@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Messages - Retrocool

I am really interested in Jackie Chan and Military Madness... let me know of prices
Quote from: Retrocool on 04/15/2015, 01:18 PMis this still going on???
is this still going on???
a bitched and complain about this episode with him, tho

Ys Book 1 was for the Sega Master System

Playing a bit of devils advocate, he was never an original Turbo guy, so for him, these are "GEMS"
that is awesome.. i might pick up later on down the road.... dont really have any $$$
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: FS: Ys Map Pack
10/06/2014, 11:23 AM
I am a bit strapped for cash at this moment (trying to buy a condo).  If down the line if still available..i would like
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Raffle: A box.
10/06/2014, 11:18 AM
OH, i might be late on this... throw me in .... THROW ME IN
loom doesnt even go that much used  on ebay... and sherlock holmes... i say 60 for the two, but thats ok, nevermind
Quote from: MrFulci on 06/30/2014, 09:31 PMMany years ago, I was looking over some computer related college level text book. This was 10 years ago, or so. I saw something about... I don't know, video games? It could have been about different types of media and their introductions into homes and such. I remember seeing something about Beta tapes and other dead media in this section. Anyway, the blurb that stood out to me, "blah blah blah... and the Sega Genesis' Sega CD was the first home video game console in the USA to feature games on the Compact Disk format. It retailed at $....."

It went on about the Sega CD for a paragraph or two.

I noticed, they had something in the back of the book, about contacting them, I got to their website, and saw they had something about a form to fill out if one noticed incorrect information, or had comments. I sent a simple message, that the mention of Sega CD was incorrect, and the Turbo Grafx had a CD attachment that debuted before the Sega CD. The TG 16 CD retailed at $400... etc".

I left it at that. No one ever contacted me from there, and no idea if it was changed in future editions of the book. Probably not!

I still like both CD systems, but I do find many people who have never heard of TG-16. So, the Sega CD mention is probably still in many text books.

*Edited, as I forgot a few words in a sentence.
I did the exact same thing.. I even went as far as gone to the Smithsonian and asked about it.... left notes, wrote all over in their guest book......  bah, people just refuse to admit that it existed....
A friend of mine made these because we were talking about how the turbo/pc engine was not included in the time line of gaming let alone in the smithsonian of video game history, so as he puts it.. banksy'd the images..lol
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: Ys I MAP
06/23/2014, 01:21 PM
We should try to set up a little fund for everyone to pinch in... like a PC engine kickstarter for small projects.... just saying
Lords of Thunder
Blazing Lazers
Air Zonk

Runner Up
Download 2
WOW, I am super impressed.. ... >O..O<
I never sold mines.. both the original with CD and my Duo are first day purchases for me back in the day (thanks mom, really THANKS) .. i just loved the system so much... I just never gave it up...

Eventually when I get older... something will happen......
Buy/Sell/Trade / SO.....Odyssey 2 plug
12/16/2013, 11:37 PM
So, going through some old boxes, I found my Odyssey 2 plug and it is in good condition. I do not want to throw it out, so if anyone wants it, just pay for shipping.... I no longer have the Odyssey 2 nor will I pick it up again.....

SO, if you are interested and want to see an image of it.. just message me..
QuoteIs this the same one which has been posted many times here or is someone using that old rotting unsold listing as a sign that the manual is priceless?
I have no idea if someone posted it before.. I was just looking around and saw it.. Actually, now that I think about it.. It might have been myself that posted this manual ridiculousness before..... i just get so upset when I see it...
yeah, many of them in toy stores
Splashlake.....    (drops mic)
Ys Book 1 & 2
Cosmic Fantasy 2
Alien Crush
Devils Crush
Props to Geise for helping me out.....
Off-Topic / Re: Name that horror movie....
11/01/2013, 07:17 AM
Funny, I just watched House 2 and totally forgot it had Cliff (John Ratzenberg) in the film.... tho House 3 and 4 were bad......

Now I go watch basket case or ghoulies..... AH 80s horror...... it makes me happy
Off-Topic / Re: Just bought...
11/01/2013, 07:16 AM
Holy shit, 6 shooter.. did they have pin head or leech or the jester?
Quote from: guest on 10/30/2013, 03:21 PMHere's a hug:
Now, that just made my day...
So I am now missing a few boxes for my collection.   When I had to move, I had packed up some of my collection and left them at my parents house.   Today, I went in to grab them to dust them off and put them them on the shelf, to come to the sheer horror that some of my boxes were missing.

Apparently, my mother ended up cleaning the basement and ended up throwing a few of my boxes away that I guess I did not place with my other games.  Thinking that they were garbage because they were empty.  I can not be mad at her because she did not know any better, but a little of my childhood had died within me ...

Now, I am looking for boxes to a few of my games.... Some are going to be so hard to come by.... while others I imagine I can probably find CIB.

Missing in Action

Double Dungeons
Bonk's Adventure
Ys Book 1 & 2 w/Map (dieing a little more inside)
J.B. Harold Murder Club
Alien Crush
QuoteHaha, thanks! Yeah, i was going to name it "Turborotica" or "AiChoMyduo" but those domains were taken. :lol:
Turborotica was taken?  HAHA, that made my day
Quote from: MrFulci on 10/19/2013, 09:14 AM
Quote from: esteban on 10/19/2013, 09:10 AM
Quote from: MrFulci on 10/19/2013, 08:45 AM
Quote from: esteban on 10/19/2013, 08:30 AM8:29 a.m. and I am wondering how ANYONE in the universe can drink this "autumnal pumpkin flavored" coffee that my wife wanted me to buy. I searched the pantry and we don't have any other coffee (whole bean). All we have is this ground pumpkin flavored garbage.

DECISION: I will make goddamned tea instead. Even though my wife told me that tea is horrible (tons of pesticide & company involved in harvesting/storing most tea).

The pumpkin "spice" Hershey stuff is OK (M&Ms, Kisses. I'm not fond of flavored coffee. I prefer it "Normal", as in a smaller cup than most people, and without cream or sugar.

I've never been fond of sweet tastes in coffee or tea.
Black coffee also has benefit of zero extra calories.  :pcgs:
What was that line, in that, "old" (20 years, almost) movie? "When I drink coffee, I want to taste it"?

Denis Leary said it best, "I WANT COFFEE FLAVORED COFFEE"
Off-Topic / Re: Octurbofest 2013
10/16/2013, 12:20 PM
I wish I could make it. Sadly, I do have to work that evening.  :(

Have a blast guys....take lots of pics and post them please!
Quote from: cho_aniki on 10/14/2013, 12:30 PMThere would be no point in making bootlegs of Spriggan or Gate of Thunder. They are readily available and cheapish here in Japan.
If you are in Japan, then i would love for you to find me a few games.....I found some imports here in Chicago at a game store that I go to and the owner is just ridiculous in price.... 90$ for Terraforming japanese version is just ridiculous.

Seriously, if anyone gets this done, let me know... i can use one as well....
THIS IS A LONG SHOT, but, f anyone has an extra box for Order of the Griffin, I would be happy to purchase it from you. I just found the hucard and would love to get the box for it...

i do not have really anything to trade at all...

so, this will be mainly be a money transaction (paypal)
Holy shit, that is EPIC
because I love everything about Die Antwoord.

also on the flip side of this song

Just purchased the new album by Coco Rosie and Of Montreal
I know I will never change my mind about the music, though. SAZ tunes are LeD'sappoint.[/quote]
Agreed, after playings LoT and GoT and it being called Rockabilly Paradise, I was hoping for some SKA inspired music or some really hard hitting rocking tunes... IDK, a definite missed opportunity for the system to leave off at.....
It is hard to exactly say why I am upset, but the person who originally made them put a lot of work into to give you something amazing to just be thrown in on ebay and trying to be sold as something RARE or..i dont know... .sigh
Quote from: Nemo on 10/11/2013, 09:13 PMThat's a pretty elaborate bootleg, for what though, CD quality music?  A watched a video on youtube and the game looks identical to the NES version.  I get the quality Sapphire repro (still have one myself), that game goes for $600+, but this????

the actual website is here from a gentleman in Germany and done with the most love and highest respect for the system.  They were pressed in high quality.  I actually purchased the games from him myself.....BUT

This guy at the ebay auction, I feel is trying to doop collectors.  Some of the information I feel is false. I dont know... whatever at this point.

Saw this on ebay today and was kind of disappointed to see this for sale.  I guess the good thing is, he is not trying to over price the item.
Quote from: c0ldb33r on 09/28/2013, 06:56 PMIt'd be fun playing this on the game pad. Like a big TE. :)
I saw that, i was like WTF.

even if it didnt work, that can easily be fixed....still a winning a situation!
Quote from: guest on 09/24/2013, 01:22 AMI don't have a Wii so please excuse my ignorance, but it sounds like if you bought the game previously and they pulled it, you could no longer play it!?
To be honest, I do not know, Considering I have these games already, I am not to worried about it.  Though, I would love them to bring some imports over like Steam Hearts, Spriggan and Macross 2036
HOWDY.... welcome.. even tho its been a while since you are on here
You are beyond awesome.....
If I was to ever strike it filthy dirty, scrooge mcduck rich, I would buy all these ridiculous priced games and sell them for a reasonable price to everyone!
Hello everyone.

It has been a while since I have been on here, so I figured I will start to ask with a question. 

As the subject stated, What would you consider to be the most important import for you to get from Japan? And Why? 

I am going to exclude the obvious, Dracula X, Street Fighter 2, and for me Ninja Gaiden!

What I really want is/are Macross 2036/Lovesong and all of the cosmic fantasy games!
Off-Topic / Re: Devils Crunch cereal
01/30/2013, 02:37 AM
WANT WANT WANT... do you have a website at all for these. i would totally buy and prolly know a few people who might buy as well.
I personally buy games that i personally want because I want to play them.  I, myself, is not going to buy sports game because I am not a big fan of sports. So there is no desire there to ever play them.  Why have something in my collection that will just collect dust.  I rather have that game out there for someone else to purchase and actually enjoy.

I do want games that I am willing to pay money for, even though that game is absolutely ridiculous in price, but I want it because I want to play it. Nowadays, I am only looking for a select few games that I MUST HAVE.  I do not need a Bonk 3 Hu Card when I already have the CD of the game.  It is just not fair, the only reason I would get that game if I want to play it on my express, but I usually only play Alien/Devils Crush on that as well as puzzle games like Klax or Tricky Kick.
LOVE the game along with Splash Lake and Boxy Boy