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To die for: Part II, MOVIES

Started by lord_cack, 09/10/2005, 10:06 PM

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OK I have the music to die for thread going, its doing OK but with the recent Pump Up the Volume posts in that thread I decided it was time for this thread. I am gonna hit this one like the last one. top 20 is GO:

The Shawshank Redemtion
Forrest Gump
Evil Dead
Bubba Ho-tep
Star War's Original Trilogy
(the ne trilogy ends making Vader a BITCH and doing some pretty bad repeat story telling)
The Jersey Trilogy (all five of them)
A Perfect World (this is the first movie that ever made me cry...shut up...)
Heavy Metal
Godzilla (original)
The Lord of the Rings
Tommy Boy (Thats gonna leave a mark)
Duce Bigello: Male Gigalo(excuse my spelling errors anf I must say "thats one HUGE Bitch!")
The Grapes of Wrath
Steven Kings The Stand
The Breakfast Club
Freddy versus Jason
(I realise that this isn't the right choice, that choosing 2 seperate Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the Thriteenth movie would be best...but this kills two birds with one stone and its a good flick too boot)
Final Destination Movies (best death scenes in all of moviedom)
The Terminator series (I don't care what anyone says, Terminator III is my favorite one and I wish was the end of the trilogy...but alas...)
Dirty Dancing (hey, if a hot chick would actually manage to find her way to get lost on my little island then I would need a "mood movie"....sue its a decent movie...even has the worlds cheesiest one liner "Nobody puts baby in the corner!"....I mean come on)

Now as with the other list...I can already read the list and see that I left off at least 5 great movies....well, what you gonna do....
A dark tide will rise and she will walk again. He is coming.....



Bubba Ho-Tep rules! Bruce Campbell is such a great actor and he really pulled off an Elvis in Bubba Ho-Tep!
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Quote from: "Keranu"Bubba Ho-Tep rules! Bruce Campbell is such a great actor and he really pulled off an Elvis in Bubba Ho-Tep!

Some how I knew you would agree with that one Keranu, anyone who has never seen this movie and either Loves Bruce Campbell or just a great B have got to see this movie...It actually borders on being greater than just a B movie...well in my mind it is....

I mean come on...if you can hear the first line of Bubba-Hotep and not laugh your ass off, your just to serious. Its not straight funny...but it has a great since of humor. But also you actually find yourself believing the backstory and believing that these characters could really be the real deal. If you wanna know more...pic up this flick...hell do it anyway...its great.
A dark tide will rise and she will walk again. He is coming.....


Haha, the first line has something to do about his pecker right?  :lol: The movie only gets better as time goes by too, when the actual zombie story kicks in with Ossie Davis. It was so hilarious because those two senior citizens were just like little kids.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Quote from: "Keranu"Haha, the first line has something to do about his pecker right?  :lol: The movie only gets better as time goes by too, when the actual zombie story kicks in with Ossie Davis. It was so hilarious because those two senior citizens were just like little kids.

Ossie Davis as JFK:

"Would you like a chocolate Ding Dong....OH not mine!" :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
A dark tide will rise and she will walk again. He is coming.....


HAHAHAA! I love that line!
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


A dark tide will rise and she will walk again. He is coming.....


I just saw Bubba Ho-Tep about two weeks ago.  Wow.  That movie was hilarious!


Quote from: "lord_cack"no movie lovers?
Well, I'm bipolar when it comes to films: my love is split between cheezy films and arty films. I refrained from posting 'cuz I don't think too many folks here are familiar with this stuff:

I love nearly all the films of Luis Bunuel, Jean-Luc Godard, Michelangelo Antonioni, Werner Herzog and WOODY ALLEN, buster Keaton, Marx Brothers, Charlie Chaplin, etc.. I can't pick just a few, I love tons of stuff. So here's a mish mash:

Walkabout -- Nicolas Roeg
David & Lisa -- forget the directors name, this is the 60's film
Modern Times -- Charlie Chaplin
Duck Soup -- Marx Bros.

Los Olvidados, Nazarin, The criminal life (Ensayo de un crimen), The discreet charm of the Bourgeoisie, The Exterminating Angel, El Bruto -- Luis Bunuel... his early Mexican films ROCK, even though his later French films earned him real respect. He also did the famous short film "Un chien Andalou" with Salvador Dali at the very beginning of his film career.

Burmese Harp and Fires on the Plain -- Kon Ichikawa
The Battle for Algiers and BURN! (Queimada!) -- Gillo Pontecorvo.

Stroszek, Aguirre, the Wrath of God, Fitzcarraldo -- Werner Herzog ... do yourself a favor and see Klaus Kinski in the latter two films.

Bananas, etc. -- Woody Allen
Band of Outsiders (Bande à part), Masculin / féminin, Pierrot le fou, Contempt (Le Mepris), etc -- Jean-Luc Godard

And I haven't even touched:
Dark Night of the Scarecrow -- Awesome, Awesome, especially cuz October is coming, and this was a made for TV movie!
Quatermass and the Pit (Five Million Years to Earth) -- BEST EVER :)
Last Man on Earth -- Discovered this gem a few years ago! Vincent Price is in it -- but don't let that stop you from seeing this! There's something special about this movie, especially if you love zombie flicks.
Day of the Dead -- George Romero
The Whip and the Body -- Fulci
Suspiria, Deep Red --  Dario Argento

tons more....


Quote from: "stevek666"
Quote from: "lord_cack"no movie lovers?
Well, I'm bipolar when it comes to films: my love is split between cheezy films and arty films. I refrained from posting 'cuz I don't think too many folks here are familiar with this stuff:

I love nearly all the films of Luis Bunuel, Jean-Luc Godard, Michelangelo Antonioni, Werner Herzog and WOODY ALLEN, buster Keaton, Marx Brothers, Charlie Chaplin, etc.. I can't pick just a few, I love tons of stuff. So here's a mish mash:

Walkabout -- Nicolas Roeg
David & Lisa -- forget the directors name, this is the 60's film
Modern Times -- Charlie Chaplin
Duck Soup -- Marx Bros.

Los Olvidados, Nazarin, The criminal life (Ensayo de un crimen), The discreet charm of the Bourgeoisie, The Exterminating Angel, El Bruto -- Luis Bunuel... his early Mexican films ROCK, even though his later French films earned him real respect. He also did the famous short film "Un chien Andalou" with Salvador Dali at the very beginning of his film career.

Burmese Harp and Fires on the Plain -- Kon Ichikawa
The Battle for Algiers and BURN! (Queimada!) -- Gillo Pontecorvo.

Stroszek, Aguirre, the Wrath of God, Fitzcarraldo -- Werner Herzog ... do yourself a favor and see Klaus Kinski in the latter two films.

Bananas, etc. -- Woody Allen
Band of Outsiders (Bande à part), Masculin / féminin, Pierrot le fou, Contempt (Le Mepris), etc -- Jean-Luc Godard

And I haven't even touched:
Dark Night of the Scarecrow -- Awesome, Awesome, especially cuz October is coming, and this was a made for TV movie!
Quatermass and the Pit (Five Million Years to Earth) -- BEST EVER :)
Last Man on Earth -- Discovered this gem a few years ago! Vincent Price is in it -- but don't let that stop you from seeing this! There's something special about this movie, especially if you love zombie flicks.
Day of the Dead -- George Romero
The Whip and the Body -- Fulci
Suspiria, Deep Red --  Dario Argento

tons more....

Well I think thats what great about this thread. Cause I mean, I personally, have never hear of most of those films (except Day of the Dead....great flick). But I would prolly look up some of those films. I also like arty films and cheesy films. I mean...Bubbah Ho-tep...cheesy...funny...but at the same time if you have a soft spot it has some genuine drama going on in it...its a great film. So please those of you who like things that fall just outside the norm or something please post. spread the love of film/music/ and coming soon TV....
 :shock:  :lol:
A dark tide will rise and she will walk again. He is coming.....


Cheesy movies are my favorite. Here are a few examples of cheesy movies I enjoy:

Monkey Shines
Flyin' Ryan
Skateboard Kid
A Kid in King's Arthur Court
A Kid in Aladdin's Palace (even better, much better!)
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Speaking of the Dead movies, did anybody else think that the new Dawn of the Dead was way cooler than the old one?  I watched it expecting it to totally suck (I mean why remake a classic?), but I was floored by how sweet it was.


God damn I watched some of the remake and it was stupid and cheesy as hell with that baby shit. Also the teenager-ish actors didn't help at all.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Quote from: "Keranu"God damn I watched some of the remake and it was stupid and cheesy as hell with that baby shit. Also the teenager-ish actors didn't help at all.

Sorry K, gotta go with the remake on this one...It changed the Zombie movie...I will never look at a slow moving zombie again...those were some creepy f&*kin zombies. Also I thought the acting was good...the baby, cheesy but I do remember the first movie and cheesy was all over it...I dont think there was anything I didn't enjoy about the remake...well if you are talking about the Theatrical Cut...then yeah it sucked....the Special Edition Directors Cut DVD was SOOOO much better...that added scenes really gave it flavor also the movie was cut in a better order than the Theatrical\
A dark tide will rise and she will walk again. He is coming.....


Yeah what I saw was the the DVD version, I missed it in the theater.  I loved the fast moving zombies, those old Zombie movies were never even remotely scary to me.  I wasn't freaked out by a Zombie movie until 28 Days Later (which ruled) and Dawn of the Dead.


Bubba Hotep was awesome, and yes, it was Bruce's most dazzling performance..(he's always been underrated anyway)  Great Movie!  

But where is Raiders? give Indy some love
"Look to your knives now, and 'ware the foeman."- The Doomfarers of Coramonde, by Brian Daley


Oh and steve, since I am also an amateur cryptozoologist,  I did see Incident at Loch Ness...fantastic werner Herzog produced documentary. Now I want to see Grizzly Man....

Has anyone checked out my sale yet?
"Look to your knives now, and 'ware the foeman."- The Doomfarers of Coramonde, by Brian Daley


Quote from: "GUTS"Yeah what I saw was the the DVD version, I missed it in the theater.  I loved the fast moving zombies, those old Zombie movies were never even remotely scary to me.  I wasn't freaked out by a Zombie movie until 28 Days Later (which ruled) and Dawn of the Dead.
You folks are missing out on some classic Italian zombie films. SUPER FAST zombies starred in Umberto Lenzi's "Nightmare City" (aka "City of the Walking Dead").

Awesome zombies: adorned with bad brown latex goop faces, these skilled zombies can drive vehicles, methodically plan their next moves, etc. etc.
Cheap thrills.

28 Days Later was excellent, by the way.


Quote from: "doomfarer75"Oh and steve, since I am also an amateur cryptozoologist,  I did see Incident at Loch Ness...fantastic werner Herzog produced documentary. Now I want to see Grizzly Man....

Has anyone checked out my sale yet?
I have yet to see that documentary... I should warn you that his films are not everyone's cup of tea. I strongly suggest: Aguirre, Wrath of God. Klaus Kinski friggin' carries the entire picture. You won't be disappointed.

Your auctions are mad money, by the way -- I'm lacking the $$$$$$$ :).


I like a broad spectrum of movies. Everything from Japanese kaiju to documentaries to blockbusters to indies to silent to total fluff. I useta work in the movie department at Media Play and later at Suncoast, like ten years ago. My faves:

Original Star Wars Trilogy - Nothing will ever beat it for me, and Empire is my favorite.

Raiders of the Lost Ark & Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - Temple of Doom was okay but these two rank way up on my all-time list.

Lupin the 3rd: Castle of Cagliostro - Brilliant and wonderful escapism with classic anime characters Lupin et. al.

Sneakers - This isn't one of those movies that most people would watch over and over, but I can't get enough of it.

Patlabor: The Movie and Patlabor 2 - Patlabor is my favorite anime, and although the first two movies were way different in tone than the OAV and TV show, they're both intricate conspiracy plots that I find absorbing.

Kurosawa films - Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, Sanjuro, Ran, Kagemusha - I love his samurai stuff of course, but beyond those I also love High & Low and Dreams. I am still working on seeing all of his stuff.

Hitchcock films - Rear Window and North by Northwest are probably my favorites. Like Kurosawa, I'm slowly chipping away at his entire body of work.

Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein - might as well be the beginning and end of Mel Brooks' career (although The Producers was good too), these are two of the funniest movies ever.

The Kentucky Fried Movie - ZAZ's first feature film. Still almost makes me pee myself laughing. Airplane! is up there too.

This Is Spinal Tap - How much more black could it be? The answer is none. None more black.

Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II - My favorite horror movies. 3 sucked, 4 was not bad, 5 made me mad and I haven't seen any of them since. But I love the first two.

Alien - The first one was the perfect mix of sci-fi and horror, chock full of Giger designs and Ridley Scott's bizarre style of direction which gave it an almost documentary-like realism.

Blade Runner - Just gets better every time I see it. The Director's Cut is better than the original.

Classic Universal monster movies - All of 'em, from Frankenstein to Dracula to Creature from the Black Lagoon. Classic, engaging and tons of fun.

Godzilla - I own every single one and I know them backwards and forwards. I can't even remember how young I was when I got into Godzilla or what the first one I saw was -- Godzilla has been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember.

King Kong - The original 1933 version of course, not the useless '76 remake. The cornerstone of all sci-fi, fantasy, and horror collections. Though I'm usually wary of remakes of my favorites, Peter Jackson's upcoming Kong looks like he actually may have done it right.

Sin City - A recent entry, but as a huge fan of Frank Miller and the Sin City comics, this movie just made me happy. And I can't wait for the special edition DVD, which will feature all of the stories in their complete forms, as they were in the comics.

Honorable mentions: Ray Harryhausen movies (Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, Earth vs the Flying Saucers, etc), Marilyn Monroe movies (Seven Year Itch and Some Like it Hot are my favorites), silent German horror and fantasy (Nosferatu, Metropolis, Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, and one of the most amazing movies I've ever seen, Fritz Lang's 5-hour Die Nibelungen), Ghostbusters, Lost In Translation, Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Life of Brian, the original War of the

Oh, and just to join the conversation, I've seen Herzog's Incident at Loch Ness. I thought it was alright. I'm not too familiar with his other work though -- all I've seen was his remake of Nosferatu and I didn't care for it much. And I like Italian horror too -- the original Zombi is in my collection, and sometimes goddammit ya just need a good cannibal flick. The new Dawn of the Dead was very good, as was 28 Days Later. Shaun of the Dead is hilarious.

I gotta stop, I'm gonna be late for work...


Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


A dark tide will rise and she will walk again. He is coming.....


Your auctions are mad money, by the way -- I'm lacking the $$$$$$$ Smile.
Quoteyeah, sorry about the prices..right now I just want to make money back!  I really would like someone hear to grab them..I got those rare titiles from a collector in ontario who I do business with.  His items are always in perfect  shape, but pricey.  But he always seems to have what I need when I want it.  and he is solid when it comes to delivery.  I don't believe they are too far off as far as value goes right now, especially complete with the maps..most dealers on ebay don't have them or even mention that they don't.  You may see one MM3 a year.

Yes, Incident at loch ness isn't really Herzog directed, that was Zach Penn,  but they all play themselves and it is just a spoof with a few funny parts..I liked the interesting take on the legend.  as a documentary, it did drag a bit.  

Raiders is the best of the trilogy, and one of the best was more serious,and the action can still catch your breath..Marion Ravenwood was a great female tough-girl lead.  Last Crusade was good, but a little too much humor. I am looking forward to IV.

Peter Jackson's trailer for King Kong looks unbelievable..I can't wait..I love Kong!
"Look to your knives now, and 'ware the foeman."- The Doomfarers of Coramonde, by Brian Daley


Event Horizon
Lone Wolf in Cub fliks
Tetsuo teh Iron Man
Battle Royal
Phantasm 1-4
Bubba Ho Tep
All things Evil Dead movie wise
Clockwork Orange
Full Metal Jacket
Deathrace 2000
Robocop 1 and 2
Night/Dawn/Day of the Dead,and all remakes.
Zombi 2 AkA Zombie over here.
All the Aliens fliks
Figh Club
Se7en Criterian Edition
Escape form New York,and Escape from LA
Child Play 1-3
Lost Highway
Blue Velvet
Mullholand Dr.
Elephant Man
Erasier head
Twin Peaks,Fire walk with me.
Henery Portrait of a Serial killer
Natural Born Killers
Conan the Barbarian
All the Terminators
Leaving Las Vega
Highlander Dir. Cut
Land of the Dead
There are others,but these are  soem of my top favs.


Quote from: "TJ"Temple of Doom was okay but these two rank way up on my all-time list. I LOVED TEMPLE OF DOOM TOO, ESPECIALLY THE SOUNDTRACK (FINALE AND END CREDITS)

Sneakers - This isn't one of those movies that most people would watch over and over, but I can't get enough of it.  ILIKED IT TOO

The Kentucky Fried Movie - ZAZ's first feature film. Still almost makes me pee myself laughing. Airplane! is up there too. A SAMUEL BRONKOWITZ PRODUCTION ANYONE?

This Is Spinal Tap - How much more black could it be? The answer is none. None more black. I AM GOING TO TURN MY STEREO UP TO 11

Alien - The first one was the perfect mix of sci-fi and horror, chock full of Giger designs and Ridley Scott's bizarre style of direction which gave it an almost documentary-like realism.  YES I AGREE..IT WAS THE FIRST MOVIE TO PROTRAY SCI-FI AS REALISTIC AND "GRITTY" i ALSO WAS ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT FOR THE WILD RIDE THAT WAS JAMES CAMERON'S SEQUEL..I LOVED ALIENS.  DIDN'T CARE MUCH FOR THE OTHERS, AND AVP WAS LUDICROUS CRAP.

Blade Runner - Just gets better every time I see it. The Director's Cut is better than the original. YUP.  GLADIATOR HAS SOME CLASSIC MOMENTS TOO. MAXIMUS WAS AN ENGAGING CENTRAL CHARACTER. I ALSO LIKED WHITE SQUALL BY RIDLEY.

Classic Universal monster movies - All of 'em, from Frankenstein to Dracula to Creature from the Black Lagoon. Classic, engaging and tons of fun. RIGHT ON

Godzilla - I own every single one and I know them backwards and forwards. I can't even remember how young I was when I got into Godzilla or what the first one I saw was -- Godzilla has been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember.


King Kong - The original 1933 version of course, not the useless '76 remake. The cornerstone of all sci-fi, fantasy, and horror collections. Though I'm usually wary of remakes of my favorites, Peter Jackson's upcoming Kong looks like he actually may have done it right. I THINK SO TOO:0

Sin City - A recent entry, but as a huge fan of Frank Miller and the Sin City comics, this movie just made me happy. And I can't wait for the special edition DVD, which will feature all of the stories in their complete forms, as they were in the comics. I WAS SHOCKED, HORRIFIED, AND ENJOYED THE RIDE...EXCELLENT FILM, MICKEY ROURKES BEST PERFORMANCE IN YEARS. IS HE ON STEROIDS?

Honorable mentions: Ray Harryhausen movies (Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, Earth vs the Flying Saucers, etc),  LOVE RAY!
"Look to your knives now, and 'ware the foeman."- The Doomfarers of Coramonde, by Brian Daley

Ninja Spirit

Suspiria was one of a few horror movies that really fucked with my mind. It's hard to take the trash out or walk to the car to get something at night without the image in my signature creeping in your head.


Quote from: "PCEngineHell"Tron
There are others,but these are  soem of my top favs.
There have been rumors... for years that could happen a remake or part two.

Heck, Jeff Bridges said he wouldn't mind doing another Tron as well.

Still it's up to Disney still at this point.
Wii U:Progearspec


Sweet, I didn't know Jeff Bridges said that.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


I don't think I'd like a sequel to Tron, they'd fuck it up with ultra shitty CG and some super retarded love story and The OC style main characters who you just want to fucking knock out.  The charm of the original for me was that the story was so innovative and it had such incredible special effects, something that they wouldn't be able to capture again.


Quote from: "Tron"
Quote from: "PCEngineHell"Tron
There are others,but these are  soem of my top favs.
There have been rumors... for years that could happen a remake or part two.

Heck, Jeff Bridges said he wouldn't mind doing another Tron as well.

Still it's up to Disney still at this point.
Hah! At first I thought you were talking about Todd Bridges and I was like, "WTF??? Was he in that movie? Awesome."


Quote from: "GUTS"I don't think I'd like a sequel to Tron, they'd fuck it up with ultra shitty CG and some super retarded love story and The OC style main characters who you just want to fucking knock out.  The charm of the original for me was that the story was so innovative and it had such incredible special effects, something that they wouldn't be able to capture again.
Good point!

Quote from: "TurboSteve"Hah! At first I thought you were talking about Todd Bridges and I was like, "WTF??? Was he in that movie? Awesome."
What about Beau Bridges, Jeff Bridge's older brother? ;)
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Quote from: "Keranu"
Quote from: "GUTS"I don't think I'd like a sequel to Tron, they'd fuck it up with ultra shitty CG and some super retarded love story and The OC style main characters who you just want to fucking knock out.  The charm of the original for me was that the story was so innovative and it had such incredible special effects, something that they wouldn't be able to capture again.
Good point!

Quote from: "TurboSteve"Hah! At first I thought you were talking about Todd Bridges and I was like, "WTF??? Was he in that movie? Awesome."
What about Beau Bridges, Jeff Bridge's older brother? ;)
Ahh i think so there family full of actors.
Wii U:Progearspec


Is Todd Bridges part of their family too?
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Quote from: "Keranu"Is Todd Bridges part of their family too?
Very funny if he was they be a funky family then :lol:
Wii U:Progearspec


Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


I have Tron boxset for LD,its the best release.