OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - Tatsujin

why does it look like the back grounds in Sonic the Hedgehog 1? lol :D
I've seen this CIB in the akiba suruga-ya shop for 200
wow, soon 1000 pages  :shock:
Quote from: esteban on 08/12/2015, 05:44 AM
Quote from: Tatsujin on 08/12/2015, 04:55 AM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 08/04/2015, 07:44 PM
Quote from: guest on 08/03/2015, 11:55 AMSo far Game Sack is the only channel I've heard of which actually acknowledged Tobias' history. But that's not going to discourage the kinds of collectards who are piecing together sets of CIB repros.
Game Sack is also off the list of promo items. The last set that came out... the one with Might and Magic 3 or whatever... I know Happy Console Gamer automatically got a set and My Life in Gaming automatically got a set. We didn't get a set. I thought that was funny. He must have seen our video.
HAHAHA. that must had hurt him really hard.
TATS! :)
ESTY! where have you been? :D


where have I been? :p
I'm also getting me a RPII some days.
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 08/04/2015, 07:44 PM
Quote from: guest on 08/03/2015, 11:55 AMSo far Game Sack is the only channel I've heard of which actually acknowledged Tobias' history. But that's not going to discourage the kinds of collectards who are piecing together sets of CIB repros.
Game Sack is also off the list of promo items. The last set that came out... the one with Might and Magic 3 or whatever... I know Happy Console Gamer automatically got a set and My Life in Gaming automatically got a set. We didn't get a set. I thought that was funny. He must have seen our video.
HAHAHA. that must had hurt him really hard.
I'm in. I will reside in their old building up in sapporo :D
Fighting Street / Re: Piracy
05/02/2015, 06:07 AM
too each his own. I love to play all my originals, because behind every game there is a small personal story, and that isn't just how I DLed it from the I-net and put it on a SD card.
pls let me know your PP number, nec.

hope their are already over the hill and no irreparable stuff in the after math :/
Off-Topic / Re: Show off THE computers!!!
04/18/2015, 09:09 AM
I hate everything PC & co, excpet the PC Engine, that I love to infinity.
Feedback / Re: How do I block people?
04/14/2015, 09:49 AM
wb zeta ^^
kewl ol' japanese gaming days :(
one of the best evar
Quote from: Dicer on 04/09/2015, 11:16 PM
Quote from: guest on 04/09/2015, 03:26 PMAlso:

I guess I'll add the reason I'm not keen on Sapphire as much is because of the polygons, I know it was the "thing" at the time, but they just feel like they are there because everyone else was doing it, I'll take more parallax and more sprites and everything else over some flat shaded uglygons.

IMHO there should have been one more 2D era, but we got stuck with the framey/warpy/foggy/shit freamrate era we call 32bit, blah....
sapphire doesn't use no polygons. it's all very well animated 2D sprites.
no AC = no one of the most impressive 8-bit shewties that even put any 16-bit shewties to shame.
nice. I have only a few.
tout sweet
yeah, milk those pyramid chests.
can't remember by clear counts, but regulary beats are:

Shubibinman 3
Quote from: seieienbu on 03/25/2015, 11:06 AMStreet Fighter 2 springs to mind, obviously.  It sounds pretty accurate to the SNES version at least.  Strip Fighter 2 has a bit of spoken audio though I dunno if you'd want to use it for gamesack...
in fact it sounds even better than the muffled to max-reverbed snes version.
but why the JAG mold again?? lol LOL L O L
granola snake lol LOL L O L
lol, read this before. absolute hilarious nonsense.
yeah, it's a mystery to me too :D
yeah, it was BE Ball  :D =D>


that was a nice one :)
Quote from: esteban on 03/14/2015, 06:53 AM
Quote from: Tatsujin on 03/13/2015, 09:50 PMNEVER!! and if the music in the game is soo bad, then I don't play it at all.

Some games just have really monotonous music. It's OK to turn it down and play some Chopin instead.

monotonous music not always = bad music.
and as I said, if the music is too bad, then I really don't play it at all.
bitd I did even play very bad games just because the music was so awesome. now that is ok in my book :)
I blame the Philips
lol, all 0 Bid ended actions so far.
NEVER!! and if the music in the game is soo bad, then I don't play it at all.
does anybody have that pic saved somewhere I posted before with the pc 98 and the steam engine? :D

lost it during a crash and it's not up anymore on imageshack.

would be super nice. thx a lot :D
why is the Arcade pcb board PC-ENGINE compatible PC-BOY arcade JAMMA board so rare?

separated they would be only the PC-Boy and the Jamma adaptor, right? which both of em aren't really considered rare or high valued.

never played the shit bitd, but wanted to be the super pros now in 2015, playing  on a WiiU. about 22 years too late to the show arseholes.

also no meantions about the huge amount of animations the PCE uses compared to the SNES.

also they didn't even know that the PCE drac x invented the back flip of richter. that alone disqualifies them at max. levels :lol:
and where's the poll?
but yeah, I also think it's just audible censorship.
Quote from: Dark Fact on 03/17/2010, 06:33 PMI'm guessing they re-did the German because Konami or Nintendo was afraid that the broken German would've been too offensive for natural German people.  It's not like in Japan where nobody cares just as long as it is a foreign tongue and sounds cool. :-k
the german in the original version was just 101% OK.
if you gonna get that drac x anyway, in case it satisfies you on cd-r, you also might get it just straight, since it will satisfy you anyway.
and you're still doing it all wrong.
you're doing wrong le everything.
everyone does, and if one says no, he def. is a liar.
that's also because this new one is a she. they are naturally always cuter  :D
yeah it's the NEW one.  only 14 month old now, so still about 85% NEW :D

yeah, two of 'em are nuff so far ^^
welcome and nice to read that the PCE gets most of the love :D
Off-Topic / Re: Favorite Horror Movie?
02/16/2015, 06:38 AM
way too many favs to even start listing them..haha.
virtual what?
can't go wrong with that one. great game. great grafx. great RB audio. great 1p fun, even greater 2p fun!!
I take no heroin.