10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - Gladiator316


I think its time I do another raffle for the community...thinkn Star Parodier.

coming soon!!
add me buddy, I need some stickers  :D
huh  :-k  I had no idea how bad ebay auctions could get until this one...I didn't know Ys book 1 and 2 looked like the Ys 3  cd, manual and jewel case.

Sign me up too
Quote from: guest on 06/20/2013, 04:07 PMOh that is most definitely a gouge.
oh ok..then I retract my first statement :-P  To be honest I really didn't even look at the price...I was just confused on the item being sold.
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 06/10/2013, 11:56 AMGouge of the month.

I have that same case....its just a simple carrying case...not even worth 500 pesos...I guess he wants that Xbox One really bad.
Damn work...LOL I was late HAHA!!
My wife picked out the name and the winner outta the 22 entries is: Carparama !!

Congrats to the Winner!

Just PM me your full name and address and I will ship it out first thing tomorrow.

To those who didn't win, thanks for entering and there will be plenty more raffles coming in the near future :-)
Quote from: RoyVegas on 03/26/2013, 02:59 PM
Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 03/26/2013, 02:53 PM:-s
Quote from: RoyVegas on 03/25/2013, 06:52 PMPlease REMOVE ME from the raffle.  (not kidding)
Something we don't know?
I found one for a good price and bought it. Therefor I have no need to be in the raffle.
no problem roy & congrats on the find
Quote from: playalives on 03/19/2013, 09:31 PMI live in Canada but if you enter me I'll pay the shipping :)
I will put u in the contest....if u win you can pay :-)
Quote from: glazball on 03/17/2013, 08:53 PMDon't enter me, but very cool!  I love that people are kind and willing to do free giveaways here.  One of the things that drew me in, and makes it feel like home.  The love of Turbo overcomes all!  You rock Gladiator.  Have some TK, +1!
Appreciate it bud....a lot of kewl genuinely nice people on this forum...and I figured its time to give back :-)   Even though I'm still pretty new.
My wife picked out the name and the winner outta the 22 entries is: Carparama !!

Congrats to the Winner!

Just PM me your full name and address and I will ship it out first thing tomorrow.

To those who didn't win, thanks for entering and there will be plenty more raffles coming in the near future :-)
Yeah I get a little impatient waiting for his videos too 8-[..

We know he has some life issues to deal with, just like anyone else....
but I'm sure he will make his return when he gets things in order

In the mean time i'm enjoying his DVD's
Quote from: guest on 03/14/2013, 11:49 AMVideo games are the new baseball cards.
Its funny, I used to think all the comic cards I bought and owned would be worth something one day but never video games...I have boxes among boxes filled with Fleer Ultras and marvel master pieces, etc from 91 and up...I really should hit up egay and see if they are worth anything..LOL
I'm glad everyone is liking the thread. Ive read every comment and I like to see that
 there are plenty of people who collect video games think like me, and view them as games.
Games that should be played, not stored away hoping to gain monetary value. I'm sure I will get a lot of rants
for this but i've opened a brand new Ninja Gaiden Trilogy, Chrono trigger, Guardian Heroes (saturn) and a Neutopia....
Sometimes it just feels good opening a brand new old game...even if its worth money.
I use very light brasso brass on the contacts, shines like new and works every time :D

I know i've heard it could damage contacts...but i've been using it for years no problem yet.
I ordered his Turboviews Volume 1 & 2...If you are a fan of his, support him and buy his dvd's...they are totally worth it! I love the extras.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Trade TG-16 docking base
03/13/2013, 12:38 PM
Found Beyond Shadowgate :-)

I also have a extra docking base for trade w/ retro cave turbo cd power supply.
I don't have the cd drive, but you can still use the AV's and memory back up.


I'm in too...I got a bunch of beat up labels that need replace'n :-)
PM'd for Riot zone and case&manual Soldier blade  :D
Welcome aboard...yeah Jason (akaviolence) did my rgb to component mod for my toaster nes...the picture..the picture  :shock:    drroooooooolll.

he does amazing work..i"m most likely gonna be sending him turbo express for a cap replacement.
Playing lords of thunder...a bit easier than Gate....that last level of gate just brings my piss to a boil ](*,)
Quote from: esteban on 03/10/2013, 12:31 PMA belated "WELCOME" to all the lazy bastards joining us. I AWAIT YOUR MULTIPLE POSTS! :pcds:
LOL Im working on it...life just gets in the way.
Soldier Blade
Riot Zone
Street Fighter 2
Prince of Persia

whats the damage on those? :-)
I can do paypal.

PM sent
Bonk 3: Bonk's Big Adventure (TurboGrafx-16, 1993) Plus Custom Case TG, TG16

Just offered his greedy ass 45$ then I offered 46$ ...I love spamming these ass clowns.
Quote from: guest on 03/03/2013, 06:10 PMhttp://www.ebay.com/itm/Bonk-3-Bonks-Big-Adventure-TurboGrafx-16-Manual-Only-/250617950446?pt=Video_Games_Accessories&hash=item3a59fe70ee

not sure if it was posted, but what the actual fuck? $300 for just the MANUAL of Bonk 3?
yeah i posted that too...its been around for two years or so according to everyone here...and it still hasn't sold...HAHAHAHA!!
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 02/22/2013, 04:13 PM
Quote from: Gladiator316 on 02/22/2013, 11:14 AMlong story short........

Let me know what you all think :-)
To be honest I'd have to break this down in full to address some statements you made if I want to adress everything, but I wont, so here is the basic reply:

1. If you keep running into a younger generation that is constantly hanging out at the retro store, but just so happens to be individuals whom are not actually into playing retro games, then what you have probably run into are actually hipsters or posers, not real gamers. There is a difference, and this has been addressed here before multiple times. If this really concerns you, try checking the age of people on the Neo forums, Sega-16, and other sites. You will find there are actually quite a few teenagers on each of these forums.

2. In my own experience, my son and daughter both love playing the older stuff too now and then, and my son keeps a Snes and N64 in his room with all his other game systems. In fact, a couple weeks ago my son came in here and beat Splatterhouse for Pce on his 2nd try and had a blast doing it. Also, a two year old child's lack of want for 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit games should not even be considered or factored into to any conversation like this. The two year old cant read or write, let alone carry on a coherent conversation. Would you let your two year old pick out your dinner? No. Would you let them pick out a movie to watch on movie nite with the wife? No.

Two year old kids have no reference level, so you cant even begin to base the future outcome or demand of classic gaming on a kid that young. They are not even remotely old enough to form educated or responsible opinions or develop personal taste or preferences yet. If you need that put into perspective a tad better, here watch this video:
Now, after you are done watching it, swap the cat for the 2 year old. Get the point? Stop worrying about a 2 year old reaction to old games. For that matter, stop worrying about what is going to happen 20-30 years from now with these games. Odds are you will be dead, or too old to care by then anyway. Enjoy the here and now, that is what matters.
I understand..I'm not really going off what my 2 year old niece is doing..I just used that as a funny example. Relax.
 The Retro game store has a lot of current gen games too. I even asked the owner Mike what sells the most, he even told me that ps2 and up...barely the retro stuff moves., especially atari and turbo.

All kids hit that age of wanting the newer, better things...I know I did...I sold a lot of my old gaming stuff to get the new gen..and I know i'm not the only one..

I'm not too worried bout it...just wanted to know others opinions on the whole collecting concept. Just some thought provoking material. :-)
Quote from: Carparama on 02/22/2013, 11:42 AMIt's an investment to an extent, in that I hope my kids will get some major use out of it.  Whether for enjoyment, or for other reasons.  By that same token, I hope that when I do have kids, they'll play these games with me.  :D
I hope my kids will play them with me too...but i'm gonna have a bitch of a time trying to keep him/her away from the new shit :-P
Bonk when he eats the piece of meat and rises in to air with steam coming outta his fat head..and when he has invincibility...that music!!
Quote from: tpivette on 02/22/2013, 11:28 AMI only "collect" for my own gaming enjoyment. I've never seen video games as a monetary investment. I don't look at my shelves of games and see dollar signs... I see many many weekends of fun!

I mostly collect for the nostalgia factor, that and I just don't find any of the current gen stuff that interests me. My wife always made fun of me over the last few years ..."you always play that 20 year old stuff, why don't you get with the times and play something new?". Because the new stuff sucks ass, that's why! The old 8/16 bit games from my youth are 10x better and more fun than anything that has come out in the last few years! I thought I was alone in this regard, until I found this forum and met lots of other people who were as nuts about older gaming as I was.

That said, I don't think I'd ever sell off my collections, even if I was in a financial emergency. It took me too long to amass them all... I'd probably even sell my Corvette first than my game collection. It's alot easier to replace a single vehicle later in life than trying to re-collect everything I currently have in my gameroom.
Well said...I know I said I would sell it off or give it away one day...but your right it is very hard to give or sell something that has more sentimental value...I know it won't be easy..but i'm sure my wife wont let me be buried with my game collection since i'm probably gonna go first  LOL
Quote from: Bernie on 02/22/2013, 11:21 AMI collect these games, to play them.  I do not see them as an investment.  I also dont agree that all young folks wont look back and want to play just the current generation stuff.  There are plenty of members here now, that did not grow up with the turbo, and love it.  Matter of fact, one of our members is a mere 16 years old.  Granted, that is going to be the exception.  Most kids now, demand graphics...more graphics..  Screw that,  I cant play graphics if the story is shit.  It is up to us whether or not interest dies really.  If they arent subjected to it, they would never know where the roots lie. 
Your right there are a few younger generation interested in older systems...but I feel there are a lot more retro game players right now then there were during the mid 90's when 3d was just kicking in with the Ps1..We do have to expose the younger gen to these awesome older consoles.but its the demand that keeps these prices and values where they are atleast for the ones who are doing it for an investment..I just have a feeling there are going to be a lot less retro gamers in the furture...god knows what magical game system they will come out with...maybe game avatars..LOL
Quote from: Bardoly on 02/21/2013, 09:04 PMWelcome to Pcenginefx!

Now, jump into the discussions!
just started a topic Bardoly...join in :-)
Hey everybody,
I know I'm new here and just wanted to get peoples thoughts on this topic I was just pondering with my wife yesterday....

Why do we collect these retro video games...is it nostalgia, we just wanna play the games we had as a kid or the ones we never got to play as a kid or from what I mostly hear from collectors is that its an investment....investment for who? I mean if you plan to sell off your entire collection before your 6 feet under.. yeah I could see it as a investment (assuming the value rises)..

But most collectors not all, seem to tell me that they are going to leave it for their kids so they might get some money or joy out if it....I don't understand this concept. What I mean is that I buy these games mostly cause of nostalgia and I want to play the games that I played or never got to play as a child. To me collecting videogames is a bad investment....well for future monetary gain that is.

Our Children won't get their nostalgia from nes,snes, genesis, Turbografx 16, and so on...it will come from the PS3's, Wii's or 360's....their wont be a demand for these games when our generation dies off. Even my two year old niece throws the Nintendo controller across the room and points straight to the Wii U gamepad.. LOL. (in my head I think shes like get this old shit outta my face and give that new high tech shit).

Are these games we cherish so much just gonna be become useless plastic one day that no one wants? Most of the younger generation these days I talk to when I go to my neighborhood retro game store tell me that they wouldn't want to play a nes, unless the story line or something connects to a recent new release on current generation. They couldn't see themselves spending money on anything nes or snes related...some don't even know what Turbografx 16 is.

So I just wanna hear everyone's thoughts on this topic. Are we collecting for ourselves or for our future off spring? Do you think these games will be worth anything 50 years down the line? Will our children wanna play these games? Or are we just gonna die in our chairs with a controller in our hand ( what a way to go! :-P )

Personally I am gonna sell off my collection one day when I decide its time...or give it away to someone less fortunate. I can already see that my nieces and responses from other young generation that they have no interest..

Let me know what you all think :-)
Quote from: RoyVegas on 02/21/2013, 04:08 PM
Quote from: guest on 02/21/2013, 03:07 PMYou should learn what each game came with before considering paying collectors prices for them.
This should help you:

WOW!! Much appreciated Roy...amazing collection there...now i can see what game came with what :-)
Quote from: guest on 02/21/2013, 02:55 PM
Quote from: Gladiator316 on 02/21/2013, 02:45 PM
Quote from: RoyVegas on 02/21/2013, 02:37 PM
Quote from: Gladiator316 on 02/21/2013, 01:33 PMIm curious what would be the correct price for Bonk 3? Just in case I spot one and need to know what its really worth?
Taking a note from what forum members here say is important. That message is usually the same from everyone and that is: BE PATIENT!  I bought a game lot on eBay and resold the stuff I didn't want/need here on the forums. My Bonk 3 loosie ended up costing me less than $15. Take your time, Turbo games go up and down in price.
15$!! Holy Shit that is an awesome price....I see a neutopia 2 complete on ebay and put a max bid on it for 100$ and its already at 84$...Your right they do fluctuate...cuz i know i saw one on ebay last month end at 75$..

Do you think 'im getting gouged at 100$ knowing probably i wont win? 

$100 would be getting high for a CIB copy depending on condition. What you are bidding on is just a loose card and manual (it came with a plastic insert and cardboard box). If it's not too roughed up, the most you should pay is $50. A local gouging store has it for $60 and the want $140+ for Bonk 3.
Well when i don't win...i will look for better deals to use my gift card on....

Thanks for all the knowledge guys...i'm learning alot bout the various ways games were originally sold...didn't know that neutopia 2 or bonk 3 were just box, card, and manual....

what happened did they get greedy near the end of the run and skimp out on the hucard cases and spine labels?
Quote from: RoyVegas on 02/21/2013, 02:51 PM
Quote from: Gladiator316 on 02/21/2013, 02:45 PMDo you think 'im getting gouged at 100$ knowing probably i wont win? 
I also got Neutopia II in the same game lot for less that $15 (loosie).  This was just a few months ago on eBay.  Be patient.  Too much $ imo.
I really appreciate it..Well i'm sure i wont win...only reason i went 100$ bucks is cuz i have a 100$ gift card..given to me like a year ago..and i just recently found it :-)
Quote from: RoyVegas on 02/21/2013, 02:37 PM
Quote from: Gladiator316 on 02/21/2013, 01:33 PMIm curious what would be the correct price for Bonk 3? Just in case I spot one and need to know what its really worth?
Taking a note from what forum members here say is important. That message is usually the same from everyone and that is: BE PATIENT!  I bought a game lot on eBay and resold the stuff I didn't want/need here on the forums. My Bonk 3 loosie ended up costing me less than $15. Take your time, Turbo games go up and down in price.
15$!! Holy Shit that is an awesome price....I see a neutopia 2 complete on ebay and put a max bid on it for 100$ and its already at 84$...Your right they do fluctuate...cuz i know i saw one on ebay last month end at 75$..

Do you think 'im getting gouged at 100$ knowing probably i wont win? 
