10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - ccovell

Bonk's Adventure -> NES Bonk
Bonk III -> SNES Super Bonk (-ish)

Bomberman '94 -> Mega Bomberman

Nectaris -> GB Nectaris

Fire Pro Wrestling... maybe?
Hi, most PCE game tunes have been ripped into the .HES format, an archive of which is here: http://hes.joshw.info/
CD game rips are better obtained from here: http://www.snesmusic.org/hoot/kingshriek/
Maybe there is a more complete / up-to-date archive?

The .HES player for WinAmp, named NEZPlug, allows any channel to be isolated or disabled during playback, so I think that covers all that your friend wants to do.
Hi, folks.  Just to see what CD games did when they booted, I hacked my own code into the PC-Engine CD card to report (both on-screen and via serial port) which BIOS calls get executed on real hardware. It's a tad glitchy, probably because I'm stealing CPU time, but the results are kinda cool.

Perhaps an emulator / watchpoints / lua script could do a better job, but oh, well.

Here's what I captured from Pomping World:

E06F 25 EX_SCRMOD 1E 20 00
E06C 24 EX_DOTMOD 00
E006 02 CD_BASE   0024 8200 0E82
E009 03 CD_READ   B008 8000 0020 0116
E009 03 CD_READ   0008 8000 0020 0116
E009 03 CD_READ   0008 8000 0020 0116
E009 03 CD_READ   0008 8000 0020 0116
E009 03 CD_READ   0008 8000 0020 0116
E009 03 CD_READ   0008 8000 0000 0116
E05D 1F EX_SETVEC 40 D5 01
E033 11 AD_TRANS  0020 0000 0400 00C6
E009 03 CD_READ   0004 C000 0500 010A
E060 20 EX_GETFNT 8358 9D00 0000
E060 20 EX_GETFNT 835E 9D20 0000
E060 20 EX_GETFNT 815B 9D40 0000
E060 20 EX_GETFNT 8367 9D60 0000
E060 20 EX_GETFNT 82B7 9D80 0000
E060 20 EX_GETFNT 82E9 9DA0 0000
E060 20 EX_GETFNT 926E 9DC0 0000
E060 20 EX_GETFNT 935F 9DE0 0000
E060 20 EX_GETFNT 82F0 9E00 0000
E060 20 EX_GETFNT 8C88 9E20 0000
E060 20 EX_GETFNT 82DF 9E40 0000
E060 20 EX_GETFNT 82C4 9E60 0000
E060 20 EX_GETFNT 89BA 9E80 0000
E060 20 EX_GETFNT 82B3 9EA0 0000
E060 20 EX_GETFNT 82A2 9EC0 0000
E060 20 EX_GETFNT 8142 9EE0 0000
E060 20 EX_GETFNT 8140 9F00 0000
E060 20 EX_GETFNT 8140 9F20 0000
E060 20 EX_GETFNT 8140 9F40 0000
E060 20 EX_GETFNT 8140 9F60 0000
E060 20 EX_GETFNT FE79 9F80 0000
Quote from: nectarsis on 09/07/2018, 04:07 AMsucks most of the links are dead
My EPS logos etc. are still accessible; links at the bottom of this page: https://www.chrismcovell.com/videogames.html
Hey, folks, I was poking around in the Sapphire ISO and initial loader (IPL) and found a few things.  First of which is a debug/configuration pre-load menu that went unused and deactivated:


The debug mode DOES work and has things to play around with by pausing the game and pressing buttons. The game can even run without the Arcade Card.

RAM Values for...
Debug: $2698 00/$FF off/on
Level: $269A 0..2  easy-hard
Play rec.: $269E 0..2 normal/trace/record
Demo No.: $001E 0..9 (not used ?)
Stage No.: $269C 0..9 all/1-9
Acc Read: $26A9 00/$FF off/on

If you skip the AC detection manually in the IPL, it loads the game, but with garbage for cinemas / large enemies / ground. If you set the above RAM value to turn "off" AC, it skips some screens and the BG is just blank. I haven't played through the game with these hacks yet.

Also, there is an earlier Arcade Card warning screen hidden in the ISO, before the well-known cheesecake pic was decided on:

This looks pretty cool.  Might prove useful for making simple CD compilations, etc.
Quote from: Psycho Punch on 03/30/2018, 08:32 PMSo that's the infamous game that glitches out badly during stages if you open the disc lid lol. BTW, wouldn't the name of the game be Tenchi o Kurau?
It is technically the object marker "wo" IMG so writing just "o" makes it lose its distinction when romanized.
Quote from: guest on 03/23/2018, 04:20 AMIntro for Muse - Bliss:...
Well, they both have nearly the same chord progression as Bronski Beat's Smalltown Boy anyway...
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
03/18/2018, 08:47 PM
Most of the western computing world / media was indeed underwhelmed when the MSX1 was announced, and Yamaha were left playing catch-up with their chipsets for the decade to follow.
Quote from: TailChao on 03/12/2018, 10:28 PMGetting data in or doing full duplex would be a bigger problem.
Yeah, the idea is both send/receive full(ish) duplex since the PCE also echoes each byte received as it comes in.
The above facts that you illustrated with the GIF is sadly the reason that I discovered my RS232/UART monitor PCEmon can't be used with a TurboTap: there's no way to select one of the 5 ports, and then send serial data to it through the output lines.  :(
I didn't know the game Platypus before, but it looks like every one of its level themes is a very close remix of a famous C64 tune.
1) Comic Bakery, Martin Galway
2) Parallax, Galway
3) Sanxion, Rob Hubbard
4) Aztec Challenge, Paul Norman(?)
5) Wizball, Galway again
6) Driller, Matt Gray

The original C64 tunes are all awesome and really worth checking out.
Pilotwings it is!  Fun to draw; a pain in the ass to make any straight lines.
Here it is, not so hard:
Quote from: Pfloydguy2 on 02/22/2018, 01:53 PMThe BGM from Jurassic Park NES's first stage
...was later used in Platypus on the PSP
These are of course covers of the infamous Comic Bakery loader on the C64 by Martin Galway:
That would be Ganbare Gorby! (aka Factory Panic) on the Game Gear.
Quote from: elmer on 02/08/2018, 04:13 PMI *really* don't recommend using CC65 on the PCE at this point, because the compiler and assembler really don't like that our PCE's HuC6280 processor has zero page at $2000 instead of $0000.
Is the compiler/assembler actually referencing ZP as word addresses each time?  :/
The U.K. in the '80s/'90s still was OK with saying "oriental" and "J*p".

And Super Gaming, good as it was, wasn't a preview of new games coming out in Japan, more like a "here's what we bought on our last Japan junket."  Hence the 1989 game featured in 1991.

P.S. Super Gaming was an offshoot by the writers of EGM, an American magazine.
It doesn't make savestates (in the emulation sense of the word); it manages save-RAM, the same as the CD system and TurboBooster Plus did.
Quote from: PapaSmurf on 01/28/2018, 01:21 PMWe played it and were so disappointed.  The tunes were nice, but that's it.  The game is repetitive and boring.  I clearly remember saying, many times, "didn't I just kill this thing in the last level."
Yeah, Super Mario Bros. sucks in the same way.   :roll:
2nd level is always underground and 4th level is always some dumb, empty, boring castle.  And the boss never changes.  How could people like this??   :roll:
This is interesting.  The SGX does have an extra parallel interface, so perhaps... somehow... it is creating conflicts with 6-button joy reading, etc?  I'll try the joypad test with my SGX when I have the time.
Quote from: guest on 01/27/2018, 02:41 AM...that one fat guy is so hideous, a little something in me...
Look, even the handsomest among us will shock and disappoint our classmates inwardly at the 20th jr. high school reunion...
Quote from: CZroe on 01/14/2018, 08:23 PM
Quote from: Nexus7 on 01/10/2018, 04:10 PMI'm hoping someone implements a full TG-16/TG-CD via FPGA with HDMI out.  That is how PCE/TG-16 will continue to live on outside of crappy emulators.   PCE/TG-16 deserves to be properly preserved and FPGA is the best way to go.
They did. It's called UPPERGRAFX/UPEEGRAFX...
No, he means the entire system emulated on an FPGA, not anything that attaches to the rear of the PCE, as the UperGrafx does.

Incidentally, a guy named Ki has had a working FPGA implementation of the PCE for about 10 years now; he has just started taking another look at his project again.  Hopefully that will bear fruit sooner than later.
I don't know too many but:

Neutopia's demo mode song runs for twice as long as the demo itself.

Devil's Crush has a really weird, long song in the sound test that goes unused (thankfully).
A little bump since I've added episode 5 to my tutorial videos:

Quote from: touko on 12/14/2017, 01:47 PMFor timer interrupt code,it's ~300 cycles per voice, and for exemple, playing a 7khz sample, a timer interrupt is fired every 32768 cycles .
Sounds cool!  Is there a 7khz/32 overtone or sound glitch for every time you have to reload the PCE wave buffer?
A friendly reminder: I have mostly complete maps of Neutopia I and II on my page here:  https://www.chrismcovell.com/gamesillust.html
Quote from: Keith Courage on 12/10/2017, 11:06 PMI wonder how they got around the legality of being able to include the CD ROM bios files?
You put it on your SD card and choose it from the menu.  I recommend watching that lengthy video that was linked to on the neogeo forum.
... burn a CDR of Exile with custom redbook tracks?   :-s
This looks really awesome, good engineering.  Too damn expensive, so I'll stick with my CD games.

Once somebody adds a "savestate" button to the surface of the hardware, I'll buy it.  (I have proven that it is possible...)
Calm down and observe.  (It's possibly the reason for your double-posts, too.)

The direction you are facing when an enemy is hit with the wand weapons in Neut II is the one it will be sent in.  So, if you unleash a fireball towards an enemy and then turn around, it'll come towards you.  So, just watch where you face your character when you attack an enemy with slow-moving fire / whirlwind.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 11/30/2017, 04:37 PMStreet Smart for SNES is a great example. Being originally a Ranma 1/2 fighting game...
Worse still, it was actually called Street Combat.

Good video!  My 2c: the game is a bit repetitive, but has a great early-'80s platforming challenge for hardcore gamers wanting to hone their reflexes.  It gets far too cruel near the end of the game.
Kato and Ken (the entertainers themselves) can go hang; I never liked their brand of humour.
A little update:  I decided to look into a couple Hudson games so far to see how they uncompressed their graphics data.  So, I'll post some notes here.  If anybody has any questions or wants to make contributions, please do.

In Bomberman, anyway, BAT maps, Palette data, and BG & SPR tiles all are compressed the same way (but written into VRAM in slightly different ways)

A pic of my Hudson compression decoder inside of PCEmon:

Some notes:
Bomberman & Neutopia use the same compression method

Neutopia analysis:

The game maps stuff in at ROM bank $4C, $4D, which are invalid, but...
Game mapping: bank $00-1F. Then 20-2F, repeating.
So banks $4C/$4D are really $2C / $2D.

Bomberman analysis:

$01:A4C0 starts loading tile graphics...

lda #$16, JSR $E377 (BG tiles...)
lda #$0C, JSR $E427 (SPR tiles...)

 Clear BG below:
lda #$20, STA $22BB, JSR $E6A4 (clear MAP with char #$20)

 Decompress BG MAP below:
lda #$03, STA $B4, CLX, LDA #$01, JSR $F5F3...
($B4 appears to be a title Gfx page offset.)
(Acc chooses MAP #)

 + X -> $8D, #$03 -> $23BC, JSR $E704
 +-- $E704, A*2->X, $23BC -> MPR2
 +-- $E6EC, map in 2 banks pointed to
 | retrieve X->$8D->A
 | STZ $2213, $2215
 +-- $E750 (mangle address write value), write to VRAM
 | both X and Y set to #$1F
 +-- $F63F, decompress, write to VRAM. High byte added with $B4 before write.
 |   in a BPL loop with Y, then VRAM add. inc'ed by $80, then a BPL loop with X

  +-- $E397
  |    +-- A*2->X, lda $F03E-F,X -> $36-7
  |    <-- sheets 1,2
  +-- $E400
  +-- $E4DC if $2210 is nonzero
  SMB0 $1A (update palette flag)

ldx 0/1, lda 1/0, JSR $F5F3... BG MAPs?

$F03E: Master Gfx file pointer table - $23 entries


$F084: same table, for sprites - $19 entries


$F0B6-F295: Master Gfx file data table (8 bytes each)

byte layout
0: Data source table entry # (in bank #$18)
1: X = VRAM Destination: $2000+$X000 (8k boundaries)
2 & 3: VRAM offset to add to Destination above
4: # of 8x8 tiles to write. "00" = 256 tiles.
5: Palette Data source table entry # (in bank #$0F)
6: Start palette # (0-F?)  ?
7: # of palettes to write to RAM buffer.

00,00,00,02,C5, 00,0C,04,
01,00,00,06,3C, 01,0B,01,
02,00,00,06,40, 02,0B,01,
03,01,00,00,60, 03,00,08,
04,01,00,06,20, 05,0A,01,
05,01,00,00,60, 06,00,08,
06,01,00,06,20, 08,0A,01,
07,01,00,00,60, 09,00,08,
08,01,00,06,20, 0B,0A,01,
09,01,00,00,60, 0C,00,08,
0A,01,00,06,20, 0E,0A,01,
0B,01,00,00,60, 0F,00,08,
0C,01,00,06,20, 11,0A,01,
0D,01,00,00,60, 12,00,08,
0E,01,00,06,20, 14,0A,01,
0F,01,00,00,60, 15,00,08,
10,01,00,06,20, 17,0A,01,
11,01,00,00,60, 18,00,08,
12,01,00,06,20, 1A,0A,01,
13,01,00,00,60, 1B,00,08,
14,01,00,06,20, 1D,0A,01,
15,02,00,00,40, 1E,0C,03,
17,01,00,00,9D, 1F,00,05,
16,02,00,00,A9, 1F,00,00,
18,01,00,00,00, 20,00,06,
19,01,00,00,6D, 21,00,03,
1A,00,00,04,7B, 22,0E,02,
1B,01,00,00,00, 23,00,04,
1C,02,00,00,40, 23,00,00,
1D,02,00,04,94, 24,07,01,
1E,01,00,00,A0, 25,00,02,
1F,01,00,00,DF, 26,00,0E,
20,02,00,00,7B, 26,00,00,
21,02,00,00,93, 26,00,00,
22,02,00,00,9D, 26,00,00,

notice 16 and 17 are swapped above...

Sprite data table byte layout
0: Data source table entry # (in bank #$10)
1: X = VRAM Destination: $2000+$X000 (8k boundaries)
2 & 3: VRAM offset to add to Destination above
4: # of 16x16 tiles to write. "00" = NOTHING!
5: Palette Data source table entry # (in bank #$0E)
6: Start palette # (0-F?)  ?
7: # of palettes to write to RAM buffer.

00,03,00,00,40, 00,1C,04,
01,05,00,00,3F, 01,18,04,
02,04,00,00,1F, 02,10,07,
03,04,00,00,1F, 03,10,07,
04,04,00,00,26, 04,10,07,
05,04,00,00,2A, 05,10,07,
06,04,00,00,21, 06,10,07,
07,04,00,00,3A, 07,10,07,
08,04,00,00,1C, 08,10,07,
09,04,00,00,20, 09,10,07,
0A,04,00,00,40, 0A,10,07,
0B,05,00,00,20, 0A,18,00,
0C,04,00,00,31, 0B,13,02,
0D,05,00,00,40, 0C,11,02,
0E,04,00,00,40, 0D,11,06,
0F,05,00,00,40, 0D,11,00,
10,04,00,00,11, 0E,10,03,
11,04,00,00,30, 0F,10,03,
12,05,00,00,40, 10,17,05,
13,04,00,00,39, 11,10,0B,
14,02,00,04,10, 00,1C,00,
15,02,00,08,20, 12,17,01,
16,04,00,04,15, 13,10,02,
17,04,00,00,08, 14,10,06,
18,05,00,00,12, 15,10,03

$18:4000: BG Gfx data pointer table - $23 entries
Offset is from $4000 in bank $18 (to $1F).


Offset of $4000 is removed from data pointers
before handling their banks, so apparent overflow doesn't matter.

$10:4000: SPR Gfx data pointer table - $19 entries
Offset is from $4000 in bank $10 (to $17).


Palette offset table for the BG, bank $0F


Palette offset table for SPR, bank $0E


BAT (MAP) offset table, bank $03

I've seen a few of your videos and they definitely are nostalgic -- makes me really wish I had taken photos (camcorders were above our budget) during my youth.

About 1994 or so (?), the Compucentre chain of shops was clearing out TurboDuos new for $99 CDN, so my friend and I picked up one each, such a good deal.  Great memories from that system as well.
This is true, but Rare was never a publisher until 1997, so they were not limited by N's restrictive licensing agreements as technically Tradewest, Acclaim, etc. were the publishers.

Rare became a publisher with the N64 title Diddy Kong Racing (sez Wikipedia).
Fair enough.  Some people don't like puzzlers; some, fighting games; some, match-3-jewel 'em-ups.
Quote from: Michirin9801 on 11/18/2017, 01:40 AMAnd the Wonderswan's sound is good! The speaker may not be, but the sound hardware itself is, and games like Pocket Fighter and Star Hearts really show off how much better the WS sounds than even the Game Boy!
What I remember reading is that the WS multiplexes its 4 channels' outputs through PWM at a high rate (similar to the Namco 163) but this is still quite audible.  On the actual WS hardware, the PWM audio is passed through to the piezeo speaker as-is, but the headphone attachment contains a lowpass filter to take out the PWM aliasing.  So it sounds good ONLY IF you purchase the official headphone adaptor.
To be quite frank, both the NGPC and WSC may have had 16-bit CPUs and dual-layer playfields, but the low-bitplane graphics for both BGs and sprites in many games let the side down.  Music too.  Plus unimaginative game libraries and licensed dreck for the most part.  People rave about fighting games on the NGP, and for the WS.... er, Gunpey... but I never liked either and that was about it.  Libraries & systems were long ago sold off or given away as curios.

The only dedicated portable prior to the GBA that WOWed me was, of course, the Atari Lynx.
I put my feelings about the WonderSwan near the end of a video I made that shows an educational portable that re-purposed the WS hardware:
Hi, folks.  I've written up an overly-detailed tech document about Binary Star:  https://www.chrismcovell.com/texts/binarystar-tech.html

It was mostly asked for by scene people who didn't really know much about the PC-Engine, technically.  So it may cover some familiar territory.

Enjoy...?  :dance:
Thanks, everyone.

I've added an entry on Pouet and a video on Youtube:

Yeah, why did I?    :-k

It's as relevant in 2017 as it was in 1989, in 2001, and in 2006.
Quote from: GohanX on 11/01/2017, 04:18 PMWhile they weren't totally exclusive, Nintendo and Rare were pretty much in bed with each other since Battletoads SLALOM.
fixed it for ya.

Rare did go where the money was, which is why they abandoned the UK home computer scene and went NES/Famicom full on, very early on.  I guess the Sega systems also promised financial rewards, and the PCE/Turbo, not so much.

DMA and Gremlin Graphics did jump into PCE/Turbo dev, though.
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 11/01/2017, 05:52 PMwell yeah, it's easy to look up something if I don't have to fumble through a picross game to find it... lol
Erm, it comes before any such requisite fumbling.  It's in fact the very definition of a splash screen.  :/
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 11/01/2017, 01:31 PMI can recall the second level's music too, but it was garbage and annoying, and a total buzz kill after how good stage 1's tune is.
You're wrong.  :)  The 2nd stage's tune is great too, for the "intricate" feeling it provides.

Anyway, if you don't like buzzkills, go play the Famicom version of the game to get that tune out of the way first.  Go look it up.  No, I won't provide a YouTube link.  :D
Not all the same composer.  Macco's engine but as far as composers go:

Tsukasa Masuko AKA "Macco"
Works: Dungeon Explorer, Bonk's Adventure / PC Genjin, Kyukyoku Tiger, Maniac Pro Wrestling (as "Sound Director"), Tatsujin*, Tensei Ryu*

Hirotoshi Suzuki AKA Hiro T. Suzuki AKA "Steinberger" Hiro
Works: Legendary Axe II / Ankoku Densetsu, Maniac Pro Wrestling, King of Casino*, Nekketsu Dodgeball

Hirohiko Takayama
Works: Bonk's Revenge / PC Genjin 2, Tensei Ryu, (PC Genjin 1*), Galaxy Gayvan (CD), Death Bringer (CD)

* = no solid proof.
Agreed.  Besides ToaPlan conversions, Taito soundtracks are even a notch below the NES!

(Taito's great music on that system was usually thanks to Geoff Follin or Natsume.)
Kyukyoku Tiger and Tatsujin both use Macco's sound engine (arranged by him, too?) so, yeah, that wonderful random-pulsewidth sample gives it its grit.