@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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DildoKKKobold is a giant schmuck!

Started by DildoKKKobold, 06/22/2015, 03:38 PM

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Vile Kyle Thomson - DildoKobold / DarkKobold / DildoKKKobold / DarKKKobold  / ShootTheCore
IMGCriminal Nintega-levels of psycho stalking, harassing, defamation, menacing, intimidation, blackmail/extortion ALL over the Internet be it Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Neo-Geo.com, etc. He admits that his parents once had to hire a mental therapist for him in the past, but it is clear it has not helped him much, if at all... Ban on sight, do NOT let him in your forum, he WILL target your members for hound harassment, stalking both IN / OUT of the forum and his long psycho grudge may persist for years after the fact!

DUDE! Almost ~2 years after the fact (ongoing in 2023, 5+ YEARS AND COUNTING!) , the stalker had NOTHING better to do on Christmas Eve 2019 but scratch the itch for his deranged sense of revenge! BAN ON SIGHT! Don't let this psycho in your group!!!


I found out in 2021 this had something to do with Arkhan's psycho friend/shill in Ohio, Brandon Walker the Stalker (spenoza), a mod at racketboy.com, stalking me and making a post about my NIS America boycott for hiring the same criminal localization cheat that victimized me with XSEED Games prior to that! He implies I can't criticize the company or Jeff Nussbaum again because of 'time passed' and provides no persuasion as to why, nor why he was even stalking me at this point in time to create threads about the matter, vindictive creep that he is!

YouTuber Commander Sterling made videos criticizing XSEED Games for cheating people out of credits, then on to other companies for sexual harassment, worker abuse, other misdeeds, and that as an external observer, not a victim! Why can't the victim himself make videos/posts when the same criminal cheat is still out there, won't apologize, is unrepentant, and is normalized by the industry as if he did nothing wrong? There's no accountability if you make a boycott for one day/one year, then delete it as spenoza implies! All videos attacking XSEED are still live, have been for years!

We know what's going on: The psychos are spying/keeping tabs on me, trying to exploit anything unrelated that I do! Did NOTHING wrong with that NIS America boycott page! So long as someone who cheated me on 5 YEARS of labor/planning/work hours on Ys localization projects continues to cheat me, plays dumb, is passed around to other companies, I'll continue to criticize it!

Naturally nobody gave a damn except spenoza, an angry incel/manlet butthurt I banned him, then DildoKobold who crawled into my Boycott page from behind a block of my /NightWolve Facebook to post his unprovoked psychological attacks when I don't want NOTHING to do with him! I had to learn how to ban him AGAIN, needed a 2nd account added as an Admin because he blocked my /NightWolve, THEN I could block him!! Ugh...


* Stalking, Lying, Defamation, Conspiracy Theories (the crazier, the better to him), fighting "forum terrorists" at TASVideos..

* Banning people:
Quote from: XkeeperThe end conclusion is that tasvideos simply banned someone for continuing to disagree with your policies. DarkKobold hasn't even so much as apologized for banning my friend, and adelikat basically said "Well, I guess you aren't him, but fuck off anyway because I don't like your opinions".
* Assigning childish nicknames to targets then hypocritically complaining when someone else does it. He dubbed BlackTiger as BlackRambler early in his PCEFX stalking, SignOfZeta was dubbed SignOfSherlock, and at TASVideos someone called Xkeeper became Xcrapper:

*185809 DarkKobold> Wow, MattW_CFI has the exact same gripes as XKaaper.
*185820 DarkKobold> Or is it Xcrapper

* Vile Kyle the Deeply Disturbed DildoPhile suffers from deranged hate-obsessions with NightWolve, Bigus, Helga, BlackTiger, etc, does not care about his own mental health which continues to persist for YEARS now, even stalking NW on Christmas Eve, nothing better to do! As people are dying from COVID, lockdowns take their economic/social toll, Kyle cares ONLY about 1 thing in his miserable life: revenge for him and his BFF (Nemesis Nulltard) being banned from a small gaming forum! FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS PSYCHO!!

Worry instead about your Kickstarter backers and fulfilling their investments in you!!! They have trusted you with thousands of dollars to deliver the ports you promised you disgusting lunatic, stop trying to fight Nulltard's battles which in this case was entirely a 100% war of choice! He had a whole 30 days to cease and desist from harassing me/my forum/my chatroom, but he wanted to f-ck around/find out! You don't get to operate in a world without consequences, especially with sustained daily harassment with no-end-in-sight, you disgusting deucebag!

Sit down clown!

This nutjob, with no evidence, kept repeating over/over again that my friend of 20 years, JoeQuaker, from my 2001 PC Engine forum (where I met Dave Shadoff, DeuceBag, Neill Corlett, Aaron) was ME, an alt account as part of some 'grand scheme' to fake forum activity to counteract HIS sabotage, all because both of us occasionally used 'Heh-heh' to express a dry laugh AS IF this is the most UNIQUE thing in the world, proof I'd do something so absurd! Turns out it was Joshua Jaeger's defamation lie, the copycat would spam me with it!

So I caught Josh sneaking back in PCEFX with his 'JoshTurboTrollX-16' alt account, SAME IP with _joshTurbo, so I ban it, tell him to screw off, then him/his friends (Gex/Kyle) run around fabricate a story that NightWolve/JoeQuaker are me, NOT _JoshTurbo/JoshTurboTrollX-16 (YOU YOU DID IT, NOT ME!), so the psychos, when caught in the act, project back to you what they literally just did, then repeat their lies everywhere! Next thing you know you're guilty with NO evidence by defiant lying psychos who never apologize!

Here it is, absolute Final (Fantasy VIII) crusher! This psycho lunatic pretended ALL OVER the Internet that "Heh heh" was somehow only 1-in-a-million in usage and proceeded to harass both me and my friend JoeQuaker over it, smearing him as a fake alt account for YEARS (As late as Dec 2021, he was clicking into JoeQuaker's profile here continuing his psychotic obsessed "investigations" to pin ANY ridiculous conspiracy theory/accusations on me to somehow absolve him/his psycho gang of wrongdoing!)! BURN IN HELL PSYCHO!


"We caught NightWolve/JoeQuaker, Heh Heh, he's the editor! LOOK, LOOK!!!"


Hey NightWolve "Heh heh!" Hey JoeQuaker "Heh heh!"

He's a pathological, lying psycho liar and a boob so I'll throw this next one into the mix from the Pia Carrot NEC PC-FX localization (rated: XXXSEED!):


So NOW we have a more complete list of my alleged "aliases" (according to Psycho "Detective" Demento DildoKobold/Joshua/Ryley) which are NightWolve, "JoeQuaker," "Mio," "Tony," and "Filler" as he was the actual fan translator/editor of said PC-FX title! Ahahahahahaha!!!!

Before you know it, the psycho plagiarist will be taking FULL credit for the conspiracy defamation off Joshua, just like he did with Psycho Dox Shroom of the Neo-Geo.com forums, the crazy NEVER stops or sleeps or ceases to steal... :lol: :rollin

Psycho gonna psycho, stalker gonna stalk, dildo gonna dildo, welcome to crazy town ladies and gentlemen...


Full size: https://i.postimg.cc/RFsnCPdg/Dildo-Kobold-Stalking-Christmas-Eve.png

He was banned May 2018 as a "Catastrophic DoxPhile Forum Destroyer," and this is now Christmas Eve 2019 while everyone is looking to travel, relax with friends and family, trade/open gifts, have a good time, THIS psycho, unprovoked, nearly ~2 years after I banned him/his loco gang of cyberbully nutjobs, is STILL thinking of me, still thirsting for revenge, bothering my social media accounts/pages(in this case) as if I STILL owe him something, as if I have to re-litigate with the stalker WHY I banned him/Nulltard to help him resolve his mental issues when MOST of us wanted him banned YEARS AGO from the start!!! YEARS AGO, when he first showed up and started chasing multiple members around in their gouging/profiteering threads!


If you keep pushing it, I'm gonna start filing police reports and email reports to your ISP abuse admin address if you keep ban-evading, and not just you, YOU AND _ShootTheCore's IP! I guess it's _ShootTheCore's "Heh Heh" Darkkobold if I wanna play your game, huh ? Darkkobold IS ShootTheCore ??? Nah, I know, I figured out you both work at the same Utah State university to explain the same IP address!


Once again, STOP stalking my social media or websites you weird, raging nutjob! You have ZERO business here! Stop trying to shove your dildo in where it don't belong!

NOBODY should've had to tolerate your brand of abuse for ONE F-CKING MINUTE!

I KNOW you're reading this you stalker psycho creep! I should've logged EVERY IP, date/time, even back in 2018 when I first banned you!

Newsflash: This forum is NONE of your business!

My Twitter account is NONE of your business!

My Facebook account is NONE of your business!

My Boycott pages are NONE of your business!

My online life/activities are literally NONE of your f*cking business! I don't have ANYTHING to do with you anymore you psycho creep! GET THAT THRU YOUR F'ING HEAD!

We were once in a forum up to 2018, you destroyed it with your DildoPhile gang of doxxing, defamation, harassment, sabotage, bitterness, hatred, etc. but that is over! ANY connection to you since then is over you disgusting, deranged maniac! Of course I'd ban you a thousand times over now fully knowing what you've done to other people, and continue to try doing to me 3 YEARS AND COUNTING, all unprovoked!

You keep on pursuing further contact using ShootTheCore's computer/IP addresses, or by proxy with associates like Punch/BurningFight!/Nulltard or any other of your psychotic stalker friends to poison my PC Engine hobby, to keep trying to have *something* to do with me, to spy/stalk me like a hawk in desperation to see what I'm doing (WHAT kind of a loser are you, that I'm so interesting to you on THIS insane level for 3 YEARS? SAME question for Psycho Punch!), then I will continue to log/write about it here and take ANY other actions I see fit to protect myself and future members from your harassment!!

Get the hell out of my life you stalker creep! If being stuck with you in a forum for some years was "marriage" to you, the divorce happened in 2018! There's NOTHING further to discuss, debate, work out, settle, negotiate, resolve!!!! Get the f*ck on with your disgusting life and stop trying to poison other people with your mental/autistic problems/obsessions/manias!

Quote from: White Supremacist DildoKKKobold on 02/14/2016, 06:58 PM
Quote from: sparky on 02/14/2016, 06:38 PMYou're pathetic, he started it because some fool was after him because his wife f*cked up.
Go back to DoxPhile.
Aww, the wittle baby is mad his butt-buddy left. You are a pathetic dog, all bark and no bite. Go back to drowning yourself in alcohol.
Quote from: Nulltard on 09/01/2014, 09:15 AMHeheh, Punch.  You know, if DildoPhile played a role (no matter how small) in helping to reignite Aaron's passion for the system and drive to revamp PCEFX, then it will have contributed more to the pce/tg16 scene than I ever dreamt possible. :D
:bomberwank: :roll: ](*,)

** DarkKobold Love from Around the World: A dedication to the greatness that is DarkKobold **

Quote from: CGQuarterly on 06/22/2015, 02:30 PM
Quote from: DildoKKKobold on 06/22/2015, 01:52 PM
Quote from: CGQuarterly on 06/22/2015, 10:24 AMStill buttmad, I see.
Actually, he doesn't seem mad at all. It seems like a pretty clear, concise, and well written outline of your wonderful personality traits.
Hey, look who's here!  What took you so long?  Still suffering from a bad case of red-ass yourself, it would seem.  At least Nulltard is funny and interesting to lock horns with.  You just need to go play in traffic.
Quote from: CGQuarterly on 06/22/2015, 04:39 PMDarkKobold, you're a complete and total non-factor here.
On the other hand, much like wildo2ne or Roy Vegas, you are something that everyone just has to put up with.  Move out of your parents house and stop taking pictures of yourself holding guns, and maybe I'll start giving a shit what you think. 
And fuck you for making me speak positively about Nulltard, if only to illustrate the difference between he and yourself.
Quote from: CGQuarterly on 02/27/2013, 04:15 PMFucking get over yourself, asshole.  I would trade you for RegalSin in a hot minute, and he's a fucking pedophile.

I'm in a Ph.D. program as well, but I don't wave it around as justification for my shitty behavior ("Hey, it's OK for me to talk down to you because I almost have a Ph.D.")  You're probably getting a PhD in something gay like clinical psychology or nutrition at some dickbag state school, anyway. 

* http://jul.rustedlogic.net/thread.php?pid=409874#409874
QuoteI mainly agree about DarkKobold being one of the worst people on this entire planet. Some of you even resorted to insult him (just like he likes to insult everyone who *gasp!* dares to have an opinion), but I don't want to take part in this game. Instead, I just feel sorry for him. He is probably a real nobody in his real life, so once someone made the error to give him powers on the internet, he just decided that abusing them in every possible way was a good idea.
"I mainly agree about DarkKobold being one of the worst people on this entire planet."

I just feel sorry for him. He is probably a real nobody in his real life, so once someone made the error to give him powers on the internet, he just decided that abusing them in every possible way was a good idea.

"DarkKobold is a terrible person, but I think everyone knows that."

"Just gonna say, DarkKobold called us terrorists. Been a while since we were called that..."

Hahaha! I like that one... ;)

"DarkKobold, the #1 worst admin at tasvideos"

More: Quote from: http://jul.rustedlogic.net/thread.php?pid=396585#396585
QuoteWhat I love the most about that thread is that Inuyasha is being completely and totally civil, and DarkKobold is going out of his way to be as insulting as possible. He's also apparently reading this "circlejerk."

Hey, DarkKobold? You're bad at your job. Seriously. By conflating Inu with Xk, you've managed to place an ENTIRE AGENDA on someone's shoulders that wasn't related to him, at all. Now that you've been corrected on that front... you *continue* to personally attack him in the thread when all he's doing is conducting himself with respect and dignity. For every legitimate question he raises about the judging criteria, you spit out words like "circlejerk" and "Fox News." You are, literally, the worst forum moderator I've ever seen.

To put it in language you'll understand, seeing how you treat your forumgoers: Goddamn it, you're a f*cking idiot.

Time to log in on a several-year-old TASvideos account and get it banned by cross-posting~
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 06/21/2016, 09:23 PM
Quote from: DildoKKKobold on 06/21/2016, 06:53 PM
Quote from: CrackTiger on 06/20/2016, 11:59 PMIt's not stalking when someone makes up stories.
Which part is a lie? The part that you bought dupes from syphic, or the fact that they were never offered up to the community? I don't know if you flipped them after getting a great deal or not, which is why I asked. I noticed you avoided that question, just like you locked the thread last time. Maybe you flipped 'em, maybe you didn't. Who knows for sure. You desperately tried to change the conversation last time, accusing me of getting in to your personal business, just because syphic consulted me before he sold you Beyond Shadowgate.

Hell, you even admitted you had extra stuff...

Quote from: CrackTigerI've already talked about how I have been picking up pieces of games to add manuals and cases to some of my TurboChips which need them and how the remaining pieces will get added to the extras I already have to trade for some of the pieces I still need.
It wouldn't surprise me if one of the loudest voices decrying gougers was actually a secret gouger. That would be delicious irony.
Yeah, it would also validate a lot of the bullshit that comes out of your mouth. I wouldn't count on either of those things turning your way.
Chasing Crack/HackTiger around again, Mad Psycho Chad had to call him out.

DarkKobold, ladies and gentlemen.





DildoKKKobold! White Supremacy on the march! BAN ON SIGHT!!!
Quote from: PunkCryborg on 08/07/2012, 11:03 PMWow DildoKKKobold, your posts are almost all in sales threads and about collecting. You act so high and mighty but i'd like to see some posts in the high scores threads, clears, or participation in the completing all turbo games.
Do you even play your stuff or just let them sit on your shelf calculating their value, how much you paid and salivating to completed ebay listings?
I haven't been into turbo since day one but I will tell you this, those prices in CrackTiger's list DO happen regularly in this forum and will continue to do so as long as there are true turbo GAMERS and this place doesn't just get run over by flippers and gougers like yourself.
Quote from: NightWolve on 02/26/2013, 02:54 PMWhatever the case, you don't seem to go away despite being mostly unwanted (with exceptions say for Nintega, Nulltard, and lukester) and I find it very unfortunate that we're, I guess, stuck with you for the foreseeable future...

Anyway, to reiterate the short and simple message that I had: Ah, shaddup! Or, better yet, STFU!

"Just gonna say, DarkKobold called us terrorists. Been a while since we were called that..."
I think his time as a TASVideos Co-Admin is key to understanding how this psycho was created! WHO are these "forum terrorists" that Kyle "DarkKobold" Thomson claims he was fighting in a videogame forum ?? :lol:

Apparently he "let the terrorists win" as it got him fired as a co-admin, then leaving with his tail between his legs he found PCEFX and we were stuck with him ever since... So what happened at TASVideos, all the damage he did there in "the battle against forum terrorists," then arriving to PCEFX to bring the SAME kinds of drama/problems ultimately caused incredible consequences for us!

So working theory: it appears he learned how to become what he calls a "forum terrorist" from fighting said "forum terrorists" (stealing/plagiarizing all their troll/harassment tactics, learning from the enemy) as this would explain A LOT about his disgusting, demented, deranged, relentless, psycho-obsessive behavior!

I'm NOT even kidding, I genuinely *need* to file a police report in case he escalates further so there's a record of concern/a suspect list! I just wanted the lunatic banned from the start, I never expected him to turn into another New Jersey Nemesis Menace stalker!

This dude used to ban people in the TASVideos forum, and the split second he himself gets banned, he has a psychotic breakdown and stalks the staff in revenge 3+ YEARS AND COUNTING, sometimes DAILY for long stretches of time! He can GIVE the ban, but he can't TAKE the ban! HYPOCRITE PSYCHO!

Is ANYTHING you have done since your ban been proportional, "reasonable", "justified" ?? And are you STILL stalking people from TASVideos in revenge you disgusting creep ?? Are you doing the same things over there ??

So yes, we need to probe WHAT happened at TASVideos exactly, why was he fired as co-admin, that would be key to understanding this SOB, it'd answer a lot of questions I suspect!!! Maybe somebody there knows better how to deal with his stalking, put him in check ??

Major gathering of toxic, turbo trolls all in one place featuring Josh TurboTrollX-16 dressed as "Star Person," Dark DildoPhile DarKKKobold, and his BFF Psycho John "Nulltard" Moriconi himself in the fat, bald flesh! HORROR! GASP! Sarumaru sits uncomfortably on the far left pretending to like these guys, hoping he doesn't make a wrong move and wind up being targeted by them...

DarkKoboldTheHorseWhisperer.webp AllThePrettyHorses.webp

This is a special "donation" from his "friend," John "Nulltard" Moriconi:
Quote from: Medic_wheat on 11/03/2014, 02:58 PM
Quote from: Nulltard on 11/02/2014, 11:00 PMebola2.jpg
Am I the only one who thinks this looks like a creepy verson of semen?
For a good time, email: kylethomson@gmail.com
Dildos provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
DoxPhile .com / chat




Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!




The price was retarded for sure, but I mean, it did not actually say in the auction "100 percent legit original jewel case and insert". In fact, I mean, the whole give away was it said insert instead of "manual". TurboDuo games were not issued with inserts. Just looking at the pics in the auction you could tell it was fake. But I mean yeah a really really naive unsuspecting noob could end up bidding and winning thinking its real, sure. It should have said reproduction case/insert in the title and details.


Actually I gave his money back to him (was going to whenter it was legit or not). All I wanted was the $25 ebay gift card so my wife can do some shopping online.


Quote from: PCEngineHell on 06/22/2015, 04:05 PMThe price was retarded for sure, but I mean, it did not actually say in the auction "100 percent legit original jewel case and insert". In fact, I mean, the whole give away was it said insert instead of "manual". TurboDuo games were not issued with inserts. Just looking at the pics in the auction you could tell it was fake. But I mean yeah a really really naive unsuspecting noob could end up bidding and winning thinking its real, sure. It should have said reproduction case/insert in the title and details.
It said original inserts right in the auction. "This does not include the manual, just the original inserts that come with the case."

Looks like the cd tray insert was the item for sale


Quote from: PCEngineHell on 06/22/2015, 04:05 PMIn fact, I mean, the whole give away was it said insert instead of "manual". TurboDuo games were not issued with inserts.
It's more properly called a 'tray card', but many people call the part behind the disc tray an insert.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


And the fact I started the bidding at .01 and people started to bid like crazy on it. Go take your witch hunt elsewhere, the gentlemen kept the case and his money was returned to him.


Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 06/22/2015, 04:09 PMActually I gave his money back to him (was going to whenter it was legit or not). All I wanted was the $25 ebay gift card so my wife can do some shopping online.
So wait, now you are claiming you just wanted to do temporary fraud? If only there were an easy way to purchase an eBay gift card....


... if only.

Also, really?

For a good time, email: kylethomson@gmail.com
Dildos provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
DoxPhile .com / chat


Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 06/22/2015, 04:17 PMAnd the fact I started the bidding at .01 and people started to bid like crazy on it. Go take your witch hunt elsewhere, the gentlemen kept the case and his money was returned to him.
Maybe because you called your inkjet garbage ORIGINAL. His money was returned AFTER he threw a stink. Get down off your high horse.
For a good time, email: kylethomson@gmail.com
Dildos provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
DoxPhile .com / chat


Grow up. I made a mistake and his money was returned to him WHICH I WAS GOING TO ANYWAY.


Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 06/22/2015, 04:23 PMGrow up. I made a mistake and his money was returned to him WHICH I WAS GOING TO ANYWAY.
Congrats, you did what eBay was going to force you to do no matter what, because you sold bootleg goods you tried to pass off as legit. Also, as syphic said, he had to actually go through eBay to get his money back, so your story of "going to do it anyway" is total horseshit. You were just hoping someone would fall for your crappy bootleg, and you'd get to keep the money.

Keep digging.
For a good time, email: kylethomson@gmail.com
Dildos provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
DoxPhile .com / chat


Lesson learned. Moving on. And hello ignore.


This thread wasn't for you. It was for PCEFX to know your shameful actions. Ignore away, the rest of PCEFX gets to know you are the schmuck you claim to be.
For a good time, email: kylethomson@gmail.com
Dildos provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
DoxPhile .com / chat


Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 06/22/2015, 04:17 PMAnd the fact I started the bidding at .01 and people started to bid like crazy on it.
Probably because they thought it was an ORIGINAL.  :roll:

Man, gouging is bad enough.  We don't need scammers too.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: NecroPhile on 06/22/2015, 04:31 PM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 06/22/2015, 04:17 PMAnd the fact I started the bidding at .01 and people started to bid like crazy on it.
Probably because they thought it was an ORIGINAL.  :roll:

Man, gouging is bad enough.  We don't need scammers too.
I thought it was too, and I'm sorry I made the mistake for passing it off as real. If I'm banned from my mistake then so be it.


Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 06/22/2015, 04:34 PMI thought it was too, and I'm sorry I made the mistake for passing it off as real. If I'm banned from my mistake then so be it.
So you thought that the case was real, but you were planning on refunding anyway, totally, just because you wanted a gift card for the wife? This story adds up like 2+2 = 5.
For a good time, email: kylethomson@gmail.com
Dildos provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
DoxPhile .com / chat


lol you whiteknighted for syphic lol


Quote from: DildoKKKobold on 06/22/2015, 04:36 PM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 06/22/2015, 04:34 PMI thought it was too, and I'm sorry I made the mistake for passing it off as real. If I'm banned from my mistake then so be it.
So you thought that the case was real, but you were planning on refunding anyway, totally, just because you wanted a gift card for the wife? This story adds up like 2+2 = 5.
It was some sort of promotion if you sold x amount for the month of may you get a $25 dollar gift card.


Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 06/22/2015, 04:34 PMI thought it was too, and I'm sorry I made the mistake for passing it off as real. If I'm banned from my mistake then so be it.
Selling something as an original out of ignorance isn't that big of a deal, as not everyone is 100% knowledgeable and observant, but don't you think that should've been in your first response as an explanation?  Instead we got gift card jokes and a flippant dismissal of a 'witch hunt'.

Quote from: Opethian on 06/22/2015, 04:38 PMlol you whiteknighted for syphic lol
Yeah, that is pretty humorous.  The only way it'd been better is DK himself had gotten the shaft.  :twisted:
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 06/22/2015, 04:40 PM
Quote from: DildoKKKobold on 06/22/2015, 04:36 PM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 06/22/2015, 04:34 PMI thought it was too, and I'm sorry I made the mistake for passing it off as real. If I'm banned from my mistake then so be it.
So you thought that the case was real, but you were planning on refunding anyway, totally, just because you wanted a gift card for the wife? This story adds up like 2+2 = 5.
It was some sort of promotion if you sold x amount for the month of may you get a $25 dollar gift card.
The gift card wasn't the inconsistency genius. Why were you "planning to refund anyway" if you believed the insert was legitimate?

For a good time, email: kylethomson@gmail.com
Dildos provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
DoxPhile .com / chat


Quote from: NecroPhile on 06/22/2015, 04:43 PM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 06/22/2015, 04:34 PMI thought it was too, and I'm sorry I made the mistake for passing it off as real. If I'm banned from my mistake then so be it.
Selling something as an original out of ignorance isn't that big of a deal, as not everyone is 100% knowledgeable and observant, but don't you think that should've been in your first response as an explanation?  Instead we got gift card jokes and a flippant dismissal of a 'witch hunt'.

Quote from: Opethian on 06/22/2015, 04:38 PMlol you whiteknighted for syphic lol
Yes you are right and posting at work is probably not a good idea.

Yeah, that is pretty humorous.  The only way it'd been better is DK himself had gotten the shaft.  :twisted:
And I feel terrible but in the end..
Quote from: DildoKKKobold on 06/22/2015, 04:46 PM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 06/22/2015, 04:40 PM
Quote from: DildoKKKobold on 06/22/2015, 04:36 PM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 06/22/2015, 04:34 PMI thought it was too, and I'm sorry I made the mistake for passing it off as real. If I'm banned from my mistake then so be it.
So you thought that the case was real, but you were planning on refunding anyway, totally, just because you wanted a gift card for the wife? This story adds up like 2+2 = 5.
It was some sort of promotion if you sold x amount for the month of may you get a $25 dollar gift card.
The gift card wasn't the inconsistency genius. Why were you "planning to refund anyway" if you believed the insert was legitimate?
Because its a fucking case regardless of its origins. In the end, I should have raffled it off instead of getting a gift card for my wife, but our anniversary was coming up and she wanted stuff on ebay. Yes I should have explained a bit more instead of throwing insults back and forth, but this is fighting street after all..



SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


Quote from: MotherGunner on 06/22/2015, 05:13 PM/MTVmMzA2Zg.jpg
And before anyone says quit raffling broken shit and dot matrix printers I have something else in mind that I found while digging at my dad's house.


Did not notice the revision part added at the bottom of the auction. No offense Big, but I mean, you should know enough to know that there is no front case inserts issued with the US games, so you should know better then to do an auction like that. Had I noticed the revised bit added to the auction the scammer alarm would have went off right away.

The thing looks like higher quality home prints, but as far as I can tell the back paper insert for the inner part of the case has too much ripple. Looks like normal paper stock, not manufacture printed. Nothing there looked original at all to me. As is though, DK pointing it out initially is enough. The buyer was refunded by the seller and the case is closed. The continued ranting is overkill at this point.


Two week bans coming soon for all involved:

Syphic earns his for paying $25 for just a tray card.  A fucking TRAY CARD!!!

BigusSchmuck earns his for scamming for giftcards.  Leave that to $torino.03, bro.

DarkKobold earns his for being DarKKKobold, an all around useless fuckstick.

Nulltard earns his for letting DildoPhile dwama spill over to PCEFX.

Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


I just wanted to say that I think this is an EXCELLENT thread, and I thank DarkKobold for creating it.  If this were reddit, I would be giving you gold right now.


Quote from: NecroPhile on 06/22/2015, 05:23 PMTwo week bans coming soon for all involved:

Syphic earns his for paying $25 for just a tray card.  A fucking TRAY CARD!!!

BigusSchmuck earns his for scamming for giftcards.  Leave that to $torino.03, bro.

DarkKobold earns his for being DarKKKobold, an all around useless fuckstick.

Nulltard earns his for letting DildoPhile dwama spill over to PCEFX.
Understood, but https://www.pcengine-fx.com/forums/index.php?topic=19254.0


Quote from: NecroPhile on 06/22/2015, 05:23 PMTwo week bans coming soon for all involved:
DarkKobold earns his for being DarKKKobold, an all around useless fuckstick.
Nulltard earns his [ban] for letting DildoPhile dwama spill over to PCEFX.

Love you too, NecroPhile.

You've give me the best captions.
For a good time, email: kylethomson@gmail.com
Dildos provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
DoxPhile .com / chat


Quote from: NecroPhileTwo week bans coming soon for all involved:
DarkKobold earns his for being DarKKKobold, an all around useless fuckstick.
Nulltard earns his [ban] for letting DildoPhile dwama spill over to PCEFX.
Yeah Nulltard, why the fuck cant you just keep that fucking retard DarKKobold locked up on your side of the playground? Shit aint fair, not one bit. DildoKobold wanted to be witnessed for this shit to impress Immortan Nulltard, but his stupid ass wasn't shiny and chrome. This thread is mediocre. 10 mins of my time wasted.


Quote from: PCEngineHell on 06/22/2015, 05:18 PMDid not notice the revision part added at the bottom of the auction. No offense Big, but I mean, you should know enough to know that there is no front case inserts issued with the US games, so you should know better then to do an auction like that. Had I noticed the revised bit added to the auction the scammer alarm would have went off right away.

The thing looks like higher quality home prints, but as far as I can tell the back paper insert for the inner part of the case has too much ripple. Looks like normal paper stock, not manufacture printed. Nothing there looked original at all to me. As is though, DK pointing it out initially is enough. The buyer was refunded by the seller and the case is closed. The continued ranting is overkill at this point.
Yep lesson learned.


Quote from: PCEngineHell on 06/22/2015, 05:30 PMShit aint fair, not one bit. DarkKabold wanted to be witnessed for this shit to impress Immortan Null, but his stupid ass wasn't shiny and chrome.
I don't understand a word of this...


Quote from: CGQuarterly on 06/22/2015, 05:32 PMI don't understand a word of this...
Not even 'shiny and chrome'?
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: CGQuarterly on 06/22/2015, 05:32 PM
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 06/22/2015, 05:30 PMShit aint fair, not one bit. DarkKabold wanted to be witnessed for this shit to impress Immortan Null, but his stupid ass wasn't shiny and chrome.
I don't understand a word of this...
Which is why you'll never be carried through the gates of Valhalla by trollish Immortan Null.


Not gonna lie.  I had to look up "kumite" in the dictionary.


Quote from: CGQuarterly on 06/22/2015, 05:32 PMI don't understand a word of this...
Not even 'shiny and chrome'?
Not in that context, no. 

Edit:  I looked it up.  I've never seen any of the Mad Max movies.  I apologize for my ignorance.

Edit 2: This is the picture that I found when I searched for "shiny and chrome":



Quote from: Nulltard on 06/22/2015, 05:41 PM
Quote from: CGQuarterly on 06/22/2015, 05:38 PMNot gonna lie.  I had to look up "kimute" in the dictionary.
yah, i fixed the typo but not fast enough.  i wouldn't have known what "kumite" meant if not for watching bloodsport with Xak in the carport all those times.
I wasn't trying to point out your typo.  I'd just never seen/heard that word before.


Quote from: Nulltard on 06/22/2015, 05:41 PM
Quote from: CGQuarterly on 06/22/2015, 05:38 PMNot gonna lie.  I had to look up "kimute" in the dictionary.
yah, i fixed the typo but not fast enough.  i wouldn't have known what "kumite" meant if not for watching bloodsport with Xak in the carport all those times.
What I have to ask is, all those times you were hanging out with Xak on the carport watching Jean Claude flex his muscles, did you guys happen to charge up your JO cristal?


Quote from: PCEngineHell on 06/22/2015, 05:45 PM
Quote from: Nulltard on 06/22/2015, 05:41 PM
Quote from: CGQuarterly on 06/22/2015, 05:38 PMNot gonna lie.  I had to look up "kimute" in the dictionary.
yah, i fixed the typo but not fast enough.  i wouldn't have known what "kumite" meant if not for watching bloodsport with Xak in the carport all those times.
What I have to ask is, all those times you were hanging out with Xak on the carport watching Jean Claude flex his muscles, did you guys happen to charge up your JO cristal?
I think it was more like they were hanging out in the carport charging up their JO crystals, and happened to be watching bloodsport.


Same difference. And also, drama aside, Big, people make mistakes. It happens. This situation to me is too stupid for me to think you did it on purpose, especially with scammy intent. However though, if we ever hear about you doing sumthin like it again, it'll be your wife in the shock room instead of the cat, you get me?


Quote from: PCEngineHell on 06/22/2015, 05:53 PMSame difference. And also, drama aside, Big, people make mistakes. It happens. This situation to me is too stupid for me to think you did it on purpose, especially with scammy intent. However though, if we ever hear about you doing sumthin like it again, it'll be your wife in the shock room instead of the cat, you get me?
Actually if you took Sir Pees alot my wife's cat that would make my day.


You know BigusSchmuck printed it because it was done on an Okidata Dot Matrix office printer


Quote from: PunkCryborg on 06/22/2015, 11:22 PMYou know BigusSchmuck printed it because it was done on an Okidata Dot Matrix office printer
Nah, would have been ascii character codes and holy paper.


Action news reveals: It didn't happen in Xak's carport, but in Bowser's Basement.


Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 06/22/2015, 11:24 PM
Quote from: PunkCryborg on 06/22/2015, 11:22 PMYou know BigusSchmuck printed it because it was done on an Okidata Dot Matrix office printer
Nah, would have been ascii character codes and holy paper.
Bigus would have used a daisywheel printer.

MY OFFICIAL PRONOUNCEMENT: I think Bigus was hoping nobody would notice. He could always claim ignorance, after-the-fact, anyway. His initial responses scream "slimy"...

However, I will give him the benefit of doubt....for now.


Quote from: esteban on 06/23/2015, 09:08 AM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 06/22/2015, 11:24 PM
Quote from: PunkCryborg on 06/22/2015, 11:22 PMYou know BigusSchmuck printed it because it was done on an Okidata Dot Matrix office printer
Nah, would have been ascii character codes and holy paper.
Bigus would have used a daisywheel printer.

MY OFFICIAL PRONOUNCEMENT: I think Bigus was hoping nobody would notice. He could always claim ignorance, after-the-fact, anyway. His initial responses scream "slimy"...

However, I will give him the benefit of doubt....for now.
I'm actually in the process of going through my receipts to see where I had gotten it from originally so no one else will fall victim. It was basically a loose Dungeon Explorer 2 that I got on sale a few years back. I'm almost wondering if the game is a repro..


Quote from: PCEngineHell on 06/22/2015, 05:53 PMSame difference. And also, drama aside, Big, people make mistakes. It happens. This situation to me is too stupid for me to think you did it on purpose, especially with scammy intent. However though, if we ever hear about you doing sumthin like it again, it'll be your wife in the shock room instead of the cat, you get me?
hahaha... well put and a great movie.

BigusSchmuck look back on where you got those inserts, the ones i do are pretty close to the real thing in quality but with bad storage, humidity or dampness i guess they could wrinkle with some ink transferring off.

I have kept every PM on this forum regarding things i sold, so if you get a real name PM me and i will look back.


Quote from: guest on 06/23/2015, 10:54 AM
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 06/22/2015, 05:53 PMSame difference. And also, drama aside, Big, people make mistakes. It happens. This situation to me is too stupid for me to think you did it on purpose, especially with scammy intent. However though, if we ever hear about you doing sumthin like it again, it'll be your wife in the shock room instead of the cat, you get me?
hahaha... well put and a great movie.

BigusSchmuck look back on where you got those inserts, the ones i do are pretty close to the real thing in quality but with bad storage, humidity or dampness i guess they could wrinkle with some ink transferring off.

I have kept every PM on this forum regarding things i sold, so if you get a real name PM me and i will look back.
The thing is, what I remember it was a post here (December 2012ish?) about a legit gaming site that was having a end of the year sale.  I appreciate the help Sparky. :)


Found the culprits...
Stone Age Gamer.. 25% off sale they had 3 years ago ish. Of course they deleted my account cause I haven't ordered anything from them since then, but hey buyers beware, their loose stuff with "original inserts" take with a grain of salt.