OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - Duo_R

Can we have a Taylor Swift cameo?
Can I get a Keith Courage game hacked to say "Kanye West in Alpha Zone" on the title screen? Lol
Sold out? N
Could use another copy
No wonder the Supergrafx failed, it has the lowest on screen resolution of the PC Engine family.
Wow this is awesome! How did I miss this?
Quote from: guest on 04/22/2016, 01:45 PM
Quote from: seieienbu on 04/22/2016, 03:40 AM
Quote from: guest on 04/21/2016, 06:59 PMThe best is the "2 x 8-bit cpus = 16-bit" thing.
I remember people talking about that while mocking the TG16 on the playground in 4th grade.  Was that ever actually written in print?
It was, but I don't remember which magazines and Sega spec sheets it was in. Nintendo was the worst for misleading tech talk.
Yeah they said they were running in parallel so almost like 16bit is what I remember reading although they did say it wasn't the same. I should dig thorough those old magazines.
They played the Supergrafx Strider demo? Wow I never saw that one. Lol
An RF repair in the early 90s? While the casing is rough shape the fact he repaired it back when i barely knew what a solder iron was is impressive.

Steve does this look familiar?

No...way! I found it in Sacramento. This is insane man if this is the same console. So then my assessment is correct that it was done a long time ago! That's crazy.

Quote from: esteban on 04/12/2016, 12:50 AM
Quote from: blueraven on 04/12/2016, 12:34 AM
Quote from: thesteve on 04/11/2016, 02:45 AMdont recall
i think it was actually my first TG16
back in highschool
This has gotta be one of the best posts I've ever read on the forum.
I know, right?

Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: ISO: Turbo CD dock
04/20/2016, 01:55 AM
sounds good!
Wow never seen some of these accessories!
Lol true!

Quote from: guest on 04/18/2016, 11:25 AMShouldn't the TG-16 version of Tatsujin be called Truxton?! :)
PC Engine Hu-Man Centipede adapter for the win! I wanna see some PC Engines daisy chained and how about a Turbografx at the end?
Nice work, can't wait for them to be released.
Very cool cant wait!
What did this guy do to his Super Cd2!!! I would have hand built the adapter!!!!
Any photos of Super Cd2 and RAU-30 side by side? I want a Super CD2 now! ;-)
Quote from: csgx1 on 04/17/2016, 02:42 PMThanks for posting more pics.  You did a clean job with cutting the slots. 

From the looks of it, this mod should make the Turbografx work directly with the Super CD rom2 attachment too.   It appears the SCD needs the slots cut for clearance just like the RAU-30.   I remember someone here did the mod but can't find the thread.
Wow your right. That would actually look pretty cool.
Quote from: wilykat on 04/17/2016, 11:00 AMWhy does the rear connector look like it was ripped off Japanese console?  USA console is supposed to have a trapezoid shape with metal shell on the outside.  Hack job to make it work with imported add ons?
Exactly , metal plate removed and some small plastic needs to be dremelled off. However i can reinstall the metal plate and you couldnt tell it was modded.

Esteban - this poor TG-16 was really messed up. But the Miata looks worse.
I'll post up photos of the slots and port
I also made 2 slots on the back of the TG-16 so the housing fits.
Yeah i can post pics of the mod. You need to remove the metal plate on the TG-16 and remove a little bit of plastic. Nice thing is you can reinstall the metal plate and it looks stock again.
I ask #2 because


It fits perfect with some modding to the TG-16. I didnt want to mess with the Rau-30 so i modded the TG-16. You can see even the power port fits perfectly!

"But Duo_r, why would you do that to a TG-16? Thats blasphemy!"

Well i bought a junked TG-16 for DIRT cheap and the case was already damaged.

East meets the west


I have seen some photos of RAU-30 hooked up to different systems but first wanted to make sure it does in face work with PCE systems. Don't ask why, I know it's pointless but just wondering if it works.

2nd - if the TG-16 could fit (and I know there is a expansion point fittament issue) would it work? Granted you could get the pins to fit?
Holy shit....this is gold. I just bought an RAU-30 and just found this post. Nipple covers.

Quote from: guest on 07/15/2011, 12:23 AMThey're caps for your nipples. 

Once you start playing a full on SGX+CD setup, you will find them perking up in excitement, and in need of shelter that only PCE related products can give..

yeah. I'm going to log off now.
Hit up Keith Courage
Quote from: ClodBuster on 04/11/2016, 01:20 AMMake it glossy black!

Nah, rather seriously, if you paint it, I'd go for a matte finish, since it won't show fingerprints as badly. Since the case is black, even after sanding and priming I'd suggest a dark color. If you have got no experience on spray painting, there are model kit building tutorials on the web that will show you how its done, avoiding mistakes like orange peel and paint runs.

To repair the screw posts, I'd suggest either brass tubing that you thread by yourself with M3 thread (or whatever the imperial equivalent is). Or try to get some tubing that already has been threaded. Can be glued in place with 2-component Epoxy, make sure you've aligned them properly.

Good luck on your repair job!
The good news is the threaded holes are there. I just need the support posts for the bottom.
I vote 6 button mode for arcade sticks using Neo Geo standards with the extra buttons added. Same pinout that Jammanationx uses. That would be handy. And that would be compatible with Neo still.
Quote from: shadowkn55 on 04/10/2016, 05:30 PMThat neo-geo to pc-engine adapter was my handy work. Programming for the cpld was completed the night before. I pulled an all-nighter and spent the rest of the time until 5 minutes before my flight to Milwaukee wiring and debugging the adapter. Right now, the switches toggle between 2-button and 6-button modes and are independent for each player. I am currently fielding suggestions as to how it should operate if I put it onto production. I was thinking of changing it to run in 3-button/6-button  mode for switch 1 (both players) and switch 2 will toggle between run and select for button III in 3-button mode.

It was horrible discovering it in person. The plastic housing has been washed, all the gunk removed and board cleaned. Im tempted on doing a custom paint job on this one. Something i wouldnt normally do but the case is really banged up.
And yes it was held together by electrical tape.
Inside isn't too bad, some rust but most of it came off. I don't really know how I can use the bottom cover. I do have an extra case so not a big deal but the bottom cover is difficult to use without the screw posts unless i make new ones and bondo and paint that part.
How much was the magical chase repro? And who sells it?
The spacing / room is the main issue but I never had trouble getting radial to fit.
Radial works just fine, done it on several TE units.
What is the power for? And these don't have memory save correct?
I found this yesterday from a small game shop after asking if they had any Turbografx. I've never seen a TG16 in such bad shape. Do you think it will work?

They drilled out the bottom screws and also dremeled the area near the RF box? 

The PCB doesn't look too bad, I cleaned it up and removed the RF box (it looked like they damaged the RF box when dremeling and then attempted to repair RF box). I'm guessing this happened a long time ago if they bothered doing that.


Quote from: esteban on 04/09/2016, 12:09 PMHelp me, Richter!
Help, help me Richter!

Help me, Richter!
Help, help me Richter!
Buy/Sell/Trade / ISO: Turbo CD dock
04/08/2016, 06:55 PM
I'm interested mainly in just the dock. Need for development of a special adapter. Your for parts CD Dock will work just fine, interested with or without the CD unit.
Quote from: touko on 04/04/2016, 02:50 PMThanks, you have also this game for SGX :
Nice ill try that too! Thanks for the SGX support!
Ok so on there is a "101 secrets" section that says 13 pins were unused in the expansion port (no accessory ever supported). Was that the video bus pins? There are 15 of these so i assume a couple were used.
Downloaded, hope to try it soon. Just got a SGX so cant wait to try it.
Bust out the ohmeter and just checking out all the traces in the audio circuit

Quote from: YoshiKnuckles

link=msg=452939 date=1459769670
Thanks thesteve! I was going to check for that after I gave the board another good cleaning to rule out any electrolyte causing issues under IC's.

Is there a good way to check for damaged vias?
Seems like a good thing to 3D print, just need a 3D file of it
I also just put my board in the garage and set it on its side and had a box fan dry it off for a day.
Yes good tips Beemer!