Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Messages - Gredler

Off-Topic / Re: What happened to Nullity?
04/10/2018, 09:21 PM
edit: actually, pretty good version of that song :D

In all honesty, not trying to troll just trying to get some cooler heads to bury some hatchets, lets shrink the tension around here somehow PLEASE!

Off-Topic / Re: What happened to Nullity?
04/10/2018, 07:03 PM
an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.
"an ability to listen to two sides in a dispute, and devise a compromise acceptable to both"
synonyms:   agreement, understanding, settlement, terms, deal, trade-off, bargain; More
settle a dispute by mutual concession.
"in the end we compromised and deferred the issue"
synonyms:   meet each other halfway, come to an understanding, make a deal, make concessions, find a happy medium, strike a balance; give and take
"we compromised"
accept standards that are lower than is desirable.
"we were not prepared to compromise on safety"

the fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility.
"their lack of accountability has corroded public respect"
synonyms:   responsibility, liability, answerability
"there must be accountability for the expenditure of every public cent"

the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven.
"she is quick to ask forgiveness when she has overstepped the line"
synonyms:   pardon, absolution, exoneration, remission, dispensation, indulgence, clemency, mercy; More

the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
synonyms:   kindliness, kindheartedness, warmheartedness, affection, warmth, gentleness, concern, care; More
a kind act.
plural noun: kindnesses
"it is a kindness I shall never forget"
synonyms:   kindliness, kindheartedness, warmheartedness, affection, warmth, gentleness, concern, care; More
If you had found mine it'd probably have fantasy zone or parasol stars in it lol. I've never found a turbo system, and come to think of it I've never stumbled across any system or games. I've seen them for sale places, and friends have given me their childhood boxes of old games, but never found anything.
fuck daylight savings time, still staying up an hour later than I should and losing an hour of sleep. discipline? wtf is that
Gamers condition, near mint, rar3!!
I use snapchat for sharing specific moments with specific people. Like hey dude check out this bar I am at, or hey wife check out how chilled out the pups are, etc. It's nice for mindless sharing of pointless shit. I use it infrequently but do use it on ocassion. It's less of a persistent timeline so I feel more inclined to use it.
hit the ice, classic, but no tv sports hockey

Two at most for me, but i am down to try and participate
Off-Topic / Re: Your wet dream
03/31/2018, 05:30 PM
Off-Topic / Re: What happened to Nullity?
03/31/2018, 02:39 PM
DoxPhile's a shithole website, why can't pcefx get people from nice places like IGN or GameSpot.
I regret every time I get on facebook for anything other than messenger to contact someone who is not in my phone, or get contacted through it by someone who doesn't have my number. I've thought about deleting my facebook many times, I kinda hate it, but I do get contacted for various fun things through it a few times a year since it came out - be it reunions with high school or college friends, recruitment for hockey teams and activities, or keeping in touch with people on here outside of the forums (DK, Arkhan, Nulltard, Sarumaru).

As a source of content, or community, I cannot enjoy it. I joined some groups for "TURBO GRAPHICS SIXTEEN" shortly after friending the above mentioned PCEFX home boys, and barely lasted a day before exiting the groups. I am happy for the people who enjoy it, and hope they stick to it, but I just don't fit in with that crew and will avoid it for now.
Off-Topic / Re: What happened to Nullity?
03/28/2018, 05:51 PM
Quote from: guest on 03/28/2018, 04:31 PMWTF is Xseed? Sounds like genetically engineered sperm of the future. IMG
Modern/Current game publisher that focuses on localizing and or releasing JP games in the US. They cheated NW out of crediting/payment for finished Ys localizations which they've profited from ever since, plus many more dubious acts that I am surely ignorant of.
Off-Topic / Re: What happened to Nullity?
03/27/2018, 06:15 PM
Quote from: NecroPhile on 03/27/2018, 06:05 PM
Quote from: DildoKKKobold on 03/27/2018, 05:36 PMAnd you're doubly an idiot if you think it should be a taboo subject. (See, I can throw out high school insults too!)
I didn't say it was taboo, nor did NW.  The fact is that xseed was brought up as a way to needle NW, though more so the 'xseed manifesto' comment than the suggestion that xseed could/should similarly be censored.
You make a good point that the subject is sensitive for NW, that poking at it is fucked up and should not be done. It sucks so bad that it happened, but hopefully the wound can heal eventually. Everyone digging at it can't be helping, it'd be great if everyone could just be civil and respectful of one another (gasp!)
Quote from: gilbert on 03/26/2018, 09:06 PMYeah, Geise got it. It's Yaksa, the PCE spinoff, rather than the PC original.
Well, by "sucks" I did mean the picture and the game itself.  :derpcat:
I haven't used my tablets for a long time and I just realised it didn't work after upgrading to Win10 (could move cursor with stylus but couldn't left click, possibly need some tweaking of the settings or updating the drivers) and I didn't spend much time on it.
It's almost universally agreed upon that the game sucks, though. It has a lot of awesome ideas(and good screenshots too), which are great on paper but horrible on execution.
Yeah later versions of 7 and all of 10 have a lot of drivers loaded for touch screen functionality that mess with tablet drivers if you have one. I suggest updating your drivers for your tablet, and disabling all of the windows 10 tablet / touch settings. (you may need to force quit some services and set them to not start when booting)
Off-Topic / Re: What happened to Nullity?
03/27/2018, 05:47 PM
Quote from: NecroPhile on 03/27/2018, 03:29 PM* - There was more than the single comment about filtering xseed, and you're an idiot if you didn't know that xseed is a sore subject.  Also, nobody was spamming xseed's name over and over again, so it's hardly the "same level"; the script wasn't implemented out of generic spite for DildoPhile, it was to halt the spamming.
The script is understandable (albeit overkill imo, I wish it just replaced one word and not the whole sentence)

And I did know xceed was a sore subject, I never said I didn't. I said that I underestimated how sore that was, and then said I regretted that underestimation. No need to call me an idiot over it, dude.
Off-Topic / Re: What happened to Nullity?
03/27/2018, 01:54 PM
Pretty well surmised. We also mentioned that we were surprised xceed wasn't scripted to be replaced as well. I didn't realize what a trigger that was or I'd have avoided it, but i just honestly thought xceed being replaced with deucheed or something would have been on same level
Quote from: geise on 03/26/2018, 02:27 PMYaksa
gotta be it, great depiction dude!
kickass willow drawing BT - hard act to follow gilbert, good luck!! :)
Off-Topic / Re: What happened to Nullity?
03/25/2018, 05:32 PM
Quote from: guest on 03/25/2018, 03:21 PM...enjoyed my time there when the chats weren't development centric.
Off-Topic / Re: What happened to Nullity?
03/24/2018, 01:19 PM
Off-Topic / Re: What happened to Nullity?
03/20/2018, 08:07 PM
Off-Topic / Re: What happened to Nullity?
03/20/2018, 01:22 PM
Off-Topic / Re: What happened to Nullity?
03/20/2018, 12:25 AM
Small enough community without kicking people out of it :(
General Gaming / Re: Secret of Mana Remake
03/19/2018, 04:41 PM
danm double post

General Gaming / Re: Secret of Mana Remake
03/19/2018, 04:29 PM
I just finished a playthrough on my snes classic, and how did I forget how kickass the mana fortress song is. That is my favorite song in the game now.

I don't like this new version as much...


Quote from: TurboXray on 03/19/2018, 11:04 AMHey all. Been a while. School is incredibly time consuming and it's easing up haha. I didn't have last summer off, but I plan to take this summer off (though work fulltime at my coding job). I'm planning on re-writing my utils and releasing them, but some of the code is really ugly (stuff from 2007!). It seems a waste not to release it publicly, and I also want to some stuff to put on github for my resume for when I graduate. Gonna re-write some of the utils in Java+fx (framework GUI) , and the others keep in C (my own GUI). I rather do this kinda work with PCE too.. been away too long haha.

 Anyway, good to see the scene is still active.
Quote from: guest on 03/19/2018, 11:18 AMThanks for letting us know you're alright. :)
Definitely! It brightened my morning seeing you check in, so glad to see your name on some recent posts here!
Thanks BT I really appreciate the clear info you're providing. 

I have an unmodified core grafx2 collecting dust that I had hoped to use in my office so maybe this will be my best option short of buying a tiny crt or pm

Is there any interface to hook this thing up to a pc to transfer builds, or do you need go remove SD card each time to update?
Have I glossed over how art is made and handled? I imagine you would need a lot of separate art assets
Quote from: OldRover on 03/15/2018, 03:26 PMLooks like we have an official release date for the game... at least let's hope it comes through in time. :D April 12th, the day before MGC'18 begins. Fingers crossed. :D
So awesome, congrats team Henshin Engine!

DK asked me to post an update, and since we've recently made some progress both to share and to hold behind the curtain I figured I might as well

We recently got the final level to a very nice point graphically, and now DK is smoothing out the edges on the animation and level design. A few small polish things visually and that level will be at the same point of completion as the shown shower level, but we will not be showing the final level since it would spoil the fun of what the last level is. We've bookended the project with a 80% done first level "Slippery Situation" a.k.a. the shower level, and now this 75% done last level "Doggone Dilemma".

We've continued working on the vacuum level, and there's a lot on my plate for that, so when I have some art to show - or DK has any new gameplay to show - we will share that when it's available.

I recently updated the HP Bar, and DK thought that'd be fun to share. Thank you Sarumaru for the placeholder we've used up until now, but I wanted to make something that is more noticeable when it changes, and something that matches the look of the player's character :catastrophy:


Sorry I don't have more to share with you all, but hopefully we keep up the recent momentum and have more to share soon. Thanks for the interest.
Quote from: esteban on 03/14/2018, 04:24 PM.SRSLY, follow me at #pcecumshotz to learn more
What I've learned cannot be unlearned. I high recommend everyone avoids this pound sign.
pls dont ban me I want to chat in both rooms
Quote from: NightWolve on 03/13/2018, 08:00 PMWell, Gredler put direct effort in place when it came to the RockCats, tried different sizes and so forth, we talked about options for popup text on the spot, etc. So more motivation and direct collaborating led to faster results.

He also gave me others like a cheap static Yuki and your ship, but I didn't bother with the Yuki until the same thing happened with Rover who found 2 nice animated ones (Yuki & Geni), and knew exactly what perfect popup text to use, so that happened before the ship for that reason.

Now, I dunno how these new smileys can be shoehorned in posts, under what context, it'll be limited of course, but like I said, why not add a personal touch with our PCE legacy, no harm, no foul right ???
Moar emojis from the homebrew crew!!!
I love the shoutbox, and am so glad you took the time to generously create it and manage it for us - thanks NightWolve! But DoxPhile is it's own thing that can exist in conjunction to PCEFX. No one is going to dethrone PCEFX, and no one is trying to. I think this molehill has been blown up enough, for goodness sake it's all just different ways that we have to communicate with eachother about the PCE which we all love! This in-fighting is ridiculous, and completely unnecessary.
Cabage doesn't have the Energy to spam adverts for the phile
Arkhan send Nightwolve more sprites dude, pls
:stoned: <3s DoxPhile
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 03/12/2018, 01:31 AMneeds more homebrew emojis

Whole heartedly agree, and had sent the two used in both DoxPhiles and discords emojis for yuki and your atlantean ship, maybe you can post some here?


I can't seem to get the yuki url from discord mobile app, I was at a pc at the time.

I also had sent 16x16 versions of the cat which are the gameplay sprites  and same pixel relativity to the smilies

Lol everyone should know how I feel about helmets at this point :stoned:

way to tired to think of anything to draw so drew the first thing that came to mind! :P
Quote from: Gypsy on 03/07/2018, 08:39 PM
Mitski - Puberty 2

listen to itttttt
Off-Topic / Re: Word association thread
03/07/2018, 08:03 PM
Bart Simpson's Escape From Camp Deadly
Dang blowing my mind with logic right now NightWolve, thanks for that post. I should retire those old ACDC units before my systems get thunderstruck Lol. In all seriousness, do you have any suggestions on specific aforementioned power adapters?
Quote from: Johnpv on 02/22/2018, 08:21 AMMan I really want to attempt to make something like Bartre made for you.  I have the Mayflash F300, and I dropped a Sanwa stick into it.  Really happy with that so far, and it works on PS3, PS4, 360, Xbox One, Switch and PC.  I need something though for my older consoles. I have a few SNES, and Genesis arcade sticks from that time period and I'm just not happy with any of them.   I also have a Pelican Real Arcade Universal that will work with PS1/2, OG Xbox and GC, but I still need a good Saturn, SNES, Genesis, and PCE solution.  I really need to do something like Bartre, hopefully he'll come by this thread and post about what he did. 
He gutted the original ps4/ps3/pc PCB and put a MC Cthulu RJ-45 board in with a new port in the back. The RJ-45 cord can be crimped to make cables for various systems.

I definitely think MC Cthulhu is a great option, but it's not the only option.

Another diy stick board is the brook universal fighting board, but that's for newer systems afaik

Another option is the get a decent ps1/2 stick and get tototek adapters, so you can use a nice ps1/2 stick on the PCE that way.