10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - ToyMachine78

Got these in the mail yesterday. Im really glad more stuff like this is being released.

Hopefully I'll get to pop them in tonight.
Picked up a new puppy from the animal shelter... She's pawsome awesome
Off-Topic / Re: Hey it's Lent
02/15/2018, 09:23 PM
It's Lent!
Looks like a figure from a generic McFarlane dragon series

Quote from: pixeljunkie on 12/21/2017, 10:32 PMIMG_20171221_193818_HHT.jpg
Startling Odyssey 2 with Prairie Bourbon Paradise [16% ABV] Just grinding and getting sleepy from booze.
Ah man... You gotta drink St. Bernardus from a St. Branded glass. That is one of my faves.

I really don't like Bourbon beers. They are usually too boozy for beer. I would rather just drink real bourbon.
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
11/10/2017, 06:23 PM
Quote from: guest on 11/10/2017, 04:59 AMIMG
What's up with people and their gross fetishes on deviantart? Body inflation, feces, disembowelment, ponys. EVERYWHERE.
Yack, deculture.
I dunno, but that shit is straight out of tumblr. Mr. Metokur does some pretty damn funny reviews of tumblr and deviant art degeneracy on YouTube. It's pretty damn funny.
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
11/08/2017, 08:16 PM
Quote from: NightWolve on 11/04/2017, 02:05 PMIMG

Chicago gangs tagged my garage [again] with their "artistic expression..." It's been reported to the alderman/district CAPS office... :/ https://t.co/YgwhrL5zxC

These clowns call themselves "SD" I believe for "Satan's Disciples." Usually their symbolism was just "SD." I remember I was asked to join when I was a kid. They've always been around areas of Chicago.

I dunno what the f*ck they do besides illegally import spray paint into Chicago to spray graffiti. Because of bastards like these, I have to drive to suburbs to buy spray paint when needed as retail sale got banned inside Chicago city limits...
It may be time to find a new neighborhood.
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
10/28/2017, 08:12 AM
Quote from: in99flames on 10/06/2017, 12:50 AM
Quote from: Dicer on 09/15/2017, 07:47 PMShout...Shout
Egg of the Devil!!!
I guess that truly is a...DEVILED EGG.....har har har
These really exist
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 10/19/2017, 05:00 PM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 10/19/2017, 03:24 PMI did Warhammer for maybe a year or two because I knew some guys that were into it. I eventually got sick of the incessant bloodthirsty vibe of the thing. Also, while we didn't have Gamergate back in the 90s we had basically the same dudes and you get tired of them.
Warhammer's rules have gotten progressively more busted.  It's skewed to promote you having to buy more shit .   They tweak points/units/army rules so every edition requires 400$+ in shit you need to buy to not suck.

Fuck that.

and yeah, the majority of players are insufferable manchildren.

but maaaan


The models are sweet.
Has it ever been any different? Really? Games Workshop could have always been called Money Workshop.
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 09/15/2017, 09:27 PMDoes having your cat pee on Bernie products count? My poor N64 still smells of cat piss.
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
09/08/2017, 04:31 PM
You know you are in the sticks when you run across this:

Also pretty much same size as CD book/manual folded.

Quote from: Nulltard on 08/23/2017, 10:46 PMThe repro map is slightly smaller than the original.  I forget the dimensions, though.  Maybe toymachine and Keith should break out the tape measures and compare... maps?
Mine is pretty much 35×24cm +- a mm because of end of tape measure.

I'm not sure about that... I have my original DS with original map. It feels nothing like cardboard. It feels like glossy poster paper. Here's pics

Quote from: Johnpv on 06/26/2017, 08:51 PM
Quote from: guest on 06/26/2017, 06:55 PM
Quote from: Nulltard on 06/26/2017, 06:31 PMI agree. Post the numbers that prove corporations can't afford to pay their employees a living wage.
Well I think I've posted more numerical logic than anyone else.
Actually no you haven't.

Quote from: Johnpv on 06/26/2017, 01:04 PMThe fact of the matter is that minimum wage isn't what it used to be.  It hasn't adjusted with inflation, hell most people's salaries haven't adjusted with inflation.  The best minimum wage has ever been was in the 1960s when it had a purchasing power around 11.50 today (1968's minimum wage of $1.60 adjust for inflation is $11.48).  I mean you guys get that effectively people working these jobs are making SIGNIFICANTLY less money than people doing those jobs in 1968. 

While fast food jobs or say custodial work isn't ideal or highly skilled, the people who work those jobs still deserve to make a wage they can live on.  The fact of the matter is that a nation can't survive on just white collar jobs, and people need to be doing the menial crappy jobs.  Paying these people a livable wage isn't going to cause McDonalds or any of these other places to go out of business.  They can absolutely afford to do so, they just need to stop treating these companies like their CEOs personally piggy bank. 

I don't know if this image will show up being from the washington post but here's the link to it if not.  https://img.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://img.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/files/2014/09/It-pays-to-be-a-CEO-in-the-U-S-The-ratio-between-CEO-and-average-worker-pay_chartbuilder.png&w=1484


*EDIT* I should note that data is from 2014, and the ratio is only going up in the US, last I heard I think it was around 400x now. 

It's absolutely ridiculous the CEO to average worker Ratio in the US.  It is unlike any other first world nation and is more inline with a 3rd world nation. 

The life blood of any nation is the middle class, and we should be doing what ever we can to protect it, to raise as many people out of the poor and lower classes into the middle class.  Paying people a livable minimum wage is a giant first step towards that. 

I don't think this is entitlement or anything of the sort, its just people wanting a fair pay for a days work.
How can CEOs and business not go out of business in other Countries without paying their CEOS 350X the average worker's, but American companies can't afford that?

Besides, trickle down economics DOESN'T WORK.  Money doesn't flow down stream, it never has.  Giving a CEO, 3 VPs, and some other higher management hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses does nothing, that money doesn't go back into the economy.  Giving the working class, 7 bucks more an hour instead would see our economy blossom.  Because the majority of it would be spent.  You need to give the middle class money to spend it, to keep the economy happy and growing.  But the CEOs of American business are too fucking greedy to see or understand this.  Instead they're just slowly pushing us into collapse.
Well y'all post the numbers that make sense then. Cause tens of millions across a quarter million employees dosent add up to shit. No matter what marxist dreamland you live in
Off-Topic / RIP Mr. West
06/10/2017, 12:57 PM
Another icon lost

Quote from: NecroPhile on 05/25/2017, 03:38 PMIMG

Let's hear emerald and zero defend this one. 
That's pretty damn bizzare.
Off-Topic / Re: Tits or Ass?
03/28/2017, 08:22 PM
Quote from: Nulltard on 03/25/2017, 06:31 PMThank you for the fast shipping and free bonus! I have no idea why people keep sending me drawings of Richard Simmons, but keep them coming! :D

You libs have sick humor and hero's.
Quote from: gynt on 02/04/2017, 08:41 PM
Quote from: CGQuarterly on 02/04/2017, 08:36 PM
Quote from: guest on 02/04/2017, 07:01 PM
Quote from: CGQuarterly on 02/04/2017, 04:13 PMDidn't those sell for $650?  And now it's used. 

Are 4 used AES controllers (2 of which are the crappy kidney beans) worth $350?

I dunno, to me that bundle is worth about $800, especially on the forums.
Watch it punk. I like my kidney bean joystick.
They're great controllers for people with tiny hands.
he has a wicked small penis too.
Quote from: gynt on 02/04/2017, 01:20 PM
Quote from: Green on 02/04/2017, 09:45 AMHey guys. I'm moving and have decided to part with my CMVS.

I'm looking to get $1000 for it.
I also have 4 controllers with it. 2 original AES controllers and 2 "kidney bean"
Sorry about the picture. When I uploaded it it doesn't actually show the console. I can upload more later today.
wait... wants $1000 here, but willing to take 900 on ebay even BEFORE he is hit with 10% fee ($810)
and he's shipping it free.  i must be missing something.  is this not the same unit?

Galam.... EBay sleuth. Stopping scammer dirtbags in their tracks.
Off-Topic / Forum Member Concert
02/01/2017, 09:46 PM
If you could choose any band to see, which forum member would you want to see them with?

Me.... Member: Gynt(Galam)

Band: Minor Threat

You sure it isn't Sabuh Ridaz?

Off-Topic / Re: So, Trump eh?
01/21/2017, 12:07 PM
Quote from: esteban on 01/21/2017, 06:24 AMWhat a shitshow.

I was hoping a handful of Republicans would have the balls to "slow down" the Trump train in hopes of delaying the inevitable train wreck,  but that was naive on my part.

Welcome to the next level:
et cetera
Et Cetera
Liberal Sensationalism is strong with this one.


What is a Nintendo Switch?

A miserable little pile of gimmicks!
Off-Topic / Go Tigers!!!
01/09/2017, 08:16 PM
Even though I'm a Carolina grad, I have to support the state:

Quote from: DildoKKKobold on 12/27/2016, 03:13 PMBe-a-Dick.jpg
My struggle in this thread...
Isn't this your struggle in every thread?
Here's a great one... Rerecording of the original, but Damn... My preferred version


I love Alex Skolnick

Off-Topic / Re: Happy holidays!
12/22/2016, 12:07 PM
Off-Topic / Re: Hey White Guys
12/21/2016, 11:07 AM
Quote from: KingDrool on 12/21/2016, 10:31 AM
Quote from: guest on 12/20/2016, 11:06 PMThat is the quintessential pic of a butthurt liberal.
Hur Hur! Look at me guys! I can parrot a childish insult I read in the comments section of my favorite website! Hur!

I'm sure you were joking (at least I hope), but damn, man... I hate this sort of shit. Like the Tea Party never existed.
Off-Topic / Re: Hey White Guys
12/21/2016, 09:04 AM
Quote from: Nulltard on 12/21/2016, 06:33 AM
Quote from: guest on 12/20/2016, 11:06 PM
Quote from: KingDrool on 12/20/2016, 03:35 PM
Quote from: Opethian on 12/20/2016, 01:57 PMIf you get your news from MTV you are already dead. kill yourself
Or Breitbart.

Quote from: Lost Monkey on 12/20/2016, 11:45 AMIt doesn't matter what side you are on, both are populated with idiots.
Exactly. Let's stop crying about a small handful of morons belching out bullshit (on both sides) and just try to live our lives in peace. Getting outraged every time some internet media outlet posts a pile of clickbait nonsense doesn't do anybody any fucking good.

Here. Look at this instead. It's more productive:

That is the quintessential pic of a butthurt liberal.
Quote from: crazydean on 12/20/2016, 11:44 PMI see that guy is wearing ceremonial vestments. Is this one of those Christian rock bands?

Off-Topic / Re: Hey White Guys
12/20/2016, 11:06 PM
Quote from: KingDrool on 12/20/2016, 03:35 PM
Quote from: Opethian on 12/20/2016, 01:57 PMIf you get your news from MTV you are already dead. kill yourself
Or Breitbart.

Quote from: Lost Monkey on 12/20/2016, 11:45 AMIt doesn't matter what side you are on, both are populated with idiots.
Exactly. Let's stop crying about a small handful of morons belching out bullshit (on both sides) and just try to live our lives in peace. Getting outraged every time some internet media outlet posts a pile of clickbait nonsense doesn't do anybody any fucking good.

Here. Look at this instead. It's more productive:

That is the quintessential pic of a butthurt liberal.
Quote from: tbone3969 on 12/14/2016, 03:37 PM
Quote from: Gypsy on 12/14/2016, 03:35 PM
Quote from: gynt on 12/14/2016, 01:17 PMFUTURE Future:
Quote from: tbone3969 on 02/14/2020, 08:39 PMFS:  TED w/ 3.0 bios installed!  Play Super CD's for a fraction of the price!!  $100
1979 for the record.

Oh boy....  I have so much work to get to but I am here posting on this forum.  Gotta love my job.
You must work for the VA.
Saw Ghost tonight. Excellent show

Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
11/03/2016, 10:39 PM
(In Joe Monster Truck Voice)

TG16 MOAR!!!! ELITE!!!!!


Thank you Arkhan for tuning me into this one!
Quote from: Nulltard on 09/29/2016, 03:20 PMrooster.gif
I like your flashy cock. Reminds me of Sir Spur. 2001!
Picked these up this weekend... Can't wait to get them out in the woods: