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Messages - Jammaniaclord

No i am not teasing you, but i did check to make sure i had the address right, and i do, the site must be down, or experiencing difficulties.

I assure you they are there. I have them saved on my PC.

Hopefully the site is still there.

#102 has REAL screen captures from the game.

Check it out. :wink:
Feedback / PC ENGINE FX TV
09/19/2004, 05:56 PM
Seems like hard work to me, but it paid off. Keep em coming Aaron!
I remember Next Gen VERY well. I used to love reading that magazine. Not sure when they kicked the bucket though. GameFan was my jewel. I was sick when they started operating shoddily, and NOT mailing me my magazines every month, after 7 years of loyalty. In the end i complained that i wanted my money back, as i was tired of calling every month to get my magazine when the freaking newsstand had the issue before me. Very sad end for a great magazine with raging full color, and lots of NEC coverage. They agreed to mail me back my years subscription fee, but i never saw it, and they closed their doors shortly after that call.

Anyone remember their import game store before they became a magazine? Superb business ! I look back in great fondness for that store, as they were TRUE gaming enthusiasts, and knew their work to a T. They would even take a loss by telling you to steer away from a game they were selling, just because they didn't want an unhappy customer. I used to talk to Greg Off alot, and he was so nice. Julie Segal ( who i THINK married Dave Halverson, as there is a Julie Halverson at PLAY magazine, which Dave owns/runs/writes for. ) was also very friendly and helpful, and a few, but not many, times i got to talk to Kei Kabuki. Talking to Kei was nice as he is Japanese i believe, and could tell you about certain Japanese games that you didn't know what was about due to the language barrier. He was also very friendly.

Taking time out of their busy schedule to BS with loyal, dedicated gamers was another asset to this company. To this day i still feel some guilt for hogging up their time on the phone ( running up my long distance as well!!! ), and even though i apologized they sincerely appreciated the loyalty/fanbase, and would keep talking until they got too busy, and always said " Don't worry about it" or " it's ok, we love talking to you. It's a pleasure. "

I always wondered what happened to Greg Off. I really wish gameFan never died. Too bad we couldn't get a reunion interview for the site.

PC-FX pissed me off personally. It came out too late, and got crushed by the competition. I wanted this baby SO bad and high hopes for it taking off where the PC Engine couldn't go, and possibly making a comeback here in the states. If it had come out a year earlier, we woulda had our Iron Man in the US of A. Even after it did come out, i still wanted one, but was way too much for me at the time, so i got a Playstation. Not sure how much difference in price it was from the PS1, but i didn't want the hassle of ordering it from some schmucks who might rip me off. After Die Hard Games was sold, i just didn't feel i could trust any ol' importer.

I guess i will always have the Sharp X68000 as my next supplement from NEC. What a kick ass system. Feels just like a 16 bit PC Engine(real 16 bit).

Only one shooter for the PC-FX makes me sad as well, as that is my favorite genre.

I still would love to get me a PC-FX though, since it was an NEC console.
Got the game, and Implode as well.

Enjoy both games, and the mini games alot!!!!!!

Meteor Blaster DX shows how far BT Garner has come in his skills with the PC Engine code.

Great job BT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D  :D  :D  :D  :D
Quote from: "dj898"you can get PC Engine Duo modified to run both JPN/US Hu cards as well as CD for both regions. And at the same time get S-Video output done as well...
besides PC Engine Duo looks like more reliable from what I heard.

I have done similar mod on my SuperGrafx and couldn't be happier...

p.s. there's a guy called D-Lite does that mod in US

He's correct folks, i have seen this on the net beofre, and even saw schematics on how to do it. I wouldn't attempt this at home, unless yer a pro at electronics. Send it to this guy D-Lite. Groooooove is in the heaarrrrrrrrt!!!!!!!!!!!!
News / now open! - 7.29.04
07/29/2004, 12:26 PM
Holy crap!!!!!!!! The items in the store kick major ASS!!!!! :D
News / now open! - 7.29.04
07/29/2004, 12:22 PM
In your links section, for, it says that the site is updated regularly, but it really hasn't been updated in a long time, and the message board has been down longer than the last update. I have messaged Darkman, but never got a reply. With his current status in his personal life going on, i am not sure when he will update again.

Still a neat site to goto, and Darkman always has neat things to add to his site to make it more fun. :D

Just thought i would mention that, and hope that he can get back to his site again.
News / now open! - 7.29.04
07/29/2004, 12:14 PM
The site still looks great, and i LOVE the videos for PCENGINEFX TV!!!!!

Thanks for coming back, and keep up the hard, yet rewarding work on your amazing site!

It is SO awesome to have an English PC-FX site!!!
It was 100% completed,but shelved.Someone leaked it,and it has been floating around in Akihabara shops in Japan,and on the internet through tight assed collectors,and like the one post said-in Yahoo Japan auctions.

I have met some people that had it a long time ago,but didn't realize it was a rare game,and deleted it,or lost it on a bad drive.

Very frustrating.

I still search for it,and hope to obtain it soon,no matter what format it was copied in.As long as it plays perfectly with no errors,it can be a shitty iso+mp3.I am not huge on the sound as long as it sounds decent enopugh.We don't have dog ears,so high bitrates are for weirdos that think they can hear everything in the world.Just gimme the game.

I sincerely appreciate your help.I too have heard it has been going on Yahoo auctions,but the only person i know in Japan,is a nice chap,but am still leery about sending money to someone i only knwo through the internet,through the mail.I am good for the cash,but i'd rather do it the safe way,through paypal.
Is that "Hotlink" or "Hotline"?

I still use Hotline.Love it.
I remember there being pics/news that Galaxy Force II was in development for the Supergrafx,but it obviously was cancelled.I believe i have pics in old ass EGM's in my brothers attic,but i am not going through all those to find them,we have at least 17 years worth of gaming mags up there.
I am looking for PC Cocoron for PC Engine Super CD.If you have that,i will trade you $200.00 American dollars for it.E-mail me at
Pretty kick ass man! Thanks for that link!
If anyone has this game,or knows of someone who has this game,i will seriously,and gladly pay,a decent sum of $200.00 USA dollars for this image.Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.Please contact me at gutjuicemetal@hotmail for any info.

Thank you so much in advance!!!! :D
Lots of games for PC Engine came in double jewel cases,but only contained one game. My Daisenryaku II:Campaign Version came that way,i believe Street Fighter II was the same,and many others. Why they do it i have no idea,other than the fact that some of the manuals are larger than normal,so the extra space is needed to fit that,and the game itself-thus the double case.
Agreed Tribalmunky...........roxio blows.I hate it.

CDRWIN is a great proggy(best IMO) for making images as well,and then mounting the image onto daemon tools and running it like that with Magic Engine is really great.
What kind of files/archives are they(rar,zip,ace,7-zip,etc.),and try to get in detail as to what is happeneing.Thanks! :D