Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Messages - MissaFX

So this fighting game is homebrew?
Are you plugging a Hucard into the 3D chip slot on the PC-FX motherboard?
PC-FX Discussion / Re: PC-FX Sales Flyers
11/17/2008, 03:27 PM
OMG :shock: :shock: :shock: I must own those!  All of them!
Yes, this is blast processing taken too far!
Quote from: Duo_R on 11/04/2008, 04:22 PMMissa I am going to take my to the hardware store and replace with standard screws with the same threading...
Tell me what exact screw works so I can buy a box of them.
41 games dfrost, very nice!  Oh and some great titles too!
The first item up for sale is a Box (48 packs) of 1989 TOPPS Nintendo Game Packs.  The box is not in mint condition, but it is hard to actually find a box of these without a large black X on the top.  This is the reason I saved this one box.


16 dollars shipped media mail, 22 dollars shipped priority with confirm.

This is a Super Mario Brothers Comic #1, Limited Edition in near mint condition:


9 dollars shipped first class.

The next item up for sale is a Square Collectors VHS tape.  The Box has a little wear on it, mostly from the origional shipping process it went through:


25 dollars shipped first class with delivery confirm.

This little gem is a promotional Metal Gear Solid notebook with metal cover.  The first few pages feature artwork and the rest of the book is note paper.  Unlike most of the ones on ebay for 50 dollars, this one is not damaged!:


35 dollars shipped first class with delivery confirm.

This next item is a 1989 Mario Pencil in MINT condition:


Make offers over PM.

The last item up for now is a Sonic Pencil, I am not sure the year on it, but it is old.  I has been sharpened due to the fact that there was a contect involving the lead color.  Anyways:


Make offers over PM.

(All prices shipped are in the US, payment over paypal preferred)
Quote from: guest on 11/04/2008, 12:34 PMand a plush Smurf  :oops: for my little girl... really it is  :-"
I still sleep with a catbus, so don't feel weird :mrgreen:  Even if it is for her, admit you will steal it back at times and play with it in your Gargamel costume.
I rated myself a 5.  I've made my own copper boards, modded systems, made a supergun, etc. I just have no formal training and have mostly taught myself from reading books like "The Good Book".
I ended up doing the getto method and used a small standard screwdriver and was just super careful.

It's so silly they use this type of screw on the bottom of the case when the screws securing it in the back are phillips like every screw inside it.
All of their crapsucking stores are still open in Oregon...what a drag.
Quote from: Tatsujin on 11/03/2008, 10:19 AMjust made a video of my collection. and if the pictures are "le yawn", so still the BGM is worth to watch/listen it :)
:shock: W O W :shock:
I've been watching the open pandora project and one of the biggest problems with the unit is facing you on the front page of the website...Look at that woman't hands, to play the pandora you HAVE to not have fingernails.  My nails are usually 3/4" long and let me tell you playing the pandora looks like hell if you have nails.

This kind of oversight in the main control scheme makes me wonder what other things need to be overhauled on the device.

Also, I have heard it will have GPXX software which is nice, but a little limiting in what you can do.  Given some very dedicated, gifted programmers I am sure in time it will have a few slick emulators, but for the moment the PSP does everything I need and my nails are really only a problem for the [] button, and only because if I am not careful and didn't have a screen protector, I could hurt the screen...I always use a protector though to get around this problem.

At least you are buying pandora when it is less vaporware and more real, when people were were talking about paying for one a year ago, it had me concerned because I didn't think a real product would materialize, at least not one that met all the claims of the creator. 

Hopefully if nothing else, it will make an interesting portable web browser than can hopefully run modern flash.
Quote from: SuperDeadite on 11/03/2008, 06:46 AMThe Cat "game" subtitle is "The World Cat Catalog"  Its probably just a cat breeder data cd.  Probably no actual games on that disc.
I'm hoping it is full of funny video clips of Japanese people acting...well Japanese :lol:
A wacky looking cat title for $8.30 including shipping from Japan :dance:
Quote from: nectarsis on 11/01/2008, 10:27 PMAHHHHHHHH SWEET game Joe, one of the few Genny games I regret getting rid of.

So is that another nectarsis title or the one you are named after? :-k
Quote from: mobiusclimber on 10/27/2008, 10:51 AMBut as far as playing games online, the answer's no?
More and more ps2 online servers are shut down as time goes on, so it is harder and harder to find an online game worth playing on it.
Nice games there dfrost.
I paid about 110  (before shipping) for my boxed FX when I bought like 5 games with it from Hit Japan over a year ago.
I paid 44 dollars and about 11 shipping for a loose one with issues from GeePee which I am currently tinkering with. fully working :dance:
Princess Maker 1 from Rover and the rest of the stuff is from GeePee
Anyone know which driver I need to order to open this baby up?
No, I didn't cry when Optimus died, I was still in a "What the hell Rodamus" state.  For months after I saw the movie the scene would play out in my head almost every night as I layed down to go to bed.

...I was dissapointed when Optimus returned later and he didn't hunt down Rodamus first thing to get his revenge.
PC-FX Discussion / Re: pcfx
10/31/2008, 11:37 AM
Yeah, about 2/3rds of the FX library is very playable to someone who can only read "Hai" "Iie" "Un" and "Unn"  (or could be "Uun"...I just woke up and my brain isn't functioning well yet)...but basically as long as you can choose Yes/No correctly to save your game, you can play many of the FX games.

The good thing about no English versions of these games is that you don't have to put up with aweful English voice acting as many of the games have tons of recorded talking.
Quote from: ceti alpha on 10/28/2008, 07:45 AMSo what was that black box they were playing from? Just some sort of PCFX testing unit?
It looks like some kind of FX dev unit in a standard pc case.
Off-Topic / My new custom shelf
10/28/2008, 01:40 PM
Ok, it's in a small closet so it is hard to photograph, you'll have to maybe twist your brain a little to take it all in.

It has four shelves.  Two are 14" high and two are 7" high.  It is 13" deep, 22" wide, I think 44 and 1/2" high or so.  I made it from plywood and staples, as well as a little glue.

The bar in the middle of the closet is blocking your view of some of the games, but there wasn't a lot I could do about that.

Top (On top is my ram tester and my box of old ram.)
Bottom (Yes, a gaming shelf that Yuna massive edition actually fits on :shock:)
I need more LD strorage space though lol, I still have a box of them in the shed.  And you cannot see them, but hidden behind the wooden bar are some anime books, arcade laser disc games and laseractive games.
Whole view...well partial whole lol
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 10/27/2008, 03:00 AM
Quote from: MissaFX on 10/27/2008, 01:18 AM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 10/24/2008, 03:50 AMI'd like to hear HOW to use it for streaming, etc
You run the media player of your choice from the memory card using the mcboot exploit and then just have the ps2 hooked up to your router.  You might have to manually set up the IP in the media player.
So what's the method of choice to get the mcboot exploit on a memory card?
Have someone with a McBoot card copy it for you to your own memory card.  Otherwise buy a gameshark that can use the USB or a ps2 memory card to PC adapter, or a memory card with a usb port on it.
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 10/24/2008, 03:50 AMI'd like to hear HOW to use it for streaming, etc
You run the media player of your choice from the memory card using the mcboot exploit and then just have the ps2 hooked up to your router.  You might have to manually set up the IP in the media player.
Quote from: Tatsujin on 10/26/2008, 08:23 AM*bigassimagehere*
Hey!  You stole my Yuna game!

Isn't the package lovely?
That really sucks about your house, sadly this kind of event is what most people need to live through to realize there home is unsecure.  Security systems only do so much good, because from the small list of items, the person or persons were probably not in your home long enough to allow security or police to respond. 

Your money would be better spent into a dog who barely failed K-9 training (yes, you can check around to find these wonderful pets up for adoption).  My uncle uses two Doberman Pinschers and let me tell you those dogs are sharp as tacs.  From wiki: The Doberman Pinscher has been used as a protection and guard dog, due to its intelligence, loyalty, and ability to physically challenge human aggressors.  Doberman Pinschers are, in general, gentle, loyal, loving, and intelligent dogs. Although there is variation in temperament, a typical pet Doberman attacks only if it has been mistreated or believes that it or its family are in danger.  (my own note, one pre-trained who you invest some more hands on training with your family and it, in a controlled situation with a professional trainer will even then put up with quite a bit of abuse from a child.)  One or two of these babies in your house and no burgler in their right mind will want to get in when he sees their orderly behaviour which only comes from a trained dog.
Off-Topic / Re:
10/24/2008, 04:40 PM
Well after buying multiple packages from them now, I must say that is the people's store. =D> =D> =D>

These guys are great and not making a lot of money, unlike most of the online console outlets when they sell you a given title.  The packaging jobs are always great and at the same time they don't screw you on shipping either.  Just remember, if they carry games for the system and you don't see a title in stock, ask them, they can often get the game you want at a reasonable price.
My October risingstuff:
That loose saturn game and Square/Enix booklet were free :mrgreen:
Isn't Maple Story a Korean game?  What are Japanese people doing playing a Korean game!?  That's probably the real reason she is in jail.
The one that comes to mind first is the top loading NES which came out in the US.
Quote from: mobiusclimber on 10/23/2008, 06:14 PMI just got one off a PS2 I bought from Craigslist and am wondering if there's anything that uses it or...? Is the hard drive separate from this? Do I need the one to use the other?
It plugs on to the back of the origional american style ps2s, the HD plugs into it, but you do not need the HD to use the network adapter.  Without a HD you could still stream media to the ps2 and play it off your network from a desktop PC for example.
Quote from: nectarsis on 10/23/2008, 12:24 AMWow, NICE prices geepee, that Duo will be gone FAST. :)
The duo didn't survive an hour of being posted lol.  The FX didn't survive two.
Quote from: OldRover on 10/23/2008, 02:19 AMThe DSR is completely stupid.
Yeah, but saying DSR sounds better in a board meeting than having to say it all out Death to Sanity and Reason, which is what it stands for.
Don't forget his crazy family members that live near Michael too...
I can't keep up with all of ebay's crap changes, how does this 5 star thing work in terms of search results?
OMG, ebay is full of such bastards colorful people, did this guy grow up with sailors?  He probably thinks he is a great cell warrior too :roll:

"I just had to get you on the phone (keep in mind he doesn't have him on the phone...), cuz I wanna see, I know your a little kid..." :lol:
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 10/21/2008, 02:02 AMWhere you able to manufacture a princess?
I own 2 and whatever is on the ps1..3 or 4 and I have only been able to get a princess in 2, and that was with a little help from foreign students and later gamefaq help.  Princess Maker 2 was like my The Sims when I was growing up (a virtual doll house).  The newspaper here locally even covered the Princess Maker 2 English release news when that came out.
Princess Maker 1 from Rover

i20.ebayimg .com/01/i/001/13/f1/bc7c_1.JPG
Convert a SNES Ascii-pad, they have turbo switches!
I watch all my TV through a cell phone that has an internet connection. All of it.  There are no landlines out here.
I am guessing it is two factors merging together in many cases: A lack of access to the person they like and desperation. 

In other cases I attribute it to collectors with too much money and not enough sense of what to do with it. 

And I am not even getting into the fact that tons of people make things with fake autographs to sell which makes a lot of the market questionable to begin with.
Quote from: hoobs88 on 10/20/2008, 10:14 AMNEC Laseractive System PDE-L1 model with PC Engine Pac module N-1
Laseractive control pad.
Ooooohhh Laseractive :mrgreen:  Enjoy!
A 30/72 pin ram tester for 1 dollar on ebay. :dance:

$1,895.08 retail
Off-Topic / Re: Your Parents
10/19/2008, 04:02 AM
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 10/18/2008, 09:14 PM
Quote from: guest on 10/18/2008, 09:03 PMOK now i am worried, mike has turned into Dr. Phil :P... come on guys... she does not need to be diagnosed of her problems... she needed to place to vent using us as an ear as a community, she does not need any more stress in her life from this place, sure she opens herself up to comments but be gentle we all have our problems.
Mike your intentions may have been for the good but hells... could you have not sent her a PM with your thoughts... this is going to bother her and she is a great girl.
The only reason people brought it up is because they care to some extent, and in the same effect know that they cant do much else here but listen to and comment on what has been said, or whatever is going on. Simply saying nothing is just as well as not caring alot of people would say. Either way, Ive got nothing more to say on it (the health subjects)  if it concerns her in general, as I don't want to give her any more "your out to get me " bait.
I love how you say you are done after you go on over and over again, even unable to drop it now by making this reply.  Since you have nothing helpful to say to the members here and you seem to be still making up lies about me, like I am bi-polar, of which I have never claimed to have (find a single source anywhere, I dare you).  I have no choice but to report you to the mods of this site for harrassment and for trying to spread lies about me for nothing other than your personal gain of feeling better yourself.  My god Michael, you must have not faced a lot of hardship in your life, and I should be happy for you in that respect. 

I also thought you checked your facts here when you led your crusades against members here.  Just because you feel a certain way and have no facts to back it up, does not mean that you are correct in your assumption.  The reason people feel afraid to open up in this world is because of people like you Michael. 

This is supposed to be a thread for people to get out things about their parents they have been holding back, or for people to praise their parents where they went right.  You are doing nothing but taking this thread off topic and hijacking it for your own selfish needs.  I have lost my tollerance for your "antics" here Michael.  Your bahaviour is that of a bully and nothing more.  Anyone who believes otherwise need only to read the whole shoutbox log from today.  Your intent of nothing more than inventing an argument with me and then badmouting me for PAGES AND PAGES after I refused to fight with you.  Then you went and hijacked this thread because you couldn't leave well enough alone, probably to try to rile me up more.

I do not back down to bullies Michael, and if nothing for the sake of every person here with some problem who you also think is a pile of proverbial crap.  I base my argument on nothing but the hate I have seen you spew forth today and the intollerance you have shown to the less able than yourself.  I know this hateful person you often show as your mask is not the real you, but until there is a time that you wish to reveal your true self more than that other mask or self, as other brave people have done in this thread and others, you do not deserve the fellowship you now recieve here.

I suffer greatly each day because of my physical conditions, my mental ones are just the spice that keeps life interesting.  You can make light of the mental/physical conditions I have and as long as you don't try to add a bunch on which are constructs of sunshine blown out of the ass of a flying squirell on to me...the worst I will do is call you an a$$h@le and move on with my life.  You've made this WAAAAY too personal though Michael whether you realize it or not right now.  I've seen nothing from you today but personal attacks against me because you didn't understand what I was talking about and were too embarassed to admit it once you did.  I came right out and said, hey, this is where I thought you guys were comming from.  Why couldn't you just let it go at that.  (notice that is not a question mark, this is not a question, nor open to a reply from you michael)
Off-Topic / Re: Your Parents
10/18/2008, 06:45 PM
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 10/18/2008, 04:25 PMMissa, reflecting on it all, this is how I see it. You can totally take it as either me being a asshole (which I tend to often be since I typically call it liek I see it), or as a intervention, or just solid advice. This is just the internet,so what you do outside of it is completely up to you in the end.

Since you have been here you have made many statements about being Bi-polar, having Asperger syndrome, asthma, and hip issues. Since I don't know you in person, I could only assume either all of this was true or you have may suffer from a mild form of Munchausen syndrome. True,the vast majority of people who suffer from Munchausen syndrome often seek out attention from doctors, there are many who seek attention by other means, family, friends, peers, ect. Munchausen syndrome itself can be caused by alot of what you described as how your childhood went down so before you decide to get mad as to why I would think this, just know that Im just going by what all you have stated, and so by that, that was how I formed that assumption. Again,that's all that it is, a assumption since I don't know you in person, just me being a bystander sizing up the situation as he sees it. Part of the reason I see it this way is possibly because I have been around people who have suffered from it, but that by no means makes me a expert in the field, just someone who has had a little experience in it here and there. Munchausen syndrome can sometimes result from severe depression, and its very obvious you are depressed due to serious issues, and there is medication and counseling out there to help for illness like this. Help is there, but often times unless some one else steps up and forces the person suffering from it to get help, they often dont.

If infact you do have all the problems listed above, again, counseling, and the right medication would benefit you more then hurt you. Obviously if your bi-polar/Asperger you should be on medication. Either way it goes, its obvious you suffer from a great deal of depression, and there is help out there for all the above, and in many cases,free. There is free counseling, support groups, ect. Yes, you would have to seek out said help on your own, as no one here could do it for you, or force you to, it just has to be to that point where you say enough is enough and seek it out. It could greatly improve your situation.

Also coming into play is your surroundings. Sometimes its best to leave them and move elsewhere. You literally just have to take yourself out of what could be a bad situation where you are exposing yourself to alot of unwanted hurt, and move on. Moving to a new town, city, state can help you start fresh. Surround yourself with new friends,, make yourself a new family of people who are supportive of you. In the process, sadly you would have to cut contact too with the cause of the pain, as in this case,your parents, but this would prob be more beneficial to you then harmful from what all you have described. In the end, you have to do what is best for you. Your parents had their time in this world with you, and they botched it, yours is now and you need to look out for your own better interest.

Either way,as I see it,you are hitting that point in your life where you really need to put your foot down and say enough is enough, and do something drastic to help improve your life and well being. Just my 2 cents on it all. And no,this has nothing to do with anything you and I discussed in shout so dont size it up as a personal attack of any type. I have actually been thinking about this for awhile now, for many different reasons, and discussed it plenty prior with a couple of others both before and after you made this thread. Just hoping you take some of it to heart either way because you shouldn't have to live feeling like your life has amounted to nothing but shit, nor should you let your past continue to haunt or control you I think..
Holy crap your insane!  You can't even keep track of my problems, not once have I had a hip or bi-polar problem, nor do I suffer from depression.  You tried to fight with me today and when I wouldn't fight with you, you bad mouthed me for pages and pages in a personal attack on me designed to do nothing but get you attention Michael.  You are also ignorant of the USA and our federal programs, extreemly ignorant.  You seem to be the only person with this huge problem with my life and have seemed to have it out for me for a long time here.  I have tollerated your behaviour and even been friendly with you, but you for whatever reason have just never learned how to get along with people.

Try to hide what you have done, but the drama train stops here buddy.  If you continue this needless hostility I will report you to the mods.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 10/18/2008, 11:31 AMThe Dreamcast will never die as long as it lives within out hearts...

However, by every "official" indication it very much seems to be dead...
Riddle me this Batman, if the Dreamcast is dead, how did I then boot it up and play Soul Caliber the other day? :shock: