12/06/2023: Localization News - Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria!!!

OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Topics - Keith Courage

I have some games that I'd like original cases and manuals for if possible. Otherwise I'll probably end up just selling them and buying complete copies at some point in time instead.

Dragons curse
Legendary Axe 2
Ninja spirit(need case only)
Devils crush
Aero Blasters
Neutopia (Manual only)
Looking for either of the Spriggan and Rayxanber games.
It works! Now, before everyone gets all excited I didn't set the controller up to use all 6 buttons. That would have required much more work, parts etc.... Not to mention being one button short to still have a select button. What I did with this is set it up much like an Avenue 3 pad. The A and B buttons are II and I. Button C is an extra Start or Run button for those games that use 3 buttons. Then I made Y on the top row the select button as to make it much easier and faster to swap between Kicks and Punches in Street Fighter 2. Start is still Run obviously. I used this guide here and just changed what was needed for a Genesis controller http://www.mmmonkey.co.uk/nes-to-pc-engine-controller-mod/

So basically if you have a 74LS157 IC you can make any game pad work on a PC engine or TG16. I only went with a Genesis pad cause it was cheap at goodwill.
Also, what do people here think about splatterhouse 2 and 3 for the Genesis? I've never played them. However, they don't look as good to me from youtube nor does the music.
The Last CD drive is on hold. So as of right now I have no more for sale. I am glad to have gotten these drives into fellow forum members hands.

I have about 5-6 white PC engine CD drives for sale. I bought a big lot and repaired them all. Most drives have had the infamous CD lens gear replaced and some have newer lenses. Prices range from $60-80 just depending on the condition. Shipping should only be about $8 in the US. PM me if interested. These will also work in a US Turbo Grafx. Also, 5 dollars off if you mail me a check or money order as payment instead of using paypal.

Unfortunately I don't have any docking stations for sale.
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB PC engine controllers
09/28/2012, 01:54 AM
Anyone have any spare pc engine controllers that they would like to sell? I don't care what type they are. I'd also be willing to buy broken ones for the right price.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Need a DUO Case
09/07/2012, 05:30 AM
I am in need of a case/housing for a pc engine duo or a turbo duo. So if anyone has a spare that they would be willing to sell me let me know.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Need a DUO Case
09/07/2012, 05:29 AM
I am in need of a case/housing for a pc engine duo or a turbo duo. So if anyone has a spare that they would be willing to sell me let me know.
Console Repair/Mod Center / DUO Problem
09/04/2012, 05:38 AM
Here is one I've never come across before. Hu cards work just fine. CD games freeze to a white screen when loading and CD bios screen is jacked up. Anyone have a clue what chip and or area might be the culprit? I know that bad traces or solder joints could be the problem. I'd just like a general idea of where to begin looking.

Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB Duo casing
07/13/2012, 07:51 PM
I want to buy a spare Duo casing. Doesn't matter if it is from a US turbo duo or a JP PC Engine DUO. Feel free to PM me and let me know if you have any spares for sale.
The subject says it all. I am looking for the manuals for both Neutopia 1 and 2 US versions.
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB Air Zonk
06/13/2012, 09:51 PM
Does anyone have a spare Air Zonk that they would be willing to sell or trade me? I already have the manual so all I need is the game.
This is the weirdest thing. I am working on a DUO where the CD drive only works when the top cover is off. At first I thought this was only an issue with CDRs but it also does the same with regular Discs. I have tired so many adjustments and also tried a new lens, capacitors etc... Has anyone ever encountered this before? CD lens just reads forever and won't load anything when the top is on. Remove the lid and it loads right away like there is nothing wrong.  

Oh and to clarify. When I mean top I mean the entire DUO top cover. Not just the part that goes over the lens assembly.
This is the 2nd drive in a year where I have encountered this problem and I wanted to post what was wrong in case others ever have this issue. In both cases the CD drive would work fine but when loading in between levels you could hear very loud static/CD information reading noise coming out of the TVs speakers. Once loaded all game music sounded just fine. Only when loading would the problem arise. With both CD drives the culprit was a resister on the motherboard and for both drives it was the exact same resister. I have no clue why this is but it must be starting to become somewhat common since I have now found this twice. Maybe since it is so close to the screw hole that some part of the drive gets pushed onto it during shipment? On both drives the 103 resister circled in Red below was fried. Motherboard section R168. When I found the bad resister I could clearly see a big line through it almost like a huge scratch. In fact on once when I removed the resister it fell apart in two halves. Replace the resister and the problem is solved. I'm sure other things can cause this issue but for me both times this was the problem.

I was wondering what everyone here thought about certain brands of capacitors and or any bad stories had with cheap capacitors before.
Also, are cheap generic capacitors really so bad? I always use name brand stuff when I do repairs for other people but I did use some cheap Chinese ones on a spare DUO I have that I never plan to get rid of(sentimental reasons). I figure if the caps go bad I can just change them again. It's been 3 years since and the DUO still works great.
Has anyone here ever played the JP version of this game? Is the ending text in English or is it all Japanese?
Has anyone ever thought of hacking this game to make it 2 player like it should have been? Maybe there is a way built into the game but no one actually knows the key combination to do it?
Just came across this site that has some downloadable Turbo grafx manuals.  http://replacementdocs.com/download.php?list.18

Anyone else know of any?
Has anyone here ever done any repair work on a pc engine IFU before? I am talking about the CD briefcase docking station. I have come across a few bad ones here and there and was just wondering if anyone has ever tried to repair one or just not bothered since they don't cost so much. The problem I speak of is where CD games will load to the title screen but then when you go to start the actually game it freezes up usually with scrambled video and a loud audio tone.
I want to show everyone what I found inside an old white pc engine system recently. Turns out someone altered the RF port by putting in a NES board of some sort. This thing now works on channel 3 instead of 96 or whatever number a pce runs on.


I have a DUO-R System in good condition for sale. This system will play US Hu cards, US CD, JP hu cards, and JP CD games. Also has a S-Video out which looks really good. The CD loading light has been changed from red to purple which matches the DUO-R Color scheme very well. Cosmetically the system is pretty nice with a scuff here and there. The DUO-R logo on the front is a slightly faded. This system works very well and I will guarantee it to work as described. Let me know if you are interested and I will calculate what the shipping would be. Also, if you are interested in the system but don't need the games or controller etc... let me know so we can work out a slightly lower price for you.

Everything included is as follows
PC Engine DUO-R(with US/JP switch, S-Video, and Purple CD led)
RCA AV Cable(No S-video cable included but any standard one will work fine)
Generic Power Cable
Turbo grafx control pad(cable changed to be compatible with a pc engine)
I will also include 3 loose games. Just let me know what kind you are interested in and I will will email you with what I have available to pick from.

I have a DUO-R System in good condition for sale. This system will play US Hu cards, US CD, JP hu cards, and JP CD games. Also has a S-Video out which looks really good. The CD loading light has been changed from red to purple which matches the DUO-R Color scheme very well. Cosmetically the system is pretty nice with a scuff here and there. The DUO-R logo on the front is a slightly faded. This system works very well and I will guarantee it to work as described. Let me know if you are interested and I will calculate what the shipping would be. Also, if you are interested in the system but don't need the games or controller etc... let me know so we can work out a slightly lower price for you.

Everything included is as follows
PC Engine DUO-R(with US/JP switch, S-Video, and Purple CD led)
RCA AV Cable(No S-video cable included but any standard one will work fine)
Generic Power Cable
Turbo grafx control pad(cable changed to be compatible with a pc engine)
I will also include 3 loose games. Just let me know what kind you are interested in and I will will email you with what I have available to pick from.
I need a broken duo for parts. Well, I actually need just one part if anyone has a spare. It is the main IC in the center of the board. Chip says on it NEC JAPAN D91317GD
I know this should be in the want or for sale thread but I figured it was more repair related. I need a broken duo for parts. Well, I actually need just one part if anyone has a spare. It is the main IC in the center of the board. Chip says on it NEC JAPAN D91317GD
I am looking for some broken or working cheap pc engine controllers. Let me know what you have and how much.
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB Neutopia
03/20/2012, 04:13 AM
Found ONE!!!!
Does anyone know the tip size and polarity for a pc engine LT Ac adapter? Is it the same as a duo-r?
Are there any big differences between the Japanese and US versions of Forgotten Worlds?
I am looking for a cheap copy of the first Dragon slayer game for the pc engine. Just send me a PM if you have a spare one you could sell me.
I just found this place that offers for sale the ADPCM Audio chip for speech in the DUO systems. http://igbt-china.com/ Does anyone else have any other suppliers for these? The more suppliers the better since our systems are not getting any younger and who knows when we will need more.
I recently bought myself a copy of this game with no manual. All I really want is the manual cover and I was hoping someone on here might be willing to scan theirs for me or point me in the right direction to find one. Everything I find online is pretty low res.
I am looking for some really cheap US hu card games. Doesn't matter what game or if they have cases or not. I would just be using these for testing purposes on systems I work on.
Anyone know where to order new turbo duo volume knobs? I am talking about the one that is for the headphone jack.
I have a PC engine Briefcase setup for sale. Everything including the CD drive works great and the system still looks white. I am selling for $195 plus shipping. The setup will include the original white pc engine controller, AV cable, Power cable, Super CD system card, and 4 random games. I will post some pics of everything tomorrow night. PM me if interested.

Buy/Sell/Trade / PC engine 1.0 system card
10/27/2011, 02:34 PM
I was just wondering if anyone had a spare 1.0 CD system card on hand they would either trade or sell me. I just picked up the Altered Beast CD rom. I have many loose PC engine Hu cards I could trade.
Does anyone have a spare PC engine briefcase Top panel? I recently bought a used one for myself but it is missing the top gray panel that says PC engine on it.
Buy/Sell/Trade / 4 games for sale
10/10/2011, 06:15 PM
I have 4 games on hand that I don't need. Bought them as part of a huge lot. All prices include free shipping in the US.

Winds of thunder $34 - Mint complete with spine card, instructions etc... Not one scratch on the disc
Power Sports Japanese version $9- Complete.
Order of the griffon US version $26 - Just hu card and game sleeve only
SOLD-----Hudson's CD game music collection $15 - has the booklet but not original case No scratches on CD.
I was wondering if anyone else has ever had trouble with this but I always have some fuzzy lines in the screen if I hook up my Turbo Duo to my 42 inch HP LCD TV where as my older 36 inch Sony trinitron CRT TV looks great and crystal clear. I have tested on some friends LCD TVs and about 50% of them have the same issue. Anyone know why? I am just curious.

Oh I have also tried out other video cables and AC adapters so that isn't the problem either.
Okay, guys, I finally got my shipment of gears in the mail. Just so you know these gears are not direct OEM replacements. The gears I have are to change the gear setup slightly to make it a 2 gear solution instead of 3 gears. So there is more work to be done besides just replacing one gear. The downfall of the two gear solution is that the drive is a bit noisier. However, on the plus side the load times for games are cut almost in half :) I am charging $12 for these gears since I have to drill out the holes on them to the correct size which requires some patience. If you go too fast the hole gets crooked rendering the gear useless. I test out every gear to make sure it is nice and straight before shipping.

Pics of another thread on here will be used to explain some of this since I don't currently have a drive apart that I can take pictures of. I will update with current pics of everything once I perform this repair myself again in the future.
I am going to start my write up on this as if everyone here already knows how to take their drive apart and disconnect the ribbon cables for the CD lens. That part is found in this write up: https://www.pcengine-fx.com/forums/index.php?topic=7193.0

1. First you have to get the motherboard moved out of the way so you can see the lens drive assembly. Once at that point you will want to unscrew the 3 screws(circled in red) holding down the lens assembly and very carefully lift the assembly up. Do not lift too far cause there will still be wires attached to it.


2. Now that you have the lens assembly up in the air you are going to have to remove the middle Metal shaft for the old broken middle gear(circled in red). You do this by using a pair of small pliers and pull out while twisting it back and forth. The metal shaft I speak of is the one that is stationary and doesn't spin.


3. Remove the small metal part below the lens motor(circled in red). This is to make enough room for our new gear to fit. You do this by removing the one Phillips screw that is holding it on. After that part is off put the screw back in so your lens motor is still held on well.


4. Remove the old gear from the lens motor by just pulling it off. It may be on there pretty good so use a small flat head screw driver to push it off if you have to. Now push on the new gear until the teeth line up nicely. The new gear will take a bit of force to push it on. If you push it on too far use a flat head screw driver to pry it back off again.


5.(optional and usually not needed)If the gear seems like it is too far away from the main spindle you might have to flip over the lens motor. Not sure why if it's due to the mounting or if the center spindle on the motor isn't perfectly straight but I'd say about %10 of CD drives have to have the lens motor flipped over for the gear to line up correctly.

6. You must change the polarity on the lens motor itself. To do this you start by pulling the white connector end for it off of the motherboard(circled in red). It is the cable with a blue and pink wire. Once you have the cable disconnected from the board you use a very small flat head to hold the plastic clips away on the white connector end. With the plastic clips held out you can pull out the two wires. Now that the wires are removed just put them back in the opposite direction. The wires should clip back in. Alternatively you could de-solder and then re-solder the wires in reverse on the motor itself. When you have it correct the wires will be opposite of the wires in the picture here. So blue on the right and pink on the left instead.


7. re-assemble your drive by putting the lens assembly back and re-attaching your lens ribbon cables. Put the bottom cover back on your drive but do not screw the bottom panel back on yet as you might need to remove it to do some adjustments.

8. Your drive should now be usable but there may be some fine tuning to be done. Most likely you won't have to do this next step but 10% of the time the drive will need the spindle speed potentiometer adjusted a little to make up for the slightly different gear size(circled in red). The best way to test this is to use an audio CD with lots of tracks on it. Hit the play button on your CD drive and listen to the first couple tracks and see if they work fine. Then try playing the very last tracks on the CD and see if they also work fine. If not then you will have to adjust the speed slightly one way or the other. The last tracks on a CD might skip a little until you get it right. I use YS 1&2 to test this out since it has the most audio tracks of any game I can think of. This part is what can take a quite a bit of time to get it just right.

I am selling a PC engine 3.0 CD system card which can only be used as a 2.0 CD system card. I asume the part of the card that has more memory for super CD games has failed. However, it still works perfectly for the standard 2.0 CD rom games. I will guarantee to work as a 2.0 system card.
Just thought I'd post this to anyone with really scratched game discs. I have found that an all purpose remove all product called OOps! works amazingly well. They sell it at autozone here in the states. Just apply it to a cloth and wipe out the scratch or scuff. It doesn't take out very deep scratches but it does take out not so deepl ones and works great especially on those stained looking scuffs that don't come off with just water. Does anyone else have any methods that they use for scratched games? I'd be interested to here about it.

Well I was replacing the audio caps on a friends duo. I have done this a couple times before without too much trouble. Anyways, a few of the larger caps leads underneath the board came off and from what I can see it doesn't look like they run anywhere. I circled them in red on my pic below. However, the connections on the top part of the board are good. Does anyone know if the bottom of these two spots are important or if the top is where the connection really is? Also, everything is working just fine when I tested the system. /cimg6073i.th.jpg
Does anyone know the pin out for the mini din 8 plug on a pc engine controller? One of my controllers pins has been damaged so I'd like to solder a new mini din jack onto it. I just cannot find any info online about what color wires go where on the jack.
I have 2 broken turbografx systems that I want to sell for parts. One of the cases has the screw holes drilled out. Also the RF is damaged on one of them.  I bought these a long time ago thinking I would fix them but my free time has become very thin. $30 will get you both of them with the shipping included(US).
Buy/Sell/Trade / cd drive sold
06/15/2011, 03:36 PM
 The drive is sold :-({|=
I have one good working PC Engine CD drive for sale. This will also work as a Turbografx CD drive. It works great. I just have no need for it. The drive is a little yellow on the top as you can see in the pics but it's not as bad as most. PM me is interested. :dance:

Sorry I ended up fixing this and am keeping it now.
Buy/Sell/Trade / PC Engine games for sale.
06/04/2011, 09:00 PM
I have many RPGs for sale. None of them have manuals or cases. Doukyuusei, Dragon Knight III, Princess Maker, Astralius, Shin Megami Tensei , Cosmic Fantasy 3, Ys III, Record of Lodoss War, FAR EAST OF EDEN II - MANJI MARU, Monster Maker, Burai, Atlas. I have many other life sims, war strategy, golf, baseball, and digital comics.  If you are interested in any of those genres let me know and I'll give you a list of others I have as well. All the games I have are $5 a piece which will include shipping if you live in the US.
I was wondering what everyones opinion of the arcade system card is. The only two games that look good to me are Strider and Sapphire. I have no need for those neo geo fighting games since I already own them on other systems. So, is it worth buying just for those two games alone?