@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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FS: Game Stuffs

Started by Mishran, 08/15/2011, 12:39 AM

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MVS 4-slot found a new home, games gone into the list.


So would anyone be interested in a Hyper NG 64 board and games?


Nice you sold the 4 slot. Glad you did because my wallet almost took a hit. ;-)

Can't wait for some of the games to go up
Add my YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/sOg93QUtlg0
For sale trade list: https://tinyurl.com/2csm7kq


Interested in Magician Lord and Super Sidekicks 4
Add my YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/sOg93QUtlg0
For sale trade list: https://tinyurl.com/2csm7kq


I'd like to address an issue. I need the payment for my items to be either gifted, or you pay the fee. I thought this was common knowledge these days on here??? As a result two items have been delayed from shipping until the problem is addressed.

EDIT: Nevermind, if you can't trust me, I can't trust you. Gift payment only.


Ok well I was in total support of this thread at first, but I have to be upfront and honest here, because I went out on a limb for you recommending you to a guy I have known personally for like 13 years, so I am involved in your mystery thread updates and your current irrational and erratic behavior.

Quote from: Mishran on 06/29/2013, 07:54 AMI appreciate your help, but please don't tell people about my stuff anymore. If they aren't a regular and I've haven't dealt with them before, I'm not dealing with them. I have no time or interest in dealing with people's shit.
Concerning member Quoth09,

Well actually he is a regular here, and he has been a member here way way longer then you. He just does not post as often anymore, but still reads up on things now and then and there is plenty here from back when he posted often that could vouch for him besides myself. I read the pm's back and forth concerning the transaction. He is not the kind of guy to scam people and what he proposed to you is not unreasonable and in fact complied with your asking for fees. You asked for fees in a update post after the fact, but he was fine with that as he is fair and flexible.

The fee issue is on you. It is actually not some universal rule for forum sales that the buyer includes fees. On any forum related sale I usually give the buyer option via pm to send as gift or pay the fees. I do this prior to them making a payment. You did no such thing with Eric and did not inform him about having a issue with fees until quite a few hours after you confirmed payment and told him you would be shipping it out.

"Payment received bro! I'll get it shipped out ASAP and get you a tracking #."

Your words, not his. He had no idea there was a problem until hours after when you decided to update your payment policy. Also, he in advance asked you if you planned to sell anything else jamma\arcade related and if so to let him know. You ignored him on this and posted the Hyper64 stuff without giving him any heads up. You have a guy here, who has been a long time member here, showing you he is good for a buy, and you are ignoring him. I don't get why but to be blunt its retarded.

Regarding fees, I personally don't recommend anyone do gift payments unless they have had multiple dealings with the seller before, and people who buy from me always get the option to do one or the other because I don't care to put people I don't know in uncomfortable situations on purchases. To be honest gift payments offer buyers ZERO protection, and demanding only gift payments is not really reasonable or the good basis for trust. Thats not a mutual trust at all even. Thats you saying if you don't trust me go to hell then. If the seller refuses to ship, paypal will not step in. If the item arrives not as described, paypal will not step in. You are asking the buyer to trust you a lot in this case and honestly you did not provide any pics or videos showing this equipment as even tested working, so people are already trusting you even when they send you payments via normal methods involving fees.

I don't blame Eric for not wanting to resend you a gift payment. He does not know you AT ALL. The fact of the matter is you already had his cash, all you had to do was just show him how much paypal wanted in fees so he could send that to you, and you turned around and got abusive in messages back and refunded him. Make no mistake, I put MYSELF out on a limb here by recommending your sale to him. Had I known how you were going to treat him I would not have, as it makes me look bad and risk damaging my rep with a long time friend. You were in a bind, it was obvious, and I recommended you to a guy who I knew personally was good for large buys, and you are basically blowing it.

I mean seriously, this is the PCEFX forum, not Klov or the Neo forums. I sent a guy who I knew personally who actually collects arcade hardware to help you out because I did not expect to see the stuff selling right away. To be honest your treatment towards Eric is totally uncalled for. You have no reason to not sell to him, and it looks like as you have been going you are going out of your way to look for reasons to not complete transactions. Without damn good reason, if you don't want to complete the transaction after receiving payment, then you are officially a time waster and problematic seller. That is basically one step away from being labeled a scammer.

The treatment you gave Eric, we as a community don't put up with it around here, and make no mistake, Eric is a member of this community still. He does still stop in off and on to read up on things and to make purchases. His activity being less then what it used to be has more to do with events that happened prior to you joining. Regardless, like Ninja Spirit and other long term members here way before you, he does stop in. The way you treated him however would probably make anyone in his situation not want to keep doing so. It is very counter productive behavior for this community for you to treat members like him like that.

You deciding to not sell the MVS 4 slot to him is not going to kill him. He has other MVS units. It would have been nice to have, but you're not punishing him by telling him you already have someone else to sell it to lined up, basically throwing that in his face (which in a way also tells me you were looking for reasons to get out of the transaction with Eric). But lets be clear, YOU burned this buyer for ZERO legit reasons, the buyer did not burn you.

I get it, you are under stress from your ex, and a lot of this stuff is things you'd rather not part with to begin with. The simple fact of the matter is though that you want to keep the car, you are in a bind, and people have offered to help buy stuff off you and get you some quick cash, and you are outright fucking with them. I don't know if its because you are angry and just taking your stress out on others or what, but you are quickly making it apparent no one should be dealing with you right now until you get yourself relaxed, clearheaded, and organized. Until then, I hate to say it, but buyer beware. And also, given the nature of the way Mishram acted in pm concerning this transaction with Quote09/Eric, I would expect Eric will be dropping in soon to post the messages and what not and give further details concerning these issues with Mishram, either here or on Fighting Street.

Also, side note, Mishram, this is a SALES section of the forum. If you are not ready to sell the stuff then you should not be posting pics or list or anything. As stated, I understand you are in a bind, need cash but don't want to get rid of stuff. Regardless, you have no business posting MVS carts or anything else until you are full on ready to sell and accept payment for them. You posting the stuff then getting mad when people pm you asking about prices or when you plan to sell is absurd. You expecting people to not contact you about the stuff, equally absurd. If you don't want people contacting you about the stuff, don't post it for sale.

Concerning Eric, like I would any other seller who fucked with someone here for no good reason, if you don't apologize and fix the problem with him, on any future sales thread you do, as long as I am still posting here I will be posting links to this incident on any future sales you do so buyers will be forewarned of how you treated a member and 100 percent solid buyer here. I dont think you want that kind of alienation. What that will end up leaving you with is a selection of buyers you know you wont want to deal with. EVO, Wackamole, Segasaturnshitheel, etc, or noobs. All the good buyers will go elsewhere.


EDIT, dumb double...Thanks net fuck up..


Ok, if anyone else who made a purchase from me on this thread wants a refund, I will issue one. I don't have the time for this, so I will just take it to eBay otherwise.


paypal fees are very minimal it is worth taking a small hit on revenue or asking the buyer to cover the fee for a mutually secure transaction i feel


At this point I really don't care what you or he has to say about me, Mike. I've been through enough shit without having to deal with it on here. I just wanted a bullshit free transaction with others here. I never gave anyone a reason to not deal with me. My prices were always fair, I've always shipped items in a timely manner, I've always guaranteed the stuff I sold. I've never fucked anyone over. Hell, I've always kept my nose clean and never caused and trouble on here.

The only thing that matters right now that I have my car, cause when it's all said and done its all I'll fucking have.


Quote from: Mishran on 06/29/2013, 04:32 PMAt this point I really don't care what you or he has to say about me, Mike. I've been through enough shit without having to deal with it on here. I just wanted a bullshit free transaction with others here. I never gave anyone a reason to not deal with me. My prices were always fair, I've always shipped items in a timely manner, I've always guaranteed the stuff I sold. I've never fucked anyone over. Hell, I've always kept my nose clean and never caused and trouble on here.

The only thing that matters right now that I have my car, cause when it's all said and done its all I'll fucking have.
And people are trying to help you keep your car, but you are mistreating said people, which is plenty of reason to not want to deal with you, and backing out on Eric in the way you are doing is indeed fucking someone over. Eric didn't give you any bullshit and paid extremely fast. You wanted him to cover the fees well after that fact, and he was fine with doing so even, and gave you two options so he could do so. You are the one that gave him undeserved bullshit over the entire thing. Like I said, it is on you. Make it right, and the way you are handling this thread in general right, or let this be how you want people to think of you as a seller, some dick who treats the long term locals here badly.

And the other thing, again, concerning the MVS carts:

QuoteThat's because they are not yet for sale. Please hesitate from pming about selling or pricing a cart as your pm will be deleted.
And yet now you have carts on hold for people even though you don't want anyone sending you pms to buy stuff. It makes no fucking sense. You are tanking your seller status here doing shit like this and not giving any good buyers here a even play-field.


Enjoy smearing my name all over the fighting street wall. Should be a good read.


Look, the way you are acting, this makes no sense. You are dealing with some bad shit, for sure. I had a shitty ex too. I have been though it, you got my sympathy, and I like you being around here. Regardless, it doesn't give you free reign to treat people like crap in a transaction for no good reason. All I ask is you make it right with Eric, and fix that MVS cart sale crap. Its the right thing to do. No one is being unreasonable here except you, and it would take nothing for you to fix the situation before it escalates.


Quote from: Mishran on 06/29/2013, 05:03 PMEnjoy smearing my name all over the fighting street wall. Should be a good read.
Posting a sale thread here demands at least a modicum of professionalism. Your lazy, cynical, "whatever" responses are damaging your reputation more than anything. I don't care who's right, but either defend yourself or make good with Eric. Lose the attitude.
Topic Adjourned.


Quote from: guest on 06/29/2013, 06:04 PM
Quote from: Mishran on 06/29/2013, 05:03 PMEnjoy smearing my name all over the fighting street wall. Should be a good read.
Posting a sale thread here demands at least a modicum of professionalism. Your lazy, cynical, "whatever" responses are damaging your reputation more than anything. I don't care who's right, but either defend yourself or make good with Eric. Lose the attitude.
Everyone has copped an attitude on this forum at least once. Your a bigger offender for that than I.


Mish, I hate to say it, but I got to agree. what your doing is wrong. Lets not make this a dog pile. Your well liked her Mish and have done alot for the community. Please don't give everyone the finger and let us know how we can help.


Quote from: Mishran on 06/29/2013, 06:13 PM
Quote from: VestCunt on 06/29/2013, 06:04 PM
Quote from: Mishran on 06/29/2013, 05:03 PMEnjoy smearing my name all over the fighting street wall. Should be a good read.
Posting a sale thread here demands at least a modicum of professionalism. Your lazy, cynical, "whatever" responses are damaging your reputation more than anything. I don't care who's right, but either defend yourself or make good with Eric. Lose the attitude.
Everyone has copped an attitude on this forum at least once. Your a bigger offender for that than I.
I don't care about occasional flaming. The point is you're pissing in your own sale thread. I have no beef with you and you've always seemed like an OK guy, but from where I'm standing and to any casual observer right now, you look like a terrible seller.

Canceling orders, denying buyer protection, playing favorites, ignoring PMs, and hassling honest buyers for fees after-the-fact is NOT cool. There aren't many rules on this forum and you're welcome to make a quick buck, but show a little goddamn professionalism. Stop acting like a brat, fess up, and do some damage control. No one's going to hold a grudge if you act soon.
Topic Adjourned.


I guess it's my turn to chime in here. I really don't care to trash Mishran's rep around here, because from what I have read around here elsewhere prior, he had a good selling / buying record, though that is not what I have experienced. I think right now he needs to calm down and think over what he has done before he continues selling. This whole thing is stemming from being desperate about his car and personal life issues, which is none of anyone's concern here, but none the less, actions about treating people you are trying to sell to, should not be stressed over a measly vehicle, when there are plenty more out there - it's not even worth arguing over, and all of this turned into an unnecessary mess fast.

I just sent him a PM pretty much now completely declining the transaction due to his lack of remorse in all of this situation, and myself just no longer feeling comfortable in all of this. The thing is, it shouldn't have come to this, and there is absolutely no reason why I shouldn't be having a 4 slot being packed up soon and on it's way to me, if it were not for Mishran's behavior.

I'm not going to post everything, but I will rewind a bit to let everyone know how this went. My status on all of this is pretty much whatever. If Mishran relaxes down the road, I would consider starting over again and buying something from him, but not with the way he's acting now.

Anyway, summary goes:
We talked for a bit after I saw the thread and I said I was interested in the 4 slot, asked for a photo of the bottom of the board and asked if he was going to sell anymore other arcade stuff (this was before the Hyper Neo 64 and games were up, as well as all the MVS carts). Few PMs later and talking, I got his Paypal address, and sent him the $100 as requested (normal payment), and sent him my address in the PM as well (as requested); keep in mind, he never said anything about it being a gift payment, and he had yet to make a mention in the thread about gift payment only - had this been posted I would have inquired and likely declined - Everyone knows the rule on this one, and Mike even mentioned it a few posts back about this being common on forums. Keep in mind, the photos of the bottom of the 4 slot never got sent and I never got an answer about if he had anything else to sell twice, he just ignored the questions and told me everything was fine on the 4 slot, no scratches, nicks, etc. - which given his status, I trusted and went with.

He gets the money, sends me a PM back:
« Sent to: quoth09 on: June 28, 2013, 04:09:10 PM »
Payment received bro! I'll get it shipped out ASAP and get you a tracking #.

Then, 13 hours later, without saying anything was wrong:
« Sent to: quoth09 on: Today at 01:01:28 AM »
Gifting was not used so I lost money due to the transfer. This needs corrected before I will ship anything out. Please pm me ASAP!

Not a message of: "hey do you mind paying the fees on this?" or "hey sorry I forgot to ask for gift payment", or something similar.

Anyway, I reply back with this:
You never mentioned anything about how to send the payment, I will pay for the fees, but sorry I don't send gift payments on things I purchase unless I know the person directly/personally.

We can do one of 2 things:
1. Refund me the $100 and I will resend the payment with extra and have the fees paid on my end.
2. Send me a screencap of the Paypal payment received screen where it shows the amount it took out and I will send you that as a separate payment.

The 2nd one is probably easier for both of us.


BTW- The Hyper Neo 64 you put up I would have bought, but I just spent that money on other stuff tonight - that's why I asked you prior if you were going to sell other arcade stuff and you never answered me.

He then refunds my money and replies back with this:
Quote from: quoth09 on Today at 02:57:49 AM
sorry I don't send gift payments on things I purchase unless I know the person directly/personally
Kinda funny since its a double edge sword. You could easily say that you never received the item to PayPal. They refund you the money and I'm out a board and the money. So one of us could be fucked on either end.

I'm refunding the money, but don't bother sending it back I got a guy who was inquiring about it who I've dealt with many times in the past and knows I can be trusted.

Guess l'll follow your course on here from now on and deal only with people I know directly/personally.

Notice I gave him 2 options to do, with the 2nd one being WAY easier than the first - all of this could have been resolved with him showing me how much the fees were. I would have sent a gift payment for THOSE.
Notice he also plainly told me to not bother sending it back...which in turn relinquishes me of said transaction.
Also, he quoted my previous message and only the portion of me saying I don't send gift payments, pretty much ignoring everything else I said.
Not to mention going off on some thing about saying I could say I never received the package to PayPal...what? No, sending a NORMAL payment screws over no one...not to mention "and get you a tracking #" - which is what PayPal goes off of. No sense made.

Also, thread on here was changed to pretty much jab at me with "EDIT: Nevermind, if you can't trust me, I can't trust you. Gift payment only." and "I need the payment for my items to be either gifted, or you pay the fee." - with "you pay the fee" marked out. Keep in mind, this was posted AFTER I sent payment.

After that I sent him a long message pretty much saying that I was trying to resolve this situation and not sure where this distrust was coming from, pretty much reiterating everything I have mentioned in this whole post. I won't bother posting it here because I'm trying to make this post as short as possible.

I then get a reply back shortly after, which keep in mind, I never once cursed/cussed at Mishran for anything, nor am I offended by such. Besides, I'm the last one to hold off on going off on anyone for a reason when they deserve it. The last place you want to be doing something like that though, is in a PM regarding business when the person that you are dealing with is trying to amicably resolve the situation, but I got this:
« Sent to: quoth09 on: Today at 08:00:59 AM »
Listen, I'm on a limited time frame here. I don't have time for fucking distrust and fucking crybaby bullshit. What I put up on my thread is not against you, but to make clear to the rest how I'm doing it now. It my thread, MY sale, MY RULES.

I made this thing right by refunding your fucking money. You can go bitch to the prof about this, I don't give a damn. I just need to sell my shit and save my fucking car. End of discussion.

15 minutes later, I get the photos of the bottom of the 4 slot, as requested prior to even sending the payment. LOL

For those that didn't catch it and wonder where it went from there, the top of the post on here has me saying I sent him a PM pretty much now completely declining the transaction due to his lack of remorse in all of this situation, and myself just no longer feeling comfortable in all of this.

So that ladies and gentlemen is how it went down and how I was treated. Mishran lost a quick $350 sale due to his inability to communicate properly and his attitude. $100 on the 4 slot and $250 on the Hyper Neo 64 with the games, not to mention possibly the Puzzle de Pon complete kit ($?) had he actually sold it, and anything else he may sell off here soon. Anyone that knows me, knows how much money I spend on stuff when I have interest.

Anyway, I'm done here and like I said at the top of the message prior "My status on all of this is pretty much whatever. If Mishran relaxes down the road, I would consider starting over again and buying something from him, but not with the way he's acting now." I'm hoping that Mishran takes this as a learning lesson on how to not treat people in the future.

Good luck with your sales Mishran, and if you decide on eBay, good luck on that as well, where you will likely have a delayed payment by someone that will be more likely to pull a fast one on you, and you will now end up paying even more fees that you can't charge the buyer, not to mention you will end up getting less than $100 for the 4 slot, because they go for around $100 on there, not over that.
BTW- Magician lord doesn't go for $80 on eBay so not sure where you heard that, but nice sales skills. I didn't want to tell you that, but hey you gotta learn sometime.

Also, none of my business, but I just have to ask even though I won't be around to read it, however maybe you can provide some insight for those that are afraid to ask: wondering what is SOOOOO special about that specific car that you have to have THAT specific one to drive to work? If it's a custom mod, I wouldn't want to be driving that to work, wearing it out. Besides, if it is a custom job and you are trying that hard to impress your co-workers, that should tell you a lot about yourself and possibly other things.
There are tons of far more economical options out there, not sure what what is so special about that specific one that you absolutely HAVE to get it from your wife if you are getting a divorce. If she is fighting you over it, there is a quick solution to it...go wreck it, possibly into her car and then problem solved. She won't be trying to get it from you anymore, and you can go get another one she can't take. Sounds like you married a real winner and you are letting her rub off of on you in your transactions. ;) Seriously, chin up/best of luck and stop acting like an ass to people that don't deserve it - seen too many people acting like you do, not thinking things out in situations like this and it bites them in the ass, much like what has happened here. Divorce is not the end of your life, go ask people that have already been through it.


Well I'm done arguing. If anyone still wishes to deal, ok. If not, that's fine too. What doesn't sell here goes to eBay.

He has already stated by pm that he is no longer interested in the 4 slot.


What I want to know is why stuff is on hold but nothing is for sale?
As far as paypal gift is concerened, I don't have a problem paying it if it's requested but expecting buyers to only gift you is against paypal policy for selling goods and certainly isn't the norm for selling. Most sellers list "paypal gift or add 4%". I only send gift for buddies I know and talk to regularly and trade with already.
Might be better off just taking the stuff down till you are ready to sell them. I would have liked Magician Lord like I pm'd for in the mvs lot but it's not for sale but on hold I don't get it.


Quote from: Mishran on 06/29/2013, 08:25 PMHe has already stated by pm that he is no longer interested in the 4 slot.
Honestly, can you blame him. The last message you sent to him was shitty as fuck all. You have yet to apologize about any of it and its really fucking sad you don't mind tanking your rep here like this with people. I don't get it, but whatever, it is on you man. You've seen how this forum rally's around for people in need, and you toss that away like its nothing. It's a damn shame.

Also note, the pics of the bottom of the 4-Slot you sent after being a ass in pm to him had showed black gunk and what looked like writing on the bottom pcb. That didn't help convince Eric things were fine with it, and you really need to disclose that prior to taking money. If people ask for pics you should be sending them before any payment is sent, not way after you go into asshole mode.


Quote from: PunkCryborg on 06/29/2013, 08:33 PMWhat I want to know is why stuff is on hold but nothing is for sale?
As far as paypal gift is concerened, I don't have a problem paying it if it's requested but expecting buyers to only gift you is against paypal policy for selling goods and certainly isn't the norm for selling. Most sellers list "paypal gift or add 4%". I only send gift for buddies I know and talk to regularly and trade with already.
Might be better off just taking the stuff down till you are ready to sell them. I would have liked Magician Lord like I pm'd for in the mvs lot but it's not for sale but on hold I don't get it.
It was an error on my part. I placed the holds temporarily as I was working on a price list. All this bullshit started and I got distracted and forgot to remove them before saving the post. Long story, don't ask.

The Magician Lord was held for you.
Aero Fighters 2 for Ope
Super Sidekicks 4 for Duo

If a price of sale was established, you three got the games.

For quoth09, the car is so important because a lean is held against it for one. If I don't take care of the car, my credit goes with it. Second, I love that car. I have no interest in getting a different car. I want THAT car.

This sales thread is now closed till further notice. I'm leaving the forums until the personal bullshit blows over.

Blue and Dalder, your systems are packed up and will ship out Monday morning. I will pm you guys the tracking numbers after shipment.


Alright, let me start out by extending an apology to everyone on this forum for my actions lately. I can honestly tell you that my behavior wasn't centered to this forum. I've been unfair to many people I know personally and that I care about. I owe quoth the biggest apology on here.

I've been through a great deal in the past few months with my ex and it has escalated in the past two weeks. I started thinking I couldn't trust anyone and that everyone was out to get me.

It took getting my ass handed to me by my best friend and 2 hours after, this afternoon, waiting to get several stitches above my left eye. My fault as I swung first during an argument with him. He was trying to make me understand what was happening and I wouldn't listen. Guess a combination of that final crack to the face and an hour long discussion with him in the waiting room finally untangled that knot I had in my brain.

I've been tossing a lot of apologies around and I couldn't forget you guys. If you decide I don't deserve forgiveness, I can understand. The threat to my car and my credit is very real and its been weighing down on my shoulders too. That coupled with having to sell off many of my cherished games and systems to try and save my car and my credit.

I would like to resume this thread with a clean slate if you guys will. Regardless of what you guys decide though, i must say again, I am sorry.


People make mistakes, big of you to respond like that. Nice job!
Add my YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/sOg93QUtlg0
For sale trade list: https://tinyurl.com/2csm7kq


Glad to see that, as well.  I hate to see a regular burning his bridges, so I'm glad that everything is straightened out.  Sorry for what's going on in your personal life.  I can only imagine how much that sucks.  Hopefully things get better.



Quote from: Mishran on 06/30/2013, 06:07 PMAlright, let me start out by extending an apology to everyone on this forum for my actions lately. I can honestly tell you that my behavior wasn't centered to this forum. I've been unfair to many people I know personally and that I care about. I owe quoth the biggest apology on here.

I've been through a great deal in the past few months with my ex and it has escalated in the past two weeks. I started thinking I couldn't trust anyone and that everyone was out to get me.

It took getting my ass handed to me by my best friend and 2 hours after, this afternoon, waiting to get several stitches above my left eye. My fault as I swung first during an argument with him. He was trying to make me understand what was happening and I wouldn't listen. Guess a combination of that final crack to the face and an hour long discussion with him in the waiting room finally untangled that knot I had in my brain.

I've been tossing a lot of apologies around and I couldn't forget you guys. If you decide I don't deserve forgiveness, I can understand. The threat to my car and my credit is very real and its been weighing down on my shoulders too. That coupled with having to sell off many of my cherished games and systems to try and save my car and my credit.

I would like to resume this thread with a clean slate if you guys will. Regardless of what you guys decide though, i must say again, I am sorry.
Apology is always better late then never, and its much appreciated. I will drop Eric a pm and let him know. The raffle thing, just worry about it later when you get whatever it is needed to be done, done, if you even still want to mess with it. You can hit me up later and I can even pay for shipping. Like I kept saying, been there and done that, and the rough time will pass. People here will help anyway they can, even if its just moral support. You just have to be willing to accept it.


I'm still fighting a nasty headache, so I'm gonna worry about getting over that before anything else.


Like I said, take care of yourself and what you need to do first. People here and elsewhere will help if they can. Everything else can wait.


We love ya mish, let us know if we can do anything to help :)


Anyone got an aspirin? A Vicodin perhaps?


1000mg worth of ibuprofen and something with sleep aid would prob help. You prob need a nice warm meal in you, a warm bath, and a good nites rest.


The warm meal I already got this afternoon. My buddy treated me to Red Robin, since it was just up from the hospital. I could imagine what the people in the place thought when they saw two guys walk in; one with a fat lip and the other with a black and blue, swollen eye and a bandage above it. Makes me wish I could read their minds. :)


If they would have asked I would have said you guys were professional wrestlers or stunt men. Past that I wouldn't elaborate, just leave them wondering.


Thanks for your thoughtful words and apology, Mishran. My sympathies for everything you're going through. Please continue to post and talk about these ordeals if it's helpful. Let me know if you need anything.
Topic Adjourned.


Quote from: guest on 07/01/2013, 02:12 AMThanks for your thoughtful words and apology, Mishran. My sympathies for everything you're going through. Please continue to post and talk about these ordeals if it's helpful. Let me know if you need anything.
Appreciate it. Not much you guys can do, but the moral support is a big help.


Quote from: Mishran on 06/30/2013, 08:32 PMThe warm meal I already got this afternoon. My buddy treated me to Red Robin, since it was just up from the hospital. I could imagine what the people in the place thought when they saw two guys walk in; one with a fat lip and the other with a black and blue, swollen eye and a bandage above it. Makes me wish I could read their minds. :)
next time throw on a rainbow wig and clown shoes and explain that the bull got the worst of it :)


Quote from: HercTNT on 07/01/2013, 01:21 PM
Quote from: Mishran on 06/30/2013, 08:32 PMThe warm meal I already got this afternoon. My buddy treated me to Red Robin, since it was just up from the hospital. I could imagine what the people in the place thought when they saw two guys walk in; one with a fat lip and the other with a black and blue, swollen eye and a bandage above it. Makes me wish I could read their minds. :)
next time throw on a rainbow wig and clown shoes and explain that the bull got the worst of it :)
Rather there not be a next time. #-o

Dalder and Blue, your systems shipped today! My "incident" on Sunday got me behind a day. Thanks guys!


sengoku, crossed swords and mutation nation all taken.
sad day.....

that said, glad you got your head straightened out mish, lemme know if you need anything.


Neo CD et all arrived today...  Way awesome man!  Thanks!
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Quote from: BlueBMW on 07/05/2013, 08:03 PMNeo CD et all arrived today...  Way awesome man!  Thanks!
Arrived in one piece then? Awesome! Enjoy buddy. :D


Oh yeah, no problems at all!  Flying Power Disc is awesome!
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Ughhhh all games I wanted on hold....damn working so many hours   ](*,) ](*,)
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


They are mostly on hold for Dalder who has today to get me payment before I open them for purchase again.


Waiting on Dalder??  That never happens!!!
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Quote from: BlueBMW on 07/06/2013, 07:43 PMWaiting on Dalder??  That never happens!!!
Don't mind holding for a few days, but not a week. Especially now.

On an interesting note, just found out the ex had her new truck she just bought totalled by a rig while she was driving. She is fine, but not her precious truck. Never been a firm believer in karma, but damn.


Hey there BlueBmw I Pmed Mishran I explained to him that I was waiting on several paypal payments from several people. They said they will be sending me paypal payments fo rthe items they wanted from me. But they either are late in paying for the goods or slowly flaking out of the deal. I have told Mishran that I would understand if he wanted to do first come first serve. I have been communicating with him via PM to keep him updated on what is going on. Thank You.

Quote from: BlueBMW on 07/06/2013, 07:43 PMWaiting on Dalder??  That never happens!!!


I just know you sometimes disappear for a while and it can take a while to hear back from you.  You always come through, it just takes time sometimes.  I was more just trying to reassure Mishran to not worry if it takes a while to hear back from you.

Mish, glad she's not hurt but lol on the truck!
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Hey BlueBmw sorry I took it the wrong way haha. Past disappearing was all due to my health issues diabetes complications and kidney issues. It all sucks but lately have been doing pretty much better and eating better etc. And I have been here on the forum boards more often and I know I need to contribute more to this forums and update my list and help out other turbografx collectors and non turbografx collectors as well ! I need to send you my LaserActive PAC soon ! contact me via PM :D. Yea I know I need to get the paypal funds asap for Duo (Erik) and Mishran ! Some people said they would be sending me the paypal payments weeks ago even days ago and I still have not gotten anything from these people in my PayPal. So I hope they do come thru so I can PayPal Mishran and Duo (Erik) and you BlueBmw too to fix my LaserActive pac and possibly my X68000 tower as well.

Quote from: BlueBMW on 07/07/2013, 10:20 AMI just know you sometimes disappear for a while and it can take a while to hear back from you.  You always come through, it just takes time sometimes.  I was more just trying to reassure Mishran to not worry if it takes a while to hear back from you.

Mish, glad she's not hurt but lol on the truck!


Glad to hear your health is improving. I know you mentioned some issues a while back.  At some point we'll get your Laseractive stuff and 68k tower fixed up ;)
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


DALDER! Good to hear health is back up to ~71-73%.  :pcgs:.