Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Topics - Sinistron

Now- I'm being cremated (if my wishes are taken up on)- but this is just for argument's sake.  If they were going to bury you with ONE Turbo or PCE game- which would it be?  I myself need time to think it over.

"Your powers are no good here, Mr. Redifer.  Orders from the house."
(not in any order of highest-to-lowest or whatever)

Joe's Jollies #1

Being Aaron's Grima Wormtongue


"CLOSE Fighting Street My Lord!  It breeds civil unrest!  They question your crown!"
Just an honest question.  Whattaya's think?
08/19/2010, 11:04 AM
 =D>  NAT - From day one the ONLY effective moderator here.  Just, fair, tolerable (unless it threatened the community), good sense of humor and a diehard fan of the PC-Engine.

 :-k  KERANU - Why the fuck is this guy still moderator?  He's not even for moderating- he's against it.

 :roll:  JOE DULLIFER - Absolute fucking killjoy.  This Sega fanboy who gets a kick out of over-policing Turbo fans claims to be a stickler for the rules- yet uses his banning hammer selectively.   Derails threads himself with corny nonsequiturs and "jokes" yet gets in a little hissy fit with insta-lock mode if he senses thread derailment himself.  Abuses his power by locking threads completely at his whimsy- or if he feels he's being slightly "goaded".  His sense of humor dried up like Granny's wrinkled lotus.  Would rather forget his failed attempt to prove to Aaron what a bad idea Fighting Street was by lobbying still to this day the most offensive thread campaign here ever (the fact that it has never been slightly close to being equaled completely nullifying his point) when he destroyed Aaron with racial epithets and accusations of homosexuality.

Aaron, embarrassed by his own moderator being such a jackass- deleted the thread.  Joe's other experiment to show what a bad idea Fighting Street was was when he started a racist joke thread- again going miles further than any member ever would in the most hateful circumstances- again completely nullifying his point.  his new thing is casting his "vote' for the dissolution of the Fighting Street forum- thus erasing the last bastion for people wishing to contain their disputes and venom outside of the main forum- thus giving him more targets in the main forum in which to abuse or selectively use his power.  While it is true that he polices the Fighting Street forum anyway- there is STILL a touch more leeway of what you can say in Fighting Street- but even that will be gone if Joe Dullifer, the power hungry Sega fanboy forum Nazi -- gets his way.

Aaron- I suggest you look over this crew you have here.  You have one excellent mod who has done his job better than you could have hoped for, one mod who is allergic to being a mod- and one power-abusive killjoy who is quickly falling out of favor with everyone here.  Maybe it's time to shake things up, eh?
Off-Topic / WHO ARE THEY?
01/14/2010, 02:36 PM
If you saw this on cnn already then don't ruin it-

be the first to figure this out without outside help and you're THE MAN:o


Off-Topic / Favorite Thanksgiving Sides?
11/26/2009, 09:30 PM
This could have gone on forever -- so I decided to stop at 36.  Sorry if your favorites aren't included.  Happy Bird Day.
In response to two out of Guyjin's five PCEDAI listed clears being for a system card and a tennokoe card- this is what people are saying!

07/02/2009, 10:39 AM
From the HollywoodReporter:

"Universal has won a four-studio bidding war to pick up the film rights to the classic Atari video game "Asteroids." Matthew Lopez will write the script for the feature adaptation, which will be produced by Lorenzo di Bonaventura.

In "Asteroids," initially released as an arcade game in 1979, a player controlled a triangular space ship in an asteroid field. The object was to shoot and destroy the hulking masses of rock and the occasional flying saucer while avoiding smashing into both.

As opposed to today's games, there is no story line or fancy world-building mythology, so the studio would be creating a plot from scratch. Universal, however, is used to that development process, as it's in the middle of doing just that for several of the Hasbro board game properties it is translating to the big screen, such as "Battleship" and "Candyland.""

And so it begins.  With movie studios so bankrupt of ideas- how long before we see feature length films for Pac-man, Jungle Hunt, Moon Patrol?
Wondering what people think about this game...

I personally think it's underrated- everything I've read on it is negative.
Here's some of my thoughts-

1) It's tough- but not in a way that makes me not want to play it- more so in a way that makes me want to go home- pop it in and get a little further.  It's definitely fun.

2) the chip music is GREAT.  Love the music on stage 1 and it starts to take on an Iremish feel in following levels.

3) Speaking of Irem- stage three really feels like it would've been right at home in Image Fight. 

4) The levels are long- but rewarding.  It seems like a new weapon is introduced each level- I'm only on level four at the moment and haven't seen a new weapon on this level yet- but level 1 has side sweeping beams and then a laser weapon is introduced, level two introduces homing missiles, and then powerful diagonal beams which continue into stage 3- each weapon gets powered up three times- unless your previous weapon was powered at full- then the new one is automatically strong.

5) I read on vgden that the ship is too slow and half your time is spent looking for speed-ups- I don't find this to be the case at all.  Speed-ups come fairly often- and I've found that getting more than ONE can prove hazardous- very easy to slam right into a wall if you're quicker than that.

6) No continues! I like it!  :)

7) The levels don't seem mindless at all- they're structured quite nice- and there's little surprises- take the level one boss for instance- I've alway fought him from the bottom of the screen- and he can prove tricky- from this angle you have to smother his spread shots with a forward projected option pod and then move along with him to keep it up- but it doesn't always work so smoothly- if he gets that shot through it can throw you off and you just might smash into the rock trying to avoid a corner shot...  however- I found out just last night that if you fight this boss from above- that his entire attack is different.  Gone are the spread shots- instead he shoots these weak little slugs at you and you can destroy them easily by turning your pods down and blasting away- it's a surefire way to destroy this boss each time.

8- The option pods are really cool if you have the formation f power-ups- you can shoot them far ahead of you or behind you- it's perfect for destroying enemies at a distance in hard to reach spots- and it definitely helps out big time in stage 3.

9) Level 4.  They must have done this on purpose- it'd be an easy board- easier than stage 3- if it wasn't for the goddamn colors.  The background here is done in variations of bright pink- which makes the pink enemy shots hard as hell to discern.  You can see them- but you're mostly straining to- and while doing that you're likely to miss something else happening.

10) as I'm only on level 4 at the moment I'm not sure exactly where this game falls into the canon of hucard verts (rating wise)- but at the moment I'd say somewhere between Final Blaster and Image Fight...
This was created on June 5th-

and this is the problem with gouged ebay prices.  Look at the Magical Chase "value"- it's pulled directly from Ebay sales- into this stupid guide- which is yet another exaggerated tool that sellers will use.
With the purchases today of Tatsujin, Hani in the Sky, Daisenpu and Thunder Blade- I just realized one of my big PC-Engine dreams- I now will be the proud owner of every PC-Engine overhead shooter hucard- with the exception of special caravan versions and Japanese/American redundancies.  If there's an American version- it's the one I have- everything else is pc-engine.  =D>

A self-indulgent "Sinistron rates all of the overhead shooter hus" will follow  :)
Off-Topic / Orbs?
06/03/2009, 07:09 PM
We got back yesterday from Salem, MA for our honeymoon- wanted to upload some of these photos Sue took-
we were in an old graveyard (so old most of the gravestone markings were illegible)  that we weren't supposed to be in after dark- Sue started snapping some pictures- as we looked at the photos we saw something that we've never seen from Sue's camera before- orbs which supposedly signify the presence of ghosts... there was another couple in the cemetery too snapping pictures- they saw us looking over ours and called out "you guys are getting the orbs too?" - they showed us their pictures and sure enough they were getting the same thing.  we snapped other night pictures outside of the graveyard for comparison and only a few showed orbs and not nearly as many. 

What do you guys think?  I'm not sure I ever believed in orbs as something more than trick photography or light reflecting off pollen, etc. but this shit looks bugged out.  Here's four of the photos...

Here's the horizontal version of my best bosses poll.  The winning game will get its own poll for best boss in the game- and that best boss will square off with the best vert boss.

Poll's open for 30 days- and three maximum votes no changing.

I forgot to list R-Type Complete CD- doesn't matter though- same as R-Type practically no?  I would have combined those votes anyway.
3 maximum votes- and this will be a two parter- the next poll will be for the best boss of the winning game...  Poll's open for 30 days.

There will also be a WHICH PCE SIDE SHOOTER HAS THE BEST BOSS FIGHTS? poll with another one for the best boss from the winning game- and then the best vert boss will go head to head with the best horizontal boss.

NOTE: No look-at-me know-it-alls declaring "There are no boss fights in Space Invaders" or the like.  Make your own poll.
Cross Wiber.

One of the worst sequels I've ever played.  At first glance- it looks like an improvement over Cyber Cross- with the parallax and what not.  It isn't.  This game sucks blubbery whale cock. 
First off- the character animation is shit- horrendous walk.  Enemies fly out at random- quick as hell with no rhyme or reason.  The power punch from Cyber Cross is gone- replaced by some gay ass spinning roundhouse kick- the super attack for the three weapons are gone- and unlike Cyber Cross- you can't take your weapon with you to the next stage.  Also unlike Cyber Cross you have to press select to turn into a cyborg which is just fucking stupid- why would it be an option?  Who would want to stay being the lame ass "tough guy" with his doofus walk?  It doesn't even feel like this game was made by the same company (Face) who did Cyber Cross- the weapons- there is still the red (sword), blue (gun) and green (boomerang)- however while in Cyber Cross the boomerang was without question the worst weapon to have- in this one its by far the most effective- but of course these weapons aren't worth shit if- again- you can't take them with you into the next round.

Biggest problem with this title- the difficulty curve.  Levels 1 through 5 are a fucking joke.  There's an energy can to be had like every twenty steps- you never feel like you're in real danger- you breeze through these stages on your first play- then suddenly- level 6.  Level 6.  You know in games like Shapeshifter, Tiger Road, Ninja Gaiden, etc. where there's tricky jumps because meatheads come quickly flying at you and knock you out of your jump- and you're left frustrated as you fall to your death between two pillars, cliffs, whatever?  Amplify that by ten for stage 6 of this fucking turd.  No rhyme or reason to how the enemies fly out at you- you can stand there and they'll keep coming- but it ain't like you can stand there and build up a high score- because- I don't recall even seeing a fucking score in this game.  A game with no kept score.  So anyway- yeah- stage 6- practically all jumping between pillars as fuckwits come quickly flying out and knock you off your jumps- and they come from both directions.  You'll be mid air and boom- you're dead.  Trying to let them all pass by doesn't work- because as I stated they keep fucking coming.  There's also no unlimited continues- so eventually after suffering from these ridiculously cheap deaths you have to go through stages 1-5 again- which are so fucking easy as to render them meaningless.  A huge fucking bore.

In other areas this game tries to excel- with a little variety- for instance a shooter stage.  Problem is that the shooter stage is a joke.  Mickey Mouse shit.  I think the only thing I DID like was seeing the frog boss from Cyber Cross all big and nasty looking- with the same attack.  Not too big a thrill however.

This game sucks wild ass.  Stay away.
Racked up my 65th pce clear today- beat up on Cyber Cross- last boss was a weak gaggle of floating skulls that all die at the same time.  Decent game- nothing splashy.  I see on pcdaisakusen that Nat and Keranu are right behind me with 60 clears apiece- I'm wondering if we're the top three clearers listed for US- not sure where this Adol guy's from though with 277 clears- and I'm 150% positive that if runin had his clears listed on daisakusen we'd all be left in the dust.  Anyway Nat- Keranu- the race is on!  First one to notch 100 clears gets bragging rights!  :twisted:
All those battle ravaged- weary and torn- in need of a short rest before once again wielding your mighty maces- here lies a calm in the center of the storm that I've set just for you- the saint that I am.  Kick your heels up, put some ice on those wounds, and take a second to collect yourself and reflect on what we have learned. 


And they call me Sinistron! I'm not all piss and vinegar folks!  O:)
Fighting Street / N@@B WITCH HUNT
03/26/2009, 03:23 PM
This thread is where we terrorize noobs to make sure they're not Nintega- and to see if they float.   :twisted:

ROYVEGAS! I'm looking at you buddy.  Come on down and prove yourself- come on down to FIGHTING STREET! What sharp and lovely teeth we have!
Fighting Street / This War's For You!
03/26/2009, 01:32 PM
Lick my balls Zeon!  :D
You sourpatch cretin! I hate this, I hate that, wah wah fucking sob sob.  Where's my nuk, wah.
Fighting Street / Teh Funnies
03/26/2009, 01:04 PM
:P Kirby you little dirtbag!
Fighting Street / Is this thing on?
03/26/2009, 10:08 AM
Cunt pussy cock balls dick asshole fuck fuck goose  :-"
Mike brought up Yoo-hoo in shout today so I got an instant craving and ran out for a can.


but it made me remember the imitators that I drank back in the day- specifically Chocolate Cow, Chocolate Soldier, Chocolate Brownie and Famous Amos' Chocolate Drink.  Turns out that most of the imitators were actually made by Yoo-hoo themselves- and that they are discontinued.  Anyone remember any of these drinks or similar ones?  Chocolate Cow was my favorite of all the watery chocolate drinks- and it came in a brown can with a picture of a cow jumping over the moon.  :)
Off-Topic / Who's the Best Bond?
11/18/2008, 09:25 AM
My vote's for Craig.  He really looks like he could excuse himself from a luxurious affair, snap a few necks- and then return to the party without a scuff.  A mad bull.  I'm also tired of the standard Bond catchphrases, gadgets and over the top villains- which Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace are practically devoid of.  It took Craig's Bond to make me a fan.  Discuss.
Personally I thought it was vastly overrated.  Here's a small list I'll start up of pros and cons.  Mostly cons.


Heath was good- even though his Joker'll probably be the next biggest Goth clown Halloween get-up since The Crow.

The Bat-pod was pretty cool.

Maggie Gyllenhall is in my eyes a much better actress than Katie Holmes- also cuter and quirkier.


This movie sorely lacked a Bat Cave or Wayne Manor. Bruce's penthouse lacked character- made the whole thing feel transitional rather than grounded.  I know that Wayne Manor was supposedly being "rebuilt"- but Batman can snap his fingers and have the whole city's cellphones converted into his own personal sonar monitor but he can't have a new Manor built in between films?

Though I heard this was "the Joker's story"- Joker had no character arc and no backstory- so while Heath was good- I didn't feel he was amazing- due to a pigeonholed role- certainly not worthy of an Oscar.

Batman's deep gruff voice was just plain old silly.

I found Harvey Dent's arc entirely unbelievable- aside from that- the guy's running around in no pain after becoming Two face (with half his face practically gone)- and then he gets killed off right after becoming a villain of sorts.  They build him up all movie- then he's gone right after his origin.

I found the whole "Batman as villain" thing at the end a bit of a stretch and pretty hokey. 

Why was Scarecrow trying to help Batman in the beginning?  I didn't get that.

For a movie called "The Dark Knight" this was barely about Batman. 

Was way longer than it had to be. 

The action sequences by and large were reminiscent of the ones in Batman Begins- quick up-close shots- a sign that the director isn't confident in his action directing.

The ending with the boats- riots would have broken out on both boats.  The whole "humans are generally good" message certainly didn't jibe with the rest of the movie.

This is just a start- anyone else?

For the record- I didn't see "The Following"- but I felt that this was the weakest of Nolan's movies- Memento, Insomnia, Batman Begins and The Prestige were all better movies IMO.
Was a long weekend- drunken rowdy barbecue as the centerpiece- I managed to bookend the weekend though with two spur of the moment cover songs that I made on my iMac Logic- no microphone- just doing vocals from the chair.  I'm known mostly to do alternative hip-hop stuff (last song I did was Poe's The Raven)- I've made five albums of that stuff already- but this is different- something I'm prouder of and I'd like to share it with you guys for some feedback...

This one we just made yesterday (me and my girlfriend Sue)- I produced, engineered, mixed, all that mojo.  Sue sang- It's a King Crimson cover-

And this other one is me covering a Mazzy Star song (not every one's cup of tea I'm sure)-

Not sure if they're finished yet- but I feel they're at a point where I was at least able to put them up on their pages- let me know what you guys think about this stuff...

As Nat just shockingly revealed on shout-

[Wed 11:42] <nat> i've never been to white castle   :oops:

I've decided to start a thread for this poor, poor man- where we can bring the sizzling sliders straight to him. 
These are 'on the house' nat.  Enjoy.


and this particular White Castle's always open-

Stop in whenever you're hungry.
here's the top ten as culled from my survey-
we had 21 voters who voted for 72 different games...

the number one should really be no surprise...



Here's the top twenty five-

If there's any questions- these are ranked the same exact way I ranked the Top Ten Hucards- the winners of which can be found here-

1   Castlevania Dracula X   v   15   pt   125
2   Gate of Thunder      v   17   pt   117
3   Lords of Thunder      v   15   pt   106
4   Ys Book I & II      v   13   pt   85
5   Sapphire         v   14   pt   76
6   Dungeon Explorer II   v   8   pt   39
7   Monster Lair      v   7   pt   32
8   Spriggan         v   7   pt   30
9   Star Parodia      v   5   pt   30
10   Cotton          v   4   pt   29

11   Gradius II: Gofer      v   6   pt   26
12   Exile         v   5   pt   26
13   Anearth Fantasy Stories   v   4   pt   26
14   Shapeshifter      v   4   pt   21
15   Ys III - Wanderers from Ys   v   3   pt   21
16   Dynastic Hero      v   4   pt   20
17   Ys IV The Dawn of Ys   v   3   pt   16
18   Cosmic Fantasy 2      v   4   pt   15
19   Far East of Eden      v   2   pt   15
20   Far East of Eden II      v   2   pt   15

21   Legend of Xanadu      v   2   pt   14
22   Dragon Slayer       v   3   pt   13
23   Last Alert      v   2   pt   10
24   Super Raiden      v   1   pt   10
25   Image Fight II      v   1   pt   10
Alright this here's my companion survey to my top ten hucards one (winners of which can be found again here  We had 29 voters turn out for the hucard one- let's see if we can beat that- so please stop playing the wall gentlemen/svelt women.  That goes for you shout-box only cats as well.  Show some balls, or ovaries, or whatever.
There have been top ten CD threads before here- but to my knowledge none have been tallied up- and I'd like to tally one up the same way I did the other one.

Rules are simple! 
Poll's open for two weeks just like the last one.
Must list ten PCECD (CD, SCD, ACD, etc.) games in number order- 1 being the best-
If you're gonna say "I don't have a top ten" then there's really no reason in posting  -
If you haven't for whatever reason played ten PCECDs then fill in using which ones "look" the best-
Please do not list a game on your top ten more than once!
Unless agreed upon radical differences- the japanese versions and American versions (given there's both) will be tallied as the same title-
No honorable mentions or anything of the like-
Think this through! It may help to actually look at your Cds or list of Cds.  Please do not laboriously give me ten different games in ten different posts- that will only make this more time consuming when it comes to tallying-

Finally -- take everything into consideration- fun, nostalgia, graphics, sound & music, etc...

The top ten will be determined by rank points- 10 points for 1st place picks, 9 points for 2nd place picks and so on.  I don't like ties- so if there are ties within the top ten then the game with more appearances on posters' lists will be ranked above the one or however many it has "tied" with.

that said- here's mine (this was difficult- but I'll go with what I came up with)...

1- Castlevania Dracula X
2- Lords of Thunder
3- Ys Books I & II
4- Star Parodia
5- Sapphire
6- Dungeon Explorer II
7- Rainbow Islands
8- Gate of Thunder
9- Gradius II: Gofer
10- Spriggan
Wondering what the deal is with this game- all I know is it's hella expensive and it looks like a mix of Bomberman and Splash Lake.  Any info would be greatly appreciated  :D
Yep I'm changing it up this time by allowing three votes apiece.  Supergrafx not included- pce/tg only  :D- and no mahjong games  :D.  No quiz games either. If I'm missing anything let me know and I'll fix it- you can change your votes if you wish- poll's open for 27 days  :D...

...where NEC and Hudson release a new system to sate the demands of retro-love.  The new system is finally a true 16-bitter- though a souped up custom job similar to the PCE/TG-16.  This system plays all pce/tg/cd/scd/acd/sg games as well as new games utilizing all the enhanced capabilities it has to offer.  As for giving the system a title- NEC/Hudson think long and hard and consider a hip yet retro approach with a touch of modern day accepted vulgarity.  The system is thus titled: Ol' Turbo Bastard.        

Now envision the new games for this system.  This is a creative writing exercise- whether this thread expands fruitfully or dies on the vine as a long-winded thread from someone needing therapy is up to you.  Rules are simple (F*ck me!!!  MORE rules!?!): invent a game that you would either like to see or can imagine existing (this isn't about which game is whoa dude the COOLEST with tanks and ninjas and floating vaginas- no matter how cool that actually may be).  Title it and give a brief summary/outline of the storyline, characters, enemies, some of the levels, mechanics, general game look and feel, boss fights and ending.  Take your time with this- there will be some wild rebels I'm sure who will just write one sentence and call it a day- if I was your teacher you would get no scratch and sniff sticker, no A, no bathroom pass- just a frown and maybe a cracking ruler on your filthy wrist.   

Being a huge fan of breakfast, silly names, and weird, colorful games- the game I envision being made and getting some serious playtime from moi is entitled "Bippy and Flippy's House of Hilarious Pancakes"...

The story is that while Bippy and Flippy were manning the grill at the local breakfast oriented hash house- a UFO approached and then hovered over the restaurant, ultimately casting from its bottom a green ray that enveloped everything below causing a wild distortion- expanding the dimensions of the pancake house, bringing to insane and gleeful life ordinary breakfast foods, and casting an overall look and feel of menace and dark cartoon.

The game is either one or two-player simultaneous with players controlling either Bippy or Flippy or both in their long and arduous battle against the menacing breakfast foods.  There are 13 colorful cartoonish stages with zippy zany music taking full advantage of the Ol' Turbo Bastard's color palette and kick-ass sound chip.  A few of the levels and corresponding enemies, bosses and attack patterns are as follows-

Stage 1- The Counter Top
The counter top where customers would normally eat on swiveling stools while watching the cooks do their thing has now been expanded and distorted into a platform of peril.  Enemies include angry utensils and rolling plates which smash and break into flying shards, as well as condiment dispensers with snarling mouths which splash or sprinkle their insides at you.  The boss of this level is a giant napkin dispenser - it tears napkins out of its chest and hurls them- which either come out sharp and quick or ascend to the air and then come down floaty yet deadly when smothering our heroes.  Bippy and Flippy- armed with spatulas- are up to the task.   

Stage 5- The Sinister Sink
This level takes place in a huge sink, where Bippy and Flippy do a lot of jumping onto floating bars of soap and dishes.  The enemies in this level are angry pieces of half eaten food (globs of corned beef hash, half eaten bagels, etc.) and they attack mostly by ripping off the remaining bits of themselves and hurling them at you.  Bonus weapons you can pick up on this level are dish-rags which can be used as whips.  The bossfight is against a giant barely eaten Belgium Waffle surfing on a cracked plate- he appears as the sink begins to whirlpool and Bippy and Flippy must fight while surfing on upended floating spoons.  Belgium waffle guy is armed with a knife and fork and he attacks after clanking these utensils- if he clanks his utensils three times in a row then it means he is about to leap from his plate with a flying attack- the players are to dodge accordingly.      

Stage 7- The Quicksand Batter
Bippy and Flippy wage war in a huge frying pan.  Under their feet bubbling pancake batter acts as quicksand, and the players have to constantly and annoyingly keep jumping up in order to not be swallowed.  Enemies in this level are bubbles of batter which rise and attack our heroes.  The boss fight is against a huge stack of silver dollar pancakes that gets shorter and shorter as each pancake is dealt with.

Other stages include The Riotous Restroom where Bippy and Flippy wage war against giant turds and the attracted flies, The Soft Serve Factory where the boss is a giant waffle cone, and also the final stage which takes place in the hovering UFO- the aliens actually wind up being fat greasy distorted versions of ourselves, revolting grotesque slobs hungry for a cosmic breakfast.

Alphabetical order fellas!!!  [-X No good Ceti!! Shameful- a Turbo Master no less!!!  :o

I'm Starting my own Film Festival and It'll Show Apocalypse Now.  :twisted:

I'm either really bored or this is really fun to me.  The latter is pretty scary.

You know those long country drives with the family when you start playing "I'm going to the picnic and I'm bringing..."

well this is that except we're building a master arcade
just do the following letter in alphabetical order till it reaches Z.
Don't tell me what you'd rather have for the last letter- just do the next letter.

I'll start with A.

(and no you don't have to list all of them from A)

I'm making my own arcade and it'll have A.P.B.
Finally got poster frames today for the remaining posters-
so I'm wondering what posters you guys have hanging in your abodes.

mine and my girl's are-

Hannibal movie poster
A Clockwork Orange movie poster
Elizabeth movie poster
Barbarella movie poster
Marie Antoinette movie poster
Bill Sienkiewicz Elektra poster
B&W Jimi Hendrix poster
Frank Frazetta art poster
Just talked to runin about this- we figured it'd be a good idea to have a thread where people can list games they'd like reviewed- hoping that someone can come on the thread and get the job done.

Currently off the top of my head I'd like to see a review of kickball- which looks sweet because Shubibinman's in it.  I'm getting it in a trade with forum member sparky.

Feel free to review or to add your own game you'd like to see reviewed.
Looking for maunuals?  I still have some left. (not for CD games- I keep those).
pm me with offer if interested.
(updated 4-10-08)

Aero Blasters ON HOLD
Andre Panza Kick Boxing
Bikkuriman World (jp)
Bloody Wolf ON HOLD
Dead Moon (french instruction single sheet)
Dragon Saber (jp)
Dragon Spirit
Gomola Speed (jp)
Kickball (jp)
Power Gate
Power Golf ON HOLD
Sengoku Mahjong (jp)
ShockMan ON HOLD
Super Star Soldier
Tale Spin
TV Sports Basketball
TV Sports Football

I also have the following jewel cases-

Kickball (jp)
Power Gate (jp)

I have a bunch more than I listed actually- but some I want to keep (hentai (lady sword e.g.)- cute artwork (skweek e.g.), stickers (twinbee e.g.), favorites (parasol stars e.g.), fold out coloring poster (niko niko pun e.g.) etc.)... However I might eventually be willing to part with a few for the right trade offer (loosey goose hucard I don't have)...
No changing votes!
One week only!

Me and Nat have a little side thing on this- a loose cheap-o hucard for the winner...

some games were left off this list for being too questionable in terms of cute-em-ups (Atomic Robo-kid, Mr. Heli, Rock On, etc.)- but I did the best I could...  :-({|=
Trying to make a best cute-em-up poll (not this thread)-
but I'm not sure where to draw the line on what the criteria is for a cute-em-up...
Is this a set-in-stone genre?
Chime in folks.

So far the cut and dry certain cute-em-ups for PCE that I have are:

Air Zonk            
Cloud Master
Detana! Twinbee            
Fantasy Zone   
God Panic
Long-nosed Goblin         
Magical Chase
Parodius Da!   
Space Fantasy Zone            
Star Parodia               
Super Air Zonk - Rockabilly Paradise   
Toilet Kids      

but then-
there's some that will naturally have arguments for and against:

Atomic Robo-Kid Special:
ARK himself is "cute" and puffy/cartoonish looking- and most of the enemies are in the same style- so does this qualify?

Now I haven't played this- but from what I've seen it looks a touch cartoonish in spots- and the ship itself doesn't look all too serious- some even consider this a pseudo sequel to Ordyne- a definite cute-em-up.

The witch herself and some of the enemies are cute- but the game is mostly dark and the bosses look quite serious.

Galaga '90:
Okay- this is obviously the furthest stretch.  It's NOT a cute-em-up- but doesn't it have elements- like the "galactic dancing" and music for said stages?    

Hani in the Sky:
If a golden dildo is "cute" is obviously a question- bt I haven't played this- I have hani on the road which has "cute" characters.

Mr. Heli:
See Atomic Robo-kid- however this one is a level "cuter" perhaps.  Mr. Heli has little feet.

Rabio Lepus:
See Cotton- also this one is TOUGH.  Does a game being too tough disqualify it from being a cute-em-up?

See above.

Toy Shop Boys:
So it looks crappy and isn't as cute looking as it wants to be- but it's still an attempt, no?

Help out with this guys.
I rather like this poll. 

That said- I'm going with Puyo Puyo- although Ryukyu comes mighty close.  :dance:
Just wondering and I'd like to compare notes...

This is for those of you who have significant others, girlfriends, wives, concubines, whatever- who sometimes play games on your PCE/TG- so please no sour patch kid posts saying "oooooh love is GAY" and "oooooh you play games with your girlfriend DUDE that's LAME" or anything of the like.  Leave the kidly shit at the door, eh?

Anyway- these are the games my girlfriend likes to play (though she is not by any means a "gamer"):

1 player

Alien Crush, Bakushou Yoshimoto, Coryoon, Cratermaze, Devil's Crush, Doraemon, Doraemon Arabian Nights, Dracula Boy, Dracula X, Dragon's Curse, Fantasy Zone, Galaga '90, Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu, JB Harold Murder Club, Legendary Axe II, Liquid Kid, Loom, New Adventure Island, Niko Niko Pun, Skweek, Son Son II, Space Harrier and Star Parodia   

2 player

Bonk III, Buster Brothers, Chew Man Fu, Don Doko Don, Monster Lair, Parasol Stars, Pop 'n Magic, Puyo Puyo, Ryukyu, Sapphire, Spin Pair, and Splash Lake

She HATES shooters for the most part- they're too hard for her.  She loves cutesy big-head platformers- though when she played JJ & Jeff she said "This game is wack." - she hates the way the guy stops when he's running- it's too slippery for her.  The only games she has beaten by herself are Bakushou Yoshimoto and Niko Niko Pun, and the only games she has beaten with me are Bonk III, Chew Man Fu and Parasol Stars.  Her favorite characters in these games are Doraemon, Master Higgins and that Freddy Mercury looking dude making the flavored ice bowls in Bakushou Yoshimoto- the guy singing that "Si- Senor- Siiiiiii Senorrrrr Yoshiiiii" song.  She also has a habit of calling every big-head male character "Bobby" for some reason- probably from playing Parasol Stars and using the Bobby character.  "Jump Bobby! Jump! You SUCK! Awww Mother Fuckerrr!"  LOL she gets reallllly upset when she dies in a game.
...of all the known homebrews, homebrew ports, patches, remixes and translations for Turbo/PCE that can be found for download but are not sold on disc? 
Or if this was already done- a link?
I'd like to add these titles to my PCE master list-
I'm sort of a fool who really doesn't know yet how to burn these CDRs correctly- but maybe one day I'll pull my head out of my ass and figure it out...
I don't know how exhuastive the list is- so I'm thanking whoever helps me out with a list beforehand-
thank you.
Last one!  At least from me!  I'm not exhaustively doing a 2, 3 or 4 meg war- too many titles!  =D&gt;

Anywho- I'm going with Neutopia II here- even though Darius Plus has additional powers!
Haven't played 'em all- but I'm going with Parodius myself  =D&gt;
I've been Poll happy- as you can tell- guess I'll be until I come out of it or until someone slaps me hard enough!  =P~

Anyway- I choose Shanghai- because it has nice looking tiles...  =D&gt;
Man these are beyond underwhelming.  Admitted that Andre Panza is a nice effort- but eh.  What a wet dog. 

Funny how the 4 boxing games for PCE/TG start with A, B, C, & D. 

They all suck- but I find Digital Champ to be best for the quick laugh and Rocky Balboa lookalike.
Well guys and gals- how do you like 'em?  :-k
Played this again last night with the missus- this game is great-
figured I'd share my thoughts on it...

You could be a girl or a guy- the one player default is the girl though you can switch it to be the guy-
I'm not too sure about the story but they seem to be vampires- during the cutscenes it looks like they have fangs- and some evil dracula dude appears later so that would seem to confirm the vampire theme.  They also have two little cutesy wootesy rodent friends- a pink one and a blue one.

Levels- I'm not sure how many "worlds" there are as I haven't cleared it yet- in truth I don't think I beat the fourth (or fifth?) world boss yet- my excuse is that I play this one with the girlfriend- so ummm- yeah.  If she doesn't get too far I kill myself off so she can start again with me.  If I'm at the boss though Im fighting 'em regardless.  I know it sounds lame- but she got better at it- even faced off the last boss we fought once without me.  Lol.  Anyway- the worlds get bigger the more you progress- the first world is only a few screens before you fight the boss- a rabbit on a unicycle tossing spinning plates.  The second stage (haunted mansion) is about twice the size or longer- when you continue you start up at the beginning (for the first level) or halfway through for longer levels. 

Gameplay- gameplay is awesome.  You each (unless playing solo) have sceptors- which you use to shoot enemies (both fixed and regenerated) with.  Powerups extend the reach and power of your shots- but sadly there aren't that many power up levels to attain.  After the enemies receive the maximum amount of blows they can stand- they become colored bubbles.  The bubbles still have to be cleared in order to beat the stage before the timer runs out and some floating ninja comes out- you know the drill.  There are two ways to clear the bubbles- either shoot them several times or throw them into bubbles of different colors- shooting them usually just turns up a measly piece of fruit- but throwing them into different colored bubbles yields powerups, fruits and magic points.  Throwing the bubbles into bubbles of the same color (contrary to what I read on vgden) produces two red (quicker, pissier- similar to red enemies in Parasol Stars) enemies- not the best play.  Enemies also turn red if left alone for too long. Also with throwing bubbles- you can set it up so that you can throw bubbles into several bubbles (as long as the one you're throwing is a different color) for a greater yield- and when a bubble is cleared you'll see the defeated enemy pop out of the bubble- if you grab him/her quickly you can keep tossing him/her around for even more goodies.  The ONLY thing that I find silly about this game is that throwing bubbles into enemies does nothing.  Go figure.  Other things- If there are no partitions in your way- you can go through the side of the screen and come out the other side- same with top and bottom- just like Parasol Stars.  Obviously this game is similar to Parasol Stars- there are even speed-up shoes and at times it approaches (maybe even surpasses) the zany frenzy of Parasol Stars.  You can also jump on top of each other if you're playing two player- and if the platforms you're on allow it- you can jump down to the next lowest by pressing down and jump.  Magic spells- as far as I can see there's only two- and you'll need enough magic points to make them work.  You select which spell to use by pressing select and then use the spell by keeping your finger on up and attack and then releasing.  One spell is some kind of bomb that spreads across the screen and then spins back- the other are the rodent pals which act as "options" giving you more shooting power- especially helpful for the bosses as they can be pretty tough.  You start off with three lives and can gain more from points and such- there is no instant continue however- it's from checkpoints as I noted above.

Graphics- I love the graphics.  Colorful and cute as hell- and the backgrounds go the extra mile by always being animated- there's some backgrounds in a later level I saw where it looks like you're in a castle elevator and there's multilayered vertical scrolling.  Awesome for this type of game.

Music- I love the music as well- I am most reminded of the music in Bakusho Yoshimoto- I turned the game on hoping for real zany and zippy music- but this music definitely grew on me.

Cutscenes- plenty of cutscenes- one after each world.  Not much for me to comment on here- I guess they're good- certainly fit this type of game.

Difficulty- you quickly get the hang of it.  It can get rough if you play like I do with someone who can't really be called a gamer- but the missus loves this one and as I said has gotten better.  The bosses are the most difficult part of the worlds- there was a boss that was two large lizards that seemed a pain in the ass- just have to learn the patterns and then they're easily beaten.  I suspect we'll be beating this game soon- when the missus has some more spare time.

Replay value- Hell yes.  Addictive.  You can play this one for hours and not tire of it- Especially the two-player mode.

Recommended?  Absolutely- especially if you like Parasol Stars and Don Doko Don- then it's a no-brainer.  It's not an intense shooter or RPG- but it is one of my more enjoyable CD titles.  Also for those of you who like to play Parasol Stars or Bonk III or Splash Lake or whatever the hell you play with your missus (or vice-versa- hey I'm not trying to be sexist here) who isn't a casual gamer- then this is a must. 

Is it as great a game as Parasol Stars?  No.  Few games are.  There are so many goddamn goodies in Parasol Stars, so many secrets and the speed and music are so infectious that it's hard really for anything to compete- but this is definitely a great time to be continuously had from the same department.