That Tobias f--k went after Xak III and SO II as pressed CD-ROM releases!

Started by NightWolve, 02/20/2015, 09:20 AM

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Quote from: cjameslv on 08/03/2015, 01:44 AM
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 08/01/2015, 10:59 PMNo, I was busy being a single parent of two older kids who doesn't get fucking child support. GJ there moron. My kids come first at Xmas, not the PCE forums. You should really think these things through before you open your fucking cunt mouth.
Ok, so your a broke loser, grats! No real man needs child support, your f_cking failure at life, and before you can even spout any more nonsense i have 4 kids i raise so suck my left one. Man up and quit crying your raising 2 kids, what a poor f_cking baby you are.

It's so sad you seem to think your something but in reality your a broke piece of worthless sh!t that only has excuses about every thing and no real answers to anything. If im such a nobody to you, feel free to stop responding to prove it (we know you won't)... Good game, but i'll leave you some advice: stop being a lil b!tch crying because you don't get child support and get a real fucking job collecting cash not and forum "clout".

And please don't reply with some lame ass excuse why you have no money or about your job or any other lame ass excuse you can think of (cancer, family issues, hemorrhoids, peg leg, kid issues etc. Your obviously delusional  thinking anybody would be jealous of a broke piece of sh!t with no life and only forum rep to brag about.

Get real, your comments are probably one of the saddest things i have read and i almost, just almost, feel sad about rubbing your sad state of affairs into the ground farther, but since your a piece of sh!t, i mean you must be used to getting stepped on, wiped away and forgotten. BUT don't worry, you wont be forgotten if you keep replying, i'm here for you and the entertainment you provide this forum brings joy to many (especially during slow drama times), keep it up and earn that "clout"! :lol:

Quote from: guest on 08/02/2015, 12:50 AMLol... the thread that keeps on giving. :lol:
Oh yes my jo bro, i am a giver! The best thing is how angry he gets (must be super angry, he called me a cunt wahahaha..oh sides hurting again) well i'm sure i will have another novel to read about how i'm a nobody and how great he is. If i run out of things to say i apologize but he's basically just repeating himself now sigh.
Touched a nerve ehh Scrooge McJames? Seriously, you do sound bitter and jealous, lashing out the way you just did.

Yeah, so I'm a terrible guy because during the holidays I prefer to put all my money towards my kids and family. Yeah.  :roll: That doesn't make me broke or needing CS, it just means I have priorities. My extra money went to those priorities. If I needed CS from my ex I'd not have made it all this time without it, going on 10 years now.

Nothing you can say here is going to make me feel like a fail. I raised my kids on my own. My son graduated this past year and is becoming a responsible young adult, working, saving money, and getting ready for college. My daughter will next year. She is already ahead in her credits so she is set to be on the same path my son currently is on. My situation is a success story.

Evidently you don't have any priorities when it comes to your kids? Are you a single parent, or are they living with your ex (or are you married and having the spouse raise your kids for you while you go travel and hang out with long distance JO buds???).

My kids wants and needs come first. They had certain things they wanted/needed, and I wanted them to have it. When they have everything they want or need, then I do what I want for myself. You can give away all the gifts you want at xmas, but as is, I doubt you gave more then a couple here anyway for all your bravado, and it doesn't make up for entering two pages worth of raffles.

At this point anything you say about you having kids, let alone raising or supporting them on your own is doubtful, especially when you are traveling around the country hanging out with other forum members.  And honestly, nothing about your parenting situation will compare to mine here, and plenty here who know me personally will tell you that.

And, I mean, there are quite a few people here on this forum who are parents that are married with two incomes coming in who run into financial issues still at one point or another. Are you saying they are fucking failures and broke losers also? It seems you may have a lot of disdain for people who don't have a lot of money when you want them to..... All this stress you have over other peoples stuff and your pool running dry by chance?

Anyone willing to make the comments you made above just shows how far you are willing to go to save face after being stomped on, and I didnt even have to take it to a personal level to do it to you. Trying to make fun of someone else's personal situation however, based on your assumptions you have made off of one comment, because you have nothing else to use in this argument is a desperate, truly despicable tactic.

So honestly at this point I seriously doubt your integrity. You just proved to me how pathetic a human being and total cunt you are. Good job. Still waiting to see those awesome raffles and hell, maybe even a donation drive or two of yours to appear.

And btw, you're only on ignore so on the off chance you go dark for months on end, and try to come back and enter something of mine, I will remember who you are. I don't mind reading your post. They don't annoy me or anything like that. They are pretty humorous. Its like watching a train wreck happen in stages.

It's just that noobs like you go dark all the time and become hard to keep track of. Your JO crystals burn out or something. I don't know what it is, but you guys fade out and I honestly just don't care to have to stress trying to remember who I don't want in my sales or raffles. But I mean, feel free to keep replying here, I will keep reading as long as you stay funny, posting in your butt hurt, insanely hilarious, totally desperate manner. This isn't my thread, and personally, you have been rather amusing the past day or so. A nice cherry added to the top of the delicious chocolate sundae that was Tobias.

So whats your next move Scrooge McJames? You going to resort to calling my kids names or something because I hurt your feelings by feeding you doses of your own bullshit? You took it to a fairly personal level there, so just curious how low you plan to go here? Please, do tell? And also, don't blame me if you end up offending others and it hurts sales with the kind of shit you said above. That one is all on you. Own it baby.

Emerald Rocker

I have a lot of respect for single parents who raise their children without assistance from the other parent.

While I do think PP brought this argument on himself (check the length of cjameslv's first post versus the length of PP's reply), PP's long posts basically amounted to "butt out and stop judging others until you've proven yourself".  It's good advice that cjameslv should follow.

My first exposure to cjameslv was the time that he spewed a holier-than-thou tirade at me in some sales thread.  This is the second time I've noticed him and he's (nastily) lecturing a single father about what it means to be "a real man".  I'm not impressed.
Official member of the PCEFX 4K Post Club


And on the Konami front...

I think this turd burglar is safe from them for now, they have far too many fires going already...


Yeah it is crazy and a bit sad how hard Konami has fallen. The Japanese gaming companies still around from the 8-16 bit generation have just in general gone sour  in order to squeeze dollars, or are struggling really hard to stay relevant because they are out of fresh content.

Emerald Rocker

We should all band together to buy the rights to Nanobreaker when Konami goes bankrupt and sells off their IPs.
Official member of the PCEFX 4K Post Club

Arkhan Asylum

Firstly, it's Y O U ' R E. 

For fucks. fucking. sake.

Quote from: cjameslv on 08/03/2015, 01:44 AMOk, so your a broke loser, grats! No real man needs child support, your f_cking failure at life, and before you can even spout any more nonsense i have 4 kids i raise so suck my left one. Man up and quit crying your raising 2 kids, what a poor f_cking baby you are.

Let's just read that and turn off the dumb, please.   A family is a functional unit consisting of the mom and dad.  In most normal circumstances, both parents earn money to support the kids.  Shitting on someone for something like this just makes you look like a giant tool. 

QuoteIt's so sad you seem to think your something but in reality your a broke piece of worthless sh!t that only has excuses about every thing and no real answers to anything. If im such a nobody to you, feel free to stop responding to prove it (we know you won't)... Good game, but i'll leave you some advice: stop being a lil b!tch crying because you don't get child support and get a real fucking job collecting cash not and forum "clout".
ProfProf collects both money and forum clout.  He's been around here for a long. ass. time.  You must not know diddly-doo-dick about the dude if you think he's some broke ass scrub.   Do you think he'd be handing out freebs if he needed money, retard?

Also why do you censor the words bitch and shit, but make no attempt to censor the word fucking.  This makes you look like you fell off the AOL train and landed at ForumTown.

QuoteAnd please don't reply with some lame ass excuse why you have no money or about your job or any other lame ass excuse you can think of (cancer, family issues, hemorrhoids, peg leg, kid issues etc. Your obviously delusional  thinking anybody would be jealous of a broke piece of sh!t with no life and only forum rep to brag about.
I like how you think family issues and cancer are lame ass excuses for having financial issues.  What other excuses are lame?  I imagine you think these are lame too:

Losing both legs in a car accident.
Having house burn down.
Tornado destroyed everything.
House was robbed.
Kids kidnapped by ninjas.
Getting shot in the face.
Shark bit arm off.
Identity stolen by terrorists.

QuoteGet real, your comments are probably one of the saddest things i have read and i almost, just almost, feel sad about rubbing your sad state of affairs into the ground farther, but since your a piece of sh!t, i mean you must be used to getting stepped on, wiped away and forgotten. BUT don't worry, you wont be forgotten if you keep replying, i'm here for you and the entertainment you provide this forum brings joy to many (especially during slow drama times), keep it up and earn that "clout"! :lol:
It's funny, your comments are pretty sad.  I cringed after reading the post I am replying to here. 

You are demonstrating your noob status extremely hard when you strut into a forum and start slinging shit at someone like ProfProf, who's been around here since before you probably even knew what a PC Engine was.

It's also excessively hilarious that you're doing all of this in a thread where he literally went out of his way to trap a douchebag and stick it to him, all for taking advantage of, and screwing over forum members.

This would be kind of like if you were one of the POWs at the end of Rambo 2, and when he shows up, you call him a giant sack of shit as he flies your stupid ass to safety.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


This bickering is pointless.

Tobias is stealing another translation from Tom. That's what you should be focused on. Not this he said/she said crap, and not even Konami's fall from grace.

It may be a PC-FX game, but elmer and I are a week away from giving this community the biggest original translation patch it has seen in a long time. No promises, but if things go well, there might be another before too much more time goes by.

However, how do you think we like the thought of going through all this trouble just to line a counterfeiter's pockets?

I've dreamed of doing translations of many PCE-CD games for years now, but if Tobias starts printing "Special Editions" of every translation that might turn a profit, and actually succeeds because not enough people grasp what he's really doing, I'm out. You might think that that's just an empty threat, but I'll tell you this: I'd rather the Xanadu II and Anearth Fantasy Stories translations be hacked so that they can only run on emulators than see Tobias make repros of them.

Exposing Tobias to Konami before he could get his product out was clever. Now, is there anything else we can do? Have all the hosts of youtube gaming shows that have shown his stuff been made aware of the truth behind Sapphire, Mega Man, and Xak III/Startling Odyssey? I don't mean through youtube comment flaming, either.


"I'm out" was a bit melodramatic, but I hope you guys understand how poisonous this is. It looks like anything anybody makes is going to be targeted by this guy, probably because CDs are easy to make.

Unauthorized reproductions are illegal and profiteering is unethical. I want nothing to do with any of that whatsoever. It's really that simple.

If elmer, Tom, Nightwolve or Esperknight ever find the time, I would love to do more games. Did you know that Tenshi no Uta 1 is a wonderful RPG and its script is uncompressed SHIFT-JIS text? Did you know that Xanadu I would be massively easier to hack if the TED2 works as a RAM expansion?

But by the looks of it, we can either watch our stuff get bootlegged, which sucks, or we can force things to work in emulators only, which also sucks. Or we can just not bother.

I feel so sorry for Tom. First Mega Man, and now this? He and I finished everything for Spriggan Mark 2 except for subbing/dubbing the cutscenes (the script is ready). I wonder how he feels about finishing that now?


Holy freaking shit.  8-[
i knew something was weird with those repros...  :-k

if people wants special edition that bad...
should'nt we produce them ourselves here ?  :dance:
even if box made of cheap paper in the most rustic way.. id gladly buy products translated by
the real person who made it

at least i could help that person for more of his/her works in the future
US Hucards     :  86/94 (1 repro)
US CD-games  : 40/44 (3 repros)
total complete with boxes 54/111


Quote from: SamIAm on 08/03/2015, 06:57 AMExposing Tobias to Konami before he could get his product out was clever. Now, is there anything else we can do? Have all the hosts of youtube gaming shows that have shown his stuff been made aware of the truth behind Sapphire, Mega Man, and Xak III/Startling Odyssey? I don't mean through youtube comment flaming, either.
From the sounds of it, some have and just had reactions like, "aw, man!" and then left their videos up praising the boots continue to generate ad revenue and couldn't be bothered to at least milk the situation with a provocative exposé video.*

But more small-time youtube wannabe-celebrities than influential ones got free samples and they all cater to the worst kind of collectards. The kind that would find the bootlegged translations all the more attractive after learning the potential consequences for future projects. It would only make the few currently bootlegged translations all the more "rare" and profitable as an investment.

I'm pretty sure that HappyConsoleGamer is one of the people that Joe named specifically, that he informed of the history of Tobias, Sapphire through translations.

Here's the description of his video praising the Turbo set:

SUBSCRIBE! and add us on Twitter!!/HCGSHOW
Facebook us!
Here's the description of his video praising the PCE Memories set:

QuoteI take a look at the PC Engine Memories Best Of Japan Boxset!
Subscribe! and add us on Twitter!!/HCGSHOW
Facebook us!
So the videos remained and are up to 50,000 hits and he couldn't be bothered to soil them with a disclaimer or remove the link to buy them. And he seems like the nicer, more down to earth influential youtube personality covering these sets. I don't expect any others to do any different.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Yup, the only way to *possibly* influence the YouTube folks is if someone like Joe used his status/respect/popularity to "push" the issue a little harder.


All I am saying is that it would require someone like Joe to make a *concerted* effort...and I still think that a lot of folks, fully hearing the ethical issues, would still shrug it off.

So, even if Joe were to take up the cause, there is no guarantee that it would produce the desired effect.

At this point, the most ethical thing to do is sneak into Tobias's home and steal his chocolate. And his undershirts.


So far Game Sack is the only channel I've heard of which actually acknowledged Tobias' history. But that's not going to discourage the kinds of collectards who are piecing together sets of CIB repros.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


SamIAm, the best policy at this point is scorched earth. Just stop doing them. You and a few others can do a joint youtube video explaining why you will no longer be putting out translations, and see if Joe would be willing to host it so it gets more exposure.

It sucks, but not much at this point is going to slow down his sales. It's up to companies to protect their own IP, and if they cant be bothered to do that after being informed of whats going on, then what can you do? I don't think Tobias is sitting back making millions here, but maybe thousands, making enough that he is going to keep doing this, and nothing is going to be "hands off" to him. The current status of many older Japanese game companies is that they are in a weakened position.

What is worse is that many of them don't have divisions with legal departments located in Europe anyway, so Tobias is in a fairly good position to just keep doing what he is doing. He clearly feels entitled to do what he does, and I think some small part of him thinks, or wants to believe he is doing it for the scene, to justify what he is doing.


Quote from: SamIAm on 08/03/2015, 09:58 AMDid you know that Xanadu I would be massively easier to hack if the TED2 works as a RAM expansion?
Speaking of that, wouldn't it be possible to make translations working on real hardware but only with the Stupid Card 4.0?

>> I don't think it would be that easy for Tobias to retro-engineer it.
>> Sales of the Stupid cards could be controlled by and for community members.
>> every body owning the stupid card could burn CDRs, so no fancy pressed CDs for collectards.

Arkhan Asylum

You could always leave a paper trail of how worthless Tobias is WITHIN the games, so people will slowly become aware.

We also have some other interesting ideas on how to stop Dickface McGee from doing this.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Would be funny, but Tobias would probably think it is neat 4th wall shit and leave it in, because he thinks he is Victor Ireland's second coming.

Arkhan Asylum

I mean, does Tobias really even have the necessary brain-talents to figure out how to stop something as simple as a boot screen that says IF YOU GOT THIS FROM TOBIAS/PCEWORKS, YOU GOT FUCKED, THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN FREE.

or something to that effect.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 08/03/2015, 04:38 AMAlso why do you censor the words bitch and shit, but make no attempt to censor the word fucking.  This makes you look like you fell off the AOL train and landed at ForumTown.
I also thought that was silly.  Why even censor 'em at all?  Jesus is not so easily fooled.

The rest of his bullshit is just that: bullshit.  Prof. wanted to trade something he owned and didn't try to claim they're teh rarez, worth elebentytwentyhundreds.  WHO GIVES A FUCK?

Quote from: SamIAm on 08/03/2015, 09:58 AMBut by the looks of it, we can either watch our stuff get bootlegged, which sucks, or we can force things to work in emulators only, which also sucks. Or we can just not bother.
Or you can quit worrying so much about the select few that buy Tobias's shit.  The majority of people are supportive of and thankful for the translation work, so why not focus on the positive?  To be honest, you sound like the DRM software nazis that continually slap their honest paying customers in the face because of the actions of a select few.

Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 08/03/2015, 01:20 PMI mean, does Tobias really even have the necessary brain-talents to figure out how to stop something as simple as a boot screen that says IF YOU GOT THIS FROM TOBIAS/PCEWORKS, YOU GOT FUCKED, THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN FREE.

or something to that effect.
Somebody figured out how to remove those shewties and make them stand alone games for him, so probably.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: guest on 08/03/2015, 01:02 PMYou could always leave a paper trail of how worthless Tobias is WITHIN the games, so people will slowly become aware.

We also have some other interesting ideas on how to stop Dickface McGee from doing this.
Even better, create a mini game where you cut his freaking head of and make it a requirement in order to finish said game. :-) Or just place a disclaimer if you paid $$$ for this translation you got ripped off. Make it blinking red text and possibly insert it during the loading times. People will get the idea.


Quote from: guest on 08/03/2015, 01:20 PMI mean, does Tobias really even have the necessary brain-talents to figure out how to stop something as simple as a boot screen that says IF YOU GOT THIS FROM TOBIAS/PCEWORKS, YOU GOT FUCKED, THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN FREE.

or something to that effect.
I dont think he does, but he may try to pay someone to do it. At this point he clearly has hired help of some sort to do his releases, so I don't think he would be opposed to hiring someone to remove those kind of disclaimers.


Quote from: PCEngineHell on 08/03/2015, 01:26 PM
Quote from: guest on 08/03/2015, 01:20 PMI mean, does Tobias really even have the necessary brain-talents to figure out how to stop something as simple as a boot screen that says IF YOU GOT THIS FROM TOBIAS/PCEWORKS, YOU GOT FUCKED, THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN FREE.

or something to that effect.
I dont think he does, but he may try to pay someone to do it. At this point he clearly has hired help of some sort to do his releases, so I don't think he would be opposed to hiring someone to remove those kind of disclaimers.
Couldn't you corrupt the rom header so it would work only on emulators?


Quote from: guest on 08/03/2015, 01:24 PMOr you can quit worrying so much about the select few that buy Tobias's shit.  The majority of people are supportive of and thankful for the translation work, so why not focus on the positive? 
Pretty much spot on. I'm sure Tobias is making good money, but I mean, the majority of it is clearly not coming from this forum, and its not like hundreds of thousands. Odds are good too he is making more money off the non-rpg content. His exact words to me when I asked about his future releases were:

Me: "Was kind of curious, since it looks like the past two releases you have done have been focused on the role playing stuff."

Tobias: "I'm with you on that and we'll be glad ourselves once we re-focus on
the action and shooting titles.


I mean, you can worry about him making a few bucks off the translations you do and take up a scorched earth policy to stop him, or you can just move on as planned and rest assured the community here will still enjoy the work you did, and appreciate every bit of it.

Arkhan Asylum

I think the next PCE release from Aetherbyte will have a big "FUCK PCEWORKS" splash screen, of some variety.

"WINNERS DONT USE PCEWORKS", would be perfect.

We should make that a thing and vow to use it in all of our things ever from here on out, lol
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Find me that old arcade screen about copyrights. (You know the one, with the giant eagle in the middle). I'll load it from the ipl on our next project :)

Arkhan Asylum

Quote from: TheOldMan on 08/03/2015, 02:36 PMFind me that old arcade screen about copyrights. (You know the one, with the giant eagle in the middle). I'll load it from the ipl on our next project :)
That's the one I am talking about basically.

This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Quote from: cjameslv on 08/03/2015, 01:44 AMOk, so your a broke loser, grats...
I'm not trying to fuel the flames or pick sides.  But after reading that You've become the first to go on my ignore list.


Quote from: guest on 08/03/2015, 01:24 PM
Quote from: SamIAm on 08/03/2015, 09:58 AMBut by the looks of it, we can either watch our stuff get bootlegged, which sucks, or we can force things to work in emulators only, which also sucks. Or we can just not bother.
Or you can quit worrying so much about the select few that buy Tobias's shit.  The majority of people are supportive of and thankful for the translation work, so why not focus on the positive?  To be honest, you sound like the DRM software nazis that continually slap their honest paying customers in the face because of the actions of a select few.
You dismiss things so easily, NecroPhile.

NecroPhile, please spend hundreds/thousands of hours working on something, a project you really care about, only to have it raped and pimped out before your very eyes.

It is hard not to become burnt out and frustrated.

So—please don't condescendingly dismiss genuine frustration from someone who is ACTIVELY HELPING US.

Didn't you just say we were a supportive community?

Well, fuck, at least acknowledge the shitty situation SamIAm is in. He clearly has MIXED FEELINGS and the only way to ensure he doesn't become 100% sour is to actually be supportive.

I don't want DRM either, but I realize that it is better to be supportive and actually acknowledge another human beings feelings than to just be a douchebag and, essentially say:

"Your genuine frustration means nothing to me. Your tireless work for the benefit of all means nothing. Now, let's talk about how I, the selfish gamer, am pissed off. "

Holy shit.

Quote from: guest on 08/03/2015, 01:20 PMI mean, does Tobias really even have the necessary brain-talents to figure out how to stop something as simple as a boot screen that says IF YOU GOT THIS FROM TOBIAS/PCEWORKS, YOU GOT FUCKED, THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN FREE.
or something to that.
A generic notice is best, because it will apply to all profiteers and eBay scum (past, present, future). I suggested this as a simple solution that goes back to (at least) DIY ethic from decades ago:

Plus, you don't want to immortalize or give free advertising to Tobias.

"If you bought this, you were scammed. It is available free from ____."



Quote from: esteban on 08/03/2015, 03:23 PMYou dismiss things so easily, NecroPhile.

NecroPhile, please spend hundreds/thousands of hours working on something, a project you really care about, only to have it raped and pimped out before your very eyes.

It is hard not to become burnt out and frustrated.

So—please don't condescendingly dismiss genuine frustration from someone who is ACTIVELY HELPING US.

Didn't you just say we were a supportive community?

Well, fuck, at least acknowledge the shitty situation SamIAm is in. He clearly has MIXED FEELINGS and the only way to ensure he doesn't become 100% sour is to actually be supportive.

I don't want DRM either, but I realize that it is better to be supportive and actually acknowledge another human beings feelings than to just be a douchebag and, essentially say:

"Your genuine frustration means nothing to me. Your tireless work for the benefit of all means nothing. Now, let's talk about how I, the selfish gamer, am pissed off. "

Holy shit.
That's not even remotely close to what I was saying, so kindly get fucked.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: esteban on 08/03/2015, 03:23 PMYou dismiss things so easily, NecroPhile.

NecroPhile, please spend hundreds/thousands of hours working on something, a project you really care about, only to have it raped and pimped out before your very eyes.

It is hard not to become burnt out and frustrated.

So—please don't condescendingly dismiss genuine frustration from someone who is ACTIVELY HELPING US.

Didn't you just say we were a supportive community?
I'm not taking what NecroPhile said that way at all. It's basically him just putting out there that the majority of the PCE community shouldn't be punished for the actions of a few, those few not even being members here on this forum even for the most part.

It's getting to a point now where if the folks behind fan translations are going to let Tobias dictate what they do out of fear, then that is just more power put into his hands and taken away from us. Fan translators need to have faith in the PCE community, that as a majority we don't support what Tobias has done and wont be paying him for their hard work they intended to be freely shared and enjoyed.

I'm sure most of Tobias customers are youtube PCE/TG noobs, or collecttards from Digital Press and the like. Those types don't have anything to do with us, and we don't have anything to do with them. SamIAm, whatever you guys decide to do, I would understand and support that decision 100 percent, whether it is scorched earth, or you going forward with releases. In the end, you guys have to do what is right for you. I just don't think you should be letting Tobias scare you out of projects. Don't give him that kind of control over you. If you wanna do something, do it, is all I am saying.



Whatever message would be put on the "winners" screen, it should probably include the key words like "PURCHASED FROM TOBIAS FUDOH REICH", "YOU LET HIM FACEFUCK YOU LONGTIME", and "PCEWORKS".


There's lots of lulz on Instagram for the #pceworks tag

It's very sad that I see people who post their new PCE collections consisting of a Duo-R, TED and PCE Works bootlegs and THAT'S IT.
bih_retro_gaming is one of the few people who post pretty much primarily PCE stuff and he pimps the PCE Works shit all day. He's a member here BTW. He took the bait on one of the fake "Magical Chase Holy Grail" photos on ebay last month and thought they were real and was like "anyone have any info on when PCE Works will be selling these?" but deleted the post


Quote from: Nulltard on 08/03/2015, 04:27 PMnow that i've seen the rondo box set, i wouldn't be surprised to see a magical grail from pce works. :lol:
But like the foam rubber stake, it'll be fucked up in some fundamental way.

"Do not get wet.  Dissolves in water!"
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: guest on 08/03/2015, 03:48 PMThat's not even remotely close to what I was saying, so kindly get fucked.
You can claim that you did not intend to communicate a dismissive/condescending message, but your very words say otherwise.

Kindly don't dismiss genuine frustration so cavalierly, and kindly don't throw around a term like "DRM nazi" so cavalierly.

What is hilarious is that if someone treated you in the same manner, you would certainly have taken *some* offense to it.

You and I are actually ~100% agreement on the actual issues at hand (how to handle profiteering, DRM, etc), we just differ on whether or not to (1) *fully* acknowledge someone's legitimate concerns *and* (2) how to respectfully suggest that DRM is not a solution.

SamIAm has earned the right to vent his blarrrgghhhh.

The least we can do is to take an extra nanosecond when posting a response.

As for your final request: I am always fondling myself when reading this forum. Sometimes, I fuck myself, too. I was thinking of you the entire time I composed this post. Then....SUBMIT.

Hugs and kisses, NecroPhile :)


Quote from: esteban on 08/03/2015, 05:02 PMYou can claim that you did not intend to communicate a dismissive/condescending message, but your very words say otherwise.
Whatever.  If you want to drive Sam to focus on the minor negatives, ultimately ending in rage quit, that's your business.

Quote from: esteban on 08/03/2015, 05:02 PMKindly don't dismiss genuine frustration so cavalierly.....
How is telling someone to focus on the positive outright dismissal?

Quote from: esteban on 08/03/2015, 05:02 PM..... and kindly don't throw around a term like "DRM nazi" so cavalierly.  What is hilarious is that if someone treated you in the same manner, you would certainly have taken *some* offense to it.
Yeah, that's real insulting.  :roll:

Anyway, the DRM analogy is 100% fitting.  A mocking splash screen, game breaking bug, or going emulation only WILL NOT stop Tobias and will only hurt (or at least annoy) the people that actually want to play the games, similar to all the onerous DRM crap that does nothing to stop piracy.

Quote from: esteban on 08/03/2015, 05:02 PMYou and I are actually ~100% agreement on the actual issues at hand (how to handle profiteering, DRM, etc), we just differ on whether or not to (1) *fully* acknowledge someone's legitimate concerns.....
Yes, everyone should rant and rave about how horrible Tobias is in EVERY SINGLE POST, otherwise you're just some asshole ignoring Sam's pain.

Quote from: esteban on 08/03/2015, 05:02 PM*and* (2) how to respectfully suggest that DRM is not a solution.
Except some form of DRM is exactly what you advocated in the past.  Try to keep your shit straight.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


I think he just means for you to lay out a case to SamIAm for why DRM is not OK, not that esteban thinks it's not. I think there's a bit of a conundrum if SamIAm doesn't want to make discs himself. Not everyone plays on emulators.


Quote from: guest on 08/03/2015, 05:46 PMI think he just means for you to lay out a case to SamIAm for why DRM is not OK, not that esteban thinks it's not.
I don't know, it's pretty hard to misinterpret 'you and I are in 100% agreement on DRM'.

And I did explain earlier why I think any DRM attempts would be a wasted effort: they'll only end in more frustration and disappointment when they're ignored or circumvented, hastening the day that Sam says fuck it and gives up.  I guess that's what esty wants.

Quote from: guest on 08/03/2015, 05:46 PMI think there's a bit of a conundrum if SamIAm doesn't want to make discs himself. Not everyone plays on emulators.
Making your own booties and selling 'em for cheap would be my preferred way of removing Tobias's incentive to make his own overpriced crap, but I can honor Sam's wishes to not go that route.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


NecroPhile: I understand that you must always have the last word. Always.

I stand by my claims:
(1) Any good will you intended (think of the loyal PCE community!) was shown to be half-hearted—at best—with your smarmy condescension.

(2) If there was a way to sabotage Tobias, I would love it. I think it would be hilarious. However, I have my doubts that this can be achieved by *any* means. I feel that even mentioning him or PCEWORKS should be avoided, lest it advertise his wares. So...

(3) I thought that we had common ground, that we prefer not to have DRM (and I thought I was very clear that I thought you could make the case more *respectfully*). I also thought that you agreed to the general concept of educating folks with a disclaimer ("This is available for free from ____.") and a URL to a page explaining the issues in more detail. Am I correct?

(4) Historically, you have taken offense at *minor* to *insignificant* infractions, I find it even more hilarious that you are so defensive that I am, essentially, saying you were "rude" to SamIAm. You were rude. Own it.

(5) Finally, you win. You don't even have to respond to this post. I was wrong. You were being very supportive in your post. You were very positive. You were not rude.

(6) I admit that I don't really have a #6, I just needed a little bit more time to cum. But, ALAS, I finally accomplished my mission. Jesus, when I was younger, it didn't take me this long to jerk-off while posting on the forum.




Guys, guys, it's fine. (Esteban, you have work to do!)

I don't have time to write up a good reply.

Illegal bootlegs are dangerous. I might like to get back into professional translation someday. The last thing I need is for potential clients to be able to draw a link between me and a counterfeiting operation.

Profiteering without compensating the original creators (I mean the Japanese devs) is morally repugnant. I think games are art, and I think it's for the greater good if I make translation patches to share that which cannot otherwise be shared. This is how I rationalize making patches even without the permission of the original devs. Dare I say, most original devs would probably not find that such a bad thing. However, I also think they that probably would abhor repro profiteering.

I'm not going to lie, seeing someone make money off of something I spent so much time making would burn a little, too. But I don't want to get involved in repro making myself for the above two reasons.


It's a matter of either learning to live with those risks, getting around them with emulator-only hacks, or moving on to something like Playstation and Saturn games which don't have any of this.

Right now, I'm thinking that if the TED2 (or Stupid Card 4.0) works as a memory expansion, it should be a requirement for all future translation patches. That would at least cut the user base down.

Gotta go.


I must admit that it is fun getting into the drama. Especially with NecroPhile, because I don't remember arguing with him (we must have at some point?, but it was fleeting, I am sure).

It is fun, though, every now and then :)


Quote from: cjameslv on 08/03/2015, 01:44 AM
QuoteAnd please don't reply with some lame ass excuse why you have no money or about your job or any other lame ass excuse you can think of (cancer, family issues, hemorrhoids, peg leg, kid issues etc. Your obviously delusional  thinking anybody would be jealous of a broke piece of sh!t with no life and only forum rep to brag about.
I like how you think family issues and cancer are lame ass excuses for having financial issues.
You can argue all day long but do not hit below the belt cjames, that cancer comment, are you kidding me? my god I have had a run in with it, Ya your up set but think before you reply. Jesus Christ.


Quote from: esteban on 08/03/2015, 07:16 PMI must admit that it is fun getting into the drama. Especially with NecroPhile, because I don't remember arguing with him (we must have at some point?, but it was fleeting, I am sure).

It is fun, though, every now and then :)

I have to agree, I enjoy the opportunities when they arise.  I'm also not an OG member, so I feel none of my posts really carry much weight...which makes partaking of the drama ultimately safer. ^-^
Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!

Psycho Punch

You have cancer? Hah! What a lame excuse to be in debt.


Jesus christ some people...  [-X
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" on
For a good time, reach out to: or
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He also ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I had to delete THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


I think ole Cjameslv is taking a step back for a min or two. I don't think he realized what he said would cause him to take any flak from others. At any rate though, given everything he has said and done, I wont be having any second thoughts about un-blacklisting him from anything raffle or sale wise. The guy has a serious ego, seems to think he is above it all, and entitled to do what he wants and tell others what to do here, and doesn't handle confrontation well when he is called out on it.

In the end though, like I said, guy has entered two pages of raffles and has been entering them since basically right after he joined here. Where the fuck are his own raffles to compensate?? If he doesn't want to do any, cool. But he needs to take a break from entering so many others then, and he def needs to stfu and stay out of others sale or trade threads unless he is an interested party to whatever is being offered. He has no foot to stand on, and no right to tell other people what to do with their stuff.

As for Venom, man I don't get what you are saying, or rather why you are saying that. Your activity and loyalty to the forum give you merit around here, and you have a fairly positive attitude. I don't get why you would think you, or your opinion, were not valued here.


To be fair, if your friend had stfu and minded his own business, he wouldn't even be in this mess to begin with. He dug that hole on his own. No one dug it for him. People sling shit at me, I sling twice as much back if they have it coming, and he really did have it coming.


Quote from: PCEngineHell on 08/03/2015, 08:39 PMAs for Venom, man I don't get what you are saying, or rather why you are saying that. Your activity and loyalty to the forum give you merit around here, and you have a fairly positive attitude. I don't get why you would think you, or your opinion, were not valued here.
I dunno lol, I guess I feel I'm overly-active in the sales sections & raffles, and other than that I don't really post much other than my opinions about games...although I do suppose the latter is why most of us are here.  Didn't mean to imply anything ^-^
Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!


If I were a person with my own web hosting and page design skills, one thing I might do to help this situation is make up a simple page that explains Tobias's dishonesty very thoroughly, with images and statements from people like Tom and Nightwolve. Present an easy narrative for people to follow that opens and closes with clear statements about why it's detrimental to the community that people buy his stuff.

It would be a very useful link to spread around.


I'll be happy to take whatever you come up with and also post it on my site, if you like.