looking for GameFan article on that scrapped Racing game

Started by handygrafx, 05/13/2007, 05:19 PM

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IIRC this would be in a 1993 or 1994 issue of GameFan magazine.   It might have been before the system was called PC-FX.   I seem to remember this article refering to the system as Tetsujin, as it was originally known as Project Tetsujin or Tetsujin Prohejt. 

There was at least one screenshot of a polygonal racing game with better graphics than Sega's Virtua Racing.     

I seem to recall the article mentioned 30fps, either regarding the racing game or the FMV video playback.

this would be the same Racing game mentioned in the Facts & Rumors part of pcengine-fx.com


Looks like this title might have been a victim of NEC's strict guidelines for what games could be made for the FX. NEC didn't want certain games to be made for the FX, and though NEC HE started development on this racer that was supposed to be based on F1 Circus from the PC-Engine, it was scrapped almost as quickly as it begun. Very unfortunate.
kudos to anyone who finds the GameFan article and scans it for us.