Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Messages - Scillianaire

honestly if I had had this I would have bought this game last time I saw it!
This thread being inactive for a whole month makes me sooo sad.
There is a guy in mexico on facebook finding like 5-10 new mvs carts locally a week right now i dont even know what to think.
Maybe im crazy but i actually prefer aero fighters, last resort, striker 1945+, twinkle star sprites, etc to the popular pce shooters. I never cared for sylphia or magical chase. Some of the others are really amazing (cho aniki  :dance: ) and if you asked me if i loved pce shmups i would say yes but the quality on the neo geo is without a contemporaneous equal.
Pc engine has the better community and is altogether amazing in its own right. But neo geo is a technical powerhouse with over a decade of incredible software. Sure crossed swords is no ys but its very good and very different from what else is out there. Pc engine is better for traditional home games. But neo geo has lots of games that transition very well into that style of play. If you cant sink endless hours into windjammers, magic drop 3, twinkle star sprites, and all those delicious fighters and the beat sports games ever made i dont know what to do with you. Home gaming is just as much about playing with friends as arcade gaming. Both are excellent for multiplayer. Dungeon explore 2 and bomber man coewrly out class neo geo on party gaming but neo geos multiplayer experience is a lot more intimate and involved. considering how many of the big games on both are arcade ports and shmups and neo geo is better at both, you have to give it up to the neo geo.
This hurts my brain
I really need to play this one! The only macross game i have ever played was macross 30 for the ps3!
Nightwolve it was back during bernies raffle but we have pms too. Nbd happy to be here and yeah sorry for the shit thread.
Also nightwolve that "stranger" hurts i sent you money the other day lol.
Its a damn hori controller but i cant post pics from my phone turns out. This whole forum is very unmobile friendly. I wasnt in the mood to email the picture to my computer to change the file type and repost it so i tried to delete the thread which i couldnt do either so i just said fuck it and moved on.
Im not a loser anymore.
I couldnt agree more about this community! I love neo geo but man people into that stuff are so exclusive i feel very welcome here!
Usa exile 2 with Japan ver gameplay would be amazing I can't believe someone hasn't patched that together yet.
Are we doing a batch 3 anytime soon? I have been putting off buying manuals snd luner art until i can do it in bulk. Thanks for everything guys!
Ive tried to sell this game here before. As popular as it is you would think it was easier to get rid of.
 I read online that it was identical to the duo r  pad except for the turbo functionality so I just assumed that meant the pin out as well . Smh
Damn whoops. Got it for a steal so hopefully i can pass it along to someone who needs it. Its new in the box, any interest?
I just bought a pc fx controller, I can use in on my pc engine duo right?
Quote from: MNKyDeth on 12/09/2015, 12:53 PMI just wanna say...


I entered this contest hoping to win, but then I bought the discs I wanted/needed. It became just another donation.

In the end... I know for a fact that myself, visiting these forums almost exclusively for my retro gaming purposes.... would donate more often to translators and programmers if links were readily available on this site or in siggs specifically.

I do believe that this type of raffle for donations helps allow people like me to recognize those that do the hard work that I and I am sure many others appreciate even if the people doing the translations and programming do not know it.



You have a fan right here in Michigan enjoying you're work.
i feel the same way! and another fan here in michigan for nightwolve!
Came this morning! Mah heart!

If batch 3 gets #suggestions i say fausette amour kaze kiri renny blaster sylphia set.
:;-((( usps tracking said it would be here yesterday! Heart broken!
Quote from: Mathius on 12/01/2015, 06:23 PM
Quote from: guest on 12/01/2015, 06:08 PM
Quote from: seieienbu on 12/01/2015, 06:00 PMI'm relatively certain that most people who pay the current prices for games don't even bother playing them.  Maybe for five minutes to get enough footage of intro cinematics and gameplay for their youtube video where they brag about their collection but not through to the end to see what the game is actually about.
unboxing video: 10 minutes
gameplay video: 3 minutes

Funny but accurate.  :lol:
True. Just look at the amount of peeps I rounded up for my Dracula X contest. I could only round up a few people that were willing to complete the game (which isn't that hard). *sigh* You guys are killing me!  :P
I did not see that thread but I play that game all the time and I will compete any time! I am no wizard at it but It sure is fun!
Payment sent! I cant wait to see what the next batch brings us! Kaze Kiri, fausette amour, and sylphia I hope!
So thank ful for the opportunity to say thanks! Pm'd!!!
My dreams are smt and snatcher etc. Stuff that is already translated and just needs to have the words stitched into the turbo/pce version. Of course i would love it if sapphire got a second run.
Played beyond shadowgate all night with some homies last night! Needless to say I am very happy with them! Thanks guys!
its really cool that save data from dracula x works for either version the original or the translation, you can go back and forth as you want. i also really like both versions, the translation is cool in some ways. i like the maiden cut scenes in english. and the new german is cool, better german for certain. the opening font isnt as cool and kinda reminds me of bloodlines but w/e.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Airzonk up for trade
11/06/2015, 01:28 PM
Quote from: bozo55 on 11/05/2015, 06:36 PMWould a CIC Devil's Crush or CIC Ninja Spirit be an even trade for a loose Air Zonk?  I adore Air Zonk, other than Last Alert I'd say it's my favorite Turbo game.
Kinda looking for closer to same value loose!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Airzonk up for trade
11/05/2015, 12:27 AM
Quote from: guest on 11/04/2015, 09:42 PMUse the konami code during ending credits to play Tomb Raider mode... Zonk sprite is replaced with nude Lara Croft. This was documented in Turbo Edge #4, which had extremely limited distribution. Apparently the TTI crew got pretty lax with self control/censorship toward the end. This is, after all, the era of the Johnny Turbo ad campaign.

I find it easiest to input the code successfully with a Turbo Stick, but it can be done with any controller.
This game came out in 1992. What are you talking about?
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Airzonk up for trade
11/04/2015, 02:01 PM
I just have the game and the sleeve, which I believe is original. The game is fun but not my style at all. It is a very popular game so I am hoping someone really wants it.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Airzonk up for trade
11/04/2015, 01:54 PM
looking to trade Airzonk for Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu or other similar value hucard or CD game.
I already have the translated dracula x but I want the others! BTW when is the next batch expected?
still interested in the trade if anyone wants to make a deal
sorry guys i just misread!
Looking trade for jacki chan I have an air zonk up for trade! Im posting from my phone so no idea how to add a pic under the size limit. Any interest is welcome to email me and I can send pics.