10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - shugs81

Quote from: CrackTiger on 11/22/2016, 07:06 PM
Quote from: shugs81 on 11/22/2016, 07:04 PMHiya... Did you get my message???? Let me know and I'll send it again...

Thanks again!!
Yes I did. I'm very sick right now, but will catch up on messaging as soon as I'm better.
No worries or rush.... Tbh I've not been well myself and its the first time I've been on the forum since I sent it... Just wasn't sure it'd come through as I've not sent any messages according to the forum!!! Get well and massive thanks once again!!! :D
Hiya... Did you get my message???? Let me know and I'll send it again...

Thanks again!!
 :oops: :oops: :oops:

it turns out the c-sync connection in the cable had come off!!! sorted now!!! it looks awesome! cheers bud!!
so... trying to fit this RGB mod from Mickcris....


audio jacks still work too!! :D

I get perfect audio to the TV / framemeister but have zero video... i used this link to copy from - https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.obsolete-tears.com%2Fforum%2Fviewtopic.php%3Ff%3D8%26t%3D7231&edit-text=&act=url

translated from french...

I seem to be missing something as I can't work out what the difference is... other than the 5v went to the amp rather than direct to the cable...

the jack is wired as so...


this was so i could make a direct wire to wire to connect it to the framemeister... but as i discovered i don't have qa second framemeister in my workshop... and the other one is about 10 miles away it's a pain to go backwards and forwards to test... i decided that as i was going to cut a scart lead so that i had enough wires i might as well make a scart lead first...

what am i missing? does there need to be a direct 5v to the scart too??

Hi peeps...

Just wondering if there is is way to link the pce and cdrom without the ifu...

Just wondering is all...

Right.... I've decided I shouldn't b allowed near a soldering iron anymore and lookin for someone UK based to recap and fix my cdrom... and possibly region mod my pcengine... and rgb mod my ifu...

Ta! (should have bought a duo from Keith courage!)
Lol... if I'd tried to figure it out on my own it would be a pile of solder and melted plastic!! I can follow guides well but working things out on my own is where stuff goes wrong!!!
Cheers guys... I looked at the thread you mentioned... which is why I haven't opened mine up yet to give it all a clean!!! Bit scared it may a fall apart!!! :D
Just a bit of a noon question, and I've searched and been unable to find a cap replacement chart for the white pc engine...

Am I right in thinking there isn't one or am I being blind?

I'm getting a load of caps for th cdrom and thought I might as well change the ones in the pc engine too... if it needs it... oh... and what about the IFU????

I couple of days ago a couple of parcels arrived......


Think I need to stop spending for a while!!
Nevermind...  Googled..  Will be looking to replace the caps shortly then!! Lol... Any UK members need a full cap kit for their CD ROMs??? I'll no doubt end up buying in bulk to try to save some pennies...

Is this a leaked cap or something to hold stuff on the board???
Well... Finally got my replacement middle cog... Realised that the plastic thing that holds the threaded thing that moves the laser so did that fix too...

It still won't spin!!

Any ideas what I can try? Is it a full laser mech I'll need??

Pm sent!!!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Free Game: Vigilante
08/19/2016, 03:42 PM
wow... that game looks freakin awesome!!

I want some dungarees and a pair of nunchucks!!

also just realised... this will be for a us card won't it...

if that's the case i'm out... plus probs out of the others too...

but it does look awesome...
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Free Game: Vigilante
08/19/2016, 01:48 PM
I've seen it loads on eBay but I don't know what it is...
Yes... In again!!

Do you ship to the UK??
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Free Game: Vigilante
08/18/2016, 06:39 PM

(What's vigilante???)
Imin!!! Not played it yet!!!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Free Game: Tale Spin
08/18/2016, 06:36 PM
Is this as in oo-ee-oo tailspin???

If so I'm in... If its just filth like the pic.... May as well!!  :-"
glad it's payday in... ooo.. about 2 hrs....  :)
Well... I know why the CD ROM doesn't work...

I touched the middle cog on the drive shafty thing and it literally disintegrated... Half of the teeth came off at a touch...

Better start hunting out a new one!!
The ifu works fine through composite onto my Sony wega TV...

I just didn't know if composite was like the rf and would only work in Japan... I just wanted to test it before rgb-ing it...
Yeah... I've heard that it won't give an image if I do... I'm going to rgb mod the ifu...

Really quite enjoyed Bonk and splatterhouse this evening..

Woop Woop!

Shame the CD ROM doesn't spin.... Will have a proper look tomorrow..
I was more meaning using the ifu would I get a signal on a TV... I just acquired a CRT and it appears that yes it does work!!

Bah... So I'm going to need another power supply then.... Oh well... Payday on Friday thank god!!
sorry... my bad...

I know the RF unit isn't compatible with the uk stuff...

is the IFU compatible with uk tv's without modding?

I'm planning to RGB it anyway but i'd like to be able to test that it works so if there's any other problems then i can sort them while it's open.
Just a quick question... The av output on an ifu... Will I be able to use it to test everything? And can I still use a megadrive 1 plug to power it???

I picked it up this morning but haven't had time to test it... Stupid work....
Tomorrow... Dun dun duuuuuuunnnn!!!!!
Cool... Just wanted to be sure I didn't screw it up!!

Ta peeps!
I was planning on using the 8 pin mini din to mini din..... I'll be hooking this straight up to a framemeister so I'll be making a custom cable... I may look to making a scart in the future for other use but not just yet...

When I said pin out I meant are the points on the boards the same in a Japanese console as the French one?

When my interface unit turns up (hopefully tomorrow!!) Will I be expecting the same as in the pictures or something completely different??

Sorry for the confusion!!!
That would be the plan...

Is the pinout different from the Japanese unit? I'm assuming they're the same as I read that they were imported and modified before being sold...
Cheers bud...

I have a set for my Nintendo stuff... I just thought they were the only ones who used them on their consoles...

Guess not!! :D
Just a quick question... Are the gamebit screws standard?? I thought that was just a Nintendo thing..
Ahh... So its when they were started?


I just wondered as a few of the cards I have, have the vol numbers...

Cheers for the geek tip!!

Just wondering what the vol numbers are on some of the hu cards?

They mean anything?
Megadrive 1 plugs work fine...
Lol... Sorry about the pic... Sorted now... Better go do my others too...

Gonna carefully open her up later to assess the mess!!
Woop Woop!!!


Its finally here!!!!!

It appears to work too... Needs a bit if a clean like!!!

Totally forgot about JP rf not working over here tho!!! Doh!!!

Think I need to start learning Japanese now tho as I appear to have a few RPGs!!

Hopefully the rgb mod and CD and interface will either turn up tomorrow or early next week!!!

Soooooooo excited!!! Might even see if I can hack together a comp mid to tide me over!
Off-Topic / Re: Boozing + eBay = regret
08/11/2016, 09:58 PM
Woop Woop!!!

The PC engine and CD ROM are in the country now!!!!!

Here's hoping they don't screw me over in customs!!!
Game haul


Probs not exciting to most but as I haven't even got my PC engine yet I'm pretty chuffed with them!! :D
Off-Topic / Re: Boozing + eBay = regret
08/11/2016, 09:08 PM
Don't think I had enough to drink!!! Lol...

I think it was just availability tbh... But they are on there way!!! If only they'd turn up tomorrow as I'm back at work on Monday... Ah well...
Would I get the same response asking about cleaning the console case???

Sent from my Hudl HT7S3 using Tapatalk

I was hoping that was a joke!!! Glad it is!!!

Sent from my Hudl HT7S3 using Tapatalk

What's fantastic???

I fact I will use the power of Google...

Cheers bud!
Hi again peeps...

Just a quick question on cleaning hu cards...

I just got a big bundle through the post today, Thanks tg16manaic!!

I'd like to know if i can scrub the contacts with isopropyl alcohol to give them a bit of a tidy up and ensure full workingness for the future?

and is there a way to clean the cards themselves so they look a little brighter?

I got Peach Boy through today also but it's very.. umm... grubby?? no chunks or anything just the card is looking a little discoloured...

Thanks peeps!!
Off-Topic / Re: Boozing + eBay = regret
08/11/2016, 06:58 AM
Just drink!!

I got a system card 3.0 for what I think is a reasonable price ( £30 delivered)

My games have now turned up!!!

Im just waiting for the rgb chip and the actual hardware now!!! :D

Still can't believe I've never owned one before!!!
it is but seems a chew on for the audio side of things... plus it'll look neater when its done...

Cheers for the link mickcris will get my google translate on!!
Hi peeps....

It is me again... Trying not to cause havoc tonight!! Lol

Just a quick question... I haven't received any of my hardware yet and I understand I need to rgb the interface unit... But can I ask where I put it???

I've had a search on here but I can't find anywhere that shows where in the schematics it would go...

As I say I haven't got my unit yet so haven't had a look at everything properly... Just wondered as I can't see any on here... Unless I'm rubbish at searching.... Which is possible!!