NEO GEO X - New SNK Games Console

Started by Jammaniaclord, 07/14/2012, 02:11 PM

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Ok, i know we can emulate the neo geo systems on our psp's, DS's, and a slew of other asian market handhelds can emlulate as well, but...... It is the 3rd quarter of this year, and the X was supposed to be released 2nd quarter.

Whats the latest on this thing? The website has no new information.
PC Cocoron Hunter


I was sort of wondering this. Maybe they hit a delay.

Tatsujin - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


 :lol: I am beginning to wonder if it is a hoax all over again as well.

Most likely they are either having second thoughts on releasing it or they just hit a delay.

If it is released... this thing is going to flop so bad. How can they not see that?!?!


I too had wondered if it was a hoax, but at the same time was interested in seeing the thing released, as wellllll as wondering why release it when there are so many other portables that emulate their games as well as other systems on one console. Seems like a waste, but the tech junkie in me would like to own a piece of new SNK hardware. I bought the NEO GEO pocket, and that was a waste, but i still have it in my collection.
PC Cocoron Hunter


Quote from: Jammaniaclord on 07/15/2012, 09:44 PMI bought the NEO GEO pocket, and that was a waste, but i still have it in my collection.
You are insane.

I was going to write, "Go fuck yourself" but I thought it was too rude.


I bought a NGPC bundle off of ebay back in March and it had 16 games and two pockets, plus link cable and ac adapter/case for $70. Only thing I hate is no backlighting lol.


Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


This new Neo Geo handheld is NOT a new piece of SNK hardware, just as the Blaze SEGA consoles are not new pieces of SEGA hardware. They just pay a licensing fee to slap a brand name on their shitty mass produced junk (take a Blaze console apart if you don't believe me) and con people into buying them.

I think it's crap and overpriced and Blaze (the mod producing it) are not known for their high quality emulation. Plenty of better emulator based handhelds out there that are cheaper and emulate a wider variety of systems.


I think that was already proven when they first hinted at a 2012 release.


Quote from: Keranu on 07/15/2012, 11:07 PMNGPC, best portable ever.
I think the PSP would like a word with you! :D  Actually, as much as I love my PSP, the Lynx, for whatever reason, is my top portable.  I know people hate it, but, the games are intruiging to me, even all the crappy one's.  Whatever the case, NGPC does indeed rock, & I'd love to have a backlight on it.  If this Neo Geo X thing comes out, I would appreciate NGPC support, if only for the backlight!


It would be memory card-based. There are capable emulators on android, where you can also use a wii mote. Haven't tried the wii mote function, but the emulator itself gets the job done.


Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 07/16/2012, 12:49 AM
Quote from: Keranu on 07/15/2012, 11:07 PMNGPC, best portable ever.
I think the PSP would like a word with you! :D  Actually, as much as I love my PSP,

Quotethe Lynx, for whatever reason, is my top portable.  I know people hate it, but, the games are intruiging to me, even all the crappy one's.

QuoteWhatever the case, NGPC does indeed rock, & I'd love to have a backlight on it.  If this Neo Geo X thing comes out, I would appreciate NGPC support, if only for the backlight!
NGPC is ok, but a lack of games makes it roughly equivalent to an improved GBC.

No-one seems to have mentioned the GT/TE in this thread. Are we taking it as a given that it's the greatest portable of the age?
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


Quote from: soop on 07/16/2012, 06:04 AMNo-one seems to have mentioned the GT/TE in this thread. Are we taking it as a given that it's the greatest portable of the age?
I thought it was the LT? :o

Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 07/16/2012, 12:49 AMI think the PSP would like a word with you! :D
Yes, the PSP rocks. I don't understand people who prefer the DS (it has some good games, but it's nothing special and rather underpowered). I've sunk what must be 300-400 hours into Monster Freedom Unite and that alone makes it worth owning for me. Also, it's *still* region free (hello DSi) which means I can play Idolm@ster SP or whatever other quirky games still getting released overseas.
Screen on the first gen and slim is a bit rubbish tho, but I can live with that. Oh, and the speakers lose to those in the DS too - I don't know how they did that, but the DS speakers spits out some rather loud audio considering there's like...nowhere to place a speaker in there.
Quote from: esteban on 09/23/2012, 01:40 AMThere is a perverted Japanese businessman in every Swiss PCE fan.


I've got well over 1000 hours on the various MH series on the PSP, and I still use it pretty much daily to watch recorded TV and films.  I have some vert fornd memories from the system, and I'd say it's the best money I've ever spent.  Hopefully the Vita proves itself as fun!

And as for the LT - touché!
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


Well, I was excited for this thing until someone posted it isn't an official product, just some licensed garbage.  I wonder what the price will be though, because at a low price it could still be okay.

As far as the best handheld goes, I think anyone who disagrees with the GBA is a bit of a fool.  Don't get me wrong, the NGPC is awesome and the percentage of quality games on the system is outstanding.  However, the GBA with its backward compatability can't be touched.


That's a fair point, but as far as the games actually released for it are concerned, it wasn't such a great thing.  I remember the first time I saw it, and I knew that it was the first machine (as far as I knew) that came close to the GT, but at that time (in fact starting with the GBC), games companies were cashing in more than ever with shitty film and game tie-ins.

I'm pretty nostalgic for the original gameboy, and the games people released just for gameplay's sake, and some of the lost ideas when video games were still finding their way.

And while backwards compatability is a given, I prefer to play:
GB games on a pocket
Advance games on a Micro/SP AGS101
GBC games on an AGS101

I just found one of my old outlook post-it's from my Monster Hunter Freedom days, and I was missing 6 end-tier weapons, and a few titles.  It would have taken a while, but it seems these are the last things I needed for every final weapon;

smolder dragonsword.....2 azure lao horns
inferno dragonsword ....2 lao rubies :(

Sanctioned blades...........8 az horns 5 thundersacs

Cursed Spirit.....................twisted black blos horn

Black Ruiner lance...........1 devil eye

Nocturne Gigaton.............7 strong grav wings (!!!)
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


Quote from: soop on 07/16/2012, 07:57 AMI just found one of my old outlook post-it's from my Monster Hunter Freedom days, and I was missing 6 end-tier weapons, and a few titles.  It would have taken a while, but it seems these are the last things I needed for every final weapon;

smolder dragonsword.....2 azure lao horns
inferno dragonsword ....2 lao rubies :(

Sanctioned blades...........8 az horns 5 thundersacs

Cursed Spirit.....................twisted black blos horn

Black Ruiner lance...........1 devil eye

Nocturne Gigaton.............7 strong grav wings (!!!)
Yowza, you seem to be pretty good with MH :P
I played most of the time alone, sometimes a group of people would gather to play some and then I played with them as well. Later on, a friend I tried to introduce the game to picked it up again and got stuck - so we played for quite a bit. We reached the G-rank monsters, but I can't remember how far we got.
Right now we're playing MHP3 instead, english patch & all that. I'm liking it, and what they have done to the gunlance (and the other weapons) but I miss the female Hermitaur armour - really liked how it looked. Kirin, Hermitaur & Narga armoured characters were like mascots in the fandom surrounding the games :P
Quote from: esteban on 09/23/2012, 01:40 AMThere is a perverted Japanese businessman in every Swiss PCE fan.


Yeah, I had the Hermitaur armour in... Freedom 2 or whatever.  I didn't play the other two as much.  Still in the hundreds of hours though!
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


To be %100 fair, the GBA probably is the best handheld ever. Its more or less as powerful as a SNES (greater in some ways, inferior in others) which means its basically all 2D games taken to their limit. It can do some polygonal bullshit, but luckily there is very little of it. The GBA library is amazingly massive and diverse, and the Micro and SP have some of the best screens and form factors of all time. The SP is probably the best since it can play games all the way back to b/w GB. Advance Wars 1, Astro Boy, Super Robot Wars J, Initial D, Drill Dozer, Metroid Fusion, Warioware Twisted, damn this system is good. People need to not get so hung up on the stuff like Bratz and Barbie and Army Men. It doesn't matter that shitsoft was made for it, what matters is that great stuff was made for it.

The PSP just doesn't have the diversity in software. Its more of a "big gun" in the sense that I'll buy a PSP game and get SUPER into it for quite a while...and then it just doesn't get used because there isn't enough software. The screen is amazing.

The DS is like this too. I'll get really into a Layton or Rhythm Heaven game and then put it back on the shelf.

The NEC handhelds aren't that great. HuCard-only battery hogs with unreadable screens. Very comfortable to hold, and absolutely cutting edge for the time, but very little use today. The LT isn't a handheld at all unless you wear a fucking battery belt.

The NGP is probably second place for me. The game library is small, for sure, but they are such charming games. Aside form the Pachislot BS they are ALL amazing. Sure, the screen isn't backlit, which is a pain, but that's part of why you get FIFTY FUCKING HOURS of battery life. Try that on...anything else. Then there is the fact that this thing is SNK all the way and has the best 8 direction stick/pad to ever appear in the history of video games.


The only prob. I had with the GBA was its noisy low-fi sound.
Why in the hell, did they use such a crappy sound chip, when everything else was so high-end? - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


The NGPC's soundchip was a bunch of bleeps and bloops. Did the GBC have a better soundchip?


Quote from: Tatsujin on 07/16/2012, 07:17 PMThe only prob. I had with the GBA was its noisy low-fi sound.
Why in the hell, did they use such a crappy sound chip, when everything else was so high-end?
That was the first thing i noticed as well. Bing! Great graphics on startup GBA splash screen, coupled with what sounded like a busted sega genesis Z-80.
PC Cocoron Hunter


The NGPC was too short lived, unfortunately, for developers to really push the system in terms of graphics, and most of the titles just did not appeal to me, and the sound left something to be desired after years of being spoiled by what was the mighty NEO GEO mvs. I got spoiled having one hooked up to a kick ass sound system, and 19"( that was big for 1990 standards), and then going to that. Was a solid little poece of hardware, and the best clicky 8 way joystick on any system to this day, but i was just let down, and the sadness of knowing SNK was sinking fast at that time, made it clear there was no hope for the machine and developers to mature.

I have the PSP with CFW, but looking for something a little lighter and just as decent. The GP32 wiz Caanoo looks pretty decent. Was going to may e get the Dingoo A380, but have read too many negative things about support, and buggy emulators.

Anyone have the Caanoo?
PC Cocoron Hunter


Who the hell buys a SNK system and is then disappointed that it didn't take off or gain more developers? That makes zero sense! You're surprised that something with "Neo Geo" in it's name wasn't a huge hit? WTF...

Regarding sound on the GBA: yeah, this was rather disapointing. I didn't really hit me until Yoshi's Island came out. The SFC version had such smooth buttery tunes...the GBA had the exact same music...but scratchy and shitty as all get out. Rather sad.

Quote from: PikachuWarrior on 07/16/2012, 07:39 PMThe NGPC's soundchip was a bunch of bleeps and bloops. Did the GBC have a better soundchip?
The GBC? No. Much worse. GBC sound was basically identical to b/w GB sound.


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 07/16/2012, 09:23 PMThe GBC? No. Much worse. GBC sound was basically identical to b/w GB sound.
But which still was quite good sound, if handled by the right persons. - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


Not quite true. The original brick Gameboy had a damn fine sound chip, and many of the best sounding games sound like shit on a GBC.


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 07/16/2012, 01:38 PMTo be %100 fair, the GBA probably is the best handheld ever. Its more or less as powerful as a SNES (greater in some ways, inferior in others) which means its basically all 2D games taken to their limit. It can do some polygonal bullshit, but luckily there is very little of it. The GBA library is amazingly massive and diverse, and the Micro and SP have some of the best screens and form factors of all time. The SP is probably the best since it can play games all the way back to b/w GB. Advance Wars 1, Astro Boy, Super Robot Wars J, Initial D, Drill Dozer, Metroid Fusion, Warioware Twisted, damn this system is good. People need to not get so hung up on the stuff like Bratz and Barbie and Army Men. It doesn't matter that shitsoft was made for it, what matters is that great stuff was made for it.

The PSP just doesn't have the diversity in software. Its more of a "big gun" in the sense that I'll buy a PSP game and get SUPER into it for quite a while...and then it just doesn't get used because there isn't enough software. The screen is amazing.

The DS is like this too. I'll get really into a Layton or Rhythm Heaven game and then put it back on the shelf.

The NEC handhelds aren't that great. HuCard-only battery hogs with unreadable screens. Very comfortable to hold, and absolutely cutting edge for the time, but very little use today. The LT isn't a handheld at all unless you wear a fucking battery belt.

The NGP is probably second place for me. The game library is small, for sure, but they are such charming games. Aside form the Pachislot BS they are ALL amazing. Sure, the screen isn't backlit, which is a pain, but that's part of why you get FIFTY FUCKING HOURS of battery life. Try that on...anything else. Then there is the fact that this thing is SNK all the way and has the best 8 direction stick/pad to ever appear in the history of video games.
Well, I think I finally disagree with Zeta.  While I will say there are some excellent games on the GBA, it's a tiny percentage of the overall (GBA) library.  Don't get me wrong, I love the thing, and I own 10 of the fuckers in the various form factors, plus most of the great non-ridiculous $$$ games.  But the fact is, I only own about 30 games, some which aren't all that, and there's very little else I want for the system.

The PSP I have about maybe 25 games for, all of which have more depth than anything but the very deepest GBA games (and I count Yoshi's Island there <3), and many of which I've been really sucked into for 10's to hundreds of hours.  I'm talking:
Burnout Legends
Ace Combat X
Streetfighter Alpha 3 Max
Medal of Honour Heroes
metal gear Peace Walker
Monster Hunter [whichever you want]

There are more, and I'm sure, careful though I am, I haven't picked out the only PSP games I like.  Plus with its video and Internet capabilities, the PSP is the greatest handheld console yet made.  I also like the DS, but for specific games like Layton and Ghost Trick.

In its own time, I'd say the Gameboy (original) was probably the greatest handheld of all time, just for library, longievity, and being so forward thinking yet perfectly marketed.  It's an icon for a reason.

But, I still love the PC Engine, and a full colour handheld that plays the entire library of PCE HuCards, was MINDBLOWING at the time, even with its disadvantages.  There was nothing like it, and the lynx was ass compared.

The NGPC came out way later, and while it was well considered, like a colour version of the original gameboy, with some neat 3rd party games, it was a bust.  It came out too late, not every game is great, and even the good ones lack depth.  except maybe Metal Slug and Card Fighters (if I can work out how to play it), and the latter was riding on the coat tails of Pokemon.

I like the NGPC, but whether we're talking all-time, or in it's own time, it was never a "great" console.  At least it wasn't ass though (lynx).

Here's my Gamefaqs review of the Lynx
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


Quote from: soop on 07/17/2012, 08:10 AMThere are more, and I'm sure, careful though I am, I haven't picked out the only PSP games I like.  Plus with its video and Internet capabilities, the PSP is the greatest handheld console yet made.  I also like the DS, but for specific games like Layton and Ghost Trick.
I disagree, the PSP makes my hand go numb with extended use, both the 1000 and 3000 models I own are guilty of this. It's an ergonomic nightmare.


I don't have lady-hands, so this isn't a problem for me ;)
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


Quote from: JKM on 07/16/2012, 11:31 PMNot quite true. The original brick Gameboy had a damn fine sound chip, and many of the best sounding games sound like shit on a GBC.
because it was in the wrong hands. - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


Quote from: Tatsujin on 07/17/2012, 09:59 AM
Quote from: JKM on 07/16/2012, 11:31 PMNot quite true. The original brick Gameboy had a damn fine sound chip, and many of the best sounding games sound like shit on a GBC.
because it was in the wrong hands.
Actually, it's less to do with that than the actual hardware.  You ever see those "prosound" MGB-001 mods?  Well, I don't get the technical details, but it's widely regarded that the output of the very first (or play it loud) gameboys are superior to every following model:
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


This is all true, but when we are talking about which sound chip is which versus other handhelds, we aren't talking about levels, op amps, etc. We're talking about the fundamentals of the system. The NGP is a slightly (very slightly) more refined sort of thing compared to the GB. The GB and GBC are fundamentally identical. Regardless, I'm pretty sure that most people play GB with the sound off. It just damned irritating after a while. Not in the context of some pathetic 21st century, drug-free, hipster chip tune wanker rave, but in the context of playing 35 hours through Final Fantasy Legend II. Thirty five hours of that squealing way.

A similar thing is the case with the early Genesis 1 compared to later models. The difference in sound quality is VERY significant, but you're still going to have basically the same thing.


Was it FF Legend II that had the battle music that sound like the song "The Heat is On"? :lol:

Yeah, pretty much spot on with the GBC sound quality. It always had a bad hum and hiss when you turn the volume up. It was especially bad with the built in speaker. I got it with Metal Gear Ghost Babel and noticed it right away.

I have to say that I have enjoyed the Gameboy Advance the most. I played the hell out of Super Dodgeball, Final Fight One, Metroid Fusion, Metroid Zero Mission, Advance Wars, Double Dragon Advance and the first two GBA Castelvania games on it. I was really happy when I got my GBA player for my Gamecube that I still have.

Over the years, I just lost complete interest in handheld gaming. I just never can bring myself to pick one up and play it now. I still would like to get a PSP and DS for a few games, but still.


Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 07/17/2012, 09:30 AM
Quote from: soop on 07/17/2012, 08:10 AMThere are more, and I'm sure, careful though I am, I haven't picked out the only PSP games I like.  Plus with its video and Internet capabilities, the PSP is the greatest handheld console yet made.  I also like the DS, but for specific games like Layton and Ghost Trick.
I disagree, the PSP makes my hand go numb with extended use, both the 1000 and 3000 models I own are guilty of this. It's an ergonomic nightmare.
I agree with the numbing hands on the PSP. Happens with the DSi:XL. I thought it was just me getting older or something lol.


Advance Wars is amazing.  I wish I could get someone to play with me.
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


The library of the GBA + GB easily crushes everything else.

It's really not fair to compare anything to mighty Nintendo.

A more interesting discussion would be: Of the runners-up, which one is best? (who earns 2nd. place?)


Quote from: esteban on 07/19/2012, 11:42 AMThe library of the GBA + GB easily crushes everything else.

It's really not fair to compare anything to mighty Nintendo.

A more interesting discussion would be: Of the runners-up, which one is best? (who earns 2nd. place?)
Hmm, 2nd & 3rd place...that'd probably have to be the GBA & then DS, after the PSP :D


There is more to portable gaming than Falcom stuff and ports of PS1 games.


I agree, that's why I currently have 103 PSP games, & counting.  I've just never been this much into portable gaming since the PSP.  I think one thing that helps(in regards to functionality), is that you can turn it off, without even saving, & turn it back on again, & you're right where you started.  That's such a blessing for me(even though it eats up more juice), especially as I get older & have less & less time.  You can kinda do that with the DS as well, it goes into sleep mode, though I don't know if it's recommended to do that for days on end. :-k

With Game Boy, Lynx, Game Gear, etc., you're lucky to have a save file, if maybe a password system.  But GBC, WS, & NGP upped the ante a lil bit on the saving features, & moreso on GBA.  And I'm very grateful for that.  But all that aside, the PSP has surprised me.  That doesn't mean it's for everyone.  It's got it's share of old school'ish games, but, there's plenty of 3D to go around as well, which puts some people off.  I used to hate the advancement into 3D, as well as FPS's, but I've come to accept both, though not as much as some have.  I think early 3D stuff is where there was more problems with blocky gfx & camera angles that held me back.  Doesn't seem as much as a problem as it used to be.  Heh, but I still get excited when some new high def 2D game comes out, rather then the usual 3D stuff. :)


The hand numbing thing is definitely a problem with the Playstation Portables (and the GB Micro).

When I am not traveling, I always use this plastic add-on with my Vita that slides over the system and gives it handle grips like a PS3 controller.  Best $8 I ever spent.


Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 07/20/2012, 12:26 AMI agree, that's why I currently have 103 PSP games, & counting. 
I love my PSP, but in all seriousness, I can't even think of half that many good PSP titles. You must have a great number of shitty racing, sports, arab killer, and lame-ass western developed Sony brand games in there.

QuoteI've just never been this much into portable gaming since the PSP.  I think one thing that helps(in regards to functionality), is that you can turn it off, without even saving, & turn it back on again, & you're right where you started.  That's such a blessing for me(even though it eats up more juice), especially as I get older & have less & less time.  You can kinda do that with the DS as well, it goes into sleep mode, though I don't know if it's recommended to do that for days on end. :-k
Um...its exactly the same thing. You close the lid instead of pushing the power switch. Other than that, its the same friggn thing. From my experience the DS lasts longer in sleep too, but that's probably just because I play the PSP so much less often and it goes dead. The same reason why it seems like the PS3 needs a system update every time I turn it on (it does, but I sometimes go two months without using it at all).

QuoteWith Game Boy, Lynx, Game Gear, etc., you're lucky to have a save file, if maybe a password system.
There were quite a few b/w GB games with battery save. None of the original ones did, but many games after it did. Zelda, all four Final Fantasy games, Donkey Kong 94, Mario Land 2...Kirby's Block Ball...tons of them.


Nah, I hate sports, racing, & Call of Duty type stuff.  70% of those games are JRPG's. A few of them are poor, but still enjoyable.  I might have some western Sony stuff, though I can't think of any.  I'm still hunting down games that I've found about, mostly more action RPG's.  I have a few puzzle's, but, they're more action puzzle, then just straight up Tetris/Gunpey type stuff.

Awesome, so there's no harm in leaving the DS for days on end like that.  I actually forgot about a game once for a few days, & opened it up, to find my game still running!  That's deffinitly a feature I love about newer portables, no doubt!  And yeah, the PSP's battery stinks IMO.  Though it's been a few years since I've let it go dead.

Most of my GB games are older one's I guess.  Maybe I'm just remembering wrong about alot of the GB games.  I do know the save feature deffinitly increased over the year to much a rejoicing!  Never got into the Final Fantasy Legend games, I had all 3, but, IIRC, they were part of the SaGa series, which I had mixed emotions about, mainly with the leveling up.  I think Final Fanatsy 2 is similar, though, I haven't played thru that one yet.


Psp is great. Used it for uncoutable sessions of ridge racers and minna no golf. Absolut fantastic games - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


Quote from: Tatsujin on 07/20/2012, 08:41 AMPsp is great. Used it for uncoutable sessions of ridge racers and minna no golf. Absolut fantastic games
The PSP Ridge Racer(s) has some staggering amount of content compared to some of the console versions. And the Vita version, as far as I've heard.
Quote from: esteban on 09/23/2012, 01:40 AMThere is a perverted Japanese businessman in every Swiss PCE fan.


Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 07/20/2012, 06:26 AMNah, I hate sports, racing, & Call of Duty type stuff.  70% of those games are JRPG's. A few of them are poor, but still enjoyable. 
That would mean you have 72 JRPGs. Did they even release that many, in English or are we talking world-wide?

QuoteAwesome, so there's no harm in leaving the DS for days on end like that.
Sometimes, and this is rare, the system will emit a noxious gas poisonous to humans. Makes your fingernails fall out. Other than that though, no harm.

QuoteNever got into the Final Fantasy Legend games, I had all 3, but, IIRC, they were part of the SaGa series, which I had mixed emotions about, mainly with the leveling up.  I think Final Fanatsy 2 is similar, though, I haven't played thru that one yet.
Yeah, of the four, none of them are actually FF. The menu ones are Saga and the action one is the first Seiken Densetsu. I recommend Adventure/Sieken and Legend II. Legend I is really quite crude, Legend III is fancy but even weirder than Legend II.


I forgot to mention, the psp is just great as long it doesn't involve any digital controller. - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


Just counted, I have 51 RPG's so far, though some may argue that not all are true RPG's like the Ys games or any of the Diablo clones.  There's stil more I'm eyeballing.  It's only within the last year I'd guess, I started to find out about alot of great PSP games that I missed out on over the years.  I blaim it partially on Wyrdwad(the dude at Xseed that posts over at the Ancient Land of Ys boards), as he sings the highest of praises of the PSP.  Though, I myself can't get into the Hatsune Miku stuff & the like.  I do have a bunch of imports like the Parodius, Salamander, Twin Bee, & Star Soldier collections, as well as a few stuff only released in english...but only in europe, like Breath of Fire 3 & Silverfall(though, now that I have Silverfall, the gameplay feels real sluggish).

I have played Sword of Mana, but I've never played the game it was based on.  I'll have to play thru that one, one of these days.  I'll maybe try the Legends again.


QuoteStar Soldier collections
There's actually a star soldier PSP game (you hold the PSP vertically)
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


I think that's the same game that was on the PS2/GC.  The one I have is all the Star Soldier games for the Turbo, including Star Parodia.