10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - NinjaCrackerX

Quote from: guest on 02/28/2013, 12:00 PMI picked up a PSP Go last Friday to hack and load with my UMD games and use like a console, and yesterday I snagged a case and copies of Legend of Heroes: Tear of Vermillion, Space Invaders Extreme, and Half Minute Hero.
I love Space Invaders Extreme,  you should also check out Infinity Gene (if you haven't already). It's not as flashy but it's still a fun spin on the series. I know it's on PSN but I'm not sure if it's PSP compatible.
Project S-11 is a clear case GBC game so that won't work then. Forgot about that :p
Balloon Kid
Battle Unit Zeoth
Contra Alien Wars
Kid Icarus
Any Kirby game
Mega Man series
Ninja Boy 1&2
Ninja Gaiden
Penguin Wars
Revenge of the Gator
Project S-11
Got my large set in the mail today, they are suh-weet! Now my copy of Neutopia II fits in with the rest of my cased games instead of it being an eyesore blank case, thanks!!
People will never stop buying crap no matter what mainly due to uninformed gift givers (relatives), small children, and sheep. Especially with Nintendo putting out tons of shovelware and Ps3 & Xbox releasing reiterations of the same games every year.

I did like the one comment someone wrote "why don't you make an actual game before telling us what to do David?" in an attempt at bashing Heavy Rain. (The guy did make actual games beforehand just fyi I just enjoyed his trollbait).
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTS: Nothing
02/06/2013, 06:51 PM
Games came in today and were in great shape. Thanks!
Quote from: jeffhlewis on 02/05/2013, 03:27 PMI was just going to say Sol-Feace is awesome...to each their own I guess, haha. That game is worth it for the redbook soundtrack alone.
Ok maybe it's not awful I just prefer the Gen port more (for the music, sfx, ending) :-p I forgot about Silpheed that was a fun one!
*Here's an auction that ends soon for Sol Feace that might be available to steal for a dollar plus shipping:
Classic line and the highlight of his career! I'll have to fart around on those sites and take a listen. The song in the link isn't too bad. I wish there were more rock/metal groups that incorporated the sound. I'm going to be seeing Sevendust & Lacuna Coil tonight in Lancaster, i'll check the venue see if they have any chip tune style shows lined up.
Keio Flying Squadron

Stay away from Sol-Feace, nowhere as good as Sol-Deace on the Genesis.
Quote from: guest on 02/05/2013, 02:32 PMI never listened to them, no.

There are so many chiptune "bands" now that they all bleed together.   It really is just a bunch of dudes flailing around with gameboys, often incoherently.

The chiptune genre sort of devolved into background noise music instead of the sweeping melodies and shit from the 80s from dudes like Jeroen Tel.
Just Youtubed Jeroen Tel he did a lot of nice work. My favorite soundtracks back in the 90's belonged to games like Sonic, Streets of Rage,  Phantasy Star 4 (big sega fan). I know a lot of people hated the Genny's music but I loved it.
Horse uses a gameboy I believe,  they've been around a while. Kind of a goofy wtf metal band, I believe some label it nintendocore...

*I keep having to edit bc I'm on a phone and my sausage fingers hit post when I'm trying to proofread.
Quote from: guest on 02/05/2013, 02:14 PMIt's alright live if all you want to do is jump around like a jackass and accidentally elbow fat kids in the face and see girls boobs pop out of their mario shirts they carefully cut into plunging V-Neck stuff.
Haha sounds like an interesting scene to watch from the balcony. I feel like an old head at shows anymore, I usually stick to the bar level if available ...
I never really heard any other chip tune bands other than Anamanaguchi, it's cool but I couldn't listen to it all the time. Did you ever listen to Horse the Band?
Quote from: guest on 02/05/2013, 12:29 PMI thought the game sucked.   If you play by yourself the games a giant pain in the ass.

I am on the ropes about my opinion of the soundtrack.   It's standard over arped nu-chiptune wank music.   Nothing to write home about.
These type of games are a pain solo without grinding levels/ money etc.. They're pretty much made for the co-op aspect I think (and it's strange there wasn't online off the bat). I really enjoyed the music and I did check out the band's other work but wasn't impressed..
Such a great game, wish it was a little longer like Castle Crashers though. I even bought the soundtrack it was that good!
Some more good exclusives:

Tales of Symphonia
Chaos Field
Battalion Wars
Resident Evil 0 and the remake of 1
Sonic Gems
In this episode, MacGyver seen here, is attaching surfboards to create makeshift wings so they can quickly flee the Terrorist Organization.
Quote from: guest on 01/30/2013, 12:00 PM
Quote from: NinjaCrackerX on 01/29/2013, 08:06 AM^Nice, I regret not pulling the trigger on that set. The way they're priced now forget about it.
They fucked up the launch and oversold the stock so they're talking about doing a second run since they kinda fucked people ....

That would be sweet. All the people who bought strictly for resale would get all butthurt!! It's getting ridiculous now, if you don't pre-order a CE/LE the day it's announced your chances are slim to none getting one. It's the first case I've heard of overselling, hopefully companies take note. I'd go ape shit if mine was canceled (some people po'd back in the summer I heard!).
^Aha just noticed you're the guy behind the PCE Bible and gameplay vids. Just wanted to say I love what you and everyone who contributed have done it's been a big help for someone like me who got into the TG/PCE scene late! I browse the site daily to check out games and I actually found this site through there as well. Thanks!
^Nice, I regret not pulling the trigger on that set. The way they're priced now forget about it.
Just received my PAL copy of Zero Wing for the Sega MD today. The game is better than I expected, I look forward to buying it for my Duo!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTS: Dupes
01/26/2013, 11:57 PM
Sending a message.
Bought The Walking Dead for Xbox 360 today for $14.99 after using some Reward Zone credit. The constant praise I hear for the game lured me to finally get it. Anyone here have it?
Interested in a sticky-small set, I'll send you a message. Thanks!
Still have my cart and play it when I bust out the old box. One of my first experiences with the anime style in the cutscenes. I like the name Astyanax, "The Lord of King" sounds even goofier to me. Why not name it "The Warrior of Soldier"  :mrgreen:
Quote from: Bardoly on 01/23/2013, 08:19 PMPlayed some Star Parodier for the first time last night and enjoyed it, even though the 'Egyptian' stage whooped me good.
Played through the game without much trouble until I got to the boss of that stage. I gave up after a few continues to try again for another day. It's fire tail attack always got me, couldn't get away fast enough. Used Bomberman...

Quote from: Obfuscate on 01/23/2013, 09:01 PMFunny, I just had played this and wasn't impressed. Way too easy, one of the easiest ones i've played, not much strategy, not even the bosses, average graphics, and below average music. The ship feels a little too slow for me also.
I didn't say it was the best, it's far from it with the system's shmup library but I've played a lot worse. I just got done playing Cosmic Fantasy 2 beforehand so I could've possibly given it more credit then it actually deserves haha... Especially when you hear the same 3 songs and see Nes style graphics the whole time playing CS2.  :mrgreen:
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
01/23/2013, 01:34 PM
^ nice headlights!
Just beat Psychic Storm while 1cc'ing it. Game wasn't very hard at all since they refill your life bar and special after each round. I'm going to go back and try the other ships and 2 player mode. The music and graphics are really nice, the voice-overs are a little muffled. There were 2 regular enemies in the game that had me scratching my head how to beat them (an enemy in the water stage that sucks your ship in & a tentacle wall thing that sometimes blocks your path in the last stage). Overall I'd recommend this game especially if you're new to shmups or want a "relaxing" shmup experience!
Quote from: turboswimbz on 01/22/2013, 08:10 PM
Quote from: NinjaCrackerX on 01/22/2013, 08:03 PMJust beat Cosmic Fantasy 2 tonight, the thing that sucked though was halfway into the ending cut-scene my system goes back to the Duo start-up screen! I've only had one other issue the whole way playing. Luckily I could finish viewing it on Youtube, I enjoyed the game but it was getting pretty stale towards the end. I think I'm going to start Psychic Storm now...
damn same thing happened to me!  the only issue I had during the game!
The other issue was one of the cut-scenes vocals were off-track. It's reassuring to know someone else had the same issue though, I was worried something might've been wrong with my system since the disc was pretty mint. I wish 1,3, & 4 were translated as the series seems to remind me of a poor man's Phantasy Star...
Just beat Cosmic Fantasy 2 tonight, the thing that sucked though was halfway into the ending cut-scene my system goes back to the Duo start-up screen! I've only had one other issue the whole way playing. Luckily I could finish viewing it on Youtube, I enjoyed the game but it was getting pretty stale towards the end. I think I'm going to start Psychic Storm now...
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
01/21/2013, 11:24 PM
Quote from: guest on 01/21/2013, 11:12 PMThat's great!
Here it is for those who don't like clicking links.
Ha sorry I couldn't get the gif to show up properly so I replaced it with a totally different picture. Thanks for fixing it though!
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
01/21/2013, 11:05 PM
Quote from: guest on 01/21/2013, 11:14 AMMy preference is the octopus. He's cute.
^ My favorite character next to Koitsu (the little guy riding the paper airplane later in the series). Love seeing the little back-up Octopi help him as well!
Just sent ya the pp thanks again.
Quote from: guest on 01/20/2013, 11:08 PM
Quote from: NinjaCrackerX on 01/20/2013, 10:57 PMDo they make an extension wire for PCE or TG? I've been cutting my Cosmic Fantasy 2 sessions short because I can only sit on the floor for so long! The cord is to short to reach my couch. Do you make just a regular extension for either or?
Here's a link to a cheap extension cable for the PCE: http://www.monoprice.com/products/product.asp?c_id=102&cp_id=10215&cs_id=1021501&p_id=534&seq=1&format=2

I know there's a thread or 2 with cheap TG16 extension cables as well, but I'm too lazy to look for 'em right now. :)
Cool, thanks! I'll check out the other threads too.

I currently have a PC Duo and a standard TG unit each with 1 controller and a multi-tap. I think I'll buy one 6' for each so I can basically have 2 controllers for each system if you're cool with selling to a newbie.
Do they make an extension wire for PCE or TG? I've been cutting my Cosmic Fantasy 2 sessions short because I can only sit on the floor for so long! The cord is to short to reach my couch. Do you make just a regular extension for either or?
Quote from: guest on 12/21/2012, 01:43 PMThe only ones listed that jump out at me are DEII and Dynastic Hero.  All of the other ones should be completely playable without language issues.  Cotton even has an English option!
Good to know about Cotton, thanks!
Quote from: guest on 12/21/2012, 03:40 PM
Quote from: guest on 12/21/2012, 03:31 PMJust use any Wonderboy in Monster World FAQ. Same game. :)
That wouldn't help much.  The problem is that the time limit leaves precious little time to look up the correct answer to the random questions, especially when you can't recognize the characters at all.
That stinks. Well what is the usual going price for a US copy? I looked up ebay completed listings and the prices are all over the place!
Quote from: hizaygizirlz on 12/21/2012, 02:59 PM
Quote from: Opethian on 12/21/2012, 02:52 PMI dont see the point of owning the US version with it's current price tag.
yea no paypal? this guy either has no credit card or cant open a paypal account for other nefarious reasons.
Yeah even if the game was $500, I don't see how anybody would be comfortable sending cash or a money order to someone they don't know based on feedback on another site.  I think he is only going to get local interest.  If you don't want to pay paypal fees just bump it up 3% like everyone else does.  That way the buyer gets piece of mind for their thousand dollar transaction.
I agree, I don't know how he's expecting to pull it off other than a local meet-up without some sorta protection for the buyer. I saw his copy of Stadium Events is on hold, I'm curious to hear how that goes.
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 12/21/2012, 02:58 PM
Quote from: NinjaCrackerX on 12/21/2012, 01:40 PM
Quote from: guest on 12/21/2012, 01:30 PM
Quote from: NinjaCrackerX on 12/21/2012, 01:21 PMAlso I noticed before there are PCE copies on ebay that were sold in a black case and a white one, any reason for that?
The black case is from the original release and the white case is from the later PC Engine Fan (magazine) reissue version.  Either way it's the same game - just the packaging was changed.
Man, you guys sure know your stuff on this site haha! I appreciate the help you and others have given this PCE/TG newbie. Maybe i'll bug my wife into getting me a PCE copy for Christmas next year!
Better yet, just get a everdrive and copy the U.S rom on to it.
Never knew about that, thanks. Just to be on the safe side is this the correct site/seller?
Quote from: guest on 12/21/2012, 01:30 PM
Quote from: NinjaCrackerX on 12/21/2012, 01:21 PMAlso I noticed before there are PCE copies on ebay that were sold in a black case and a white one, any reason for that?
The black case is from the original release and the white case is from the later PC Engine Fan (magazine) reissue version.  Either way it's the same game - just the packaging was changed.
Man, you guys sure know your stuff on this site haha! I appreciate the help you and others have given this PCE/TG newbie. Maybe i'll bug my wife into getting me a PCE copy for Christmas next year!
I was wondering if you guys could help me by letting me know if there are any reasons (language barriers, gameplay differences, etc..) not to save some money and just settle for the cheaper PCE versions of these games:

Bomberman 93
Dead Moon
Dungeon Explorer II
New Adventure Island
Super Star Soldier
Shock Man
Dynastic Hero
Jackie Chan
Super Air Zonk

Thanks for your time! :)
Thanks for the info I didn't know about the graphical differences. That would warrant purchase for both systems if they weren't so expensive! Also I noticed before there are PCE copies on ebay that were sold in a black case and a white one, any reason for that?
I chatted with him for the heck of it since he's one state over from me. I wouldn't make a purchase like that unless it was a safe meet-up. Supposedly he's well known on another site so it would be best to deal with him through there to be on the safer side.
One of the last ebay auctions went for $3200, but he said he wasn't going to gouge for that high. Is the PCE version an obvious easy replacement for the high dollar US copy? I'm guessing other than some text at the end of the game there's no problem understanding anything.
Quote from: mrhaboobi on 12/20/2012, 02:31 PM"legit Sapphire"

Thats not a money issues, its a "can you even find a legit one issue" :)
I saw one sell on ebay not too long ago that ended up at about $430 I believe. The seller had a few pics and one showed the markings on the inner ring of the disc that helps point out the fakes. Is that like the only way to tell?
Quote from: guest on 12/17/2012, 10:03 PMThe Japanese versions of Bonk games have differences like turning into a girl instead of a mad Bonk when you eat meat.
Ha that's awesome! I'm pretty much sold then. I have the US Gate of Thunder/Bonk combo so I'll have the best of both worlds. I'm cheap and have a hard time spending over $60+ for a game I REALLY want. I came to terms I'll never own a US Magical Chase or a legit Sapphire :)
Quote from: PunkCryborg on 12/17/2012, 04:58 PM
Quote from: NinjaCrackerX on 12/17/2012, 04:28 PMI'm fairly new to the PC/TG but I have noticed the Japanese games being cheaper and I was wondering if I would be missing anything getting an import Bonk 3 (among other pricey US titles). I have import copies of Soldier Blade and Air Zonk but I know I won't miss any decent dialogue in those...
stick with PCE and keep money in your pocket.
Thanks for the replies, I'll probably end up doing just that (US prices I noticed get ridiculous on the higher wanted titles). I just wasn't sure if Bonk 3 had any heavy worded cut scenes or what not. I'll make a topic later about all the similar style titles I'm interested in for help so I don't clog up this thread haha :P
I'm fairly new to the PC/TG but I have noticed the Japanese games being cheaper and I was wondering if I would be missing anything getting an import Bonk 3 (among other pricey US titles). I have import copies of Soldier Blade and Air Zonk but I know I won't miss any decent dialogue in those...
"The Video Game Guy" in the Booth's Corner Farmers Market
1362 Naamans Creek Rd, Garnet Valley PA 19060
There's a facebook page for him if needed. His pricing is mostly on the ebay gouging levels (especially on TG-16 games ) but every once in a blue moon I can find something that was obvously unreasearched. That's about it near me besides the Blackwater NJ store you already have listed.
Quote from: turboswimbz on 12/16/2012, 12:09 PM
Quote from: NinjaCrackerX on 12/15/2012, 10:59 PMStarted Cosmic Fantasy 2. Just curious if anyone here played it, I keep getting destroyed at what I guess is the first boss. Not sure if it's a grind heavy game or I'm too used to today's easy RPGs!
Just finished it, YOU MUST GRIND like crazy in the first bit.  After the first little section grinding isn't needed.  Also learning how to use the healing magic is essential in every boss battle, they do a ton of damage.  Use the money made grinding to always increase armor first.  I can't stress enough that you'll need to stick with it, as to really appreciate the game you need to get like 3/4 of the way through the game to understand what your doing now.  
I tried grinding in the cave below the town a bit before triggering the village being overrun so I could heal/save etc.. When the village is overrun the boss cuts me down real quick (the regular enemies aren't so bad). It doesn't help either that the encounter rate is so high I have to fight a handful of battles in the village before I get to him! :p I'll keep at it though!! Thanks for the tips.
Quote from: Firebomber7 on 12/16/2012, 12:11 PM
Quote from: NinjaCrackerX on 12/16/2012, 11:57 AMHaha ok I wasn't sure but since I just joined here recently I didn't want to cause a stink. I think I accidentally deleted something when I was doing the quoted reply that's why it turned into a blue blob. The picture is close but I probably resemble Tully more...I might have to use this pic to scare my Sesame Street loving 1-1/2 year old when she mis-behaves :)
I like your octopus.
From my favorite shooter series of all time!
..although I'm sure you knew that...