Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Messages - Turbotracks

Just picked up a PC Engine Duo and need, not want, NEED one! I can't believe how good they look!
Another great list Ive found years later, this is great!
Feel like Indiana Jones finding this ancient list. I only have a few of these, so challenge accepted!
True story, everyone MUST own this game.
Looking for this great community to come together and advise me on what PC-FX games are must haves other than Chip Chan Kick.  Right now just looking for nothing text heavy (I know that narrows it down a lot).
Totally...missed...out.  ](*,)
Three more to add! (two are just newer Retro Games Plus locations.)
Retro Games Plus in Orange, CT
Retro Games Plus in Newington, CT
Have we added Digital Press in Clifton, NJ?
Sign me up! I just hope it still has that new game smell so I can pass out from the constant inhale!
I would definitely want in on this! been looking to add to my collection for some time now!  [-o<
I had tons of fun with this one!  I agree, better than Bonk's Adv.
Sorry to everybody for not getting back to your PM's  I got pretty sick the night I posted these and still am.  :oops:  Added shipped pricing, so I hope that helps answer some of the questions.  Please be patient, and I promise not to leave anybody hanging.

Bought a nice lot recently and ended up with some nice dupes!
What I have, all complete with original case, manual.
Pac-Land 12
Power Golf 12
World Court Tennis 12
Alien Crush 15
Blazing Lazers 20
Bonk's Rev 30
Dungeon Explorer 17
Galaga '90 18
Jack Nicklaus HuCard 12
JJ and Jeff 12
Legendary Axe 18
Ninja Spirit 18
Cosmic Fantasy 2 15
It Came From the Desert 12  SOLD!
Monster Lair 15  SOLD!
Valis II 28
Buster Bros. 20 SOLD!
Gate of Thunder 45  SOLD!
Ys III 45  SOLD!

What I need
Aero Blasters, Beyond Shadowgate, Bomberman, Bonk 3, Cadash, Camp Calif, Champs Forever, Chase H.Q.(complete), Chew Man Fu, Cratermaze, Darkwing Duck (complete), Dead Moon (complete), Ghost Manor (complete), Neutopia II (complete), Samurai Ghost (complete), Shockman (complete), Side Arms, Silent Debuggers, Space Harrier, Tiger Road, Timeball, and outer boxes for most U.S. games.  There are a few PCE games I want so feel free to offer!

Got half way through before realizing how old it was! LOL! I have since passed it along to a friend who writes screenplays.  Hope nobody minds. J/k
I have a burn of Ys IV with english translation that I got years ago from somebody, but was always afraid of putting it in the system.  Anyone know of one that was done?  Maybe a topic for a new thread.
I think Konami has pushed it to the side since purchasing Hudson. I could be dead wrong though, it has happened before.
I don't remember it either, but will not rest until it is found!
Those are the only ones I am familiar with.  I am currently organizing my GamePro cheats and such so I can post them for all to enjoy.  There are some great ones such as the Bloody Wolf "hover" code
Welcome tpivette.  I am fairly new to these forums, but I can say that almost everybody is very passionate about the systems and knows their stuff.  Except for the people in love with Double Dungeons!  I'm kidding, it is a great game if you like dungeon crawlers.  I prefer a different style of RPG. Cosmic Fantasy 2 was one of my favorite games as a kid and still is.  That, the Ys series, and Dragon Slayer are worth the price of a DuoR.  My Turbo Duo's sound died years ago before I knew anything about caps and the like, and buying a DuoR was the first move I made.  No regrets!
I was waiting to see if they are as good as they look, and everybody seems pretty happy. I hope more will be available in a couple of weeks.
Seriously interested if it has original back art.  More pics would be great.  I will PM offer.
It amazes me how we all collect the same thing, but in so many different ways.
What dollar value are these commanding now?  I see them go for $900-$1200+ which considering the price new doesn't seem too bad.  The downside though is definitely their longevity.
Quote from: TurboXray on 03/12/2012, 10:49 PM
Quote from: guest on 03/11/2012, 06:26 PMWhat if Commander Keen had been put on the Turbob.
Heh, hopefully it wouldn't have been as is :) People would have laughed. Also, you really love that game serious - don't you? I remember when it came out and at first I thought it looked cool. But after playing it... I thought meh. Maybe if I was younger when it came out, I would have liked it.
Totally agree.  Still impressive considering it's history.
Are you kidding?! Post span invulnerability was my favorite especially in Bayou Billy!
What, no Man-At-Arms? LOL
Sure seems that way.  I'll still keep an eye out for the blocks here just because I know how difficult it can be to find items like this.
Sealed Dragon Spirit, sealed Falcon, sealed Gunboat, and CIB Bloody Wolf!  Why I ever sold that one is beyond me but it's back!!!!
Kabuki Klash! Good call!
Nice to see some Faxanadu support, and some revisiting of the game. My wife said Bloody Roar Primal Fury (I did enjoy it), and she hasn't gamed regularly since the NES held #1. Just had to throw that out there.
I try for CIB, but will never turn down complete in case. With the later HuCard releases it's CIB only for the collection, but HuCard only for the ones that get played regularly. Organized alphabetically, with no segregation.
As good as Bonk's Revenge was it didn't have that "hook" that set it apart from other platformers the way SMW had different moves, cape, Yoshi. The thing that set Sonic apart from the others was that it was so damn fast.
Doofy Metro Cross Guy>Doofy '80s Kid (tm)>Doofy Gaiares Kid (tm)
Does anybody remember that box?  I can't remember ever seeing it at "liquidation" time.
That is very valuable info. I'm going back and forth between LA and PC-FX for the next addition to my collection. This will definitely help me make my decision. On the subject of cap replacement, how much does a Duo cap rep go for?
I don't think I've ever seen anybody attempt anything similar to this! Awesome!
Agreed. Oversaturating the library would have had the opposite effect. Looking back we, of course, have the benefit of 20/20 vision. I think it would have been more of a benefit to us to have what is now our pick of the litter of PCE games localized than it would have benefitted sales numbers. Obviously having more quality software drives hardware sales, but the general public was so focused on spending their money on Mario or Sonic that there wasn't room in most wallets for a third system.
Good point. '88 was a huge year for NES. Zelda II was the game to get that holiday season. Over 4 million copies sold of that game alone really eats up the consumers game spending.
I don't think the Power League games made it because licensing teams and players was a huge selling point, but also incredibly expensive.  Although, Baseball Stars on the NES was quite the hit.
Quote from: Neurosis138 on 03/09/2012, 05:40 PMPicked up an ac adaptor for my jvc x'eye.  When it shows up in the mail, i can properly test my unit.
I hate wondering if a system works or not because of a missing component. I have an Odyssey 2 in my garage that I need an AC for so I can test it. I don't like using parts from other systems, although I did it as a kid.
So many good points here. I don't think it would have made a difference either.  I think it could have been a closer battle for #2 had the Turbo received a better ad campaign. I talk to a lot of customers at a friends game store and so many have no idea what the Turbo is but the have SNES and Genesis games in their hands.
Speaking of 8-bit I played the hell out of Xevious, and Dragon Spirit on the NES back in the day. Finally got Ordyne the other day. We shall see how much my shooter skills have dwindled since not playing any for a while.
This list is endless. The fact that Beyond Shadowgate is mentioned, but still a favorite is a testament to how great it really is. I vote Contra. I never would have finished it without "the code"
 A nice lot came the other day which gave me a handful of dupes. Keep your eyes open for a new trade thread!
Power League will be a definite, which reminds me I need to replace my Neo Geo Baseball Stars. Stupid water being able to damage electronics.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB Ys III
03/07/2012, 11:25 PM
Well I'm trying to rebuild my Turbo collection so my list of wants is quite extensive. What trades do you have?
I'll be looking!  :shock: I love the uniqueness of this trade offer!
16-bit shooters are tops!
I laughed hysterically when I saw that Keith Courage mostly because of my recent participation in this thread. Had we not been discussing gouging I probably would just shake my head. BTW, as much as i love my NES I thought I was being generous by saying it had almost 200 good games.  :-#
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB Ys III
03/05/2012, 07:30 PM
What are you willing to pay or trade?  I may be able to hook you up but not until the end of the week.
Unfortunately for us true fans of the games and systems the late eighties/early nineties is what's "cool" in gaming now.  I am old enough to remember my parents buying a Coleco Telstar new from a local dept. store. I have no problem with the younger gamers playing vintage systems. In fact, just a couple of weeks ago I helped a 14 year old choose a couple of 2600 games at a local shop. I do agree that buying just to have every title is what's driving prices, and it makes no sense to me either. I admit, my goal is a complete US Turbo collection. I was three titles away about four or five years ago and I sold some and lost a lot to flood damage. Much of them will cost me an arm and a leg to replace now because of the industry, (sealed Hero Tonma, complete Bonk 3, and a few others I still miss having). I was hoping things like VC and MSL Arcade would lower prices but it did the exact opposite.  I still make time to play my Duo on a weekly basis, and yes, 75% of the games on NES were crap, even back then.
I agree that many prices are very fair, but some games have skyrocketed in the last couple of years. I can't imagine how much I will have to pay when I replace my copy of Terraforming. I blame both greedy sellers and buyrers that don't do their homework. There is a listing for $300 for a Bonk 3 manual on eBay right now. The manual only! That to me is ridiculous and if a clueless collector with a ton of money pays that it will drive prices. This is why I prefer to buy in bulk. Anybody selling collections?