Big Hello from Scotland.

Started by Strontium Dog, 02/15/2015, 07:26 PM

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Strontium Dog

Hi all,
I've been into gaming for nigh on 30+ years now ever since my dad brought home a Dragon, followed by a rubbery spectrum 48k from his work back in the day.
I've somehow amassed a large (stupidly so, my wife would say) console collection but out of them all the PCE is the one that stays permanently connected up for me and my kids to play. (And it is the best looking console ever)
 I've recently become the proud owner of a boxed, rather lovely shade of yellow pcfx that I picked up from Japan (minus pad though :( ) for the princely sum of 2100 yen. I've been lusting after one for years but never seemed to get round to buying one but really couldn't pass this one up.
 So here's to getting to know you all a bit better and finding out all the nuances of the fantastic pcfx


Greetings from south of the border.






Welcome aboard!

If you ever decide to try whitening that PC-FX, please take lots of pics.  I'm curious to see how an FX turns out.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!

Strontium Dog

Thanks for the welcome.

I fully intend to try and get it back to its original whiteness. It only seems to be the front that's affected.
 My first pcengine was a lovely yellow colour when I got it too but it only needed a good soak in some diluted bleach and it came out good as new. I'm hoping the pcfx works just as well, as I really don't want to have to use the peroxide. (Also we don't really get any sun here so would take months lol)


welcome and nice to read that the PCE gets most of the love :D - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..
