Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Joe Redifer YouTube Stars

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8,178 (1.206 per day)
Custom title:
Mr. GameSack
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Denver, CO
Video Editor
Hi, I'm me. Isn't that just fantastic?!

4-11-08 - My First Car Wreck


11-13-07 - domain purchased at local thrift store.

Things that piss me off
Short list of things that piss me off. I may add things to this list as time goes on, and I may not... who knows? Enjoy.

-Getting a haircut
-Going too long without a haircut or shave
-Going to sleep
-Waking up
-Vince Vaughn
-Fake boobs
-People smoking anywhere near me (this includes any kind of smoke, not just cigs)
-Cheap asphalt
-Any and all Apple iApps (such as iTunes, iMovie, etc)
-People in public who don't seem to realize that there are other people besides them who may need to navigate by/around them
-USB 1
-People who cannot spell "definitely" correctly
-Cowboy hats
-50Hz (the refresh rate, not the audio frequency)
-Composite video
-John Leguizamo
-WMV & WMA formats
-People who drive under the speed limit
-The sun
-Lossy audio compression, like MP3
-All MPEG video or any compression scheme that uses interframes
-People who stretch 4:3 video to fit a 16:9 screen
-Wasps, hornets & yellowjackets
-Most airlines
-Explosions without a death toll
-Cats who feel the need to vomit and/or pee on the rug
-Dog slobber
-Diane Keaton
-The lack of teleportation
-Parallel ports
-Carls Jr commercials
-Microsoft Internet Explorer
-Power Point
-Nearly anything that requires extreme amounts of patience
-The smell of seafood (and usually the taste, too)
-John Cusak
-Memory sticks... they're just so lame
-People who spend time looking for a close parking space
-Optical media burned at too high of a speed
-Matthew McConaughey
-Static electricity
-Shipping via UPS
-Uwe Boll
-Those lame AIDS/Breast Cancer ribbons (they won't help cure you or anyone else)
-Command prompts
-Those who have no respect for punctuality
-Apple/MicroSoft updates breaking more than they fix
-Randy Newman
-Movie theater prices
-Broken CD cases
-Sticker residue
-Sonic (the restaraunt, not the game... though lately the game sucks as well)
-Real Player/Media
-Anything that makes a buzzing sound (get your mind out of the gutter)
-Soccer, baseball and other sports where excitement is extremely rare
-Matrixed (ie: fake) surround sound
-Home theaters in a box
-Clowns (I'm not afraid of them, they're just stupid and therefore anger me)
-Zapf Dingbats, Webdings and other retarded non-fonts
-Billy Bob Thornton
-Audio clipping (levels, not content)
-Long-sleeved shirts
-Circuit City
-Interpolated frames on 120Hz TVs
-Automatic transmissions
-Blind faith
-Buildings less than 100 stories tall
-Bike seats
-Itches on my back that I cannot scratch
-Thin walls
-Dolby "A"-Type
-Knowing that there is a project that I have not yet completed
-Those lame "tramp stamp" tattoos on the small of the back (right above the ass) that almost every female my age and under seems to have
-"Moist" farts
-Books that are fiction
-Being offered countless warranties and miscellaneous "reward zone" nonsense when being rung up by a cashier
-Being asked for my phone number, e-mail address and/or zip code when being rung up by a cashier (which I either decline or lie about... or give out freely if the cashier is cute)
-College sports
-2001: A Space Odyssey (watching turds flush is more entertaining... and has better editing)
-Crappy music
-Roland Emmerich
-Sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.
-Tom Green
-Unskippable previews and menus on DVDs
-Family Guy

❤ Interests:
World domination, mostly.

Neo Joe:

Retro Joe:

❤ Games:
Space Harrier, Shenmue 1 & 2, Super Monkey Ball 1 & 2 (Gamecube editions only!), Uncharted 1 & 2, Burnout Paradise, Castle of Illusion, Shadow Dancer (Genesis/Mega Drive version only!), Ghouls 'n Ghosts, Thunder Force 2 and 3

❤ Films/TV:
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 11/27/2007, 03:46 AMIn no particular order:

The Godfather
Die Hard (DTS version)
Dead Poets Society
Shaun of the Dead
The Green Mile
Predator 2
Total Recall
Austin Powers
Seven (1st DVD release)
Mr. Nice Gu
Rumble in the Bronx (starring the Game Gear without a game)
True Lies (letterboxed, not anamorphic.  SUCK!)
Forrest Gump
South Park - Bigger Longer Uncut
Apollo 13
The Truman Show
Jurassic Park (DTS)
Princess Mononoke  (This sucks ass.  Not sure why I bought it.  I should avoid anime)
The Terminator
Terminator 2 super Xtreme uncut high-flyin' totally insane off-the-hook edition with 1 frame of extra footage
Star Trek 2 - Wrath o' Khan
Star Trek 6 - Teh Undicovered Shiznit
Star Wars 1-6
Saving Private Ryan
Edwardo Scissorhands
Batman (Jack Nicolson)
Batman Begins
The Abyss Special Edition (more like ASS edition, no 16:9, no Dolby Digital)
The 6th Sense
Indy Jones 1-3
Kill Bill 1 & 2
The Nightmare Before Christmas (the DVD version of this movie is of very poor quality, no 16:9)
The Corpse Bride
Toy Story 1 & 2
Finding Nemo
The Incredibles
Back to the Future 1-3
Ghostbusters 1-2
Robot Chicken seasons 1-2
Transformers (all seasons)
Married with Children (seasons 2-4 I think)
❤ Quotes: :rollin
❤ Random:

Happy Console Joe

The Voiceover
A lot of people seem to like this one. A recording session for a Viagra-type ad (10MB).

Metal Jesus Joe too sexy for the sack! ❤❤❤

Quote from: Joe Redifer on 10/14/2007, 07:12 PMI don't care for the crappy Working Designs-style voices in the Dungeon Explorer 2 intro.  They always have really bad acting (especially the girl) and use the same people again and again.  Also the "Alex" character is extremely creepy.  I don't know if it is supposed to be male or female but it sure is repulsive.  The music in the intro is OK but not great.

And although I love the Dracula X intro, there is one scene that bothers me every single time:

I hate that scene.  It's so wrong.  The hand is upside down!  

The ONLY way she could be getting stabbed is like this:
Chi no motherfuckin' rhondo, yo!

My favorite intros are probably (in no particular order):
-Ys Book 1 & 2 - NEC TurboGrafx-16 CD-ROM Entertainment Supersystem
-Panzer Dragoon - Sega Saturn
-Soul Blade/Edge - Playstation
07/16/2006, 01:24 AM
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02/09/2025, 11:24 AM
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