Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Messages - esteban

Fighting Street / WTB: A Crystal Charge
12/29/2016, 09:36 AM
My wife just dropped this off at the local firehouse on 12/24...


They were accepting plastic bins to deliver gifts to needy kids. They dumped the contents above and filled the bin with Star Wars figures.

I told her, "Take any bin *except* the green bin!"

She thought I said, "Take the *green* bin, it is a festive color. I don't want anything in the bin, anyway. It's trash. Be sure to ignore any notes declaring monetary value. I was trolling a person at pcefx with that note, anyway. Thank you for clearing out the shelf!"
Quote from: gojira1954 on 12/29/2016, 03:11 AM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 12/28/2016, 07:36 PMI don't understand the question. I %100 Dracula X every Halloween. What are you planning to do, load it up and look at a number?
I wanted to discuss save managing options?
Yeah looking at completion percentages could be good for you though?

I guess hudson really fucked up implementing game saves - what a waste of time!
I have been using a Tennokoe Bank for 10-15 years and I keep thinking the battery will die...but it hasn't yet.

It will.

Of course it will.


There have been various threads, over the years, about file utilities, managing backups, replacing battery on Tennokoe Bank, games that hog all the BRAM, etc. Some kind person might link to them :)

Let's see...we need the technical gurus to help us...

(1) At least one person posted about successfully installing a new battery in Tennokoe Bank HuCARD (but soldering + battery requires some delicacy)


(A) Hardware storage solutions include MB132 and Save Kun... I think these are the only two peripherals relevant to a discussion of CD systems. (You could use NEC's Backup Booster or Hudson's Tennokoe 2 for stand-alone PCE)

(B) A handful of games (CD software) included BRAM file  managers/utilities...some of these were designed with MB132/Save Kun in mind.

(C) Covell (member here) released a BRAM utility? But you might need special flash card/cables (developer tools) to use it?
Quote from: Bloufo on 12/28/2016, 01:09 PM^^
 Right back at ya.  :)

I'd draw the line here, though.  :P

This is one of covell's greatest accomplishments, IMHO.

Quote from: HailingTheThings on 12/24/2016, 08:14 PM
Quote from: Magister on 12/24/2016, 09:44 AMYep.  That would be the one I saw.  Still, the box set is pretty cool looking.
If you want the repro box, just bother the guy on facebook. I'm sure he'd make one special for you if you paid him enough. Its not like there's some special ingredient that's hard to find in order to produce more. He's operating under the title "Mega Box Reproductions" or something like that? I think?
Dude, I will make a box for you. And it will be *truly* deluxe limited edition because I'll design it only for you.

My final design may, or may not, feature faux animal skin.

Also, I despise the "chrome" bit (this isn't American Choppers)...I'll have to change that to something more fitting with the Splatterhouse series...

Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 12/23/2016, 05:03 PMChristmas2016Insanity.jpg

Get some.

This is a completely original game, unlike anything we have ever made before.
Holy fucking awesome.


Merry XMAS.
Off-Topic / Happy holidays!
12/22/2016, 06:52 AM

We love Spain.

Eat more Flan.

Merry Holidaze!
Dungeon Explorer is a must-play game, as far as I am concerned.

Quote from: Bloufo on 12/18/2016, 04:05 AM
Quote from: esteban on 12/17/2016, 06:10 AM
Quote from: Bloufo on 12/17/2016, 01:58 AMJust regular old Bonk's Adventure.

Been playing it on my TE. Started it up again today, but the damn portable has all of a sudden lost all sound.
Yeah, I am worried about the state of my TE.... I HAVEN'T PLAYED IT IN A LONG TIME...
I'm now using a pair of speakers to get sound out of it.

It's not exactly "portable" now :P , more like a stopgap measure until it gets repaired.
I would like to think that you are simply heeding the advice from this Public Service Announcement (PSA)...


Needless to say, the best way to experience TurboExpress is when the floor is trembling and your neighbors are yelling "SimEarthquake!"

Off-Topic / Word association thread
12/17/2016, 04:26 PM
Off-Topic / Re: Show us your desktop!
12/12/2016, 04:08 AM
Damn, I guess I have carpet-bombed the forums.

THEREFORE, tradition holds that I must recycle an image:

STATUS: My desk is a mess, but I am trying to figure out if I can keep a monitor + console permanently on my desk at all times. I don't think I have enough room (even if I ditch my lamp), so I bought a metal shelf that I can install under my desk (to hold a console). My wife doesn't want my desk to be ugly... neither do I, so... I might have to get creative. :)
Honest Question: Is there one, definitive thread for Henshin-Engine?

I found this one, obviously, but I thought there was another thread with more recent posts...

Anyway, ever since I played the demo for Henshin-Engine at AVGC, I've been meaning to go back and play Shubibinman (the first one)...

...well, I finally remembered to play the damn game tonight. It only took me THREE months. Ridiculous? Yes.

Playing through Shubibinman made me appreciate the demo for Henshin-Engine even more! I have never been the biggest fan of Shubibinman, but Henshin-Engine has forced me to go back and give this damn game some love!

After all these years, with countless people stating that Shubibinman was worthy of some love... well, I think I am slowly seeing the Light.


Henshin-Engine (old photos)

MORAL OF THE STORY: A new game has helped me appreciate an old one. :)
Off-Topic / Re: Is your tree up yet?
12/12/2016, 03:27 AM
OK, since this thread has ONLY ONE PHOTO of an actual XMAS tree, I will help it along.

HOWEVER, I can't promise that more than 5% of the tree will be visible, since it is a PCE XMAS... as you can see, XMAS has invaded my tiny corner of the living room where my tiny desk is located (the *only* space that is exclusively mine in the entire house, SRSLY).





FIRST: I love Lucretia to bits. SO MUCH ATTENTION TO DETAIL and just from the menus/attract mode I can see how things will (probably) be fleshed out further. THIS IS ALREADY A MUST-HAVE, even if it didn't progress any further.


Quote from: TheClash603 on 12/10/2016, 01:24 PMA.)  When killing guys, maybe there should be a bit more of a noise or a little flash or red blood spot or something?  The character's attacks don't seem to have weight and killing someone doesn't give a feeling of satisfaction.

B.)  I also suggest that the bosses flash or there is some indicator you are hitting them.  First time I reached the boss I wasn't sure I was doing damage.
I also feel that this utterly fantastic Lucretia would be even better if it were more visceral... if there was some indication/feedback that indicated when (1) boss was hit and (2) enemy killed.

FOR EXAMPLE: If you made the game compatible with the Virtual Cushion, you could simply use a MEGA BASS BUMP to indicate when a boss was hit, and my crotch, which straddles the Virtual Cushion, would be intimately aware of how many times I hit the bastard. :)

SRSLY: It is not easy to achieve that visceral feeling... especially when a game's aesthetics eschew *explosions* and the like... I love that you are doing something different (having enemies drop dead and fall)... so, I am not sure how best to convey "death"... however, I was thinking that, perhaps, death could be conveyed with a simple DEATH CONVULSION (that is, a horizontal "shuddering", where sprite jumps (left 1 pixel --> right 1 pixel) x ____ times, then sprite jumps (left 2 pixels --> right 2 pixels) x ____ times, then, back to 1-pixel shuddering for the *initial* moments of the "death fall" (the remainder of the fall is "normal" trajectory down... no shuddering).

It would take some trial-and-error to fine-tune the DEATH CONVULSION shudder, but, personally, I think it would provide Clash, myself, and like-minded folks the visceral "feedback" we crave :)

BOTTOM LINE: short + quick shudder, with just a bit of lingering shudder during initial descent.

ENEMIES: I think I would prefer death convulsion vs.  "blinking" to indicate enemy sprites dying (and subsequently falling off screen)

BOSSES: I don't think I have a preference. Whatever looks better (shuddering or blinking) to indicate a "hit"...

OTHERWISE: I love this demo and I don't want anything else changed. Yes, it is kicking my butt, but I have barely played it. Keep it challenging :)
I see you missed two for Hudson Soft. Here you go...

Hudson Volume 26:


Hudson Volume 48:

Off-Topic / Random Pictures Thread
11/30/2016, 07:04 PM
Quote from: guest on 11/30/2016, 04:01 PMIMG

too much ballistix perhaps?
In hindsight, it seems imbecilic.

At the time, I thought I was doing God's work :)

"This mission is heaven sent," I reassured myself.

Random animated .gif I found... odd...

Quote from: guest on 11/29/2016, 07:36 AMBack when the oval office wasn't oval and had a giant flag painted on the wall, and you had to be careful not to hit your head when going through the door. Good times.

edit: seriously, the time travelling aspect of the original game is interesting, if I understand it right the game had you going after the US president and the USSR PM in the "90's", that would have been fun to do in the PCE version.


I remember when Zigfried (?) (one of the oldtimers) was explaining the original plot to XZR... I thought he was making up crazy shite. Honestly.

Anyway, about that American flag: I love it because it is exactly what a kid does when they draw a flag...13 stripes (+/- 40 stripes) and 50 stars  (+/- 40 stars).

Quote from: guest on 11/28/2016, 07:15 AM
Quote from: guest on 08/15/2016, 04:30 PMIMG
Bill and Hillary Vs. Conan?
Jimmy Carter, Ben G'rgoyle Franklin and Jafar.
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
11/28/2016, 06:46 AM
Quote from: Bloufo on 11/27/2016, 11:13 PMReal place names,
Definitely compiled from a British English perspective, you could probably expand it if you used American slang.

Sadly, my kids go to Lurker Park in my town.

Ridiculous name.
Good luck, I like the idea. Even though I will be Mr. Negative below, I really do wish you the best of luck. Anything you work on, IMHO, can be a fun/meaningful experience, even if you abort it :)

The journey is the key. The destination is incidental :)


The problem is.....



Even if you acquired fantastic scans for a lot of stuff.... What will you say about It? What can you say that *isn't* banal and trite? What can you say that *is* refreshing and new?

Collectors can suck my left one: there are websites to use to track games.

Then again, an illustrated collector's guide might be the best idea (since collecting has a lot of appeal these days)!

I'm not trolling... The scope and purpose of the book depends on who your audience is :) (and that is a conscious decision).

For example, one infamous collector actually documented all the random ephemera (stickers/posters/suppositories) that came with TG-16 games. I thought that was pretty darn neat and I loved the level of detail. I'm not a collector, but I absolutely love knowing all those details/trivia. So, a "checklist" will be nice for some folks, but an "illustrated" checklist would be more broadly appealing (IMHO). Websites are a better medium, though, for this sort of project, since they can be updated and revised instantly....


The problem with folks volunteering content (reviews/blurbs/etc.) is that it will be of varying quality/accuracy/perspective.

Of course, that is assuming folks actually follow-through with pledges to create something.

Quote from: Otaking on 11/23/2016, 12:36 PM
Quote from: Ex_Mosquito on 11/22/2016, 05:33 PMFound this in my Mums attic earlier. It's a flyer from Telegames selling off a couple of bargains! £70 + game for a TG. The Jaguar is pretty cheap too :)

I just realised this confirms something I've discussed before on this forum. Note that in that old Telegames flyer that, that is a UK PAL "Turbografx" console not an imported USA "Turbografx-16".
Some on this forum have said there was never a UK PAL Turbografx console release, even I tiny unsuccessful one. But I've said there was an extremely limited (very unsuccessful) UK PAL Turbografx console release that was somehow linked to Telegames and this flyer confirms what I had remembered.
So, UK PAL TG-16 existed :)
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
11/22/2016, 09:52 PM
Remember this?


Quote from: Ex_Mosquito on 11/22/2016, 05:33 PMFound this in my Mums attic earlier. It's a flyer from Telegames selling off a couple of bargains! £70 + game for a TG. The Jaguar is pretty cheap too :)
This! Would it be possible to lay flyer flat and photograph it again? Or scan it?

I can take a photo and crop it/adjust it so it looks like it was scanned (take photo parallel to plane of flyer).

Off-Topic / Re: Is your tree up yet?
11/22/2016, 05:40 PM
Too soon for XMAS TREE, so I will recycle old photo:

Quote from: fragmare on 11/17/2016, 08:55 PMOkay, I tried to make it look a bit more toxic/polluted/post-apocalyptic.  If I were going to color something I wanted to look toxic/polluted, I'd use colors a more like this... except with better art.  *cough*


That huge blank area in the middle of the screen is bothersome, no matter how you color it.  What it really needs is more smoke/cloud detail.

That being said, I think I prefer the second (right-hand) image a little more.
Both are an improvement, IMHO.

Quote from: ccovell on 11/17/2016, 09:05 AMHere are some graphics that fit the spec.  You don't have to give me credit in your final game.

Quote from: guest on 11/17/2016, 02:52 PMI accept no bright colors in my post apocaliptic sczhmup.
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
11/12/2016, 04:34 AM
Quote from: Bloufo on 11/11/2016, 07:18 PMIMG
Robert Vaughn, Man from UNCLE actor, dies aged 83

HE IS LEGEND for me. Love him.
Quote from: guest on 11/11/2016, 08:53 PM
Quote from: chany60126 on 11/09/2016, 12:17 AMAfter weeks of practicing, I was finally able to beat Silver Surfer on the NES. It is definitely the hardest game I have ever beaten. IMG

I ashamed to admit I have never played Silver Surfer.
Are you talking about "change music track at any time via pop-up menu" a la HYPERNOVA BLAST?

Or something else?

Regardless, I support this project!

In fact, I am listening to Double Dragon II PCE tunes as I type this in my bathroom...


Here is an advertisement for Anearth Fantasy Stories:

The full-size image can be used for your desktop.
Quote from: imparanoic on 11/06/2016, 11:15 PMmore nasty art work, yes, from birmingham (UK) based us gold
HOLY SHITE! That Street Basketball game... I can't UNSEE it.

DEAR LORD, help me.
Quote from: 780racer on 11/06/2016, 09:08 PMBump. This "Closes" Friday the 11th.
Off-Topic / Weight Loss Challenge #2
11/06/2016, 11:40 PM

--> Weigh-In (Google Form) <-- (No sign-in necessary)


NOTE: Not sure if I set this up correctly. I did not want to force people to sign in to Google (I hate that).

For consistency from week to week, please put in your "username" exactly the same...


I liked the previous weight loss challenge... it was not about the $$$, but about the fact that I tried to stay on track.

Unfortunately, I ate horribly the last few days and gained back a few lbs. HENCE THIS THREAD.  :)


PRIZE: We could make this fun... the winner gets to request _________ that will serve to "inspire" a creative/crafty TG-16/PCE-related item. Winner keeps this item, or gift it to someone else.

Quote from: imparanoic on 11/06/2016, 08:19 PMis the TG16 box art so bad, it's famously good  ( like nes megaman)?

too be honest, most western box art ( not just usa, uk designed strider 2 which is not official related to strider series but they did had the licence from  capcom) was bad

Hahahhahha. Wow, that's ridiculous art for Strider. :)

I believe that western art is something to be appreciated—it adds another layer to the hobby we love.

Quote from: Ex_Mosquito on 11/06/2016, 09:28 AM
Quote from: esteban on 05/31/2016, 04:40 AMIMG
Wow I've never seen the TG16 R-Type box art before. What the hell were they thinking redrawing the art for TG16 games, it's like they went out of their way to make it look lame  Also why change the font on the name to make it look boring and generic? Baffling!
It is amazing—so much work and effort for bland results.

However, I have long-argued that the North American art should be appreciated.

Life is boring if the original PCE art was recycled.

And, sometimes, the NA art is better. Rarely...but it happens.

LEGENDARY AXE is superior, for example.
Last night. New Jersey. Autumn.

Parking lot...


Q: tats, where are you? Swissles in Kyoto? Y U NO POST in this thread?
A: ...

Power lines...

Off-Topic / Secret Santa 2016
11/06/2016, 07:21 AM
Quote from: blueraven on 11/06/2016, 04:06 AMesteban is sitting by his mailbox right now. Someone should bring him hot cocoa. Or a beer.
I'm running low on coffee. And vodka. Please help. It's a little chilly out here.


NJ can be gorgeous, early in the morning, before the dioxin numbs you.

General Gaming / Re: Civilization 6
11/05/2016, 02:16 PM
Quote from: guest on 11/05/2016, 10:23 AM
Quote from: wildfruit on 10/25/2016, 07:09 PMCivilization 2 smashes it. I tried 3, didn't like it as much. Haven't tried one since. Should I?
Civ 4 is amazing. I haven't tried 5 or 6 yet because I still have 4 (with the Beyond the Sword expansion) installed.

Civ 6 looks pretty impressive so I'm sure I'll pick it up at some point.

Speaking of Civ games, I found this at a nearby thrift store earlier this week. So many minis! Now I just need to come up with friends to play it with. :p

Don't worry, you can use grains of rice to represent troops.

That's what I did after dog ate miniatures.
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
11/05/2016, 04:31 AM
Quote from: Otaking on 11/02/2016, 04:22 PM
Quote from: esteban on 10/28/2016, 07:31 PM
Quote from: Otaking on 10/28/2016, 03:05 PMI'm now addicted to my daily bottle of Coke, I only allow myself one 330ml glass bottle a day, but if I miss it I'm sweating like a crack head.

STATUS: Successfully recycled for nth time since 04.09.2009!

Remember when the forums looked like that?!
Diet Coke or Coke Zero don't do it for me, I tried, I need my fix of 35g of real sugar in ever 330ml bottle.
That's funny...I tried drinking real Coke at a party and it was gross. I wanted my chemical sweetness.

Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
10/31/2016, 09:29 PM
VOTE NOV 8 2016

I took these photos in October of 2009 and promptly lost them/forgot about them.

It was going to be another "Sexy TurboBooster Wallpaper" or "TG-16 is aesthetically kool, you bastards!" sort of thing...

So... these photos were taken with horrible lighting and a crappy camera, but I like a good challenge so I selected a few and tried to make them look decent.

DIRECTIONS: (1) "_full" = Crop these images yourself. (2) You can request specific sizes and I'll make them for you. (3) I was too busy to resize all the images a billion times. So, request something!

TurboTap :) (4.0 MB)

EXAMPLE: If I was cropping the image above to 1920x1080, I would do this... (a) set width to 1920 (b) play around with the height until it looks nice (only 1080 available).


SAMPLE 1920x1080: (1.3 MB)

No TurboTap :(  So no 5-player Dungeon Explorer... (4.4 MB)

SansBooster :(  ...but TG-16 is "slim" :) (4.1 MB)

BOO! TurboBooster = Massive Fun (I tried :) ) (4.1 MB)

BOO! TurboBooster... is "flying away"... (ouch) (4.1 MB)

Quote from: Otaking on 10/28/2016, 03:05 PMI'm now addicted to my daily bottle of Coke, I only allow myself one 330ml glass bottle a day, but if I miss it I'm sweating like a crack head.

STATUS: Successfully recycled for nth time since 04.09.2009!

Remember when the forums looked like that?!