TIME KILLERS (genesis) on EBAY

Started by cavein2000, 07/11/2006, 11:54 AM

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Hey guys, You'll probably bash me for this, but I love this game.  I rarely see it available so here is a link to the auction.  I like the MAME version better, this one is kind of a novelty item for me.  Enjoy.  

Cart Only
What a horrible night to have a curse...


I like my jamma arcade board version of it better.


I believe we talked about this Michael.  I was going to eventually put together a time killers board/supergun setup.  The MAME version I played was much better, I would love to restore this one.   :D
What a horrible night to have a curse...


Yea,the mame rom is the arcade game. I tol dyou it wa sbetter to play the rom or actual arcade board over the genesis one. The Genesis one is just a tempory fix untill you can go the next step up. I still think the genesis version was a great port as far as things go.


yeah its still a good time.  My cart is very difficult to get working.  It takes many tries - situating it correctly and what not.  It seems like it needs to be pressed down as deeply as possible.  Any fixes for this?
What a horrible night to have a curse...


ehh,that cart can be picky as hell,doesn't even work on Genesis model 3.

It worked best on Genesis model 2 decks and some of the last configured model 1 systems.