10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - majors

Personally I do not watch live streams of ppl playing games unless it's a fighting game tournament(with high production). I know it's popular with the kids, but I'd rather just play game myself :) but good luck with your endeavor!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB Sapphire
12/26/2018, 09:54 AM
Quote from: Green on 12/04/2017, 06:58 AMI have an authentic copy of Sapphire if anyone is interested.

I have it on eBay for 1000. If anyone here wants it... $700. Comes with reg card and obi. Excellent condition.
Sellers remorse?
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 12/06/2018, 01:37 PM... games you might like [snip] Otomidious Excellent
Hmmm...dunno about that one Dan-O. I'm pretty sure it got panned across the board. Don't get me wrong, I picked it up also but it's not high on my list. Uninspiring gfx, repetitive enemies and "Euro" shooting mechanics(take too may shots to kill normal enemies) just send the game to sub mediocre. Plus Konami was on full DLC get-rich-quick mode with it...I'd love to have the castlevania girl but I'm not paying $5 with the game being so dull.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
12/13/2018, 07:58 AM
Another quality sack vid. You just know with the ending teaser, they were making another "bad movie games" episode and ran across some good movies games so decided to create this one.
Akai Katana, Bayonetta, Death Smiles, Vanquish, Sonic's Ultimate Genny collection, Child of Eden, Qubed, Raiden Aces...are a few games I enjoy for the 360. I think all are cheap or at least were when I got them used or on clearance. I'm not on-line with my 360 but I have hooked it up to grab some DLC* and a couple on download games like Outrun Online, Chime, Hard Corp Uprising. So I feel you do not need to connect to enjoy the console.

I think the last game I bought was Mass Effect 3 for $4, since I enjoyed part 2.

* The DLC I got was extra levels for Lumines, Black Label stages for Mushihimesama, bonus content for Sega Transformed...so not very intense purchases.
Quote from: Lazing Blazers on 11/28/2018, 01:46 PMI had the foresight to get into NES collecting early ...
We will still welcome you with open arms regardless of your past sins...

Quote from: Lazing Blazers on 11/28/2018, 01:46 PMI only had one friend that had access to a Turbografx-16 growing up and I only got to play it a handful of times.
Sounds like a common situation, but at least you got some more play time with turbo than at a TRU kiosk!

Quote from: Lazing Blazers on 11/28/2018, 01:46 PMI don't really love the collecting/acquisition stage so I want to buy these as quickly as my wallet will allow so that I can sit back and enjoy having a library of great games that I can play for the rest of my life.

...Does everybody just use eBay these days for turbo pce purchases?
For the "acquisition" part, I assume you mean the hunt and high prices? If not having shelf porn is appealing to you, the flash cards and even the new SSD3 can give you the ability to experience the games. Then, at your leisure you can keep an eye out for deals and sales of games you know you enjoy instead of buying the first(and rarely the best) deal online you come across.

As for buying, for me, I got most of my games in the 90's and been buying obey since then. I recently traded most of my US library for the JP counterpart since I have more PCE systems(my only US system is an Express). But even when searching for JP versions I would shop at game conventions, forums and YAJ.
Yeah, I didn't bother to finish the vid either. Glad the OP is happy, but it's not my cup of tea.
Quote from: NightWolve on 11/06/2018, 06:15 PMI voted no on a proposition to ban plastic straws...
Sounds like someone in Chicago politics has investments in a paper straw company.

I assume this is some eco friendly-save the planet type initiative. What about the plastic lids tho?
Quote from: guest on 10/21/2018, 03:06 PMReplace the capacitors first before you touch the pots or laser.
Are the CDROM units' caps prone to fail? B/c I've not heard that. I had one on the bench and I the caps ready to replace, but turned out it was just a sticky gear.

Quote from: wowsux133 on 10/21/2018, 04:21 PM... the poor quality of NEC capacitors.
I do not think NEC made caps but instead bought them from suppliers to use in manufacture of their electronic products. To be fair,  I doubt NEC thought we'd still be playing turbo's 30 some years later.
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 10/12/2018, 01:56 PMBeen gone a while, what did I Miss?
tldr, just forum drama elevated to N-G heights. So now we just have two forums to read to get our obey fix...

Evil -> Remember, two sides to every story. Taking joy is others misfortune could be bad karma, jus' saying.
Quote from: maikisan on 10/15/2018, 07:28 AM...Anyway, this issue can be solved readjusting and re-connecting with certain pressure the control  again, and moving it to the right.
Seems that the controller port could be damaged.
I have tested it with several controllers with the same wrong behavior.
Since I have a terrible soldering skills I would like to know it there is another way without open the console.
Sounds like the port connection to the mainboard has bad connection (cold solder). This happens over time with the stress of young Japanese kids plugging in and out pads over time. I feel opening it up is the only solution because it can get worse. If you really can't open it up and do the fix, maybe you can use a rubber band to apply the "certain pressure" to the controller plug on the port but that it total Macgyver move and not a permanent.

I got a Shuttle with similar issue that the seller made me aware of and also lowered the price since he did not have time to do the repair, and I did.
Off-Topic / Re: Divisive Topic.
10/08/2018, 10:26 AM
   I do not think I've owned anything that had a digital DL code. I have a small physical media library (like 20), and most are used $1 DVD's. My movie consumption is satisfied with streaming or other non physical means, plus I'm not one to keep a movie once I watch it.

   As for "unclaimed codes", if regular used merch resellers do not attempt to sell them, then have at it...first to claim them, gets the largest virtual movie bookshelf. Most buyers of used movies or games, would assume the code is dead.
Wow, three year old bump? I've never possessed and BB or BBII, but I have a Tennokoe 2 and it is pretty basic betty internals. I'd assume the same for the BB since the PCE itself is already generating the composite signal.
Quote from: guest on 09/26/2018, 02:46 PM... but buying from one of these yahoo japan agents means you are paying 2 lots of shipping and other fees on top.
I just like to know how much I'm paying from the start.
YAJ is not the be all end all for "deals" I've noticed. You sort of have to know what items are selling low in JP to get good prices. Example, I was looking for arcade boards that sell for $600-700 on ebay that I managed to get for $400 from YAJ after proxy and shipping fees because the boards were over abundant in JP after an updated version was released. Also, there are a lot of foreigners using YAJ so you'll see prices almost match FS: threads and ebay.

As for "knowing" the end price from the start...many YAJ listing will show domestic shipping plus the proxys list their fees, so you have an idea of your winning bid costs. But it's the overseas shipping that can eat up any savings from buying on Yahoo...it's best to bundle several items. Buying one piece and shipping it is not good for the budget. I know the proxy I use will list the different overseas shipping prices for me to choose, most times I get 2-3 months sea mail b/c the stuff I buy is already 20 years old, so what's another few months :)

Also the current state of these forums are not going to help your PCE quest...less eyes reading the threads.
Quote from: guest on 09/25/2018, 02:41 PMI don't want to go through a middleman on yahoo auctions to bump up the price.
Other than flying over to JP, someone is gonna be a middle man, if not now, then when it was originally imported.

Quote from: guest on 09/26/2018, 10:49 AMI don't do Facebook or any social media stuff, so that isn't an option.
Forums do not count as social media? I'm not too keen on FB but you are limiting your buying options since a good number of ppl have migrated to it for trades and deals.

Unfortunately, as with other consoles, prices are jumping (unless you want an Odyssey 2, no one collects that!). You may had seen PCE's sell for 30 pounds 3-4 years ago, but you cannot time travel so grin and bare it. May I ask why you are looking for a PCE (RF, white, whatever) instead of a Duo or even a Core? I have a briefcase setup purely for when I support gaming events, I feel it has a certain ascetic and historical significance that can come across when one is physically in it's presence. My "daily driver" is a JP Duo...
Off-Topic / Re: AVGC obey preaching
09/25/2018, 09:58 AM
Quote from: tbone3969 on 09/19/2018, 02:45 PMAnd that MXS-2 looks interesting ...[snip] You can use a Genesis controller on it?
Genny pad is a hack. I re-wired it to work on the MSX.

Quote from: NightWolve on 09/19/2018, 09:29 PMWho brought along all that NEC equipment BTW ? I see a shuttle, suitcase model, Japanese DUO-R, etc.
I brought 8 console setups (INTV, Mark III, SCV, CDX, PCE-CDROM, Shuttle, Duo RX, MSX2) to help support the show. As for the games, we where swapping them out throughout the show to offer a good mix of verity, but if an attendee was looking for a specific game, we would attempt to run it(if we had it)
Off-Topic / AVGC obey preaching
09/19/2018, 12:42 PM

rest of the pic's

Last weekend at AVGC, I had a few retro goodness to share. Event is very games concentric, over dealers and guests. Met up with Johnpv, Este and Ninja Spirit(MIA to fb) to talk turbo and smack on SNES. Everything was in one large expo hall which has is good and bad, but over all I had a good time at the event.
Always glad to hear of some deals out in the wild, even if I'm a tad bit jelly(I an't gonna lie).

You going for a set or will most of these be trade fodder?
Quote from: nopepper on 09/06/2018, 12:54 PMYou can play burned discs on a CDX, not sure what makes you think you can't.
I did not want to chime in since I did not have 100% evidence, but my CDX plays CDRs as well but I do have occasionally lock ups or bad load times from using them. At cons I'd rather not put out a real Keio, so I used a burn. To me any perceived damage due to CDRs is overturned by the fact I want to play the damn games...plus any 20+ year old CD player is gonna have issues due to age.

   I love my CDX, but I got it cheap bitd... it is a pitty about Terminator and it's known issues of locking up. But at least it'll run for a good bit before locking up and there is a stage select cheat to go directly to the level it crashes on if you want to continue.
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 09/07/2018, 09:43 AM... Lets just say he is a rather large and noisy man when he's drunk. :lol:
So he expands when consuming alcohol ? Like the girl in Willy Wonka when she eats the blueberry gum ?

Parodius on PCE is good, it has a special mode that is a score attack. Definitely a must-have if you can deal with cute'm up's. If you play Caves' Pork and Death Smiles, then you should be okay with that.

I have some love for Dragon Saber, you should try it but it's not going for scores, just a good challenge.
That is not the most cost effective way to pay imports. Plus if you go down the road of buying the SGX games, you're in a world of gouge(unless you're getting a flash card, then you're set). In the meantime you can explore the world of US released games :)
NW is right, with region modding or flash cart you eliminate the issue with poor pin connections since a converter doubles the amount of connections that can fail do to dirty pins or not making a connection(looking at you SFIICE hucard!). I think you can prolly buy a Core for the same amount as what converters have been going for, if you're just looking to play imports cards.

BITD using a Kisado and Arcade card was a royal pain...once you got it running, you didn't even dare breath near the TG-16!
The Genny 6 button is nice, but the Saturn model 2(JP) pad is the once to rule them all.

The el-cheapo Mad Katz PS1 pad had a good d-pad but it broke all the time. Of course any stick made by Hori for any console is gonna be good.

I have no use for Bluetooth, unless it can sync with android(security is preventing some BT pads to connect, i.e. Wiimote)
Quote from: JoeQuaker on 07/25/2018, 04:46 PMKato-chan & Ken-chan haha
I also passed up the US release when it was released...I figured it was a "kiddie" game along the veins of Mario and I was deeply entrenched in the Sega 'tude propaganda at the time. Only in the passed decade did I pick up a copy of Kato/Ken (knowing it's regionalization back story) and have had some fun with it...a good pick'n play title. But man does it get cheap and can piss me off in the later levels. I really get annoyed with the random warp backs.
Quote from: nopepper on 07/23/2018, 05:10 PM... although neither is as good as their inspirations.
I guess my memories were more of that both are mid/low tier top-view shooters...I owned them both, but sold them a while ago due to not loving them enough to keep. But it's good to have at least played them, glad you find some joy in Core.

I'm much more a fan of Dragon Spirit/Saber and I can see your comparison to them on Core.
Quote from: nopepper on 07/18/2018, 01:18 PMFormation Armed F - ...
Armed F always reminded me of Cyber Core, do you have any love for that? I'm not a fan of either, so they do not make my "under appreciated" list.
Quote from: pixeljunkie on 07/16/2018, 11:33 AMAnother favorite for me is Power Golf 2
This guy knows what's up. PG2 is super solid arcadey golf game.
Quote from: saturndual32 on 07/12/2018, 12:24 AMI dont think Jackie Chan gets talked enough.
Agreed. Wonderful platformer.

I'm a fan of Buster Bros, Motoroader, Victory Run and Zipang(Solomans Key). F1 Circus 92 has been growing one me but more for the visual impressiveness, but I'm still trying to get good at it.
Thanks for the update on things TK. I'm not too active on fb so chiming here does keep me current.

I'll be at AWA near the end of September in Atlanta. We missed you at MGC! I know Savannah an't close but if we could get some heads like Ope and punky up from the deep South to sort of make a southern Pcfx meet up.
I used a db9 before, but only because the RGB monitor I was using had one for input. I wonder if the og modder decided to use the 15 pin as a standard for their setup. If you open it up you can prolly follow the wires to see what pins are RGB...then ghetto-style just shove some wires into the respective holes and from there run to your monitor(for testing before buying needed parts to make your own db15->whatever).
Quote from: guest on 05/22/2018, 10:18 PMBump, does anyone have advice here? 
My PC has been acting really slow recently and I wonder if it's a virus or botnet or what.
We know where xele's been going...

It's been a while since I had to bother keeping up with virus/malware shit, but Norton had some freebie tool called Norton Power Eraser that helped out with baddies. Other than the normal barrage of 'Bytes, Spybot and Super (Install, scan-clean, uninstall). From what I experienced, viruses are not the main concern, it's all spy/mal/ransomware nowadays. Oh, and web hijacks...that was what freaked out users the most!

I just assume my crap is compromised and could format my machines(s) any hour.
Quote from: pixeljunkie on 05/21/2018, 04:40 PMI hold the PCE in higher regard than NES/SNES/Gen...
Since the TG is kinda fugly, it's okay to hack away at them. Like Josh's Legendary Axe custom job.
Re:Born: JP knife-fu action flick. Had some Metal Gear Solid vibe. Solid action flick.

Revenge: camera and cinematography is great, but you really need to leave you suspension of disbelief at the door. I think if the director made it more campy or fantasy, the story would have been more believable. Still, good stuff and recommend.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
05/05/2018, 10:59 AM
Let see that Dave and Joe have to say on controllers!
One of my arcade fav's.

...better than Ordyne!
Darksoft multi...that is good stuff! I have two, makes my life so much easier. Since runs on CPS2 hardware, with ripped roms, to me it's not cheating(EMU). It's basically swapping the game ROM chips on the fly.
Quote from: esteban on 04/16/2018, 05:29 PMI was wondering if you or majors would be the first to post some here.
You know I'm always drinking my "special tea" and do not have the facilities to post.

Est -> see you next week!

Quote from: soop on 04/10/2018, 06:24 PMI'd just replace the existing connector tbh
The RCA jacks? Would you be adding more jacks for R/G/B/Sync since I assume you'll still need the audio. Or are you thinking about putting in a DIN of some sort?
With Voultars board(if it comes out), you'd still need to add some holes to the IFU? I've been holding some BNC female connectors to mount on a Tennokoe for an RGB mod, just to look industrial. I may have to work them into a briefcase...making it much more of a BEEFCASE!
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
04/04/2018, 09:13 AM
Quote from: nopepper on 04/03/2018, 11:29 AMRight now, my curiosity has been piqued as to why there are "rabid fans" for a system that has always looked like almost complete garbage to me. Am I missing something?
I do not think you are missing anything. I have no love for Jag(but I did repair one last week for a buddy who run a games store, that in the past 6 months have sold 3 Jags). As for the fans' fever for it, I think it's like you said...hardcore Atari fans with the bonus of a decent homebrew scene.

To be fair, I was working Babbages for the Jag launch...it never seemed to have taken a foot hold in the market, even 3do sold better and had better game line up. I'm not a Atari hater by any means...I love my Lynx but I'm first to admit it has a limited library of games I enjoy.

Sounds like you've got the itch already, only solution is to EMU or get a console to scratch that itch.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
04/03/2018, 10:42 AM
Quote from: nopepper on 04/02/2018, 07:22 PMSo serious question, besides those, what are the "good" Jaguar games?
Probably not the best forum to ask that question.

MGC was started out for "Jagfest" and there is always a small outpost of rabid fans with a few systems running, I bet they would tout the Jags merits. Personally, T2K is the only reason to own one.

One of the early Jaguar emulators was called "PT"...short for Project Tempest. It seems the programmers just wanted to play Tempest :)
Funny, when I was moving to PCE over TG, Splatter and Bloody were higher than expected prices (on PCE). I just coughed it up to being good games...at least I could sell my US version for at least what I could buy the PCE counterparts for. Both games are great, but if they get over $50, then ppl should just get a TED...I say the same for Cadash.
Quote from: guest on 03/28/2018, 05:30 PMI have some extra space in my hotel room ...
ROLF gonna be in the house! This will be the epics. So looking forward to next wknd. A con where I can just chill and obey.

Now, where is the Ope :/

PS: I'm still down for lugging a Shuttlebutt and Core w/ TED and rando hu's.
Quote from: Gredler on 03/29/2018, 01:48 PMI regret every time I get on facebook for anything other than messenger to contact someone who is not in my phone, or get contacted through it by someone who doesn't have my number.
Pretty much my current use of FB now. Too many ppl use it as e-mail. And doesn't one need an e-mail address to join anyhow?

I'd admit I have used FB to see when stores close or if open holidays.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
03/22/2018, 11:29 AM
Quote from: Gypsy on 03/22/2018, 08:49 AMThank you very much for teh info dump arkhan.

Ark, any advice for RGB? Just stick to ones with that 8-pin DIN?

And you're right about that blue 23J...very distinguished.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
03/21/2018, 12:49 PM
Quote from: Gypsy on 03/20/2018, 09:46 PMSeems like so many of the MSX listed there are busted in some way.
That is my angle...shoot for a somewhat busted but as long as can play carts. I'm also trying for some MSX2 that has a neat design, some wow factor when running it at shows. The red MSX that Rydeen showed is cool but I'm really trying for a MSX2. The Sony F1(XD) with the red accent is nice, along with the Pana WSX that has an interesting design flare. I have a budget and will keep to it, it's not like I _need_ and old 8-bit computer...it's just for fun. Let's hope we do not bid against each other!
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
03/20/2018, 10:55 AM
Quote from: Gypsy on 03/18/2018, 10:41 AMReady for dat msx price spike.
What he said! Let's hope all the hipsters goto ebay to get gouged.

I'm actually looking at buying a MSX2. I mainly want it for playing carts, treating it like a console more than a computer at cons and events. I hope I can elude any price jump since most johnny-come-latelys will want the top of the line Turbo with all working parts. I can sneak in and get a beater unit for cheaps.
Quote from: Johnpv on 03/11/2018, 08:47 PMWould you be willing to go like 20 - 25 shipped for one of the white ones?
US seems to be $20 easy all day for a SS pad. If you want to move them pads, 15-20 should be an easy sale. That being said, I've been trolling YAJ for SS pad lot buys...not been too successful but got a couple wins. Add proxy and shipping to auction wins, Bartre might be a better source since it's been tested and stateside.

And the SS pad is he greatest. In fact, some religions would say it was the second coming of Christ. (ok, my words)