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Messages - Otaking

Quote from: guest on 12/14/2016, 06:10 PM
Quote from: Otaking on 12/14/2016, 05:55 PMTbone TBH the current active members have gone quite light on you with this. If the older forum members were still active they would of flamed the hell out of you a hundred times worse.
Shit, I'm slipping.  Change all my previous responses to "Go fuck yourself!"  :lol:
lol  :lol:  :lol:

I was thinking other old members such as PCEngineHell, Sinistron or Vestcunt etc.. who would of ripped him a new one over this.

Unfortunately in Sinistron's case he no longer posted as he sadly passed away.
Tbone TBH the current active members have gone quite light on you with this. If the older forum members were still active they would of flamed the hell out of you a hundred times worse.
Quote from: tbone3969 on 12/14/2016, 05:21 PM
Quote from: Otaking on 12/14/2016, 05:08 PMYeah sure I'll explain.
You say "I'm a Businessman", to let you know this forum is not a business opertunity, it's a forum for enthusiasts to discuss a common interest and sometimes it's members help each other out by offering below market value deal to help others enjoy the games not to help a "businessman" make a great deal.
Ok well that was never explained to me when I joined.  This also seems to be a unique position for a site like this to be in as other similar sites I have done business on aren't like this one (NA, IsoZone, eBay, etc). 
This forum is nothing like NA or eBay.
Why do think CPTRAVE sold those games on here at those prices?? he could of easily jumped on eBay and got twice as much, this wasn't some clever business move you made, you exploited someone's kindness who was trying helpout fellow forum members.
Yeah sure I'll explain.
You say "I'm a Businessman", to let you know this forum is not a business opertunity, it's a forum for enthusiasts to discuss a common interest and sometimes it's members help each other out by offering below market value deal to help others enjoy the games not to help a "businessman" make a great deal.
Dude you sell items such as Dragon Slayer and Mysterious Song trying to milk the absolute maximum value you possibly can get. Then come on here and snap up bargains such as Lords of Thunder being sold for half market value to forum members.

Sell high, buy low, it's a great ethic i guess.

Anyways when the Ghost of Christmas Past visits you on Christmas Eve he'll explain it all.
I've been hearing a lot lately from Youtubers that Youtube has changed all the rules and search algorithms, plus has bugs with randomly unsubscribing people. Consequently some Youtube content creators are now looking to find an alternative and looks like could be a contender, haven't checked it out much yet, just was looking around it for the first time, saw GameSack are on there
pfft no Airzonk energy drink or collectors coin.. amature.
I sense it's coming soon...lately I've seen the first small tremors of people now starting to get out and selling up, but buying in retro games in general seems now to be slowing down. For example recently I've seen on other forums some large collections come up for sale that would have sold quickly before but have had little interest. I predict there will be an avalanche coming as all the tens of thousands of collectors sitting on huge collections in their "man caves" all scramble to get out as they see their investments plummet in value.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: FOR SALE!! TG16 Games
12/11/2016, 07:45 PM
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: FOR SALE!! TG16 Games
12/10/2016, 06:37 PM
Quote from: tbone3969 on 12/10/2016, 06:23 PMI'll take Lords of Thunder.
Please keep and play this game, by current prices you got a good price. Would be very sad to see it flipped.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: FOR SALE!! TG16 Games
12/10/2016, 06:14 PM
good prices here.
Cool video, you got some game playing skills, Nexzr is a hard game.
Smoking Potaking,
Sexual Pesteban
Salutes Players,
Stalwart Participants,
Singing Praise.
Quote from: benlefou on 11/25/2016, 06:38 PMIMG
Looking good, I like the sound of those articles.

Quote from: benlefou on 11/25/2016, 12:47 AMAwesome, congratulations.
Apologies I should've said Hyper Play is not my zine. I've always been a fan of printed fanzines and from ever since when I first saw that Hyper Play was coming out I just wanted to show my support. Plus it's inspired from from my all time favourite magazine, the legendary Super play.

Quote from: benlefou on 11/25/2016, 12:47 AMHow do you fund the zine? Do you pay the initial costs then just recoup via the sales?
The way Hyper Play did it was for their first pilot issue for a certain period at the start they offered it for a a price of "pay what you like". They did this through eBay, there was a suggested price and buyers had to pay the postage but could pay whatever amount they liked for the zine. I was very skeptical of this idea when I first heard about it, but actually it turned out to work very well for them (Link), I think it got the zine out to a lot more people and helped towards gaining it a good following at the start. This idea I think would only work though with a simple black and white on printer paper zine. If it was full colour it would be too expensive to not charge fully for it.

With Hyper Play right at the start they were printing it themselves and then quickly as demand grew they got them printed at a printers. With the Pink Bullets Fanzine he took preorder payments then he went and got it printed after.
I personally would go with the Hyper Play method, it all depends on whether you're going black and white or printed full colour.

Two key points I personally would make would be.

1. IMO make it print only and stick with it. I noticed with Hyper Play lots of people were asking him to sell a PDF of the zine and he stuck to his guns and said it was strictly available in print form only. I think something in print holds much more value, in this day of disposable media people just lightly digest digital media and move on and half forget about it. If the zine is available to download as PDF what separates it from the millions of online blogs and articles. Print gives it a USP and dedicated readership.

2. Network like crazy. I think one of the main factors of Hyper Play's success was that he networked loads on Social Media. It get's it out there targets directly your desired readership.

I realise I mentioned Hyper Play a lot there but that's because they along with Pink Bullets are the only recent print fanzines I'm aware of. I am hoping they're the start of a massive resurgence of printed zines.
Quote from: TR0N on 11/25/2016, 06:28 PM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 11/25/2016, 03:57 PMA friend of mine made this GIF a while back and posted it in a Facebook chat. I have downloaded it and re-uploaded so that PCEFX can enjoy, because it is timely.

Ian sure has the jitters maybe to much caffeine !?
Not enough crack?
Quote from: guest on 11/25/2016, 05:12 PM
Quote from: Otaking on 11/25/2016, 04:38 PMLateley Ian seems to have stopped the spontanious jerking off whilst staring at Pat across the table, is it because Pat's new facial hair doesn't do it for him?
uh Ian has been off the podcast for a few weeks now due to medical reasons..
Yeah he has been suffering from an aching wrist.
Lateley Ian seems to have stopped the spontanious jerking off whilst staring at Pat across the table, is it because Pat's new facial hair doesn't do it for him?
Quote from: benlefou on 11/24/2016, 01:25 PMWould a zine be better than a booK?
A new printed PC Engine fanzine would be absolutely awesome.
Hyper Play the printed RPG fanzine in my signature has done really well, and has a real solid following now.

You could do a printed fanzine that was say 40 pages each issue (common fanzine size)  and then after a while compile all the reviews into a guide book, this is what I always thought I would do if I'd done it.
Quote from: guest on 11/24/2016, 10:09 AM
Quote from: Otaking on 11/24/2016, 09:53 AMSomething I find difficult to understand is this strange discrepancy in retro game popularity where over the last 3 years collecting physical games and consoles in retro games has gone up ten fold but discussion has almost disappeared, to me it just doesn't make any sense??
The 10 or so retro games forums I used to read 3 years back are now practically dead, look at Digi Press nobody is on there that used be so busy. My thoughts were that everyone had just migrated from forums to Facebooks groups (I hate retro game Facebook groups), but I had a look recently and they're not even that busy comparatively.
Plus also retro games Youtube videos seems to be completey drying up, there is fraction of the content being made these days compared to 3 years back.

So the current situation is everyone wants to hoard huge collections 10 times more than ever before, but nobody wants to discuss retro gaming, this is a shit time to be into retro games.
Goverrat conspiracy theorist.
I suspect we've been infiltrated by retro game hoarding aliens that you can only see with special sun glasses.

Something I find difficult to understand is this strange discrepancy in retro game popularity where over the last 3 years collecting physical games and consoles in retro games has gone up ten fold but discussion has almost disappeared, to me it just doesn't make any sense??
The 10 or so retro games forums I used to read 3 years back are now practically dead, look at Digi Press nobody is on there that used be so busy. My thoughts were that everyone had just migrated from forums to Facebooks groups (I hate retro game Facebook groups), but I had a look recently and they're not even that busy comparatively.
Plus also retro games Youtube videos seems to be completey drying up, there is fraction of the content being made these days compared to 3 years back.

So the current situation is everyone wants to hoard huge collections 10 times more than ever before, but nobody wants to discuss retro gaming, this is a shit time to be into retro games.
This is something I've considered doing myself in one form or another since 1993, back then being inspired by the Richard Gibbs PC Engine Guide Book.
I love printed fanzines and fan made books so yeah I'd definitely back your book on a kick starter.

Regards content, just a big collection of reviews would be great. I good reference would be Sunteam Paul's fanzine he did, I think he did it perfectly, a nice balance of facts, opinion, memories and humour.
Quote from: Ex_Mosquito on 11/22/2016, 05:33 PMFound this in my Mums attic earlier. It's a flyer from Telegames selling off a couple of bargains! £70 + game for a TG. The Jaguar is pretty cheap too :)
I just realised this confirms something I've discussed before on this forum. Note that in that old Telegames flyer that, that is a UK PAL "Turbografx" console not an imported USA "Turbografx-16".
Some on this forum have said there was never a UK PAL Turbografx console release, even I tiny unsuccessful one. But I've said there was an extremely limited (very unsuccessful) UK PAL Turbografx console release that was somehow linked to Telegames and this flyer confirms what I had remembered.
Quote from: Ex_Mosquito on 11/22/2016, 07:25 PMI also found this old French copy of Mean Machines which I got on a school trip to France, it's strange why they didn't review PC Engine games in the UK version, especially when CVG had them pretty much every month.
Yeah and the Complete Guide to Consoles had loads of PC Engine reviews and then after when Machine Machines magazine (UK) started there was nothing.
I vaguely remember hearing or reading in a Julian Rignall interview regards PC Engine in Mean Machines that he said it was something to do with waiting for the UK Pal Turbografx release, expecting it to launch and then it never happened (other than Telegames). But that doesn't make any sense because as you said the sister magazine CVG that he was also the Editor of had PC Engine reviews in it.
Cool find.
When I took out an old CVG to take photos (pages to big to scan) for a PC Engine feature I found an old Telegames price list and scanned it here:

I've got a load of old (maybe all) issues of Electric Brain that I'll scan at some point if I can get my scanner working.
For years and years I've been searching for Onn Lee's precursor fanzines Console Ma'zine and PC Engine Fanatics. I even messaged him on Facebook a year or so back to see if he had any issues and he didn't.

Below image from VGDen website
Cool, watching now.

I want another VSHG, bought one when it was first released to use with MAME but ended up not using it enough and sold it. Want one again now, they're really nice sticks.
Quote from: Otaking on 11/16/2016, 10:10 AM
Quote from: guest on 11/16/2016, 01:39 AMSooo... Are there yet any puns on the console's name?
Nintendo's Bitch?
Nintendo Stitch Up
Quote from: guest on 11/16/2016, 01:39 AMSooo... Are there yet any puns on the console's name?
Nintendo's Bitch?
Latest rumour is that Super Mario Switch will be a launch day release!
But that Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild won't make it and is going to be delayed until at least summer 2017
General Gaming / Re: NES classic
11/14/2016, 08:10 PM
Quote from: TR0N on 11/14/2016, 07:50 PM
Quote from: Otaking on 11/14/2016, 07:27 PMI was trying to get a NES Mini Classic for my kids as one of their Christmas presents but I couldn't get one, and now I'm glad I couldn't as I'm hearing reports that it suffers from bad input lag. I hate input lag, I found that on games on the Wii virtual console, made it unplayable to me.
I don't know about that though i've heard the worst lag is for punch out.I was watching this gamexplain video earlier for the comparison.
Not able to play video at the moment, but will checkout that gamexplain video when I next can.

Here's one of the places I heard reports of lag.
General Gaming / Re: NES classic
11/14/2016, 07:27 PM
I was trying to get a NES Mini Classic for my kids as one of their Christmas presents but I couldn't get one, and now I'm glad I couldn't as I'm hearing reports that it suffers from bad input lag. I hate input lag, I found that on games on the Wii virtual console, made it unplayable to me.
Looking at some worldwide newspaper headlines on Trump and saw this awesome one from Mexico, FUUUCK!

How about all voters need to pass a basic pussy grabbing test.
Quote from: nectarsis on 11/09/2016, 08:11 PMFunny with the I'm moving to Canada x person wind.... you never hear anybody sah they're going to Mexico.....theyre all racist against hispanics!!
Fuck it all, I'm moving to North Korea
2016 the year of WTF is happening, is this some strange alternate reality I've slipped in to??
Britain leaves the EU and the reality TV lunatic Donald Trump gets nominated as president of the United States of America.
Seriously...    WTF.
I haven't done anything to lock it, you would see in the date and time where I had edited it if I had locked it myself.

I am unable to unlock it.
I'm having trouble sleeping, looked on my iPad and seen the thread is locked mega WTF?
Been watching here in the UK, got too late now (2am) so gonna see the results tomorrow.
I watch the odd Watchmojo video every now and then, but I wouldn't say I was a big fan of the channel or anything. This thread was started as more of a commentary on the extra exposure and subs that retro games channels would receive from being on the list, in general with youtubers their total subscribers seems like a really big thing to them.

Quote from: SignOfZeta on 11/04/2016, 07:11 PMWhat an incredibly hollow concept.

Great, I'm depressed now.

What's most pathetic about stuff like this is that there is honestly a TON of incredibly good shit on YouTube. I watch it constantly. I recently discovered AvN and Synthesizer Dave, both amazing. The idea of a crappy game wall show with enough clout to make or break 10 of the 10 million other shitty game wall shows with some kind of...award game wall show or something is like...who fucking cares?! Especially in 2016, where there aren't even 10 good game developers left.

Wankery, pure and simple.
I'm suprised at this response as Pat and your's channel made the list, think of all the new subscribers to the Pat and Ian of Zeta channel.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
11/04/2016, 01:10 PM
Watchmojo's channel has a massive amount viewers so congratulations to the retro games youtubers who made their top 10 list, simply as with that exposure they should get a shit ton more subscribers.
CD version goes for $69 if it has the slip cover.
Quote from: esteban on 10/28/2016, 07:31 PM
Quote from: Otaking on 10/28/2016, 03:05 PMI'm now addicted to my daily bottle of Coke, I only allow myself one 330ml glass bottle a day, but if I miss it I'm sweating like a crack head.

STATUS: Successfully recycled for nth time since 04.09.2009!

Remember when the forums looked like that?!
Diet Coke or Coke Zero don't do it for me, I tried, I need my fix of 35g of real sugar in ever 330ml bottle.