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Quote from: grahf on 04/03/2011, 08:02 AMIf you use GOOD nickel metal hydride rechargeables you should get great battery life. I recommend Sanyo Eneloops, which are currently the best on the market. Energizer rechargeables are garbage, so avoid those.
Second this. I think it's better than a battery pack. These things really extend the battery life and charge pretty fast. I have two sets of eight, and a charger that charges eight at a time.
That makes sense. I didn't realize each channel had its own capacitors.

Anyone up for replacing some capacitors?
Quote from: Keranu on 04/01/2011, 08:20 PMBEERS AND VIDEOS, our mind waves must've crossed paths at some point because just two or three nights ago I had randomly tried out my Lunar CD to test an emulator and as I was watching the intro I totally realized how similar it was to Ys! I was even thinking about making a video or page showing the similarities!
Great minds think alike? That's pretty funny.

I get that a lot of the imagery is derivative of a lot of standard anime art direction, but I've never seen so many similarities in an intro - almost scene by scene. Not to say that paying homage to Ys is a bad thing...

That being said, I do need to give Lunar another shot.
I never noticed it before, but if I fully insert my headphones, I get low sound on the right, normal sound on the left. If I pull out the headphone plug about half way, it seems to come through both earphones equally. Is this normal?
Post title says it all. Hit me up with what you got.
Quote from: soop on 04/01/2011, 08:29 AM
Quote from: BEERS AND VIDEOS on 04/01/2011, 12:02 AMI saw that yesterday. He must be smoking some good shit. There was a boxed bundle that went for something like $270 earlier in the week. Wish I'd seen that before the auction ended. If I can't get my briefcase unit to work, I think I might need to pick up a Super CD- ROM.
I'm glad you didn't, because I won it!
Arrrgggh!!! Lucky man! If you hear of another and aren't interested, let me know.
I knew it!   =D> =D> =D>
I saw that yesterday. He must be smoking some good shit. There was a boxed bundle that went for something like $270 earlier in the week. Wish I'd seen that before the auction ended. If I can't get my briefcase unit to work, I think I might need to pick up a Super CD- ROM.
Quote from: guest on 03/31/2011, 08:52 PMThe NeoFlash PCE is your best bet.

The bastard is so easy to get going now.

Also, the new NeoManager was done with WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), so it basically has that ribbonstyle interface of all the M$ products.

So, its shiney and has massive ass buttons that say exactly what to do.

instead of that janky piece of shit from before.
I'm really tempted to pull the trigger. Krikzz has other carts coming up, so I'm betting it'll be a while before the PC Engine gets some Everdrive lovin'. Plus, I do like shiny things and massive buttons...
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 03/31/2011, 05:26 PMThe PCE really needs an Everdrive.  An SD cart just slides into a slot and that's that!  Couldn't be easier or better.  Too bad it doesn't exist for the PCE, but I have been campaigning for one.
Agreed, I have an Everdrive for the Genesis and it's incredible. Would even be more awesome if some type of TurboBooster Plus functionality could be built in as well.

Where can we throw our weight around to make this happen?
This thing looks awesome. Just curious, does the save feature act like a TurboBooster Plus?
I will definitely give it another shot. The fact that all you guys, being PC Engine / Turbo fans, endorse it makes me really want to give it another stab.
Hmmm. I have a Mac, but can and do boot up Windows when needed, so maybe I'll check this out. If you know of a trustworthy place to pick one up at a decent price, let me know. Otherwise, I'll sniff around online and see what I can find. Thanks again!
I've heard so many great things about Lunar, and have tried to play it a few times on the Sega CD. But two things make me cringe and I can't get into it.

First, the vocals on the opening song are just embarrassing ("all through the night...."). It sounds so lame. The second is what a rip off the intro is. You can tell they used the Ys intro as a template (storming clouds lightening to start, red eyes then lighting that exposes monsters, etc). Check it out and see what you think.

I guess I'm wondering if I should give the game more of a chance. What do you think?
Quote from: hoobs88 on 03/29/2011, 11:09 PMHere is a scan of the Ys Map
Very cool. Why I didn't keep it, I have no idea. It doesn't even look familiar...
Hey, thanks! I'll check out the thread and hopefully will be able to figure out what's going on.
Not sure why, but sometimes, on a cold start up, it takes about 20 minutes to actually boot the CD - stays on the "Just A Moment" screen. I've tried another CD unit, but it seems like it might be something with the briefcase. I've taken it apart and cleaned it thoroughly, but it's still acting up.
Quote from: hoobs88 on 03/29/2011, 02:17 PMI scanned the map. I can send you a copy if you PM me with your email address.
Awesome, thanks!
I have an old briefcase model, but it's starting to wear out. So, looking for a complete Super CD-ROM2 system (the grey one with orange lettering) or original briefcase system. If you have one, or know someone who does, let me know. Thanks!
I've seen a few here and there for sale, but there never seems to be a simple solution. Either the interface only works with some ancient Windows computer or things just simply don't work for one reason or another. Can anyone recommend a simple, idiot-proof Hu-based flash card?
Great, so I'm just losing my mind... Oh well. I'll have to track down one of those maps.
So, I bought Ys I & II back in 1991 and still have the same copy. While I didn't keep the outer box, I thought I had everything else complete. Recently I've heard that there was a map included with the disc, manual, case, etc. Did it? It's not like me to be throwing out maps and I seriously don't remember any sort of map, but then again, I am almost 35 and my memory isn't what it used to be...  ](*,)
I'd have to say it was a demo of the Turbo CD on some public broadcasting channel. They had reps from Sega and NEC there to show off their respective systems. The fact that there was real voice and music was incredible in game. That, along with the Ys review in EGM made me have to get a Turbo CD.

Just curious, when did the Turbo or PC Engine stun you with it's brilliance?
My bad, I'm not even sure if those games save on a Turbo Booster,  :oops: but I get what you're saying.
True that. Military Madness and Populous are always eye squinters on the TE.
Did anyone ever make a TurboBooster type attachment for the Turbo Express / PCE GT?
Quote from: guest on 03/26/2011, 05:46 PMBonk 1 is the best one as far as vibe goes.   Its cartoony, but no so cartoony that its cartoony.

If that made any sense at all.

The 2nd and 3rd games are a bit toooooo cooky.  Super Bonk 1 was like fullblown cooky.  I like bonk 1's setup the most
I agree, and I think the music was perfect in Bonk 1.