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Nintendo and its "Revolutionary" controller

Started by doomfarer75, 10/06/2005, 04:45 PM

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Just wondering if you guys have been tracking the new controller for the Revolution...pretty nifty..Nintendo is turning away from the console wars and going in a completely new direction, saying that siply trumping the competitor's hardware specs is not enough, and the intensity of the specialized gaming experience is creating a narowing market in japan, with the world sooto follow... I love trailblazers..and NEC is collaborating to make some of the hardware:)
"Look to your knives now, and 'ware the foeman."- The Doomfarers of Coramonde, by Brian Daley


Yeah it sure is interesting. I have no problem with it and think developers will be able to make some really fun and original games with it, but I just hope that the controller will include the controller base and comes with the Revolution console purchase. Having traditonal gameplay along with something new would be great.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
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I think that Nintendo is kool as hell for doing this. Nintendo has a niche: video games, and that's what it wants to do. They rule.

And the Gameboy DS -- man, that has had some really neat games for it... and the touch screen doesn't seem to be *too* gimmicky now. Many games have really surprised me with how well-implemented and appropriate the stylus integrates with gameplay. This has forced me to acknowledge just how kool Nintendo is for trying something "new".

Now, Nintendo isn't really avant-garde and eager to take huge gambles for the sake of innovation (no mega corporation is), but compared to what their competitors are doing, Nintendo is the only console/handheld company worthy of love. There, I've said it.

To think that I'd feel this way after Nintendo's strong-arm tactics of the late 80's and early 90's caused serious problems for would-be competitors in the industry is pretty crazy :)

Finally, don't get the wrong idea -- Nintendo isn't perfect and is certainly guilty of many things.


Man I thought DS was going to blow when news for it first came out and by it's release but ever since last month I've been finding the system to be AWESOME! I've only played them at stores and Wario Ware TOUCHED is the only game I've played, but there are TONS of what look to be great games coming out for it! I'm totally getting one once they are like $100.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


I've been a hard-core PSP user since it launched, but soon I might have to look into getting a DS because there are some really cool games I'd like to play that utilize the touch screen very well - one of those games is the recently released Trauma Center.  It's like the video game form of the game Operation....go to IGN or Gamespot and check it cool that you get to play doctor and try to do surgery on people.

I also have a thing for Mario Kart...and since it will have WiFi/Internet play, just one more reason for me to get it.
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I'll be honest, when I saw the controller for the Rev.  I laughed............alot!  And I still laugh.  Now that doesn't mean that it will suck, I just personally have no imagination for that thing.  I think the main thing I think about is multi platform games.   Let's take Spiderman for the 360, PS3, & Rev.  The PS3 & 360 will play similarly, but, how will it play on the Rev.?  People could end up hating that version.  So, I think it really comes down to original titles, only available on the Rev. which might be a killer for it, we'll just have to wait & see.  Right now, I'm only truly interested in the PS3, mainly cuz I know it will continue to have more Suikoden's, & possibly more Ys(though I'll still buy the PC versions), & hopefully we'll see Lunar 3 some decade on a PS3.  The 360 is slightly intersting to me(this, coming from a Microsoft hater), mainly since it has a new Perfect Dark & a complete overhaul of Tengai Makyou Ziria(which, may or may not make it over here), not to mention more japanese game company support.....even still, the PS3 is looking to be the solid system for me.


You're not the only one who laughed when they first saw it, I myself and tons of others have laughed as well. It is pretty funny!
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"