@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Messages - dallaspattern

Dragon's Curse rules!
Quote from: esteban on 11/08/2014, 12:57 PM
Quote from: GoldenWheels on 11/08/2014, 11:51 AM
Quote from: esteban on 11/08/2014, 11:05 AM
Quote from: GoldenWheels on 11/08/2014, 10:39 AMProbably a stupid Q considering how many pages and fans THIS thread has but is there a thread for GOOD found ebay deals?

I got a CIC Bravoman for 22$ the other night. I was pretty happy with that.
Is it a "good deal" if the game is blah?

That is the age-old question.
I know what you mean but (pretty obviously) it simply depends on how you look at it--as a player only, a collector only, or a player/collector (I like to consider my self the latter).

Is owning a physical copy worth anything to me? It is. Is being able to play it worth anything to me? It is, even if just so I can first hand say "this game is not good!". Was that a good marketplace price so far as accomplishing both goals? It was. That makes it a good deal for me.
I hear you. I am very tactile and I like physical copies, too.


I was really just expressing my disappointment with the game. Bravoman, even with shoot-em-up levels, is not worthy of sucking my left one.

I officially endorse your purchase, however, and perhaps you will find more joy with it.

I love a bunch of games that folks have dismissed, but Bravoman has yet to worm its way into my heart.
I haven't played Bravoman in 20 years. This comment is motivation to continue that streak.
Quote from: esteban on 11/08/2014, 05:09 AM
Quote from: dallaspattern on 11/08/2014, 02:01 AMWhat's CRT/Framemeister? I've been living in the stone-age for the last 20 years :)

4:3, smart!
Don't worry, you can still be in the stone age and learn a few new tricks:
CRT = cathode ray tube (your old TV*)

Framemeister (an upscaler...hardware...for using old consoles on modern HDTV) - before you get one of these, do your research. Ask folks here. I have yet to make the plunge myself because I am happy using an old TV.

*my old RCA TV. R.I.P.
OMG, that's beautiful!

Ayce, agreed!
What's CRT/Framemeister? I've been living in the stone-age for the last 20 years :)

4:3, smart!
PCE/TG-16|CD/SGX Discussion / HI RES
11/07/2014, 12:27 PM
I just ugpraded my 90's tube tv to a 50" plasma and hooked the ol' Duo up to it. It's fuckin' bananas man! I almost prefer running it through the old set to soften up the edges of graphics, but for games like R-Type, Fantasy Zone and Devils Crush on a huge screen, it's a hell of a thing.
I was away for a couple weeks, I guess I missed the vote with KK. Is it too late to contest this? haha
easy now
Yo Bro instead of Keith Courage?!?!
Loved that game. Super gross. Perfect for 12 year old boys!
My War rules, so does Weight, and a couple of his spoken word discs are pretty good. That story about Joe is intense. When recently asked what's worse, taking out the trash or being in Black Flag, Rollins responded "Being in Black Flag". haha
I scored a pcengine and a few games at a garage sale this weekend for 80 bucks. Dude had a bunch of master system and N64 stuff out. When I asked if he had anything else, he told me he had something in the basement he wasn't sure would sell. BOOSH. I've been rocking Kato Chan and Ken Chan all weekend.

But I think my most amazing score was a boxed duo with a dozen GOOD games on kijiji a few years back for super cheap. -30, had to drive out of town to pick it up. Couldn't believe my eyes...

Non-TG related, I found a rare Henry Rollins spoken word LP at a record store once for $5. He came through town one time and I showed it to him and he said he hadn't seen one in 20 years. Kinda cool.
Quote from: HailingTheThings on 10/05/2014, 02:08 AMThat was grrrreat, now please, go eff your soon to be ex-wife.
We broke up long ago. She wasn't a fan of my sultry voice and tasty guitar licks.

(to the tune of Photograph, the number one single of all time)


Thank you thank you, there's a reason I'm a millionaire and you are not
Scored a console and a few games at a garage sale. Stoked to finally have one!
That's insane. That person is insane.
Quote from: esteban on 09/27/2014, 05:21 AM
Quote from: dallaspattern on 09/26/2014, 08:18 PMBonk's Revenge: Beginner, Intermediate or Expert? hahaha

Bake-I've yet to finish B3, but that's enough incentive.
They should have had "Super Duper Mega NEO Hard" to provide a decent challenge.
Bonk's Revenge: Beginner, Intermediate or Expert? hahaha

Bake-I've yet to finish B3, but that's enough incentive.
Quote from: slinkyturd on 09/25/2014, 05:21 PMI'd say I like bonk 3 better than bonk's adventure. the problem is that the price for the gameplay should be about 30 bucks and not in the hundreds. I think a lot of the disappointment I encountered was paying that much for a game worth 30 dollars to me.
Whaaaaa?! You crazy mang!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB Chew Man Fu
09/25/2014, 03:36 PM
What, no love for the Fu?
Not hate, just twenty years of disappointment!

Speaking of which, I'm sure y'alls have heard of this? Too bad Brink of Extinction never made it out! Would've been cool.

And of course, the tragic tale of the Bonk 4 RPG...

I wish I had software design skills to give Bonk 3 the treatment it deserved! It's like Alien 3. You just wanted it to be so much more!
my hate-on for the pipe bonus exists mostly because the animation is bad and the gameplay slows down quite a bit, killing the pacing of the level.

remake of the bonk soundtrack - do you have garageband? I'm in, let's do it!
They're the comic books of our generation. Some will appreciate more than others, supply and demand and all that. The midlife crisis thing is a freaky thought though. Lately, I've sought some comfort in a round or two of blazing blazers, or other cards I had first. But I don't think my longings for the early 90's have affected market prices.
The music in the first Bonk is so iconic!

Never played sb2, must find it!

Because the bad outweighs the good, and that pipe shit is a waste of a bonus level!

Somebody made a good point, maybe they just squirted out an unrefined test cart? After all, it was already over by then and they couldn't have been putting much more money into development. Maybe we were lucky it came out at all.
Dude, Bonk 1 is super solid. It set a great tone for the series. There are things I like about it more than B2. In fact, I don't know if I prefer one over the other. It's like choosing your favourite kid and all that!

BONK 3: Unsatisfying, like a bad poop.
Quote from: Miracle_Warrior on 09/21/2014, 04:30 PMHey, I'm in Edmonton too :)

My Duo's serial # is $$$$$$.
Hey, no way! Dude, I found my duo on kijiji a couple years ago super cheap! They're still out there!
Quote from: HailingTheThings on 09/20/2014, 04:14 AMAre you like actually a fan of nickelchad or are you just butting?
Nickelback gets booed in Detroit
Quote from: neutopia6 on 09/20/2014, 12:01 AMAhahaha. XD
I enjoy my Bonk 3, got the first two years ago and loved them, finally snagged a three, doesn't hold as much nostalgia for me but it was more of the same.
I prefer two the most, and I agree, big Bonk wasn't executed as well as he could have been but it was still a good game, to me anyways.
Yeah, to be fair it has zero nostalgia for me too. I was 18 years too late on that one, but pre-internet that game was impossible to find! Ah, the good old days eh?
Haha, that's way better. Chad looks so cooooool.

Also, you're ruining my thread, and get off my lawn!
How did they blow it so badly? The following is a list of things that irk me when I stack it up against the first two.

Jesus, where to begin...

Level 1
Bonk spins too slowly.
Unfulfilling floret sprung jumps.
The music made to indicate you're eating meat.
Unfulfilling bonks of enemies. The sound effect is childish, not crushing like BA.
Being spoonfed like a baby as I'm able to break four boulders at a time.
The pipe bonus stage is dumb.
The sound Bonk makes when he's injured sucks.
Big mode = good idea, bad execution.
The choppy way the elevator opens and closes.
The music in general blows, it's like I'm at a goddamn carnival.
The first boss isn't bad, but in my brain there is a reason I don't like it.
I like how the crabs pinchers are useful.
The spiderweb is a good trap.
Building smash bonus stage is pretty tight (my reptialian SF2 brain <3's this)

Oh shit, my girlfriend just got home and wants to watch Aliens. Guess that's enough of this for now.
So I found this website that lists every known copy of Nirvana's first single (Love Buzz /1000) where people list which copy they have with their place of residence (http://www.sliver.it/nirvana/test/pages/other/love_buzz_list.html).
I thought it would be a fun way to maybe see which duo systems ended up where. Maybe for kicks, list the box # and the system #? Also, this is just for fun, not looking to start some kind of dumbass hierarchical, show off jizz-fest. Take it easy fellas!

Box: 31012991A
Console: 31012991A
Location: Edmonton, AB, Canada
haha, i believe we're getting a divorce now? not sure.

i went in again and the thing's brand new. haven't seen something in that condition locally for a while. kinda neat. i'm kinda temped to buy it just so i can experience the joy of tearing into a fresh tg box one more time. too bad it's DE, and not something i've never played before.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB Chew Man Fu
09/19/2014, 10:34 PM
just chillin'. bout to lock into some legendary axe on a friday evening
Buy/Sell/Trade / Sealed Dungeon Explorer
09/17/2014, 01:15 PM
There's a vintage game place down the street that's got one for $100. If anyone wants it, I can score it for you.
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB Chew Man Fu
09/17/2014, 01:14 PM
Hey y'alls, anyone got an extra copy kicking around?
Man, I straight up bought a Genesis for Mortal Kombat. That or getting SF2 on the console would've been huge.
My favorite episode was the Ghostbusters one. Trilogy rather. He did a great job putting them together.

I highly doubt he'll ever focus much on the TG16, there's too little demand for it. Like the Neo Geo, Jaguar, Lynx etc.
Kinda entertaining to watch someone play through a fairly popular turbo game for the first time.
Hahaha, if I had a nickel for every over priced boxed copy of CF2...
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB Air Zonk CIB
05/07/2014, 07:18 PM
I know a guy who's selling the game and manual for 60. PM me if you're interested!
Dude got $750 for SUPER AIR ZONK?! That's absurd....
It's a dirty, dirty thing indeed.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: TG Collection on Ebay
04/18/2014, 02:13 PM
Wow, yeah that's a pretty good one!
Quote from: guest on 04/17/2014, 07:53 PM
Quote from: dallaspattern on 04/17/2014, 07:24 PMSupply and demand, that's capitalism for you.
Except this isn't simply a case of supply and demand.
It's not super cut and dry, but for sure it is. Only difference is that the demand is manufactured.
Supply and demand, that's capitalism for you.