@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Messages - tbone3969

Good shit and welcome.
Micky Ds always seem to have NEC LCD monitors at least.
Love old articles like this.  Thanks for sharing.

Just the opposite.  It seems to be going strong.  I have been getting very high prices for the stuff I have been selling recently.  PC Engine is heating up.
The pots on your DUO need to be adjusted.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: Pc Engine GT
02/22/2018, 11:45 AM
Dam, just sold my last three of these last week.  I'm all out.
Troll or not it is true.  I have sold numerous retro games for profit over the years.  TurboGrafx specifically has been good to me.  It seems the price for Turbo stuff has exploded over the past few years and I have been in the game since the beginning.  I had the original TurboGrafx when it came out.  I remember going into Toys R Us and buying Super Star Soldier.  Remember they had that ticket system back them.  You had to bring the ticket to the game counter to get the game after you purchased it.  Good times.
And you can sell them in a few months or years for a profit.   8)
Quote from: Lost Monkey on 02/08/2018, 09:20 AMSeeing as it is tax season and all, I was wondering if you would do my taxes tbone?

Are you serious?  I used to file all my taxes myself using Turbotax.  Ever since I got married, though, I use my father in laws accountants as my wife has some additional filing requirements (K-1 forms and what not).  Too lazy to do it myself.

What state are you in?
Mod, please lock up this thread.  I have purchased a nice, brand new and sealed, copy on eBay for him.  He is gonna give me an extra 10% on top of what I paid.  Fair deal IMO.

Thanks everyone.  You guys (and girls) rock.
Well said.  I would say I'm a hybrid as I love finding "scores", as you put it, and I play the shit out of my systems, well that is I used to before my daughter was born two years ago.  Now I squeeze in some play time here and there.  My family is my number one priority right now.  I would say I play my Switch the most, currently, as I commute on the subway about two hours each work day.  I was planning on beating Neutopia on my Express during my subway rides but then a good friend of mine bought me a Switch out of nowhere and that was it.  I was hooked.  I refuse to buy any current gen systems but getting one as a gift is something I will allow.
Quote from: Gypsy on 02/06/2018, 11:01 AMGames are better than gold. LOCK IN YOUR RETURNS NOW FOLKS.
Hell yeah.  I recently bought a nasty looking PS2 for $3.  Cloroxed the shit out of it, blew out the dust, cleaned the lense, lubed th gears, and now it runs perfectly.  Plays any and all CDs, DVDs and PS1/PS2 games I throw at it.  I even installed an HDD and I have been playing games right from the HDD.  So cool.

I also picked up Shenmue 2 for XBOX CIB for less than $2.

God bless America!
Buy low, sell high.  Love making money off retro.  Keep em coming.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 02/05/2018, 04:49 PMDoes your friend know you're bringing him into this? To me it seems rude the way you're speaking so casually of his finances.
He has given me permission to run and print out his credit report, file for credit cards on his behalf, file for his birth certificate, and try to do whatever I can to help him out.  I even found him some money on the NY State Comptrollers website for unclaimed funds, although I can't figure out how to get him the check as he can't receive mail.  Pretty much all the tasks he wants me to help him with involve him having an address to receive mail so I have hit a wall. 

I don't think what I have shared is anything so personal he wouldn't want me to share.  I should double check with him I guess.  Just trying to get some advice from the peeps on this site.  He doesn't have a PC or internet, even his phone is shut off from time to time.  He wants me to do whatever I can to help him so he says.

As a side note, I suggest everyone do a search on their states unclaimed property web page for unclaimed funds.  Just put your name in and see if it gets any hits.  I got my wife $700 and my mother in law thousands of dollars this way.  You claim the funds and they send you a check in the mail.
Quote from: guest on 02/05/2018, 03:55 PMHave stuff delivered to work/friend/relative; sign up for paypal and fund it with pre-paid visa/mastercard bought with cash at a local store; stop being a retard.
Hmm....  Didn't know you could set up a PayPal account with a prepaid card.  Interesting.  We will give it a shot.  I thought you had to link a bank account as well.  We shall see.

Stop being a retard... now who would want to do that?
Just burn the games on CDR
I can assure you I am not lying.  Why would I lie about this?  It isn't a crazy story or anything.  I genuinely feel for the guy and I am trying to help him out.  I live in NYC and meet a lot of people selling and buying retro games on Craigslist and the app called Offer Up.  I met him, Gio, through Offer Up where he paid me cash for some retro games and systems.  At first I didn't feel bad charging him crazy prices but after a while I said "you can get much better prices on eBay, you should just buy off of there".  Then this is when I discovered all the issues with him not having ID, not getting mail, etc.  I started hanging with him a little bit and he took me to J & L Video games where he drops money like its water.  Pays cash for everything.  Why in the world would I make this story up?  I guess I can ask him to pose for a picture with a current newspaper but that would be strange.  Anyway, if anyone has tips on how to help him get his paperwork in order, get a checking account, and get a credit card or PayPal account, let me know.  He might have to pay for a lawyer at this point.  Not sure.  Feel bad for the guy, honestly.
Quote from: guest on 02/05/2018, 11:36 AMYour friend definitely has bigger, life-threating problems he should get solved _before_ worrying about overpriced videogames. And you're not helping by trying to sell luxury items to him.
I have tried to talk some sense into him.  He wanted me to order him a DUO-RX in the box for $700 off eBay.  I refused.  Then he goes and drops $1,300 at J & L.  So frustrating.  I figured $100 for Batman is reasonable after seeing his other purchases.  Whatever.  I'll probably just give it to him for his birthday in April.  That is IF I find one for cheap.
Quote from: guest on 02/05/2018, 10:17 AM
Quote from: guest on 02/04/2018, 09:14 PMThis is the guy you want us to help you get a deal?
Yeah, he overspends by $650 on stuff locally but wants help saving $10 on Batman?  Makes total sense.  :lol:
Hey, change happens slowly.  I am trying to help him to start saving money.  It's been difficult to say the least.  He has no current ID.  No lease where he lives and he isn't allowed access to the mailbox.  Trying to get him a bank account with no ID or address is really tough.  I told him that not having access to his mail is illegal, or at least I think it is.  The person he sublets from will not give him the mail box key to copy and all the mail that is sent to his address, in his name, never gets to him.  I think the guy he is living with just tosses it.  IDK
Make sure to pick up Prince of Persia as soon as you can.
you guys are funny.  My friend is certainly real.  His name is Gio and he just dropped $1,300 on video games at J & L Video games in NYC.  I can't make this stuff up.  I tried to make him listen to reason as he bought all this stuff but he just wouldn't listen.  He paid cash for it and it's all game he could have gotten on eBay for about half what he paid.  I don't understand it.  He got Gradius 2 for PC engine CD for $89.99 plus tax.  That was my recommendation.  He bought Tailspin for like $50 or $60 dollars.  I begged him not to get ir.  Oh well, live and let live I say.
Quote from: seieienbu on 02/02/2018, 09:36 PMI'm writing this response for a friend.  Just buy the copy off of ebay.
Yes.  That is what I shall do.  Thanks everyone.
Quote from: guest on 02/01/2018, 01:45 PM
Quote from: tbone3969 on 02/01/2018, 01:11 PMC'mon guys.  I will not even markup the price when I sell it to him.
Hall of Shame material right here.
C'mon guys.  It was a troll comment.  I knew you couldn't resist taking the bait.  I only marked up my initial sale of items to him when I sold him a lot on Offer Up.  Then once I got to know him I ordered stuff for him online pretty much at no additional cost.  I think I did tack on $5 to the briefcase but that's because I didn't know him very well and I had to front the cash as well as hold the system for a while until he could pick it up.  I charge him nothing additional now.
Quote from: wildfruit on 02/01/2018, 01:07 PMWorst sob story ever
It's not  a sob story.  I don't need or want anyone feeling sorry for him.  He loves Batman and he really wants this game.  Help him get a sealed copy.  C'mon guys.  I will not even markup the price when I sell it to him.
Quote from: cireza on 02/01/2018, 10:44 AMGlad I built my Sega Saturn collection when I was younger...
Have any Sega Saturn games you want to trade?  I have some of the heavy hitter PC Engine CD games I would be willing to part with.  PM me if interested.
Just burn the CD games.  Problem solved.
Yes, I know the joke.  It really is for a friend.  He lives in Harlem and works under the table for cash.  This guy is truly "off the grid".  I am trying to help him get his paperwork (birth certificate, SS card, etc.) in order so he can open a checking account, get a credit card, and then get PayPal.  Until then he likes to buy from me and always pays cash.  Oh and he loves retro gaming.  He didn't even know what TurboGrafx was until he met me.  Now he's hooked.  I got him a briefcase set up from Keith Courage.  Keith did a great job with it.  Super clean and he did an s-video mod on it.
Quote from: Gypsy on 01/31/2018, 10:36 AMBuy a used copy and say you opened it. Problem solved.
lol, yes.  Anyone have a used copy for sale?  Even those go for $50 - $60 it seems.
Quote from: guest on 01/31/2018, 08:50 AMIf so, there's no point in buying a sealed copy.
Yes, I tried to explain this to him but he wants everything new and sealed.  IDK....  not gonna argue with him.  He says it is because everything is so mint when he opens it or something.  He also doesn't have PayPal or an eBay account so he likes to have me order things for him and then he gives me the cash.
Quote from: exodus on 01/30/2018, 09:07 PMwhat are you gonna do with sealed batman!?
It's for a friend of mine.  He is a big Batman fan and I recently got him hooked on the PC Engine.  I am pretty sure he plans on opening it.
Yes I know there is one on ebay.  Trying to save on shipping and the last game I ordered from Japan got lost in the mail.  Can you believe I won an auction for a Brand New and Sealed Aldynes for $190 shipped?  Can't believe it got lost in the mail.  Dam you USPS.
Prince of Persia
Holy shit.  $1,800 for a manual with a rental stamp on it.  Cray, Cray......
Not making money my ass.
Dude, you don't know what your talking about.  He has official pressed discs, not CDRs.  And the quality on his manuals, boxes, and energy drinks is top notch.  I mean have you even tasted the Dracula X one?  So good dude.  Kinda taste like that red Mountain Dew flavor but better.
But they come with energy drinks.
Dam, sad to see.  Hope he's alright.  Wish him the best.  Did he ever get that gofundme set up?
What's wrong with Dicer?
Quote from: SmokeMonster on 01/18/2018, 11:54 AM
Quote from: guest on 01/18/2018, 11:37 AMDo you know anyone who has extracted any mini-games yet?
I thought that was what Twinbee Returns and Force Gear were.
You are correct.
Hey Broken,

Can you play some Fatal Fury 2 and let us know how the shadows look under the characters in battle.  They look weird on my RGB converter to HDMI on my LCD.  Thanks.

That's the PC Engine CD player.  Google PC Engine Briefcase.
Gotcha.  Thanks.

I love my AVS and I have pre-ordered the SNES NT.
Whats FPGA?
Quote from: Lost Monkey on 01/09/2018, 02:02 PMReported, because:

Quote from: SellerI do not sell fake/reproduction games.
Good catch.
But it has a Dracula energy drink.  I heard it has drops of human blood in it.