Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Topics - grendelrt

So I started a full recap because the music for cd games was too low, you can hear it but the sound effects are about 2-3x as loud. I found a bunch of dead caps and replaced everything but 4 caps between the card slot and the large heatsinks since my region mod is in the way (C522,C519,C521,C525). Started the system up and it plays fine , looks fine, but the sound is still low on CD and I have lost left channel even on hucards. Since I have replaced basically everything it doesn't really narrow it down to what could have been the issue. Anyone have some advice on which caps to look at for the 2 issues I am still having? Thanks for any help!

Edit:replaced the last 4 caps
Snagged from

News: J.B. Harold returns!

August 12, 2006, 04:08 AM

by chazumaru, via Althi - [p]

Cellphone games are getting more and more interesting in Japan.Speaking of detective games, another huge surprise was the announcement of a new episode in the J.B. Harold series. With Tantei Saburou and Famicom Detective, J.B. Harold might just be the most popular series of pornfree detective adventure games in Japan. The most famous episode is quite certainly the first one, Murder Club (or Satsujin Club), notable for its brillant PC Engine CD-ROMĀ² conversion, and you might also have heard of Blue Chicago Blues and Manhattan Requiem. These two games had enhanced Laser Disc versions for PC Engine LD-ROMĀ² (hence to be played on the LaserActive), but Blue Chicago Blues was also available on pretty much all the big Japanese CD-based systems of its time.

Now, for the bad news: this new episode titled J.B. Harold Series: Seattle Purple Haze is only available on Japanese cellphones. Althi owns most of the Riverhill Soft licenses and the series is now part of its Mystery Selection i catalog, where the ports of the existing J.B. Harold games have apparently proved profitable enough to deserve the effort of producing a brand new episode for the mobile crowd. Despites being a new episode, it seems this version runs on a mobile version of EGG, the popular and licensed Japanese PC emulation service for Windows. Provided you have a FOMA-compatible cellphone, you can already get J.B. Harold Series: Seattle Purple Haze here for 525 yen.
I have some HES files and was wondering how to rip your own HES files from roms, and if there was a utility to do so?

Also is there an easy way to convert HES files to an MP3 or something I could put on an MP3 player?
I was wondering if anyone has played the PC Engine version of shape shifter. Is there any text or menus that would make it hard to play as opposed to the American version. I have never played it, so I dont know how the text is in the game, but the PC Engine version is like 1/3 the cost. How is the game overall btw?
I finished my region mod tonight, works great so far. I figured I would post some things I learned that are not in the standard faqs floating around.

1. Get some 30gauge wire. This made my life so much easier using this wire (first time I wired it with solid core wire that wasnt flexible, didnt work either lol). I got mine here:

Wire Link

2. You can get the switch here:
8PDT - Push On / Push Off Maintained Contacts

3. Here is how to wire the switch:


4. I used a 15W radio shack soldering iron.

My final results, I didnt put the shield back on, not sure about that one.

I just received some items from ebay and the sticker on the side of the case that say the game title and has a color for genre is ripped off. I was wondering if anyone knew a way to print a new one and stick it on there. Suffice to say I was really pissed to see this was intentionally left out of the auction description and pictures. Heres the auction and seller for future reference    


Ebay Link

Just cause you asked =)
I just got in my switch for the region mod. I understand how the pinouts on the mod work,

pins: 23 -> 15
      22 -> 16
      21 -> 17
      20 -> 19
      19 -> 20
      17 -> 21
      16 -> 22
      15 -> 23

but I don't get how to wire it to the switch. It has two sides of two rows of contacts. I think you only use one side, they are just different contact types. Could someone help me out with this please =)

It looks like this on one side pretty much

n n n n n n n n n n n n

n n n n n n n n n n n n

Has anyone replaced the screws in a turbo duo. When I pulled out my security screws one of them was almost stripped, so I would like to put something in more convential. Maybe hex headed screws or something, anyone done this and know the size?
Got a couple of questions. Firstly, is there a listing of 3 button and 6 button games? Can you use the 6 button pads with 3 button games with the same functionality as a 3 button pad? I noticed that the 3 button avenue pad has a selector that has select none and run, I am assuming this is to set the functionality of the 3rd button? So in that case you could use the 3rd button for other 2 button games? For example,set it to select, then when I am playing Kaze Kiri, the 3rd button would do his mist move instead of select? Any other things these are useful for? And finally what are the best 3 and 6 button pads?  I have heard of the NEC Avenue, Stock DUo RX pad, and a hori pad (which i have never seen personally).

Thanks =)
I have been looking at some games on eStarland. When they say, No Box for TG16 games are they referring to the cardboard box that the jewel case came in? I have this thought since, they also list some with No Case, which I figure either refers to the CD Jewel case or the plasic slip hu cards come in. So has anyone who has bought from there know the answer? No box = ? No Case = ?

I was looking for a High Res version of this to make a background of it, just thought some other people might want it as well. Its pretty large so you can format it to suit your res. I run 1680x1050, so I sized it to 1075x1050 and kept black bars on the sides, looks nice =)

Where do the legend of heroes games for PSP fall into the PC Engine games. I played through the first one on Turbo Duo, and since they never released the second one in the US , just wondering if there is a possibility of getting to play it on PSP.
My save games are starting to randomly dissapear on my Duo. If it is left off for a while everythign goes. This week though I started a new game of neo nectaris and saved, then 2 days later it is gone. My Dracula X save is still there from 2 days ago though. I am assuming the DUO has a battery back up inside it. I am ordering a security bit (unless someone can tell me a trick or other tool to use). I was wondering if anyone knew if this was likely the cause, the battery dying, or if it was something else. Also if it is the battery, does anyone know the size I will need to replace it. Thanks for the help  :)