RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - shonenx

Off-Topic / Re: Let's see some mugs
01/08/2010, 11:23 PM
gettin sucked in to the TV Like Captain N the Game master .Hopefully  for the duo though
Off-Topic / Re: 8-Bit NES Art Show
01/08/2010, 11:16 PM
 :lol: Thanks Digi.k .... the full size close ups are on my art site now..
A lot of stores were selling bayonetta early (which is pissing off gamestop owners). Also u were able to grab the japan release  because both  j and ntsc  versions are region free. if ur copy is not shipped  but backordered cancel it an run to a shop. Games worth the wait though
Off-Topic / Re: 8-Bit NES Art Show
01/08/2010, 11:15 AM
KC munchkin damn im old too hahah.. what did u play it on the Odyssey ?  Heres a group shot of my Pieces (photo is not the best lighting) Later this weekend my art blog will have individual close ups the Link to it is bleow. Some sold some didn't they're all cheap if u want lemme know, and i take requests ..

Just yesterday i got my PC Duo in the mail and it came wit L-Dis and Gates of Thunder!! I love it it works great and i got it for a great price from "Handsome_raksh" right here on our boards. He saw i was having troubble with a unit i bought and offered to help out .great man!! I also got darksiders wit the exclusive art book..
Off-Topic / 8-Bit NES Art Show
01/06/2010, 08:03 PM
Just wanted to tell anybody in the NEW YORK area that im putting 7 Nintendo based paintings in a Art show tomorrow. the show is a 5-7 artist show about icons but as far as i know mine are the only Video Game related ones. I painted 7 nes character sprites on plexi glass . show starts a 9 and im there all night below is a link to the flyer and im the one with the beard if your lookin  for me...Niagra Bar Avenue A and 7th

If anyones intrested ill post the paintings after the show on my site but in person is better+ drinks!!!
i think in the dub credits they spell it "adel".... so heres what i got today Bayonetta  a day early they had darksiders too but i pre-ordered from gamestop to get the artbook with it so ill get it tomorrow like everyone else...also the tagalongs in the photo are more of my Nes painting seris the art shows this week in NYC i got 7 nes painting in the show if anyones interested...sorry its a bad picture .
wish i could help. i can only offer to buy your lords of thunder.  :wink:
i like the outakes from the first dvd where adol  says hell go get his knee pads after he gets a job from the fishermen. HAHAHHAHA,  the reason im gonna rip it is because i save all my movies now to external hard drive so i can cut down on owning all those dvd boxes im trying to minimize (plus its more room for games  heheh)
Nice review.. say did u ever finish dracula X or spriggan?  ( I scrolled to your other posts below the review)
I just got Ys Legacy DVD set in mail !!! its a 3 DVD  Anime  series set of Ys book 1 and 2 . Its pretty good and the voice acting they dubbed isnt bad. I might rip it in the future so if any body wants a copy lemme know.
Last hope NICE!!! i grab the rerelease pink bullet version a while back , if you dont already have a copy of DUX for the DC pick it up also.
Heres todays Haul stopped by my local shop on way home AGAIN and grabbed a JAPANESE X-BOX 360( my US one jus had ANOTHER hardware failure and microsoft is asking me to pay). Came home to Cannon Spike for dreamcast in the mailbox.(great game).......and that lil guy in the corner is another 8-bit painting i just finished for a art show im in  this month. Im doing all NES 8-bit paintings for it come check it out..
Dreamcast- for Capcom fighters and shumps

Genesis- for the streets of rage & shining force series

PS2 - for the being the sleeper system of Shumps (living in the dreamcasts shadow)and ALL the Anime Games (Fist Of The Northstar)

Neo Geo MvS- for being totaly  FU*CKING Awsome...Nuff Said !!!

If this List wasnt restricted it would be  PC Engine, Dreamcast, Neo Geo Mvs .....i love neo pockect too
i live in a NYC apt .. I dont have a garage area either. But like i said u can ask lumber spots to do all the cuts for u when u buy the wood doesn't cost extra usually . just measure what size u want in between shelves and how deep how wide ...hell you can copy measurements from a pre-made u like an jus save money an feel like a macho man. :wink:
For best fit make'em ur self. figure out the dimensions you want and get the wood cut from a lumber store or Home depot., Loews type place, get long wood screws (or sheetrock ones) and feel proud of your accomplishment every time u see it (like i do about my MaMeCast Cabinet) you can start small......or go to gothic cabinet and they start u off with basic stuff u can ask to modify any part of. although i dont know gothics prices.
Just picked up Ps2 Fist of the northstar today while in  Manhattan. And got Final Zone 2 in mail this morning. Also heres a Pic of the Pretty Duo-R i had to return after 2hours cause the cd Unit was unreliable .
i think so .. i didnt realize there was a number limit of like 30.....heres a mini up date i grab a pce duo-r in Manhattan yesterday (white gray nooo yellow so pretty). brought it home tested the flash card (only hu i have) and only some of the roms loaded others froze at select flash screen and others looked like crap . Not worried ill get her goin     ..................... but this part sucked .......... the duos cd unit dropped music and voice tracks on star paroju and didnt load  (USA) Ys book 1&2 at all and stoped loading Macross 2036 after the developer logo.. i played with it for 2 hours and returned it for a refund, P.S it worked fine at the store(differnt games).  But luckily Rakshas here in the forums hooked me up by selling me a pretty pc duo lastnight. so ill be in full swing soon . thanks to all!!!
110000110100101000111001010010  :lol:
I do it System>Region>genre>sequels together    and current favs or new ones stand in front or on top displayed face foward. plus u can get cheap lil stands to display them on like an mini Art Easels. And the system order is size order dvd size to cd system
Good news Santa brought me closure for x-mas. I took the neo flash card to my folks and hooked it up to there PC used all your tips posted here and got it to work. Im a little shocked since i thought it would hold 128mb worth of roms but it only held like half. BUT IM STILL HAPPY yahhhhhh!!! O:) So thanks for everything. (p.s i havent tested on a system yet but it wrote to card so im happy)
Just got the MVC TE limited arcade stick today from my folks for xmas i love it !!!!!

if anyone wants pics of it out of box ill post em
i always played them on sega systems. good plays.
good score nectarsis i love grandia series
dont feel bad the post office has had my core II since the 11th (and didnt tell me) its in f'ing customs limbo. they wont let me claim it till the shipper contacts the japan office and they then call the us office AARRRGGGGHHHH!!!. Enjoy ur system for all of us in waiting. 

        Also sav sent my Ys1&2 super fast thanks again  :dance:
Just got these last few days (still havent recieved my core II, usps customs is screwing me)

thanks again. i might try for a duo rx or r and mod it to play US turbo cards.
Thanks fellas i'm glad that i can expand my search to two forms of cd-rom2 drive i cant find for sale .  ](*,) 
Hopefully ill find one soon i guess the chase is half the fun right?(Bullsh*t) hahaha o boy! I think im gonna resort to a duo to go side by side with my CoreII. Just gotta pick the right DUO ... r, rx, turbo.
thanks fellas and thanks again necro.(i still cant get my flash card running yet). id be willing to pay those prices for a copy im a huge downtown  Nekketsu nerd ever since my first play through of River city Ransom . im doing an alex painting soon.       hey personal opinion from u 2 whats the best duo to own duo r, duo rx, or turbo(us)  i have a core II sys. so i dont need it to play japan hucards. i just need a cd drive that will play all region as i belive all nec drive do
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: DUO-RX For Sale
12/20/2009, 03:22 PM
is this unit still up for sale?
Thanks blue i tried writing the new line in the file. thought its was gonna work cause windows device started installing it again but it stops and asks me for the win Me cd .(which come on you know i dont have..hehe..OMG..suck) So i thought it was gonna work anyway but none of the 3 programs i mentioned im using are finding the card . im deeply depressed my pce hasnt gotten here yet, i own only cd based games (dont have cd drive just have interface) and own 2 hu card one a japanese rpg (not gonna be able to read it) and 2 the system card for the cd unit ......I think the world is having a laugh...hahahh. i dont want to have to get another pc i hate windows . maybe ill try to get 98install and start over.....i jus dont know.  :-({|=
vag: Cooter

Penis: WANG!!  (pronouced  WAH HAA ANG !!)

although i do refer to it as my Brock Johnson, go fig?
Random question ...can i hook a tg16 cd drive into the unit interface 30 ? I mean i had the TG16 one as a kid and ive seen pics of the PCE white one it looks the same except for the window design. Im having a hard time finding any PCE cd rom unit  to purchase. ( i have an Interface unit with my core II...or i will when it gets here damn customs)
1. i think the win device manager was a good spot to start. :)  i look ed and saw slim loader there but the drivers are errored or non existant. ( i need to get a cat5 cable tomorrow) I will try and update them as i never use this its not hooked to my network. god as im writting this i just checked the tower... it only has phone line port no hi-speed port ARRGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! SH*T!!. To continue*p ummm.. im using 3 programs now pce writer 1.1 (conecting fault)  neo2 ultra (says slim loader not found) and neo power kit (says refresh did not find flash card)....i really think now its my drivers ...but how an i gonna get them ive been downloading all this to my mac and transfering it via cd rom (speaking of which i still need a PCE cd-rom drive). how can i update with out connecting to microsoft. btw i downloaded that olepro32.dll i was missing thats how i got neo2 ultra and power kit to work.   Thanks for all of this NecroPhile u da man!!!
Quote from: shonenx on 12/15/2009, 09:45 PM... my PC ( Me).
Are you having a laugh? ;)[/quote]
A laugh .....I wish i was .........also it was never actually mine the pc was donated to me when i was rebuilding my mame cabinet (i never used the tower) i dont even have a monitor for it i hooked it up to my 42" samsung 1080p so its a big and sh*ty OS now
I am looking to buy DOWNTOWN  NEKKETSU MONOGATARI also known as River City Ransom
i just cleaned contacts now (dont think they were bad) im trying on my mac (preferred) and my PC ( Me). On pc it says  connecting fault and when i drop the window i see a box that says could not update user config. access denied. and the red light stays on constantly  i saw Dr.neo trying to help some people on manufacturer old boards i tried installing power kit 2.3 it says i need olepro32dll .        On mac  in wine emulator it loads programs keeps all settings an directories finds roms but just has connecting fault also when i put the usb loader in the light blinks red  once and flashes green 3 times.............. [-o<
yeah what is this a cd with roms?
Has anyone seen one of these im having trouble getting the program to find my flash card .im using an old Windows Me tower i have (i normally use mac) i even tried the program in Wine( an window emulator for mac ) and had slightly more sucess. any help is appreciated ...if i cant get it to work on my old tower maybe i can mail it to some one who can load it with any roms i send.
All though i did own it back in the 90s... i was the kid in the hood with the TG16 &cd with the japan adapter, while every kid was talkin about snes and knew ur system was great but no one cared. (sniffle, sniff)  :cry:
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB : cd rom2 unit
12/15/2009, 05:37 PM
im looking to purchase a PCE cd rom unit . i have an interface and just need the player. Also am willing to buy a rear super cd unit. please message if u have one for sale.
Pm'ed about Ys book 1&2  (yes yes i dont own Ys ....please stop pointing and throw things)