RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - Chakan

 :dance: It's working again. :D

Damn, I forgot how quiet this machine can be.  :mrgreen:
I originally had it all hooked up, assuming that everything was fine. There wasn't a CD in the unit when I powered on, but I was sure that there'd be some noise from the lens moving about without one? I'm going to hook it back up and try with a game in... just in case.

When I checked it earlier today, I got no picture on the screen, sounds, or drive noise. AFAIK, it's not powering up at all.

As far as the power jack/port, it seems pretty solid; as do the other connections.

Well, I'll try again here in a short bit and give you guys an update.
Hey guys, ltnp here.  :oops:

I went to hook my Duo-R up to a different TV today. It'd been a while since I played it (in a Management-in-Training kind of program and busy with life) and was feeling like molesting my Duo Controller a bit today. XD

Unfortunately, I couldn't get the unit to power on. I tried the 9v NEC adapter that came with my Duo-R and a 10v SEGA adapter that also fit (I've only used the 9v NEC adapter since I got it). I tried them both in multiple outlets just to be sure. There are two small kids in the house, so I'm a little worried that they might've done something to magically transform my Duo-R into a brick and/or nice-looking paperweight. Cosmetically it looks fine from the outside and there doesn't seem to be any loose parts.

Any suggestions on how to find out what the issue is? I don't have enough time to take it apart and look at it until tomorrow, but thought I'd post here and see if anyone had a good idea of what to look for.
I guess I should also note that you could fairly easily record a talk show with other people over services like Ventrillo and Teamspeak. A USB headset/mic should be pretty darn easily to find.

I love decent/interesting talk shows and have wanted to do one for quite some time. If I felt I'd be a good addition to such a cast, I'd volounteer... However, as you know, I'm a PCE N00b. :)

Do other people think this would be a cool/worthwhile idea? How do you feel about it, Paul?
I enjoyed the music shows as they are and think you shouldn't change too much about them. They've got a good focus and seem to satisfy their target audience quite well. The "interactive" stuff as you put it is cool and perhaps you could work in an ocassional contest, where the listeners are encouraged to email in answers for a chance at a prize drawing?

Perhaps starting an alternative talk show would be pretty cool. I would not mind downloading a show featuring historical pieces, reviews on games, reviews on hardware, spotlighting things from the interweb, and, of course, information on the new NEC games that are going to be on the Wii and PS3; etc. Keep it going and be proactive about it, and you could probably get some cool interviews lined up. :)

I'm not sure if you publish PC Engine City on a set schedule, but it helps your audience greatly. If you do PCEC one week, you could do the talk show the next, or whatever schedule you can maintain.
What does this remind you of ?
I will be wide open for contributions. ^^

Just give me a little time to get things ready. :)
Well guys, my host has fixed that issue for me and I was terminated from my job just the other day. Looks like I'll have a little bit of spare time to flesh this site out and "open" it properly.

Feel free to register your favorite nicknames, etc.
Hey newwaver, I had the same questions very recently, since I just started down this NEC road only weeks ago. Be sure to look at this thread with pretty mch all of my questions about what system to get, etc.

And welcome to I hope you enjoy yourself as much as I have. :)
Yes, I believe a Sports (inc Racing) and Strategy category should be added. Where does Nectaris fit otherwise? ^^
Ah, ok, cool. Thanks for clearing that up! Would've been a big let down.  :D
From my limited amount of time with this platform:

Arcade Conversion: Street Fighter II
Puzzle/Strategy: Nectaris
Adventure: Neutopia

Horizontal Shooter: Cotton - Fantastic Night Dreams
Digital Comic: Snatcher
Action Game (misc): Dracula X
Wow, paul. I thought that Bukkiriman World was the port of Wonder boy in Monster Land featured here:

To be sure, here's the cover for the game. Which one is it? The Info-tainment software or the port?

Hey Aaron,
 I remember when you took down your Turbo site. Looking forward to seeing a new one put back up. :)
Going to be buying some PCE CD games soon and wanted your guys' opinions on some of the ones I'm looking at.

Far East Of Eden : Tengai Makyo Kabuki Den
Dynastic Heroes
Bukkiriman World CD
Record of Lodoss War
Shin Megami Tensei
The Legend of Xanadu
Ys 4 : Dawn of Ys

Most of these are being offered for a pretty cheap price. I played the two "Wonderboy" games on the SMS and Genesis back in the day and I LOVE WONDERBOY. I also like classical RPGs, so most of these seemed right up my alley. The Megaten game was a natural purchase, as I love SMT: Nocturne and Persona's atmosphere and presentation.
Thanks for all of the positive feedback, guys. I just wanted to be sure I was taking a unique enough approach and providing something useful. :)

One of the features I was looking for in the CMS I chose (Drupal), was the ability for regular users to submit articles. Eventually, anyone will be able to mimic what I end up doing and coverage will, eventually, expand exponentially. Mmm... alliteration is hot! So, yeah, be sure to register guys!

I'm happy my host has decided to help me fix my database problem that has resulted in any errors you guys saw yesterday.

Does anyone know of a place where I can get clean images of NEC hardware? I don't necessarily want to take them from someone else's site without asking.
Thanks, Keranu. The screens that I tossed up were stolen from another site. I will fire up Magic Engine when I get to revising and expanding the Dracula X page and will make better use of the horizontal space at that point. I will use either bigger images or thumnails. Will know when I experiment, I guess. :)

Dracula X isn't exactly the best example of what I intend to do, as it's not Japanese-heavy.
Hey guys, I was wondering if I could get some early feedback on an idea I've had for a site. Usually, when I start getting into something, I read up on it a Lot. Eventually, I end up with a lot of notes and have started a number of websites in this manner. I started SegaFans back in August of 1999 after spending a summer with my "newly" purchased Saturn, and it looks like it's the PC Engine's turn now. ^^

The basic idea behind it is to provide some general info on PC Engine and PC Engine Duo games for English-speaking gamers. This means some plot, explanation of Japanese menus, controls, screenshots, and whatever big secrets or cheats that are available. This example page was just kind of thrown together to provide a few ideas, but I'm sure I'd take more time with the real deal.

Dracula X

Let me know what you guys think.

In addition to game information, I'd also include some hardware help, like how to operate the Tennokoe Bank, internal memory, etc. Some of this stuff isn't completely obvious if you're clueless. :)

Just so you know, I'm not fluent in Japanese or anything. I can hunt and peck through my resources and do plenty of trial and error. I figure if I can save myself and other gamers time and OMFGIFORMATTEDMYMEMORY trouble, it's worth it.
Keep it up, CrackTiger. Starting to get some beef to your site with all of these updates. :)
Got my Duo-R today. Great packing from seller. Quite pleased with it. :D

Excuse me while I go play some games. ^^
Off-Topic / Family Guy fucking sucks
09/18/2006, 07:26 AM
I, in general, hate the new Family Guy material. The episode where Stewie blasted Brian's kneecaps kind of did it in for me.

I think American Dad is good, but I don't think I'd ever buy a DVD. It certainly doesn't come anywhere near The Venture Bros. quality, at least. Still, good for some laughs here and there, and doesn't seem as lame to me.

The Simpsons... god, man. I grew up with these characters. I can remember the Tracy ullman shorts, as well as the first few seasons. It's weird to not like it anymore, but they've just ran out of fuel. How can we hurt Homer this week?!?
I guess I'll just monitor the temp here and there when I get my Duo this week. Thanks for the reply, Zeta.

All of you guys have been really helpful. Wether you like it or not, I'd say you got a new permanent member here.  8)
Yeah, I'm looking at either waiting for a week or two on an eBay bundle, or ordering a second one from TZD. Of course, I am waiting on word about an Exile & Avenue 6 deal.  :twisted:

As far as the power supply question goes, will getting the following power adapter be a safer bet?

Just a followup before my Duo-R arrives. The seller reminded me that there's a slight difference in Japan and US's voltage. I've done a tiny bit of research and most people seem to disregard this and play their Duo's as is. This seems to lead to a little extra heat, but I haven't read anything concerning major issues.

What do you guys think? Is getting a small converter worthwhile? Will incorrect voltage eventually damage my incoming Duo-R? I know it's possible, but how probable is it?

Does anyone know of a North American power adapter that works with the Duo-R and supplies it with it's exact required voltage?

So far I have the following coming in along with my Duo-R.
Duo Tap
Tennokoe Bank memory card
Ys I & II

The Tap was practically required because I love Bomberman and my fiance adores Street Fighter II. Nabbed the Bank for what seemed like a decent price ($8). I figured I'd just be as prepared as possible. Ys... well, I shouldn't have to make an excuse for it.

Anyone know of a good place to score a couple of Duo pads for a good price? I don't mind used pads, as long as they function properly.
General Gaming / "why did I sell that!?"
09/15/2006, 01:43 PM
I just regret the means I chose for this one: Traded a PSX and way too many games for a Sega Saturn system. A lot of fairly new RPGs at the time, too. Never did get Xenogears again yet... >.>

Love my Saturn, though. XD
I've been playing Disgaea 2 the most recently. All of the small improvements add to a great experience. It's weird to move on to this game where you level insanely fast after spending an entire year playing FFXI and almost nothing else. >.>

Also recently spun: Dragon Quest VIII (put aside for Disgaea 2), Shinobi III.

Along the row: DC, PS2 fat, SS, Genny/SCD. Fairly obvious.

Not pictured: My Duo-R which will set by the PS2 or above it.

I actually enjoy this setup. It seems fairly neat and provides me with a lot of entertainment in my own private area away from the kids... Except when they invade it to play my old games. ><

All of my other stuff is on the big TV in the living room.
Excuse me, it's Contra: HardASS Corps.

Still love it, though. :)
I went with a Duo-R. I would normally prefer a system in better condition, but until my PCE library is bigger, this cheaper deal seems preferable. :)
Like Strider 2 or Psychic Killer Taroumaru. I loves me some 2.5D.
Ok, and finally, just to verify something I read online: a Duo-R or RX has all of the features of the various game cards built in, so I won't need this or that system card, correct? Aside from the Arcade card, that is.
Okay, so there's two differing opinions there. From the little bit of research I've done, I see very few US HuCard games that I'd have to get. I've only played a little bit of Neutopia and think I could always get through it either way. I don't remember if Nectaris/MMadness was very text heavy...

The majority of the games I'm looking forward to enjoying again or for the first time are CD-based, so there's no worry about Ys, Exile, etc.

Beyond that, I'd assume I'm perfectly fine. I've played through a number of Japanese Saturn games, so even though my Japanese is weak, I can deal with it.

So... I'm leaning towards a PC Engine Duo-R or RX, I guess. Anyone know of a reliable place in the US selling them, or will I be more-than-likely looking at the nasty EMS shipping price ($50-70 for a $140 priced item?!?)?

Just to cover another possibility, how do you guys feel about the modded systems offered at Multimods? I do love Space Harrier, so it'd be a bummer to not be able to pick it up for a fifth platform... but, yeah, I've got the game for about five consoles. I think I'm good. :D
Quote from: "takashirose"Is this the information you want?

That summed it up fairly well, thanks. I've been reading up on this stuff a bit and wanted to make sure I had the correct information.

Are Turbo Duos very reliable? I've read about some sound problems and such, but saw the fix that D-lite posted. Is this a very common issue?

EDIT:  Also, this store seems to be the only place I could find a Turbo Duo system for sale (aside from Ebay). Is $250 a decent price? Anyone know of a better place to get one, or should I just watch for a good deal on Ebay?
I'm interested in playing me some NEC games and was wondering what model you fine folks would recommend for me. I want something reliable that will play Turbo and PCE games with as few add-ons/mods as possible (especially if the converter is rare and/or expensive). Of course, I'm very interested in many CD-based games.