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Messages - NightWolve

Quote from: MNKyDeth on 02/16/2018, 09:15 PMNot sure where people are getting there lenses from.
I buy all my hop-m3 and kss-210B lenses from dalbanicorporation.
Wow, I didn't notice this last time, but I have a connection to Dalbani Electronics/Co! When I was 16-17 in the early 90's I started VCR repair for a resale shop I hung out at and Dalbani + MCM Electronics we're my suppliers for parts like a VCR head puller, belts, that sort of thing.

I still didn't have a CC yet so I'd use my dad's and just pay him cash next time around after ordering over the phone with their catalog. Heh, old skool.

I recall I got their info from a professional TV/VCR repair shop, a Korean owner (somewhat at part of Korea Town) who let me jot their number down after asking where he buys his stuff (MCM too). He fixed a RCA TV for me before he eventually went out of business.

Side note: I bought the NES/SNES security bit later after spotting it for sale in such catalogs (MCM, pretty sure) (that was fun!). That was a big deal, I was the only one in my neighborhood that had it, heh. I did misplace it at some point and thought a friend stole it, but it got lost under a magnetic dish holder, just didn't notice for many years...

Coincidentally, I still had all my old Dalbani/MCM catalogs in storage until this summer but I decided it's time to get rid of lots of stuff along with my EGM, GameFan, GamePro, Nintendo Power magazines. Anything I can't sell was tossed in the recycling bin or donated to the local library like my CS programming books. Ah well, time to start letting stuff go left around for nostalgia's sake...

Anyway, good to know they're still around and now on eBay. Yeah, they're still based in Florida, I remember that too.
Yep, full capacitor replacement time! Don't be cheap, remove every one, clean off the leaked electrolytic fluid very well, and replace with fresh ones. Hope that the fluid didn't damage/corrode any trace, via, etc and you might be able to get it up and running again with just some basic soldering skills. :)
Off-Topic / Re: Divisive Topic.
11/19/2018, 02:33 AM
I wouldn't let some dude jot down the codes while browsing the DVD cases in the store. They can easily solve that just by storing the code paper along with the disc.

I remember a video store like this also, the DVD cases were on the shelves for you, you'd pick one for purchase, bring it to the counter, and they'd find the actual disc in storage. It closed a few years ago though as will happen to all movie rental stores, not just because of Internet streaming, or piracy, but also thanks to Redbox and their $1 rental rates for old timers that still go the physical media route.
News / Re: PCEngineFX Change/Update Log
11/19/2018, 12:04 AM
** 11/24/2018 **

* It's official: Viewing/Spying on PCEFX with Free Proxy Web Servers is ~100% disabled... This reduces options for ban-evading, spying, harassing, cyberbully psychos (e.g. Psycho ClodBusted, No-Sex-Gex, Punch, and Nintega if he ever actually learned how).

** 11/18/2018 **

* Visitor logging/history added to PCEFX Chatbox. Normally only available to admins, but not anymore. Expect more tweaks in the future.

* Registration with Free Proxy Web Servers for spam harassment/vandalism was blocked. This deals with registration vandalism & other type by known psychotic saboteur trolls/cyberbullies e.g. Psycho Nulltard, Nintega, No-Sex-Gex, Punch, Joe Tucci, etc. This complicated port-scanning proxy block is limited just to registration as it's slow.

Disclaimer: Details/History below. Avoid reading if you don't care for bitter dramaqueens and their embarrassing troll/sabotage history...
QuoteHistory: PCEFX Registration vandalism began in April 2018 when Psycho John Nulltard's sock puppet "ButtSniffMcNippleGrinder" account was deleted (yes, how creative!). He also had an alt/fake "Xak" account for past shenanigans that we know of. Upon deletion, he quickly registered again to spam insults with an email like "Nicolas.Retardicus@cuck . com" and no further known spamming by him occurred since... Nulltard is thusly the 2nd known PCEFX Registration spam vandal besides helping to destroy/sabotage the forum because of his own PCE forum obsession (1st place prize goes to Psycho Nintega obviously for his years of dedication to harassment of this forum)...

After Joshua the TurboTrollX-16 (his CPU core may be 8-bit, but his true colors are in 16-bit, don't let this bully fool ya!) created a proxy harassment thread on his Facebook account to angrily incite members to take troll actions against this forum to make me ban you, collect a screenshot of the ban message and share in it his thread, Joe Tucci answered the call with CTRL+V paste mania and pathetically lied about it, claiming all he did is "type big brother..." What he actually did is create multiple posts while holding CTRL+V down dumping MASSIVE spam on the forum that was tough to delete because the DELETE button is at the bottom of the page... I was incredibly disgusted, it was stunning! The manchild was quickly blocked/banned and is NOT ever welcomed to return here again!

However, after the in-forum spam vandalism to purposefully get banned ended, it moved to the PCEFX registration system starting with what I call the Joshua Jaeger Homophobes who had Illinois IP addresses at first (like Joe Tucci) but later began using proxies as I banned their IP ranges...

So this spam/insult vandalism of the PCEFX registration system in some way has continued since April by at least Psycho ClodBusted, No-Sex-Gex, Punch, Nintega and possibly someone else... Hard to tell, certain things are unique to Punch who doesn't type anything but "Brazil," while Psycho Nintega and ClodBusted will write some kind of crazed troll rant depending on what information they can use in the present...

In this latest example, the psycho-stalker-spammer is spying on random members like JoeQuaker, attempting to compare his writing style with NightWolve, ultimately formulating a crackpot conspiracy theory that JoeQuaker is an alt sock puppet account of NightWolve's (i.e. JoeQuaker=NightWolve). Necromancer and other saboteur trolls in their own spying started a conspiracy theory that NightWolve was "doing lots of things" to "fake" forum activity (and hide bannings) to combat their open/transparent sabotage efforts to silence/kill the forum as part of some sort of scorched-earth extortion effort... This troll seems to be talking to Necromancer in the discord chat he hijacked I suspect given his rant, but I'm not sure if it's Psycho ClodBusted, Gex, or another manchild in the suspect list (Correction: It was all Ryley "Gex" Reynolds who then crank-called me endlessly when Aaron closed the forum...)... Ah well, what's the difference ? They're all batshit crazzzy! :/

Anyway, this ends their desperate jumping from proxy after proxy after proxy, and actually bragging about it, telling me I'll never be able to stop them, etc. Who knew we had trolls here more crazy than Nintega, including Necromancer ?? Really sad... :(

QuoteArizona couple have been ordered to pay Nintendo a whopping $12.23m (£9.5m) in damages for running a pair of sites which offered pirated ROMs.

Jacob and Cristian Mathias admitted copyright and trademark infringement for operating and until July this year, when Nintendo intervened.

The sites, registered under Mathias Designs, a company set up by the husband and wife, offered pirated versions of games such as Mario Kart 64, Donkey Kong Country, Pokémon Yellow and Super Mario World.

Both websites were pulled offline when Nintendo threatened legal action, and replaced with a notice saying they were undergoing maintenance.


The eyebrow-raising $12.23m ruling, originally discovered by TorrentFreak, has likely been set as an example to deter others. (And indeed, a number of other ROM sites have since vanished from the internet.) Whether the Mathiases will have to actually pay the full amount is not known, however - other cases have been quietly settled behind the scenes for much less.

On paper, though, this is a huge win for Nintendo. The couple have taken down their sites, admitted culpability, agreed to pay damages, and must now also relinquish any Nintendo games and hardware still in their possession.

Head to now and you'll be greeted with a simple message, titled "Apology to Nintendo":

"Our website,, previously offered and performed unauthorised copies of Nintendo games, in violation of Nintendo's copyrights and trademarks. acknowledges that it caused harm to Nintendo, its partners, and customers by offering infringing copies of Nintendo games and has agreed to cease all such activities. To access legitimate Nintendo games online, please visit for information about the Nintendo Game Store."
Nintendo gone  :boom::boom::boom::boom:-earth...
Quote from: tbone3969 on 11/13/2018, 02:14 PMThat's a great price for that game.
But what about all the children in Africa he could've fed instead with $8,500 ???? ;)
Oh, you're Ryan Genno ? I didn't know you had an account here! Good to have ya dood!

Video: I skipped to the end, he replaced his TG-16 Space Harrier with better copy...and he blew $8500 (according to price sticker) on...a sealed Magical Chase...

 :bonkthis: :boom: :bonkthis: :boom: :bonkthis: :boom: :bonkthis:

Congrats I think ???? ;)

Go big or go home I guess ???

P. S. I can beat your Super Star Soldier record any time, by the way! :P
Quote from: exodus on 11/09/2018, 03:05 PMPCE: Startling Odyssey
PSX: Startling Odyssey I: Blue Evolution
Hmm, I didn't know SO got ported to PSX, wanna find screenshots now, see what it looks like on there.

As to the experiment, you already mentioned Dracula X, an obvious one. I'd have to get to my PC to look at the PCE catalogs some time to see if something jogs my memory, but drawing a blank on anything else.
Oh, I didn't know that. I kinda thought he occasionally posts on it and did create it. But looking at the About page, it looks like it's not his writing. Is it yours ?

EDIT: Hmm, if I had to guess, it's Paul... :( That would explain some things...
Quote from: majors on 11/08/2018, 12:07 AMI assume this is some eco friendly-save the planet type initiative. What about the plastic lids tho?
Well, they added a 5 cent tax per plastic water bottle, so a 40 pack has a $2 dollar tax but thankfully it's limited to Chicago and I can drive to a neighboring Walmart in a suburb (usually Skokie) to escape it...

Doesn't seem they wanted to go with a tax-it-to-hell approach like smokes, alcohol, pot, etc.; in the case of plastic straws though, abolition/prohibition is more their tune here... Worth noting we do have special blue bins dedicated only for paper, plastic and steel can recycling too...

Interesting stuff in that lot but I own several.
I'd add nervousness about the outcome of today's election...

I voted no on a proposition to ban plastic straws, an attempt to import a Commiefornia policy here in Chicago and I think I'm gonna lose, but who knows, I may be surprised, we did repeal the sugar soda pop tax after enough anger made our voices heard...
Off-Topic / Re: Secret Santa 2017
12/31/2017, 05:52 PM
Necromunster rage quit in a psychotic Nazi Nazi Nazi cunt cunt cunt yelling tantrum believing he is above being moderated and worked feverishly to sabotage this forum behind the scenes afterwards in revenge (he hijacked some discord chat)...

If we had normal moderators he would've been banned long ago with Psycho N1ntega/Arkhan frankly and I never would've had to deal with him, it's just that he forced the situation with his unhinged, vicious behavior over the summer...

I will never let another crazed cyber-bully like him take off on this forum again and it appears he never logged in again to eventually allow an appeal to his mute ban, so good riddance! He made it clear after the 1 week temp ban he's just gonna keep on harassing me, so his rage quit is fine by me...

I don't really want that kind of intimidating personality chasing noobs off, throwing his weight around, spying on me, and after witnessing his outside organized tag team trolling to run me off the forum, the crazed conspiracy theories he emailed me, I don't care to ever speak to him again... He's batshit level crazy and hateful! So I'm comfortable with a permaban but it's moot since he quit anyway...

Anyway, this looks like it was a manipulative bump/question just like the Joshua/BlackTiger attempts to remind us of his Musings thread which is supposedly so great a contribution it should forgive all of his crazed excesses/trolling, so thread locked. He both quit and is banned, assuming you didn't really know that already. Generosity should only go so far to deflect/excuse from being a crazy bullying bastard...
Better deal from Tronster for sure, just seen it sell for $400 on FacialBook...

No accompanying photos to prove your claims, help illustrate exactly what you mean ?? ;)

I noticed Aaron posted this picture today on our PCEFX Facebook page:


That would be the context of your thread I take it, that today is the 31st anniversary of the PC Engine ? And a day before Halloween, easy to remember, I didn't know that, heh.

Has it really now been 31 years since it began ? Feels hard to believe for some reason... :bonkthis:
Mister FPGA ? Had to Google it.

I was wondering when we'll get a PCE/TG16 FPGA knockoff console considering all the other retro consoles of that era have. Original NEC hardware isn't gonna last indefinitely after all even with needed capacitor replacement.

Anyway, found this video by SmokeMonster to intro this "Mister" business.
News / Re: PCEngineFX Change/Update Log
10/21/2018, 09:52 AM
** 10/21/2018 **

* Updated the PCEFX news root for the first time in 10 years to pay respects to the Yuki project as it sells off the final remaining 75 copies. :) :yuki:


The 1000 print run of "FX-Unit Yuki" is almost sold out, down to the last 75 copies!

Orders taken here:

Don't miss out! ;)
Wow, all of YouTube has been down for at least an hour now!


Quote from: tbone3969 on 10/16/2018, 09:18 PMYou can even hook it up to a real Sega CD!!!
Yeah, saw that, real FPGA deal for Sega fans, but SD system needed for CD image support eventually.
Got link ?

QuoteWe set out to design the definitive way to explore Sega's 16-bit and 8-bit era. A reimagining of the underdog that led a 16-bit revolution. Engineered with an FPGA. No emulation. 1080p. Zero lag. Total accuracy. Mega Sg is not a plug n' play toy. Compatible with the 2,180+ Sega Genesis, Mega Drive and Master System game cartridge library. Explore and re-live one of the greatest video game systems of all time with no compromises.
Yeah, too vague, but I'd say you need to find a schematic for the power supply or find someone who owns it who can test that resistor and get a value for it.

You should take a photo of the power area too, mark where the resistor was to help the other owner find it, if willing...

Sounds like you did permanent damage to me if you caused new capacitors to pop though, might be a lost cause without a pro EE...
Yeah, if applying pressure on the connection at the port fixes it, definitely a problem with broken soldered joints as everyone said. If reflowing the solder doesn't fully fix it, might need to scrape the traces near the joints, add more solder/flux to ensure full connection to every line. Nope, you can't fix this without opening the unit and using a trusty solder iron.
Quote from: majors on 10/15/2018, 10:08 AM
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 10/12/2018, 01:56 PMBeen gone a while, what did I Miss?
Evil -> Remember, two sides to every story. Taking joy is others misfortune could be bad karma, jus' saying.
You're telling that to one of Nulltard's victims who he trolled on Facebook also (not just on PCEFX), so you're not gonna get much sympathy from him especially if he doxxed him in some way as he claims...

Remember Nulltard going to excessive/dedicated troll lengths to draw EvilEvolX as a big fat wrestler ?? I admit I laughed at the time because of how much it resembled Evil's face but at the same time it took quite a creepy obsession to draw him so accurately, it speaks to how far he's willing to go to troll his targets!
MKII Memories injected into the live-action movie.
Quote from: SGX Engine on 10/13/2018, 02:43 AMIMG
Lots of SplatterHouse love going around recently. New Playing with Sacks episode and an awesome HuCard bootleg with CD+G soundtrack was produced by Jodi's Turbo Reproductions group.
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 10/12/2018, 01:55 PM
Quote from: NightWolve on 04/11/2018, 07:01 PMCool, that's 8 entrants so far, heh.

I found out today Nulltard recycled a defamatory dox job against me with a domain he bought, my day was a bit ruined shall we say, so I'm not quite in the mood to create my Falcom raffle, but I'll see, hopefully try tonight......
Man what did I miss while I was gone ?  He doxed me once too.  Must suck to be him these days he bitched about his life and his living situation.  You can take solace in the fact that he hates his life.
There was a genuine pattern of him being a DuoDildoDoxPhile  ?? He fully paid for the dox job himself this time  ?? He f*cked up my phone number worse than before, that's pretty confirmed for all the blocking options I've had to activate over the summer!! Hopefully somebody does it to him some day!!!!!

But wow, I didn't know about this! His psychotic friends covering for him for so many years does him no good which is what emboldened him I feel...

Short story is it's all about the PCEFX chatbox, it begins and ends there as bizarre as that is... Turns out we had worse clowns than Nintega and it was a destructive experiment...

Psycho John Nulltard/Bullity/Insanity/Doxxity saw it as a threat to his own chatbox, was bitter there wasn't a PCEFX+DuhPhile alliance, was bitter I didn't ask him to embed his chatbox here instead of the forum module you see now... Turns out he spammed Aaron with the idea 4 years prior, spammed me with the idea during the launch (I was stupid enough to ask him to come help test, NOT knowing how crazy obsessed he was to merge PCEFX/DuoPhile or destroy/poach the place if we didn't bend to his will...) playing it off as a joke, that if I can't fix the bugs I can embed his chat instead and also turns out roflmao had emboldened him with an iframe combine/merge page that did exactly that which they were using(I learned these things later)! So this is what they wanted me to do instead:


As such, he developed a daily obsession for my chatbox, so morning and night, some times as early as 7:30am, he'd grab his phone, go in it, spam DildoDoxPhile nearly 14 days straight! He incited his dumb gang/cult members to help too, first sirchman, then DarKKKobold, Punch, Desh, etc. I added a filter cause of his ass to rewrite it to DildoPhile or other jokes to see "how funny" does he think his pathetic behavior is now ?? Oh, but the pscyho got even MORE angrier and was looking to further escalate as I'll explain:

So in week 1 he brought his loser pal sirhcman to help (he would spy on me, then spam DoxPhile based on the context of what I was doing, THEY ARE THAT CRAZY!!!), then in week 2, he brought 2 more psychotic loser pals to spam it also, Vile Kyle Thomson, AKA DarKKKobold the White Supremacist (who should've been banned YEARS AGO! See my updates to his profile: He's a KKKRAZY super-stalker!!! He had a mental-breakdown for being banned, 3 YEARS OF ~DAILY STALKING of ALL my social media, wants DAILY access to my Twitter!) (and Psycho Punch/Burning Fight/Aleff Correa) who would both watch/spy on me intensely, write defamation about me, bait me, ask me crazy inquisitive questions, pin prick me, create conflict, all geared towards trying to drive me crazy, make me regret launching it AS IF I had personally attacked these psycho clowns, did something to warrant such behavior!!! They were letting us know our chat here would just be a stomping ground for them to sh-t on every time they visit on over from DoxPhile, etc.

Basically, he was using his own chatbox to wage war here, encouraging his dumb troll gang (in raid/incitement fashion) to come here and just act stupid as part of harassment to sabotage the effort... I remember most regulars were having a good time when the chatbox started, EXCEPT the DildoPhile gang! When they all showed up, it was nothing but bitterness, trolling, spam-mania, harassment, sour grapes, etc and it was always organized...

As I tried filters or manual deleting of their DildoPhile spamming, sirhcman played the "censorship" card and then Psycho ClodBusted stuck his face in it, picked up that talking point and moved the warring into Fighting Street to "fight censorship in the chatbox." I shouldn't have allowed that perhaps but I honored the FS principle and after the DildoPhile gang started making speeches in his defense, they antagonized me in there MORE than the aggravation they caused in the chatbox, so I spoke my mind on how disgusting they are, how pathetic this whole thing is!

Just as Nulltard remembered I got doxxed 2 years ago by an XSEED Games shill who started stalking me after Tom Lipschultz wrote his infamous NightWolve=Trump=Hitler unhinged rant, he also remembered TurboRip was getting false virus reports, so when somebody asked about it, he smeared me as intentionally putting a virus in it. So now it's 21 days into this bullshit with him and his psychotic troll gang, so I banned him and sirhcman for 14 days, equal time to the spam games they played in the chatbox...

Instead of Nulltard backing off after a temp 2 week ban, he wanted MORE escalation!! He decided to find that dox page written by an unhinged lying lunatic at a place that has caused REAL physical stalking by its members just like 4chan has done! He was extorting/blackmailing/intimidating me with my address, phone number, reminding me "he knows where I live" so I can't ban him for 2 weeks, no no no, "he's special" and he'll do whatever he wants to or on PCEFX, I'm supposed to absorb ANY and ALL manner of abuse by him and his f*cking DoxPhile troll gang! This was the final straw, I told him "He's DONE here, NEVER AGAIN!" so I deleted and permabanned him!!!!

Unfortunately, a ban/attack on him is a ban/attack on his psychotic loyal pals/gang who eventually started self-deleting, rage-quiting, and worse, the Joshua Turbo Troll way of vandalizing the forum further, sticking around for revenge, sabotage, harassment, etc.

Vandalizing at the behest of Joshua's proxy harassment thread on Facebook was done in posts (Joe Tucci the maddog spammer) and the PCEFX registration system! Nobody should ever let that troll set up shop on your forum knowing what he's capable of, "heart of gold" my ass! I caught one of his sock puppet accounts that he snuck back into the forum with in the process! He's got a dozen usernames since 2001!

That was the other thing, as more loons took Nulltard's side, they used PCE Facebook groups to wage war here, not just Nulltard's organizing in his chatbox or the discord chat that Psycho Detective Neurotic Necromancer hijacked who went batshit crazy by the end of this too!!!

So I had to ban some of the lunatics, equal amount of trolls self deleted versus had to be banned till their rage subsides or longer, I don't need to deal with their perpetual bitter butthurt if I don't have to and seeing their goal was just to sabotage the forum on the way out anyway...

Yes, it was a hell of a civil war, but here's the thing: Nulltard still has BFFs spying on this forum, so does Arkhan (who should've stayed banned years ago when GameSack Joe banned him); I may have more bans to deal with but they didn't overtly break any rules yet, try to spam, engage in outside warring that I spotted, so it's a waiting game till they try doing something stupid... Or face more self-deletions since many turned out to be more thin-skinned than I thought...

There are a few hecklers in that crowd that aren't gonna go away quietly and let the forum rebuild. In fact, some of them were hoping Aaron shuts the forum down to complete the sabotage goal and harvest the membership as Nulltard always wanted for his own disgusting PCE forum/chat built on harassing other PCE groups and using a dirty old fart pornstar as a mascot "to fight collectardism!!!!"

Anyway, the point is, it's way past time to move on from this, get back to talking about life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, gaming, obeying, homebrew, mods, whatever else!! Hence why I closed the subject, made Fighting Street invisible and so forth. I will restore Fighting Street as read only soon as sparky has been crying about not being able to see old Sinistron posts and if the forum regrows then worry about newer rules to prevent another Nulltard disaster!

Any other details you can PM me and be done with it!
PhotoBucket caved as in old links are working again or only pertaining to uploading new images ? Nobody whose account was paywalled would ever trust them again, but if some old links are working again that's good.
PC-FX Discussion / Re: Forum phone access
10/10/2018, 06:59 PM
Only thing I can think of is your old bookmark was still "http" and I did do a security upgrade to "https" some time back. I try redirects to quietly move to https links, that may have been a problem.

A direct bookmark just needs to be:
Epic Voice Guy does "epic" MegaMan 11 trailer.
PC-FX Discussion / Re: Forum phone access
10/10/2018, 11:44 AM
I use my phone mostly no problem.

Do you mean Tapatalk ? I couldn't reactivate that.
Got some random free Falcom import games/products today from a friend, decided to do a dreaded "unboxing" video for it. ;) Most notable for me was scoring an original Gurumin PC import (which was localized on Steam/GOG by Mastiff Games). :)
I was looking for something similar, wanna add HES chiptune music to my catalog jukebox player but yeah, I found the archive Chris linked too, so lots of work has already been done.

What I found impressive more is the HMTL5 HES player that's somehow been built without Flash and what not. I gotta steal it some time, see how it works.

It's just like the HES Winamp plugin, the sound chip has been emulated in JavaScript (???) and it decodes a chiptune stream of bytes to playable audio by a browser!

The beauty of it is instead of having 4 meg MP3 files for your music player, you literally only store the sound code chiptune bytes which range as small as 45KB to 1MB per track, so you can have the whole OST at very little bandwidth/space cost, etc.

I also learned they use the Ootake emulator to rip the sound/chiptune bytes out of games, so if your friend still wants to do his own ripping on something, that's one way. I've never seen the feature but that's what I saw stated by a ripper.
Yeah, but just note again, this is a French-First project, heh. Though if it's fully hacked now, all the tools, the ability to go for English next is available eventually.

Another Japanese-English translator is needed because Dave wouldn't wanna go from French to English.
Super hyper love for the new Megaman 11 by both Rob & Johnny.
Oh yeah, you worked with a French translator starting off. I remember now. Too early of us to celebrate then, I see, that was quite a tease... :(

I take it SamIAm wouldn't be interested but there is that Tom guy. So we gotta help with English translator recruitment in due course.
Happy to report David Shadoff made some progress on the Dead of the Brain I & II fan translation project!

Quote from: @Shadoff_d 7:01 PM - 28 Sep 2018I finally got a chance to rewrite the PC Engine Dead of the Brain print function to my liking. It can also now intersperse 12x12 kanji and 8x12 roman characters.  ...Now to work on script reinsertion.

Oh, the same print function is used in DotB 1 and 2, so that's a bonus.

It looks like he made use of the 8x12 PC-FX BIOS font I gave him from the Emerald Dragon project. :)

The NEC PC-FX, the future brother of the PC Engine, helping its predecessor of the past complete English localization projects in the present! That'd be a noteworthy "PCE-FX" legacy if it holds... ;)
Quote from: SpecificationsEndurance: 340 TBW
Color: Black
Capacity: 480GB
Read Speed: 550 MB/s
Write Speed: 490 MB/s
Interface: SATA 3.0 6.0Gb/s
Form Factor: 2.5"
Architecture: 3D TLC NAND Flash
Random Read 4K: 70,000 IOPS
Random Write 4K: 60,000 IOPS
MTBF: 1,500,000 Hours

Killer Deal @ MicroCenter for a 480GB SSD: On Sale: $60 !!!! I think it's an unbeatable deal even compared to what you can find on eBay (relative to my last searches)! (~$65 with taxes)

Already own it, bought it last month, but just FYI. A simple computer upgrade to give your old SATA PC a tablet boost!! Everything works faster, 10-15 second Windows boot, fast loading apps, including Adobe Photoshop, no more moving parts for hard drives, only thing left moving in a PC should just be cooling fans (aside from DVD/BluRay drives).
QuoteTotoro is going to be shown in theaters this weekend, take your kiddos!

Nice! I had rented the DVD Special Edition at my local library some years back as I recall, they have the full stock of Studio Ghibli localized movies.
Wow, Scorpion's a dick, attacking helpless, drunken old-timers on the street unprovoked!
Quote from: TR0N on 09/22/2018, 01:12 AMThis collection has online play and it's getting a physical release for japan.Sure,there's mame but i found this collection convenient so no messing around finding the rom and making sure it's the correct dump.
Attaboy TRON, you really do fight for the users! I respect your willingness to support official releases to make sure Capcom is still paid its due for their retro games versus just joining the pack of filthy, downloading pirates playing with emulators! ;)
Quote from: xasap_retro_gamerx on 09/11/2018, 12:09 PMIn July I got a turbo duo with 3 in 1 and YS. I traded for it the first picture is what I gave  the guy. I only had $110 into the stuff so it was an amazing deal. The system doesn't need a recap I got it checked out it was barley ever used. I was told to wait until the caps start to go.
As people already mentioned, that's bad advice when it comes to NEC consoles which were victims of bad, leaky capacitors of the 90's era. Even a sealed Turbo Duo that's never been touched will have leaked caps slowly doing damage to the motherboard, the traces, the vias, etc. and should be cleaned/recapped ASAP if you wanna have a working system for the foreseeable future!

Up to you when you can spend the money to get it recapped, but someone telling you that "it was barely used, wait until something breaks for a recap" is giving very bad advice... The longer you wait, the more difficult the potential damage to repair will be, and then you'll potentially be forced to pay more for an EE expert to track/diagnose complicated problems as a result versus a basic recap job ASAP which most average repair guys can do at affordable rates.
Our Turbo Repair/Mod Titans (TheSteve, Chris/Keith Courage, turbokon, chop5) don't usually have set rates for these sorts of things/random jobs and typically make deals privately, so you'll have to message them if you're ready. People could still help you here to troubleshoot it yourself further, but I think you're gonna need more sophisticated diagnosis with probe tools to identify the problem (best guy for that is Steve) and maybe another recap job (with a full cleaning/wash of flux/leaked electrolytic fluid)...

I recall there are some schematics floating around BTW, I know they're online for the TG-16 at least (Since the TurboExpress portable is almost a carbon copy of the console version, plays the same HuCards, that can still be useful for the motherboard/PCB.).
The only person I know or can think of right now that has one is GameTechUS who was given one to evaluate for potential partnership purposes (The Japanese team was looking for US partners to handle distribution here). Given how expensive it was, it didn't "look good" on that happening...
I dunno if his email is still valid here, but you could try a PM to him (last visit was February), if not, there's a contact page on his website, But yeah, he's your best bet since he evaluated it extensively some time back.
Quote from: TR0N on 09/21/2018, 04:00 AM
My honest reaction (saw it first on Chris Tang's Facebook): So...this "Captain Commando" kidnapped a bunch of kids for a one-way time-travel trip to offer them a "Bodacious Beat 'Em Up Bundle" of only 7 Capcom arcade titles... Wow, what a "great deal!" :P  I'll stick with MAME, kthxbye. ;)
I seem to remember the original jack would mechanically disconnect the + line from the battery compartment to prevent a recharge while causing a reroute of power from the AC/DC adapter when it's plugged into place as expected. IF my memory serves, that's what he's referring to.

So when you disconnect the power plug, a contact pin/metal bends back in place to restore the line to the batteries (if dirty, though, poor contact was a problem). But yeah, if true, it wasn't designed with a digital/electronic transistor/diode switch or whatever you'd have to use to prevent a recharge when external power is plugged in.
Ah, I see what's going on, so a 0 Ohm resistor just fell off which obviously can be replaced with a jumper wire/metal.

Some sort of last minute change happened in the PCB design that no longer necessitated resistance so they slapped a 000 resistor component on it which is wasteful over just a trace or wire - must've been a testing area for whatever reason ? Who knows.

But anyway, if you got transistors overheating like that, you got worse problems and given your recap job...well, I'm just gonna skip ahead and tell ya to message thesteve to send it off to him for repair. Good luck! ;)

Uh, yikes, you beat up those new capacitors pretty bad there...  And, were they scribbled on top with a red marker for some reason ?? ;)
How about these ?



Spammed for eye candy, looks like a nice shooter!

Quote from: tbone3969 on 09/20/2018, 08:55 AM
Quote from: Medic_wheat on 09/19/2018, 08:12 PMMore games more problems.
Wow Flintstones for NES.  That game sucks.
So you won't have a gay ole time with it ? ;)
Off-Topic / Re: AVGC obey preaching
09/19/2018, 09:29 PM
I had a boxed 13" CRT as seen in some of those photos, it had a really old skool form of S-Video, Luma/Y and Chroma as separate female RCA jacks (for Commodore pairing I think), but I gave it to a friend some years ago when his regular TV broke... As I've mentioned before, I've grown increasingly more comfortable in saying good-bye to CRT thanks to how LG 4K TVs have really advanced in picture quality way beyond the early & ugly LCD technology.

So I see someone got to play Ninja Spirit and SplatterHouse next to each other. I think I see Lords of Thunder on the 3rd monitor, but long shot guess as it's mostly white glare. Fine choices all around! :)

Who brought along all that NEC equipment BTW ? I see a shuttle, suitcase model, Japanese DUO-R, etc.
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 06/03/2018, 05:45 PM
Quote from: NightWolve on 06/01/2018, 09:24 PMIMG

Does anybody care about the new SW tale, "Solo: A Star Wars Story" ?? Will you "help Solo out" at the box office ?

Word on the street is that relative to Star Wars standards Solo is bombing, BUT, if you alter the standards by judging it as "some heist movie" instead (as some spinmeisters suggest), well, then it's the greatest opening weekend for such a genre... ;)

Personally I just can't get too excited after seeing the last one at theaters (I like Rogue One the most though)... So yeah, I'm not gonna help Solo out myself... I'll happily wait till it hits video. Sorry Solo/Disney, just not feeling it anymore (Star Wars magic), gonna sit this one out, but good luck all the same! :/
After the horror that was the Last Jedi this is the kind of movie I might watch on Netflix with friends to sit and make snide comments and make fun of. I wouldn't pay to see this in theatres.
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)

Thoughts: Well, I sat down with it a couple of days ago, and eh, I liked it - not bad, but not "great" either. It's a respectable installment in the Star Wars legacy with a little bit of old skool movie magic I think.

Woody Harrelson was pretty good despite how his character plays out in the end and I kinda appreciated the backstory of how Solo and Chewbacca befriended each other being played out here. Ron Howard was at the director's chair after all, he has been able to produce something worth watching more times than not.

I give it a ~6.5/7 out of 10 or a "C+" type of deal... Here's a review by Happy Console Gamer via his Film Fury channel which I watch now and then. I agree with their "NetFlix version of Star Wars" characterization: