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Messages - TheClash603

Nazis are scum.  KKK members are scum.  There are no equivalents on the left to these guys, that is to be sure.

But with that said, if on a scale from 1 to 10, these guys are 1...  I would have to put the far left free speech blockers (ie. the atmosphere at Berkeley) as a 3 out of 10.  We also must not forget that in the early days of Nazi Germany, those guys were probably 3 out of 10 too.

Extremist on both sides need to be called what they are, extremist.  They also should be allowed to say what they want, which is the beauty of the United States, but we should make sure enough centrist voices make sure neither side goes too far in absorbing the middle.

BLM are not radicals in the same way either of the other mentioned groups are.  They have for the most part, outside of maybe Ferguson, protested legitimate issues peacefully.  Lumping BLM in with the true extremist on both sides makes little sense, they don't belong there.
Just to be sure, everyone is using Chrome right?  I have no issues with Chrome and pretty much everyone I know who uses Chrome is happy with it.

If you have Netscape Navigator Mobile or something, may that be the issue?
Quote from: Dicer on 08/17/2017, 06:55 PMThe fact my stomach keeps trying to squeeze every bit of juice out of me...
I've developed IBS when I turned 30 and my asshole and stomach are now my enemies, no fun indeed.
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
08/16/2017, 06:26 PM
HCG said they will be on terrible shape if stock sits.  When pressing a game, doesn't the price per unit decrease as the order increases?  Or is that only for DIY crusty punks putting out albums on CD and not applicable for games where royalties are considered?

Also, even if there was no preorder, would a poll for interest help to determine the number of games to order?  Sure not all people will order if they say they will on a poll, but it should be a good indicator if the game is a 12,000 or 3,000 run type of release.
Quote from: guest on 08/15/2017, 04:47 PM
Quote from: TheClash603 on 08/13/2017, 02:34 PM
Quote from: guest on 08/13/2017, 11:00 AMDoes anyone else want to join our DoxPhile Splat squad? Right now we have four people but its hard to get all four on at the same time (usually 2 or 3 of us are on at once). If you are interested in joining just message me on this thread, pm or come by the DoxPhile chat and hit us up!
I'm in, we need to do a friend code swap?
When do you guys want to play? We need 4 people in order to squad up.

If you haven't done so already add me.. My friend code: SW-5856-7623-1108
Do you guys play team ranked battles or standard mode?
Quote from: Nulltard on 08/13/2017, 07:55 PMI don't use adblocker on my phone but have had 0 problems. I'd suggest you all spend more time surfing porn and dating sites. Google will then serve you ads that do not affect mobile browsers and Aaron will keep getting ad revenue to find his Bitcoin mining operations.
Funny you say this, I think my redtube visits are the reason for all the Asian women ads I see on this site, which cause zero disruption.
Quote from: guest on 08/13/2017, 11:00 AMDoes anyone else want to join our DoxPhile Splat squad? Right now we have four people but its hard to get all four on at the same time (usually 2 or 3 of us are on at once). If you are interested in joining just message me on this thread, pm or come by the DoxPhile chat and hit us up!
I'm in, we need to do a friend code swap?
Quote from: Gredler on 08/13/2017, 02:29 AMYou think sengoku would be possible? Loved that and have heard about some other beat em ups that would be fun and fill a void of possible.
Sengoku isn't that impressive of a game from a technical standpoint.  I'm not an expert on tech stuff, but just from playing through it, it would appear a port would've been possible.  The sequels on the other hand, I would say those would've been very challenging to port.

Neo Geo turned things up for the sequels.  Baseball Stars could be ported in some way (even if an improved port of the NES port), but part two seems like it would've been very difficult.
Quote from: Dicer on 08/13/2017, 10:03 AM
Quote from: TheOldMan on 08/13/2017, 01:59 AM
QuoteThe transformation will be amazing, I assure you
Ranma 1/2 style amazing?
You tell me?

Mods, please move to tits or ass thread.
Quote from: Dicer on 08/12/2017, 10:32 PMAwe shit son...

Go me, uh huh
Must take before and after pics, to show off miraculous transforming powers of the shirt.
General Gaming / Re: Accidental Sale
08/11/2017, 06:25 PM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/11/2017, 03:40 PM
Quote from: TheClash603 on 08/11/2017, 09:37 AM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/11/2017, 09:31 AMYeah, well, he's in finance or something IIRC so aparently it can get worse than putting your Legos back into the little plastic baggies and selling them on eBay decades later.
Correction, I am of the hoarder variety that you spoke of earlier, I haven't sold anything in quite some time and I continue to hold on to everything from my childhood.

You may criticize that if you wish.
That would be me so I wouldn't criticize that. I'm not really criticizing anything exactly. I was just saying you might be so mechanically innept that Legos don't even appeal to you to have in the first place, let alone sell later.

I just wonder what kind of human sees Legos and doesn't instantly see two things: 1) one of the greatest examples of industrial design in human history and 2) a way to build some really cool things you've been dreaming about your whole life.

Serious question: on a scale of 1-10 how handy would you say you are? Can you replace a light switch? Do your own brakes? Use scissors? What I mean is, *do* you do anything like that, not can you theoretically pull it off? When your lawnmower doesn't start do you just throw it away, fix it, or pay someone to fix it? Can you solder a simple electronics kit together?

I'm trying to figure out if you're beyond Lego or beneath it, I guess. You're clearly on some other level.
Since buying my house two years ago, my lone attempt to do my own handy work was to change the light bulb in my ceiling fan.  I broke the ceiling fan that day, which needed to be replaced.

...when my father asked me to go to the store and pick up a set of allen wrenches a year ago and I came home with a regular wrench set, I have never seen such a look of disappointment.

Put me in front of a spreadsheet and give me some data you want analyzed and I will run circles around most anyone.  I always finish in the top 5 percentile on any standardized test.  Tell me to build something and I'm fucked.  Serious answer, 2.
General Gaming / Re: Accidental Sale
08/11/2017, 09:37 AM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/11/2017, 09:31 AMYeah, well, he's in finance or something IIRC so aparently it can get worse than putting your Legos back into the little plastic baggies and selling them on eBay decades later.
Correction, I am of the hoarder variety that you spoke of earlier, I haven't sold anything in quite some time and I continue to hold on to everything from my childhood.

You may criticize that if you wish.
General Gaming / Re: Accidental Sale
08/11/2017, 08:02 AM
Am I the only one that doesn't get Lego?'s the most overrated toy and I don't understand how the brand now touches everything.
Give me some 4-player simultaneous League Bowling!
For some reason the run at 2:48 cracks me up.
This game over screen is some original recording too.
I hated the hang glider in the SMS Sonic games so much when I played them.  It didn't seem to fit Sonic at all.

Anyone ever play Mortal Kombat on SMS?  I have considered buying them a bunch of times, but have never pulled the trigger.
Post that pic on Tinder in Buffalo, NY if you want a good time.
Quote from: esteban on 08/08/2017, 01:35 AM
Quote from: TheClash603 on 08/07/2017, 01:55 AMI just beat Demolition Man on 3DO, partly cause this thread gave me the light gun itch.  It is a weird game cause it doesn't do anything really well, but I enjoy it a lot, maybe because I'm a fan of the source material.
I don't have a light gun for 3DO and I am 99% I don't have any games that support it.

Hilarious, I thought I would have heard about a Demolition Man game...

Wait til you hear about the 3 seashells.  Demolition Man on 3DO has a lot of clips filmed just for the game and Sly's delivery is legendary.

Did Project Horned Owl support a light gun?  I remember playing that game a lot growing up, but I never had a light gun so I used the controller.  I might revisit this one if PS1 guns are available on the cheap now.
If you have insertion marks, you're going in the wrong slot.
Quote from: mitsuman on 08/07/2017, 08:51 AM
Quote from: TheClash603 on 08/07/2017, 02:17 AMYou must have a big ass or a 40lb cock, because I am 6' and 215lbs and i look bigger than you.  Or is this shirt magically slimming?
I think it is just slimming. All of my weight is pretty much at my gut.
Oh, and do you want in on this raffle?
If I put on the shirt and look like a fat ass, I will self body shame for days/weeks/years.  Due to this, I will pass, but nice raffle anyhow!
You must have a big ass or a 40lb cock, because I am 6' and 215lbs and i look bigger than you.  Or is this shirt magically slimming?
Quote from: guest on 08/06/2017, 05:40 PMI don't really enjoy 16-bit Sonic games, but I liked the 8-bit ones I've tried much more because they feature more legit platforming and less chaos.

All of the recordings I've heard from substitute Mark III FM sound have been off. I'd only buy a converter if it has the option to turn off the FM.
Genesis Sonic >>>> SMS Sonic.  Though I do like
Sonic Chaos the best of the SMS bunch.

Wait til you play Altered Beast on SMS, holy fuck is it bad.
I just beat Demolition Man on 3DO, partly cause this thread gave me the light gun itch.  It is a weird game cause it doesn't do anything really well, but I enjoy it a lot, maybe because I'm a fan of the source material.
I have a repro of the NES World Championship from Retro USB that I bought years ago and it has gotten play a few times when I had groups of friends over.  This looks like a release from the same company, so the quality is likely pretty good too.

Fuck it, your poor salesmanship has made me want it.  PM incoming.
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
08/04/2017, 05:46 PM
How come when I look at that picture I just think BLOWJOB!!!!!!!
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
08/04/2017, 05:43 PM
The bundle with the special edition of Wonder Boy and the other shitty online only game was available for quite a while.  I wonder how often they will use this tactic in the future, to sell through unwanted stock, pair it with a good game.

I am sure the shit bundle will be available at 6:00, for anyone that wants it.
Quote from: esteban on 08/04/2017, 06:19 AM
Quote from: wildfruit on 08/04/2017, 05:52 AMHas anyone tasted their games? Is this just a huge myth being perpetuated that they taste bad. I just tried eating the 3 games I have and couldn't taste anything.
It is common for manufacturers to make medicine "taste bad" (bitter) or smell ("gas") as a public health precaution. Kids will hopefully spit out bitter-tasting aspirin/medicine instead of ingesting it. Colorless, odorless (and deadly) gasses can be identified by distinct odors....

Similarly, I believe that plastics can be treated to, hopefully, ward off youngsters from using a USB drive as a pacifier.

I think Nintendo is pretty kool for doing this, I think more companies should consider doing it if it doesn't affect the performance/longevity of an item.

My kids, for example, found my headphones and chewed them (destroying them). I don't know if a bitter-tasting headphone would have stopped them or saved my headphones, but it would have been nice to find out....

There is definitely a taste there, but I think the bitter taste isn't nearly as bad as those videos of people putting them in their mouths online will have you believe.  The internet has a way of forcing hyperbole.

...just ask my 18 inch dick.
I will get the physical edition when it comes out, I imagine that will bring a lot of new players with it.  Good timing for me to get interested I suppose.
Quote from: in99flames on 08/01/2017, 09:38 PMNot turbo stuff....but equally retarded ebay crap:

So i can pay $60 for a crappy game that doesn't work? Thats amazing. I also love the confusing description:

 "This includes the case, artwork, manual, and game disc with a large amount of scratches. The game does not work, but has no damage so it may be repairable."

Wait say again?? Game disc with a large amount of scratches but has no damage? *head a splode*
I've seen this before, where a game doesn't have any scratches, but rather it has scratches.
Perhaps there is something wrong with me, but I think a lot of the games are great.  Road Prosecutor, Triad Stone, Time Gal, Rocket Coaster, Dr. Paolo, and the Virtual Camerman games have provided me with many hours of enjoyment.

If you are a JB Harold fan, the LA versions are great...  but I will admit these games aren't for me.

The shooters on the system are okay in short bursts, though I admit they don't really draw me in as much as a scrolling shooter on a more traditional console.  Maybe I'll have to give them another try, I just usually go to one of my favorites when I play LA.

Plus there is Back to the Edo.
Quote from: Dicer on 07/29/2017, 12:43 PMSplatoon 2 is a blast, only gripes atm are people not knowing WTF they are doing (splat 1 had that at the get go as well) and well, the chat solution, but it looks like we will have a nice little discord thing going for when we decide to team up.

Other than the minor things game is fun and the  joycons feel great when playing this.

Also if you are debating on ARMS just get it!!! It's one of those easy to learn/hard to master types and well worth playing.
Splatoon 2 has been my primary game the last week, I have put a handful of hours into it.  Can't wait til I get the guns I actually want, grinding time.

ARMS is meh.
Quote from: guest on 07/31/2017, 03:43 PMTRUMP LOVES CUMMMMMMMMMMM 2017
For some reason I now respect him more.
Do enough people still play?  My friends were talking about the game and I was worried I'd buy it and be one of 2 guys on earth still playing.
Off-Topic / Re: Do you play hockey?
07/23/2017, 01:39 PM
Quote from: bob on 07/23/2017, 01:56 AMsoccer on ice
Except not terrible.
Off-Topic / Re: Do you play hockey?
07/22/2017, 11:41 AM
I played in a few floor hockey leagues.  I was never all that good, but it was fun and good exercise.  Never played ice or roller hockey though, cause I can hardly stand up on skates, so forget about trying to do something while in them.

Best hockey moment was in college I played intramural floor hockey and my team was made up of a bunch of punks and cast a ways.  We were playing the fraternity Delta Chi and a big fight broke out.  The entire league ended up being cancelled and the college news paper ran a cover story "intramural hockey plagued by violence."  What followed was 4 years of Revenge of the Nerds style back and forth between my crew and Delta Chi.
Fighting Street / Re: OJ is out!
07/21/2017, 09:27 PM
Quote from: TheOldMan on 07/21/2017, 05:22 PM
QuoteQuote from: TheClash603 on July 20, 2017, 10:41:13 PM

    It's 1:40am and everyone is out partying in Buffalo.  It is always good to see when true justice is served.
Somebody needs to set the clock, either here or on their computer...
West coast bias on this forum?
Off-Topic / Re: Another celebrity death
07/21/2017, 09:16 PM
The first celebrity death thread where the guy is so unimportant we don't put his name on the title?

Has this forum turned into click bait?
Fighting Street / Re: OJ is out!
07/21/2017, 01:41 AM
It's 1:40am and everyone is out partying in Buffalo.  It is always good to see when true justice is served.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Browning raffle!
07/18/2017, 07:55 PM
I watched Martin again last night, my gf had never seen it.  One of my top 10 horror movies, very underappreciated.

If you've never seen It, the full movie is available on YouTube and it actually looked decent when I streamed it to my TV.
I just decided to sign up for DoxPhile in case I ever get the urge to chat.  It took me 30 minutes to sign up, because the security answer of KEITH COURAGE* would not be accepted.  Bad first impression...
Hot coffee in a turbo mug is two things.  You now need 5 things to be happy, which makes you greedy and entitled.
George Romero was truly an innovator back in the day and he broke new ground in the horror genre I love.  The original dead trilogy, Martin, and Creepshow are required viewing.
I have almost bought Power Drift for the PCE OR Saturn many times, but never pull the trigger.  Zero votes makes me think it's been a wise choice.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Browning raffle!
07/16/2017, 05:47 PM
I do not own this game, feel free to enter me as you wish.
Quote from: esteban on 07/16/2017, 04:30 PM
Quote from: TheClash603 on 07/16/2017, 02:43 PMI just went to Pittsburgh to see Corey Feldman perform at Hard Rock Cafe and it was magical.
Shut up. That's a thing?


I watched that fake reality TV show of his a few years ago.

He has a bunch of videos from his tour on youtube.  He actually did a pretty solid cover of Man In The Mirror and overall was very entertaining with costume changes and his dance moves.

His all woman angel band actually was pretty talented too.  The guitarist and pianist/violinist especially impressed.

Only downer was the set list included Cry Little Sister cover from The Lost Boys, but it was cut due to time.  He's in NYC tonight at 8 if you hurry for yourself, there are far worse ways to spend $20.
I just went to Pittsburgh to see Corey Feldman perform at Hard Rock Cafe and it was magical.
Fighting Street / Re: AMAZON IS DUMB
07/14/2017, 12:28 PM
I ordered a drain stopper for my shower, two hooks for the shower wall, and 48 AA batteries and for some reason this package requires me to go sign at the post office?

I thought maybe it was the batteries, but I have ordered plenty of those watch batteries for VMUs and Saturn over the years with no holds...  maybe the local plumbers signed a deal with Amazon in hopes my drain gets plugged from my girlfriend's long hair?
The last two golf games I played were:

Japan Pro Golf - 64DD - I bought this game years ago because I wanted to have the only actual game on the 64DD.  It is fucking awful and none of the mechanics are any good, compared to golf games that even pre-date it.  I was playing and my ball was on the fringe of some water and they had my golfer standing at a 90 degree angle on the bank of the pond, was absolutely ridiculous.  Still, this game gets played more than it should, because people often will say "I want to try the 64DD" when they visit.

Mario Golf World Tour - 3DS - This is a fun game in short bursts, though the amount of stuff to do in the game actually feels a little overwhelming considering I just want to play it quick and casually.  This is the most recently released golf game I have put any time into and I recommend it for sure.