Broken Bikkuriman World

Started by gheebee, 08/19/2015, 09:07 AM

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So one of the PCE games I had on hand was Bikkuriman World, it was a game I bought used in anticipation of buying a system (long enough before that I can't return it...) but now that I give it a try it doesn't work. When I turn the system on all I get is a black screen with a thin purple border and I can hear the title screen music playing but when I press start the screen just goes black and the music stops. I've done some reading here and elsewhere and it seems that there isn't much one can do. I tried putting some tape on the bottom of the card and the result was the same and I also tried cleaning it (rubbed the contacts with isopropyl alcohol and dried them and then when that didn't work I rubbed the contacts with an eraser, rubbed them down with iso again, and then dried them) but no matter what I do I get the same thing when I try to play the game. I just wanted to make sure that I haven't overlooked anything before buying another copy. The game isn't very expensive but I don't want to waste any money.