to not be very expensive.
What add-ons are there that give a standard PC Engine both AV, and back-up memory? Excluding a CDROM system, of course. Does the Backup Booster 2 do this?

Whatever the JP equivalent of the Turbo Booster Plus is, basically. That's what I'm looking for.
I posted this in another topic, so I thought I'd make mention of it again for people that may not have been tracking that topic.

Check out what I did (with other people's work)

I'll be giving some sort of prize for the first person to PM me the complete song list (not including the "warning" track, which virtually nobody will recognize). Its very likely that nobody will know them all, so I'll send out a prize to the one with the most complete list. If you all want to collaborate here to complete the list, that's cool too. You can use this format to keep track of them all:

LOT Remix Track List

01: Warning! -
02: ISO1
03: Intro 1 -
04: Intro 2 -
05: Title screen -
06: Level Select -
07: Armor Select -
08: Shop -
09: Pre Boss cinema -
10: Continue? -
11: Boss! -
12: Llamarada-
13: Final Stage -
14: Helado -
15: Auzal -
16: Dezant stage -
17: Cielom -
18: Bosque -
19: Pre-Final Boss section (dialogue with shopkeeper) -
20: Final Boss! -
21: Final Boss! (Part 2) -
22: Closing Cinema/credits -
23: ISO2
Buy/Sell/Trade / Want to Buy (list inside)
09/30/2006, 02:20 PM
I'm looking for a few PCE Engine games that I owned back in the day, and a few I've never even seen before. All must be complete and very good condition. I'm looking to pay whatever is reasonable in the market for these:

Y's IV
Makai Prince Dorabocchan
Blue Blink (Aoi Blink)
Startling Odyssey 2
Tengai Makyo Deden no Den
Tsuppari Oozumo - Heiseiban ("that sumo game")
Aero Blasters
Daichikun Crisis (the RPG with cows)
Jinmu Denshou
Dekoboko Densetsu
Aim for the Top!: Gunbuster Vol 1
Burning Angel
Dragon Half
Monster Maker
Dragon Ball
Yuna 1 (only looking for the reprint with the HuVideo CD)
Yuna 2
After Burner
Fausseté Amour
Momotarou Katsugeki
Flash Hiders
Asuka %120 Burning Fest
Bubble Gum Crash
Whatever that Tengai Makyo fighter is called...

Also, I'm looking for a couple of games that seem to be hard to find, or expensive, or both. I'm serious about getting these and I'll pay decent (but not stupid) amounts for them.

Linda3 (aka: Linda Cube, or Linda Cubed)
Bazaru de Gozaru: Game no Gazaru

PM me with offers.
So, is there a Turbo Mailing List archive out there someplace? I'd like to search through some of those old posts.

I'm of course talking about the original Turbo Mailing List that was at joyce.eng.yale.edu/~bt/turbo/ going back to...before 1995 when I joined.
After owning various Turbos, and PCEs for 14 years, I'm finally getting an Arcade Card soon, and I'm looking for some games to try it out.

I figure Fatal Fury 2 must be cheap, so I guess I'll try that out. I'd also want to try 3x3 eyes, Art of Fighting, Vasteal 2, Formation Soccer '95, Flash Hiders, Mad Stalker, the Tengai Makyo fighter (I've forgotten the name, sorry), or anything else affordable that shows off the Arcade Card decently.

Linda 3 is really expensive, isn't it?
Buy/Sell/Trade / FS/T: Darkwing Duck
07/21/2006, 11:12 PM
It has come to my attention that people will pay good money for total garbage games just because they are "rare".

Well I have a copy of Darkwing Duck here that I'm still pissed off about paying full price for over a decade ago. If anyone is interested in buying this rare, *AMERICAN RELEASE ONLY* piece of crap, let me know. I'm more interested in a trade than a cash offer, but PM me and we'll talk.

This is HuCard and sleeve only. The manual was lost ages ago, and this title was not sold with a case (what crap).

My Dog this game is crap...
It has things like a complete ACD list, controler list (including 3rd party), hardware list with original prices, power supply ratings, six button copmatability guide, etc.

Did you know the HuC6280 was nicknamed, "Dr. Pepper"?

Awesome stuff.