Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Messages - araceli

I think that is exceptional. Craftsmanship par excellence.
Just wished to update everyone that my system is doing great. I have not had a single problem since Duo_R modded it. I've become quite addicted to Street Fighter 2'.  =D>
WHAT?? You didnt like Zelda for the CD-i! Blazphemy, I say! Blasphemy.
Get a cheap cheap Turbo 16 and have Duo_R mod it, you wont regret it.
Off-Topic / Re: The Cult of the Snuggie
02/07/2009, 10:45 PM
I have a rare invention called a blanket. :^o
Here is a picture of my system lighted up in the dark:

I forgot to add one thing. He also cleaned my entire system, and covered the back of my system so no dust would get in it. I am not sure what he used to cover it, its like electrical tape but better, and looks really nice. Ok, :) just wanted to add that.

So it all started a little while back when I purchased a US TG-16 system on amazon for like 35 dollars with all the hookups and a TurboStick. Well, when I first got it, having never had one of these systems, I thought all was well because 1, it turned on, and 2, I got a picture. But the picture kept becoming more and more tempermental. Until finally the RF unit completely died out on my system. So here I am with two new games on the way, and a dead Turbo.

In chat one day, I am telling my story, and Duo_R says, "Hey Ara (I am paraphrasing), I could fix your system for you". I was like really? And then we discussed whether we wanted to fix the rf or do a complete composite mod, and I said screw the rf box, lets just go for the composite. Duo was totally game. And since my system was dead, I really wasnt worried about it.

So I shipped it off to Duo to begin the process. Let me tell you this off the bat, Duo_R is an awesome guy. Not only does he communicate with you via e-mail or im constantly with updates, but you get pictures of the process too. And I will also say this man works fast.

So ok, the first picture I see is the coolest orange plug (matches the system), and yes, you guessed it, thats my composite video. Now this I didnt get to see until I got the system, but it was explained. There is a small hole in the back, very sleak and cool looking, where an audio jack plugs into. I love this mod. Instead of having to have the three red white and yellow coming out of the system, you just have the audio jack. Perfect. And to even add to the awesomeness. Duo_R took things a step further and made me a custom a/v cord, so yes, you guessed it, I have a yellow and a audio jack on one end and a rwy on the other end.

Now your thinking, so he did a video mod, so what. Uh uh uh, not so fast. Im not done. In fact, Im just getting started. My system is region modded. Oh yes. On the side of the console is a tiny white button a little bigger than a pinhead. Push it in, japanese, push it again, it pops out and its american. Unobtrusive, tiny, and works flawless. I dont know the exact work that went into. All I know is that I love it.

So you now say, wow, ok, so he did those two things, but those things have been done. I AM NOT DONE. Remember where the channel switch use to be. He installed a clear plastic winder, and now there is a LED that shines through when the system is on. YES a LED.

So NOW you say, that rocks, but...anything else? OH yes, he went one step further. He designed from scratch a converter that allows me to play my avenue 6 pad on my American Turbo Grafx 16. And yes, it is tested and everything works as it should.

Duo_R has a lot going for him, and there are a lot of reasons why you should choose him to do your modding.

1. Customer Service: Duo_R always puts the other person first
2. Communication: Duo_R gives you updates of your modification at each stage of progression
3. Ability: Duo_R is on the cutting edge and is not afraid to go above and beyond to make you happy
4. If there is something he doesn't have, he will go out of his way to get it

I have been very happy with my experience, and would recommend him to anyone.
You might want to try contacting this guy: as he fixed one. I dont know him. Just know he fixed the one he has in his videos.
Hi all,

I received my Blazing Lazers hucard, and the sound works fine, but the video is just a black screen. I have cleaned the contacts as clean as I can get them, and I also cleaned my cart slot as best as I could. Still, I get perfect sound, and only a black screen. My other game, Yo Bro, plays flawlessly. I havent had one problem with it.

Im out of ideas. Any help would be appeciated.
Thank you all for your thoughtful replies. For my first game I decided to buy Blazing Lazers. Price definitely factored into my purchase. I will wait to purchase the more expensive games for later. But I think this will be much better than Yo Bro.
UPDATE: I fixed both issues. Zeon helped me with the video problem. Went and bought a gold f to rca connector, and totally replaced the rf switch. Now the video looks great. The problem with the psu was with a small copper panel on the bottom where the psu end connects to the system. I cleaned it, and pushed it down to lock it in place. I also repositioned the pin more centrally. Now it works fine.
I have wished to own a tg-16 since playing one when I was younger at my cousins house. I have owned just about every console system there is, but this one always alluded me for some reason. I am definitely sure it was the hugh cards that attracted me partly to it, and the other part I know was the really colorful graphics, and Bonk! I loved bonk. And especially Cadash, and the many working designs games for the system. Well, recently there was a sale of a tg-16 US, turbostick, random game, for like 39.99. Well, like always I was like, sigh, better not spend the money, but then someone in chat was like, you should buy one, seriously, get yourself one. And I was like, you know what, he is right. So I got it a few days ago, and I love it. I got the game Yo Bro, probably the only person on earth that actually likes But I am pretty addicted to it.

If anyone can give me any recommendations for games, or any recommendations in general that would be great? Zeon said that I should probably post a thread just asking for recommendations and stuff just to get acclimated to the scene.

I don't actually know if this is a problem as this is my first system, could just be wear and tear, but I just would like to find out for sure. If I push my PSU jack all the way into the system, it doesnt power on. But if I pull out slightly, it powers on fine. Pulled out slightly it is not loose at all. The video is fine on my system, but there are these tiny rainbow bars at the very bottom of the screen where the black is. They are so tiny you can barely see them but they are there. During the actual gameplay, every so often, it sometimes/rarely "flashes" another screen real quick.

My system is a turbo grafx 16 US system, with a standard turbostick, a standard SNES/NES RF switch, and HES-ACA-01, NEC 120 60hz psu unit.

Thank you for any help you may provide, and even if it cannot be fixed, I just would like to know if I can still run it, because it works 90% well enough to play.