Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Topics - Frank_fjs

I have for sale a copy of Power Dolls FX in great condition.

Price: $15

Shipping: $6.60 for Australian residents | $13.70 to the USA via regular Airmail




Can anyone identify this game (sorry for the ultra blurry/crappy pic):

I really want to rant but will save that for later, sigh.

Received an RGB/region modded Duo-R, everything working great except the following:

- CD Audio from games isn't playing (will expand on this later on)
- Audio in a CD game generated by the sound chip (i.e. non-redbook) seems to be playing fine
- Audio from HuCard games seems to be playing fine
- If I throw a regular audio CD in there, it plays fine. Nice and loud and in stereo

I know a cap issue is typically the likely culprit, however I think something more sinister might be wrong due to the fact that regular audio CD's play fine.

To elaborate a little, watch the video of this game on the PC Engine Bible site:

Paying attention to the intro, when I run that game the first sound that you hear on the video plays for a few seconds with a nasty static sound and then stops dead. From there on all I hear is the chip sounds, like the soccer ball swoosh sound at around the 22 second mark. I do not hear any music or the character's voices/speech.

1) Any ideas on what the problem may be?

2) Any advice on how I should handle the situation with the eBay seller? I paid a lot of money for a console that was supposed to have been serviced/repaired/restored etc and am rather pissed off that my first Duo-R, which was supposed to be a happy and positive experience, does not seem to work.
A friend of mine from Japan just picked up a really cool magazine called 'PC Engine Perfect Collection 378'. He was kind enough to take some pics of the magazine which I thought I'd share here as it looks rather interesting.


It seems to have some nice pages dedicated to hardware, as well as reviews and cheats for various HuCard and CD games.

P.s. Said friend runs a blog about retro collecting in Japan if anyone is interested:
Hi guys,

What's a good price for a working GT console in good condition?

Preferably one with a fresh recap. Loose is fine, this is to play not to rot away in storage. Not fussed about region or screen mods.

eBay is little help, with the same grossly overpriced units being re-listed again and again - does anyone here have one for sale?

I'd be comfortable paying up to $150 for a fully working, freshly capped example in good condition, is that a fair call?
Inspired by this recent thread: What do you have outside of PCE? - which is dealing with games, here is a thread to state which retro console systems you own.

For the sake of this post, retro is being defined as nothing after the sixth generation of consoles (Dreamcast, PlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox).

I'll get things started:

  • NEC PC Engine (with CD-ROM2 unit and IFU-30)
  • Sega Mega Drive II
  • Sega Saturn
  • Super Nintendo
  • Nintendo 64
  • Neo Geo AES
  • Neo Geo Pocket Color
  • Xbox
  • Playstation 2
  • Various arcade PCB's

I don't have all that many but the list will continue to grow. Next on my list will be a Master System, Nes and a Dreamcast. I try to only collect consoles that I will actually play, which will always keep my list on the shorter side. Typically, I only buy boxed consoles, as complete as possible and in great condition, another reason why my list is rather short atm.
Feedback / NEC Compatibility Guide
09/23/2010, 07:06 AM
Firstly, a big thank you and kudos to whoever created the NEC Compatibility Guide.

When I first started to gain an interest in the PC Engine, all the hardware variances were very confusing and frustrating. This guide helped me understand a great deal of information in a very short amount of time, it's a work of art.

I'd like to suggest a small amendment. Under the "JAPANESE RELEASED CONSOLE ADAPTERS" the "Super CD-ROM2 Unit" does not mention compatibility with the original white PC Engine console. I think it should, as it is compatible.
Hi guys,

I have some questions re the CD-ROM2 unit's troublesome middle gear.

I have a working CD-ROM2 unit and I want to keep it that way for as long as possible. I want to grease its gears in the hope that it will help preserve them. The unit makes a fair bit of noise when seeking, mechanical noise that is, so I'm guessing my gear may already be on its way out, or is this normal behaviour?

I plan on using the REPAIR GUIDE - TG16 CD/PCE CD laser swap guide (pictorial) thread which is sticky'd in this board as a guide on disassembling my CD-ROM2 unit, unless someone can point me in the direction of a better guide. My question is, is this the gear in question (I put a little red arrow in the pic)?


Also, whilst searching this forum for information on this subject, I came across threads where people were desperately trying to find a suitable replacement gear. Failing that, there was talk of having the gear duplicated by a suitable company. Did any of this lead to anything? Or is a broken middle gear still a show stopper?

Little bit of a side note, there was a working CD-ROM2 unit sold on eBay a few weeks ago, from France. Did anyone here pick it up? I ask as I was going to buy it but when I contacted the seller to question him about it, he said that it had a broken middle gear and that he had replaced it with one that didn't quite fit. He said it made lots of noise but guaranteed that it still worked. Put me off buying it, I've always wondered if the person who did buy it knows this and if the thing is still working.
Hi all,

New PC Engine gamer from Australia here.

Thanks to Tighe and the admins for approving my account. :)

I couldn't see an intro section so I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone and do it all here.

So far I've got my hands on a boxed PC Engine console:


An interface unit:

And just recently I scored a CD-ROM2 unit, which is still in transit but should arrive late next week:

I've picked up some various other items such as the Tennokoe 2, Tennokoe bank, Arcade System Card, the 5 way multitap and a handful of games. Very much enjoying the PC Engine experience and am looking forward to getting more games and especially getting into the CD games.

Which brings me to my next point, I could really do with some assistance with a problem I'm having.

My interface unit creates a beeping sound about once per second as soon as the console is turned on. Game audio is coming through fine, from both channels, but it has to compete with this beeping tone which is omitted through the TV speakers at the same time as the game audio. Even if I bypass the AV out from the interface unit and go from the RF out on the console, the beeping persists. The console does not beep when used on its own, it works flawlessly, it's only when I connect it to the interface unit that the beeping starts. All other aspects of the interface unit function correctly. It's getting power, the power LED comes on, video is displayed fine, game audio is played fine, it just omits this annoying beeping sound & I'd really like to know why, and where the problem resides. I can't work out if its the interface unit at fault or the console. The seller I bought the interface unit from offered me another one at a low cost when I informed him of my troubles, that should be coming in some time next week. Until then, anyone got any ideas?

Here's a video of the problem:
Thanks for reading.